



1、2017 年 6 月英语六级主题句作文 4 个 写作要点*1.准确理解文章标题。标题是文章主题的高度概括,限定了写作范围,考生的写作应以此展开。 只有准确理解文章标题,写作时才不会跑题,并把握文章的体裁。2.找准关键词,确定段落内容。段首句提供了该段的中心思想,但是为了把握段落扩展的范围和方向,保 持和主题的一致性,考生一定要找出关键词,因为关键词是段落和文章的核 心,文章是否切题,段落是否环环相扣,都与确定关键词有关。3.确定段落的发展方向。这一步就是要考虑文章的写作方法,突出主题。要根据不同的段首句选择 不同的段落发展方法。主要方法有例证法、因果法、列举法、比较法和对照 法。这些方法的灵活

2、运用可以使文章脉络清晰,逻辑性强。4.弄清段落与文章之间的关系。给出的段首句实际上是文章的大体结构和内容。因此,应通过对标题和关 键词的分析来统筹各段的写作内容,避免内容的重复。各段所选择的扩充材料 也应具有代表性,能够充分证明、解释主题句的内涵。例:directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic to curb spending. write your essay on answer sheet 1. you should write at least 150

3、words but no more than 200 words according to the outline given below in chinese.1. 现在许多大学生普遍花钱大手大脚,消费水平高;2. 有人认为社会整体生活水平提高了,大学生花钱多一些无可厚非;3. 我的看法。主题分析:大学生消费是目前家长及教育界比较关注的问题,它所反映的不仅仅是花 钱这一表面现象,而且还有隐藏在这一现象之后的大学生的价值观、金钱观等 思想层面的问题。参考范文:to curb spendingnowadays the campus students seem to have no idea of

4、 how moneycomes from, and not to care about their expenditure. they buy whatever they like for themselves, also for their friends, paying no attention to how much these things cost.some people say that it is not a problem for college students to spend much. after all, the society is progressing and

5、the life is being enriched. with the living standard being raised, it is reasonable to improve the expenditure of students. there is nothing to blame.for me, it is not just a habit of spending more money; it is a reflection of students outlook on money and value. the students get money from their parents so easily that they have no idea of earning money with their hard work and effort, thus developing an awareness that they want to get things but are unwilling to work hard for their goals. definitely, that is harm


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