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1、/ 852369.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 / #i nclude stdafx.h #in elude #in elude #i nclude #in elude #in elude #i nclude #in elude #in elude #in elude using n amespaee std; elass Staff / 声明员工类 proteeted: int nu m,post; ehar n ame20; float in eome; publie: friend elass Boss;/ 在一个非成员函数中,要想访问类的私有数据成 造函数, ,该函数必须声

2、明为该类的友元函数 声明一个无参的构造函数 Staff (int id,ehar *Name,i nt post,double pay);/ 用参数的初始化表对数据成员初始化 virtual double Pay()return 0; / Staff() / Staff 定义一个有参的构 Word资料 ; 在类外定义有参构造 Staff :Staff (int id,ehar *Name,int Post,double pay) / 函数 nu m=id; post=Post; in eome= pay; strepy (n ame,Name); elass Techni queMa nage

3、r:public Staff /声明技术经理类 public: Tech niq ueMa nager(i ntid,ehar*Name,i ntpost,double pay):Staff (id,Name,post,pay) double Pay()retur n in come=5000; void display。; Tech niq ueMa nager() ; void Tech niq ueMa nager:display()构造函数 Pay(); coutnumname技术经理 in comee ndl; class Busi nessMa nager:public Staff

4、 /声明业务经理类 public: double Amount, Programe; Busin essMa nager(i nt id,char *Name,i nt post,double amoun t,double programe,double pay); void SetAm oun t(double s,double d); double Pay(); Bus in essMa nager() ; Busin essMa nager:Bus in essMa nager(i nt id,char *Name,i nt post,double amoun t,double prog

5、rame,double pay):Staff (id,Name,post,pay) /构造函数 Amoun t=am ount; Programe=programe; void Busin essMa nager:SetAm oun t(double s,double d) Amoun t=s; Programe=d; double Busin essMa nager:Pay() return in come=2000+Amou nt*15/100+Programe*10/100; class Secretary:public Staff /声明文秘类 public: Secretary(i

6、ntid,char *Name,i nt post,double pay):Staff (id,Name,post,pay) double Pay()return in come=1500; void display(); Secretary() ; void Secretary:display() /构造函数 Pay(); n ame cout num in comee ndl; class Finan cial:public Staff public: / 声明财务人员类 Finan cial( int id,char*Name,i ntpost,double (id,Name,post,

7、pay) double Pay()return in come=2000; pay):Staff void display(); Fi nan cial() ; void Finan cial:display()/构造函数 Pay(); cout n umn ame财 务 in comee ndl; class Sales:public Staff /声明业务人员类 public: double Amoun t,Programe; Sales(i ntid,char*Name,i ntpost,double amoun t,double programe,double pay); void S

8、etAm oun t(double s,double d); virtual double Pay(); Sales() ; Sales:Sales(i ntid,char*Name,i ntpost,doubleamoun t,doubleprograme,double pay):Staff (id,Name,post,pay) /在类外定义有参构造函数 Amou nt=Amou nt; 销售额 Programe=programe;项目额 double Sales:Pay() return in come=Amou nt*15/100+Programe*10/100; void Sales:

9、SetAm oun t(double s,double d) Amoun t=s;Programe=d; class Tech nicia n:public Staff/声明技术员类 public: double Line; Tech nician (i ntid,char *Name,i nt post,double lin e,double pay):Staff (id,Name,post,pay) Lin e=li ne; double Pay(); void display(); Tech nician() ; double Tech nicia n:Pay() /在类外定义无参构造函

10、数 return in come=L ine; void Tech nicia n:display() Pay();coutnumname技术人员 in comee ndl; class Boss /声明老板类 public: Boss(); void Add(); void Search(); void Delete(); void Modify(); void DisPlay(); Boss() ; void Boss:Add() time_t t = time(0); 本年第 %j 天 %z,localtime( strftime( tmp, sizeof(tmp), %Y/%m/%d

11、%X %A puts( tmp ); Staff p,*p1; int post,id; char Name20,ch; double pay,Am oun t,sell,programe; coute ndl; 添加职工信息endl; 技术经理endl; 业务经理endl; 文 秘e ndl; 业务人员endl; 技术人员endl; 财务人员endl; coute ndl; coutnnnn ttt coutttt1 coutttt2 coutttt3 coutttt4 coutttt5 coutttt6 do fstream file(compa ny .dat,ios:out|ios:a

12、pp|ios:b in ary);/以写,追力口 , 二进制形式打开文件 if(file.fail() coutca n not ope n file!e ndl; coutendl post; cout id; cout Name; switch(post) case 1:p1= new Tech niqueMa nager(id,Name,post,0); /声明一个基类的指针指向派 生类,用new创建了派生类的对象 pay=(*p1).Pay();p=Tech niq ueMa nager(id,Name,post,pay); break; case 2: cout sell; cout

13、 programe; coute ndl; p1= new Busin essMa nager(id,Name,post,sell,programe,0); pay=(*p1) .P ay(); p=Bus in essMa nager(id,Name,post,sell,programe,pay); break; case 3:p1= new Secretary(id,Name,post,0); pay=(*p1).Pay();p=Secretary(id,Name,post,pay); break; case 4:cout sell; cout programe; coute ndl; p

14、1= new Sales(id,Name, post,sell,programe,0); pay=(*p1).Pay(); p=Sales(id,Name, post,sell,programe,pay);break; case 5: cout Am ount; p1= new Tech ni cia n(id,Name,post,Am oun t,0); pay=(*p1) .P ay(); p=Tech nician (id,Name,post,Am oun t,pay);break; case 6:p1= new Finan cial(id,Name,post,0); pay=(*p1)

