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1、Chapter 9: Creating Brand EquityGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice 1. At the heart of a successful brand is _, backed by creatively designed and executed marketing. a. priceb. promotionc. a great product or serviced. a great slogane. a brand conceptAnswer: cPage: 273Level of difficulty: Easy2.

2、 The strategic branch management process involves four main steps. Which of the following would NOT be among those steps? a. Measuring consumer brand knowledge.b. Identifying and establishing brand positioning.c. Planning and implementing brand marketing.d. Measuring and interpreting brand performan

3、ce.e. Growing and sustaining brand value.Answer: aPage: 274Level of difficulty: Hard3. The American Marketing Association defines a _ as “a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate

4、 them from those of competitors.”a. holistic product conceptb. product conceptc. service conceptd. brande. brand imageAnswer: dPage: 274 Level of difficulty: Medium4. The earliest signs of branding in Europe were medieval _ requirement that craftspeople put trademarks on their products to protect th

5、emselves and consumers against inferior quality. a. kingsb. churchesc. consumersd. governments e. guildsAnswer: ePage: 274Level of difficulty: Medium5. Consumers learn about brands through _ and product marketing programs. a. the mass mediab. past experiences with the productc. the sales forced. sho

6、pping botse. independent information sourcesAnswer: bPage: 274Level of difficulty: Medium6. The worlds strongest brands share common attributes. Which of the following would NOT be among those common attributes? a. The brand that spends the most is the most respected and valued.b. The company monito

7、rs sources of brand equity.c. The pricing strategy is based on consumer perceptions of value.d. The brand stays relevant.e. The brand excels at delivering the benefits consumers truly desire.Answer: aPage: 275Level of difficulty: Hard7. _ is endowing products and services with the power of a brand.

8、a. Brand imageb. The branding conceptc. Brandingd. Brand positioninge. Brand partitioningAnswer: cPage: 275 Level of difficulty: Easy8. Brand _ is the added value endowed to products and services. a. loyaltyb. equityc. preferenced. satisfactione. benefitsAnswer: bPage: 276 Level of difficulty: Mediu

9、m9. The premise of _ models is that the power of a brand lies in what customers have seen, read, learned, thought, and felt about the brand over time. a. product-based brand equityb. service-based brand equityc. functional-based brand equityd. mission-driven brand equitye. consumer-based brand equit

10、yAnswer: ePage: 276 Level of difficulty: Hard10. _ can be defined as the differential effect that brand knowledge has on consumer response to the marketing of that brand. a. Mission-driven brand equityb. Consumer-based brand equityc. Product-driven brand equityd. Service-driven brand equitye. Functi

11、on-based brand equityAnswer: bPage: 277 Level of difficulty: Medium11. When a consumer expresses thoughts, feelings, images, experiences, beliefs, and so on that become associated with the brand, the consumer is expressing brand _. a. knowledgeb. loyaltyc. behaviord. preferencee. equityAnswer: a Pag

12、e: 277Level of difficulty: Easy12. _ is what drives the differences that manifest themselves in brand equity. a. Brand imageb. Consumer incomec. Consumer purchasing powerd. Consumer knowledgee. Brand perceptionAnswer: dPage: 277Level of difficulty: Medium13. Strong brands possess all of the followin

13、g marketing advantages EXCEPT _. a. greater loyaltyb. larger marginsc. guaranteed profitsd. improved perceptions of product performancee. more elastic consumer response to price decreasesAnswer: cPage: 277 Level of difficulty: Medium14. When a marketer expresses his or her vision of what the brand m

14、ust be and do for consumers, they are expressing what is called _. a. a brand promiseb. a brand missionc. brand equityd. a brand positione. a brand conceptAnswer: aPage: 278Level of difficulty: Hard15. There are four key componentsor pillarsof brand equity. Which of those components or pillars measu

15、res the breadth of a brands appeal? a. Differentiationb. Relevancec. Esteemd. Knowledgee. ValueAnswer: bPage: 278 Level of difficulty: Hard16. Two pillars that point to the brands future value, rather than just reflecting its past, are differentiation and relevance. Differentiation and relevance com

16、bine to determine what is called brand _. a. positionb. imagec. depthd. knowledgee. strengthAnswer: ePage: 279Level of difficulty: Medium17. David Aaker views brand equity as a set of five categories of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand that add or subtract from the value provided by a

17、product or service to a firm and/or that firms customers. All of the following would be among Aakers five categories EXCEPT _. a. brand loyaltyb. brand awarenessc. perceived qualityd. brand pricee. brand associationsAnswer: d Page: 279Level of difficulty: Hard18. According to Aaker, a particularly i

18、mportant concept for building brand equity is _the unique set of brand associations that represent what the brand stands for and promises to consumers. a. brand knowledgeb. brand preferencec. brand identityd. brand visione. brandable differencesAnswer: cPage: 279 Level of difficulty: Medium19. Gener

19、al Motors states that its _ is a “world class car with employees who treat customers with respect and as friends.” a. core identityb. perceived identityc. extended identityd. defensible identitye. competitive identityAnswer: aPages: 280Level of difficulty: Medium20. According to the BRANDZ model of

20、brand strength, brand building involves a sequential series of steps. Which of these steps would address or answer the question “Do I know about it?” a. Relevanceb. Presencec. Performanced. Advantagee. BondingAnswer: bPage: 280 Level of difficulty: Medium21. The MasterCard “priceless” ad campaign is

21、 a good example of brand duality. Two advantages of the brand are demonstrated in this campaign. What are those advantages?a. Positive and negative advantages.b. Local and global advantages.c. Rational and emotional advantages.d. Segmented and differentiated advantages.e. Price and promotional advan

22、tages.Answer: c Page: 280Level of difficulty: Hard22. All of the following are considered to be among the “six brand building blocks” EXCEPT _. a. brand salienceb. brand performancec. brand imageryd. brand feelingse. brand prideAnswer: ePage: 280Level of difficulty: Medium23. With respect to the “si

23、x brand building blocks,” _ focus on customers own personal opinions and evaluations. a. brand salienceb. brand performancec. brand imageryd. brand judgmentse. brand resonanceAnswer: dPage: 280Level of difficulty: Medium24. With respect to the brand resonance pyramid, at which of the following “buil

24、ding block levels” would we expect the consumer to have developed an intense, active loyalty? a. Salienceb. Imageryc. Feelingsd. Judgmentse. ResonanceAnswer: eage: 281Level of difficulty: Hard25. From a marketing management perspective, there are three main sets of brand equity drivers. Which of the

25、se drivers was most applicable when McDonalds decided to use the “golden arches” and Ronald McDonald as symbols of their brand? a. The product and all accompanying marketing activities and supporting marketing programs.b. The service and all accompanying marketing activities and supporting marketing

26、 programs.c. The initial choices for the brand elements or identities making up the brand.d. Associations indirectly transferred to the brand by linking it to some other entity.e. The profitability associated with brand development.Answer: cPage: 281Level of difficulty: Medium26. _ are those tradema

27、rkable devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand.a. Brand elementsb. Brand valuec. Brand perceptiond. Brand imagee. Brand tracksAnswer: aPage: 281Level of difficulty: Medium27. Six brand elements assist in brand building. Which of the following would NOT be among those preferred bra

28、nd elements? a. Adaptable b. Protectablec. Memorabled. Likeabilitye. Subliminal natureAnswer: ePage: 282Level of difficulty: Medium28. If a brand element can be used to introduce new products in the same or different categories, the brand element is said to be _. a. memorableb. meaningfulc. likeable

29、d. transferablee. adaptableAnswer: dPage: 282 Level of difficulty: Medium 29. Before selecting a brand name, marketers must be assured that the brand name will be well received and understood by the consumers. In order to do this several tests may need to be performed. A(n) _ asks such questions as

30、“How easily is the name pronounced?”a. association testb. learning testc. memory testd. preference teste. design testAnswer: bPage: 282Level of difficulty: Medium 30. Brand names are not only important brand element. Often, _, the more important it is that brand elements capture the brands intangibl

31、e characteristics. a. the less concrete brand benefits areb. the more concrete brand benefits arec. the more varied brand perceptions ared. the less varied brand perceptions aree. the more sophisticated brand benefits areAnswer: aPages: 282283Level of difficulty: Hard31. With respect to powerful bra

32、nd elements, a _ is an extremely efficient means to build brand equity. The element can function as useful “hooks” or “handles” to help consumers grasp what the brand is and what makes it special. a. spokespersonb. product shapec. slogand. patente. promotional descriptorAnswer: cPage: 283Level of di

33、fficulty: Medium32. Brand elements and secondary associations can make important contributions to building brand equity; however, the primary input comes from _. a. the product or service and supporting marketing activitiesb. marketing researchc. the consumer d. the distributorse. the organizational

34、 mission statementAnswer: aPage: 284Level of difficulty: Medium33. A _ can be defined as any information-bearing experience a customer or prospect has with the brand, the product category, or the market that relates to the marketers product or service. a. brand valueb. brand elementc. brand traitd.

35、brand charactere. brand contactAnswer: ePage: 284Level of difficulty: Medium 34. Chupa Chups has the distinction of being the worlds largest maker of _ and has begun to diversify its brand beyond its original market (children). Today, Chupa Chups is targeting teens and youth through “nonendorser end

36、orsers” such as Jerry Seinfeld. a. veggie chipsb. apple juicec. roller skatesd. lollipopse. granolaAnswer: dPage: 284Level of difficulty: Hard35. Considering holistic marketing activities, the rapid expansion of _ has created opportunities to personalize marketing. a. target marketingb. globalizatio

37、nc. the Internetd. standardizatione.CD technologyAnswer: cPage: 284Level of difficulty: Hard36. _ is about making sure that the brand and its marketing are as relevant as possible to as many customers as possiblea challenge, given that no two customers are identical. a. Personalizing marketing b. Se