15、.Pay();p=Fi nan cial(id,Name,post,pay); break; file.write(char *)(以写的方式读入文件中 file.close(); cout ch; if(ch = n |ch = N) break; while(ch=y|ch=Y); system( cls); void Boss:Search() /查找员工信息 time_t t = time(0); char tmp64; strftime( tmp, sizeof(tmp), %Y/%m/%d %X %A本年第 j 天 %z,localtime( puts( tmp ); Staff

16、p; char ch; coutnnnnnn coutttt1- coutttt2- coutttt3- coutttt4- int d; 查找员工信息endl; 技术经理endl; 业务经理endl; 文秘e ndl; 业务人员endl; coutttt5-技术人员endl; coutttt6-财务人员endl; do cout d; coute ndl; fstream file(company.dat,ios:in|ios:binary);/ if(file.fail() coutca n not ope n the file!e ndl; while(file.read(char*)

17、else if(d=2 else if(d=3 else if(d=4 else if(d=5 else if(d=6 tp .n ame p .n ame p .n ame p .n ame p .n ame p .n ame 技术经理 财务经理 文秘 业务人员 技术人员 财务人员 file.close(); cout ch; if(ch = n |ch = N) break; while(ch=y|ch=Y); system( cls); void Boss:Modify()/修改信息 i+; Word资料 time_t t = time(0); char tmp64; strftime(

18、tmp, sizeof(tmp), puts( tmp ); char Name20; Staff p310; Staff *p1; Staff p; int post,id,i=0,j=0; double pay,Am oun t,sell,programe; coutnnnnnn coutttt1 coutttt2 coutttt3 coutttt4 coutttt5 coutttt6 cout id; fstream file(compa ny .dat,ios:i n|ios:b in ary); if(file.fail() coutca n not ope n the file!e

19、 ndl; file.seekg(0,ios:beg); / while(file.read(char *) 技术经理endl; 业务经理endl; 文秘e ndl; 业务人员endl; 技术人员endl; 财务人员endl; 把文件指针放在文件的开始 p3i=p; if(p3i. num=id) cout post; cout Name; coute ndl; switch(post) case1:p1= newTech niq ueMa nager(id,Name,post,0); pay=(*p1).Pay();p3i=Tech niq ueMa nager(id,Name,post,p

20、ay);break; case 2:cout sell; cout programe; coute ndl; p1= new Busin essMa nager(id,Name, post,sell,programe,0); pay=(*p1).Pay(); p3i=Bus in essMa nager(id,Name,post,sell,programe,pay); break; case3:p1= new Secretary(id,Name,post,0);pay=(*p1).Pay();p3i=Secretary(id,Name,post,pay); break; case 4:cout

21、 sell; cout programe; coute ndl; p1= new Sales(id,Name, post,sell,programe,0); pay=(*p1).Pay(); p3i=Sales(id,Name, post,sell,programe,pay); break; case 5:cout Am ount; coute ndl; p1= new Tech nician (id,Name,post,Am oun t,0); pay=(*p1).Pay(); p3i=Tech nician (id,Name,post,Am oun t,pay); case6:p1= ne

22、w Finan cial(id,Name,post,0);pay=(*p1).Pay();p3i=Finan cial(id,Name,post,pay); break; file.close(); ofstream file1(compa ny .dat,ios:out|ios:b in ary); if(file1.fail() coutca n not ope n the file!e ndl; for(j=0;ji;j+)/把修改后的信息存入文件中 file1.write(char *) file1.close(); system(” cls); void Boss:Delete()

23、/删除人员- time_t t = time(0); char tmp64; strftime( tmp, sizeof(tmp), %Y/%m/%d %X %A本年第 %j 天 %z,localtime( puts( tmp ); int nu m,i,j=0; Staff p110; Staff p; char ch; do i=0; cout删除员工信息; cout编号:; cinnum; fstream file(compa ny .dat,ios:i n|ios:b in ary);/输入文件流类 if(file.fail() coutca n not ope n the file!

24、e ndl; while(file.read(char *)break; case 2: coutp .num p.i ncomee ndl;break; case 3: p .n ame 财务经理 coutp .num p.i ncomee ndl; break; case 4: p .n ame 文秘 coutp .num p.i ncomee ndl;break; case 5: p .n ame 业务人员 coutp .num p.i ncomee ndl;break; case 6: p .n ame 技术员 coutp .num p.i ncomee ndl;break; else

25、 p1i=p; i+; p .n ame 财务人员 file.close(); fstream file1(compa ny .dat,ios:out|ios:b in ary);/ if(file1.fail() coutca n not ope n the file!e ndl; 输出文件流类 for(j=0;ji;j+) file1.write(char *) file1.close(); cout ch; if(ch = n |ch = N) break; Word资料 while(ch=y|ch=Y); system(” cls); void Boss:DisPlay() / 显示人

26、员信息 Staff p;/P 是职员类的对象 cout 编号| 员工姓名 工资 | e ndl; 级另寸| fstream file(compa ny .dat,ios:i n|ios:out|ios:b in ary); if(file.fail() coutca n not ope n the file!e ndl; while(file.read(char *)( switch(p.post) case1:cout setw(6)技术经理 case 2:cout 姓名 case 3:cout setw(6) 文秘 case 4:cout setw(6) 业务人员 case 5:cout

27、setw(6) 技术人员 case 6:cout setw(6)业务经理 setw(6)财务人员 p .num p.i ncomee ndl;break; p .num p.i ncomee ndl; break; p .num p.i ncomee ndl; break; p .num p.i ncomee ndl; break; p .num p.i ncomee ndl; break; p .num p.i ncomee ndl; break; 岗位 setw(6)p. name setw(6)p. name setw(6)p. name setw(6)p. name setw(6)p. nam


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