38、gmenting marketingc. Brand imageryd. Emotionalizing brandse. Rationalizing brandsAnswer: a Page: 284Level of difficulty: Medium37. The traditional “marketing-mix” concept and the notion of the “4 Ps” may not adequately describe modern marketing programs. _ is about mixing and matching marketing acti

39、vities to maximize their individual and collective effects. a. Personalizing marketingb. Individualizing marketingc. Globalizing marketingd. Institutionalizing marketing e.Integrating marketing Answer: ePage: 285Level of difficulty: Medium38. Godin identifies five specific steps to enhance effective

40、 permission marketing. Which of the following would NOT be among those steps? a. Offer the prospect an incentive to volunteer.b. Offer the interested prospect a curriculum over time that teaches the consumer about the product or service.c. Reinforce the incentive to guarantee that the prospect maint

41、ains the permission. d. Always offer a monetary incentive to demonstrate sincerity of the offer.e.Over time, leverage the permission to change consumer behavior toward profits.Answer: d Page: 285Level of difficulty: Hard39. _ is the consumers ability to identify the brand under different conditions,

42、 as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance. a. Brand awarenessb. Brand imagec. Brand alternationd. Brand perceptione. Brand reflectionAnswer: aPage: 286 Level of difficulty: Medium40. A marketing manager has decided to study the perceptions and beliefs held by consumers, as refle

43、cted in the associations held in consumer memory. Which of the following terms is most closely associated with the marketing managers objective of study? a. Brand awarenessb. Brand imagec. Brand elementd. Brand concepte. Brand traitAnswer: bPage: 286 Level of difficulty: Medium41. For a brand to suc

44、ceed, marketers must “walk the walk” and ensure that employees and marketing partners do the same. Marketers often must use _ to motivate those groups to support the brand. a. global brandingb. retro-brandingc. internal brandingd. external brandinge. dual brandingAnswer: cPage: 286 Level of difficul

45、ty: Medium42. Mark Thomas has observed that Shell delivers on its promises to supply the best gasoline possible to the driving public. Shell promotions, employees, and distributors send a common and consistent message about delivering on Shell promises to Mr. Thomas. A good term that describes what

46、occurs when customers experience the company as delivering on its brand promise is the term _. a. brand imageb. brand enhancementc. brand beliefd. brand attitudee. brand bondingAnswer: ePage: 286Level of difficulty: Medium43. The main secondary sources of brand knowledge come from all of the followi

47、ng EXCEPT _. a. other brandsb. peoplec. thingsd. local, state, and federal governmentse. placesAnswer: dPage: 287Level of difficulty: Easy44. Brand equity can be measured in two ways. Which of the following would be a good representation of one of those ways? a. Statistical analysis of demographics.

48、b. Secondary evaluation of governmental statistics.c. Directly assessing the actual impact of brand knowledge on consumer response to different aspects of marketing.d. Evaluating published statistics of competitors.e. Hiring independent evaluators.Answer: cPage: 288Level of difficulty: Medium45. A s

49、tructured approach to assessing the sources and outcomes of brand equity and the manner in which marketing activities create brand value is called _. a. the brand value chainb. the brand portfolioc. the brand life cycled. brand partitioninge. brand positioningAnswer: aPage: 288Level of difficulty: M

50、edium46. A brand manager is concerned that his organizations brand image and physical sales are slipping in the marketplace. The manager has decided to query consumers about the health of the brand and try to discover ways to leverage the brands equity. Which of the following terms will most likely

51、provide the structure and process for the managers investigation? a. A brand demographic matrix analysis.b. A secondary search of good brand characteristics.c. A brand audit.d. An organizational audit.e. A brand positioning study.Answer: cPage: 289Level of difficulty: Medium47. Within a brand audit,

52、 the _ has as its purpose to provide a current, comprehensive profile of how all the products and services sold by a company are marketed and branded.a. cost curve calculationb. product balance sheetc. strategic pland. brand inventorye. product assessment Answer: dPage: 289Level of difficulty: Mediu

53、m48. Many firms use _ to supplement traditional focus groups. They study consumers in their everyday habitats at home, at work, at play, or shopping. a. ethnographyb. demographyc. geodemographyd. psychographicse. product profilesAnswer: aPage: 290Level of difficulty: Hard49. Irene and Dave Washburn

54、are part of a long-term _. The Washburns supply a national research firm with information about their brand habits, preferences, dislikes, and beliefs on a monthly basis for a period of two years.a. image studyb. demographic studyc. psychological profile studyd. promotion management studye. tracking

55、 studyAnswer: ePage: 290Level of difficulty: Medium50. _ has the job of estimating the total financial value of the brand. a. Brand trackingb. Brand auditingc. Brand equityd. Brand valuatione. Brand partitioningAnswer: dPage: 290Level of difficulty: Medium 51. According to 2004 Brand Value estimates, _ was ranked number-one in the world with a brand value of $67.39 billion.a. Microsoftb. IBMc. Coca-Colad. GEe. McDo


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