已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Module 1 Family and friendsUnit 1 Family and relatives1. family and relatives 家庭和亲戚2. a family tree 一个家谱3. grandsons and granddaughters 孙子和孙女们/外孙和外孙女们4. get a lot of presents 得到许多礼物5. Happy Birthday (to sb.) ! 生日快乐!6. get a birthday card from sb. 从某人那儿得到一张生日卡7. one of my family members 我的家庭成员之一8. on

2、ly have one aunt 仅仅有一个阿姨9. my classmates 我的同班同学10. go shopping 去购物11. what else 其他什么12. play badminton 打羽毛球13. go cycling 去骑自行车14. go swimming 去游泳15. two cousins 两个堂/表兄弟/妹16. how many + 名词复数 多少语言点 1. This is my grandfather.这是我的(外)祖父。 These are my family and relatives.这些是我的家人和亲戚。 注意句中各成分保持单复数同形。 2. I

3、m their son. 我是他们的儿子。 Were their sons.我们是他们的儿子。3. How many uncles do you have?你有多少个叔叔? How many后面接可数名词的复数形式。 4. What do you do with your?你和你的干什么?5. What else do you do with your?你和你的还干什么? 6. What else do you do with your?你和你的还干什么? With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。 With me/him/her/it/us /them 7. always/some

4、times/usually是频度副词,提问应该要用How often? Unit 2 I have a good friend1. help each other 互相帮助2. help other people = help others 帮助别人3. notat all 根本不4. go out at night 在晚上出去5. like to be together 喜欢在一起6. walk to school together 一起走去学校7. be friendly 友好的8. be helpful 有帮助的9. work hard = study hard 努力学习10. be l

5、ate for school 上学迟到11. get angry 变得生气12. be kind to others 对别人友善的13. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物14. be never naughty 从不淘气15. never tell a lie/lies 从不说谎16. a visit to sp. 一次去某地的参观17. live in the USA = live in America 居住在美国18. visit sp. for the first time 第一次参观某地19. ask sb. about sth. 询问某人关于某事20. have

6、/has been to sp. 曾去过某地21. Ocean Park 海洋公园22. Garden City Zoo 花园城市公园23. Water World 水上世界24. Friends of the Earth 地球的朋友25. look after = take care of 照顾,照看26. look after the environment 照顾环境27. all the things round us 我们周围所有的东西28. pollute the air 污染空气29. air pollution 空气污染30. water pollution 水污染31. lan

7、d pollution 陆地污染32. keep sth. clean 保持某物干净33. pick up 捡起,拾起34. put rubbish into rubbish bins 把垃圾放入垃圾箱35. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事36. tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事37. leave rubbish 留下垃圾38. want to be/become 想要成为39. want to do sth. 想要做某事40. promise to do sth. 承诺做某事41. promise not to do sth. 承诺不

8、要做某事42. our promises 我们的承诺43. discuss sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事44. reuse shopping bags 再使用购物袋45. What about/How about sth./doing? 怎么样?语言点:1. always/sometimes/usually/never 是频度副词.在句中的位置是:放在行为动词的前面,放在be动词的后面。也可以说“行前系后”。 She is always kind.她总是很善良的。 She always helps other people.她总是帮助其他人。 不能出现这样的句子:She is a

9、lways helps other people.() 一句话中不能同时出现两个动词。并且要注意主谓保持一致,尤其注意第三人称单数不可以忽略。 2. They like to be together.他们喜欢在一起。 like to do sth.=like doing sth.喜欢做某事 He likes to play football.=He likes playing football.他喜欢踢足球。 3. She cant read or write.她既不会读也不会写。 or用在否定句中表平列关系。and用在肯定句中表平列关系。 She can read and write.她既会

10、读又会写。4. help each other互相帮助 5. other people=others其他人6. be kind to sb.对某人很友好 7. tell a lie = tell lies说谎 8. share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物 She shares her bread with me .她把她的面包分给了我。9. in the USA在美国 USA要大写。10. for the first time第一次 11. on Saturday具体的某一天介词用on 12. Have you been to .yet?你去过.吗? Yes, I have al

11、ready/just been to./been there.是的,我已经去过了。 No, I havent been to /been there yet.不,还没有去过。 already/just用于肯定句中。yet用于否定和疑问句中。 Unit 3 Spending a day out together1. spend a day out together 一起在外度过一天2. on Green Island 在绿岛上3. in Happy Town 在快乐城4. in Dragon Bay 在龙湾5. on Lucky Island 在幸运岛上6. at weekends = at t

12、he weekend 在周末7. be near sp. 离开某地近的8. be far (away) from sp 离开某地远的9. Seaside Town 海边镇10. a photo of my family and me 一张我家人和我的照片11. have lunch together 一起吃午饭12. Green Market 格林市场13. In Sunny Town 在太阳城14. Space Museum 太空博物馆15. In Moon Town 在月亮城16. an activity 一项活动17. have a barbecue 进行一次烧烤18. fly kite

13、s 放风筝19. ride bicycles 骑自行车20. make sandcastles 筑沙堡21. collect shells 收集贝壳22. make an album 制作一本照片簿23. plan to do sth. 计划做某事24. a good idea 一个好主意25. which place 哪一个地方26. plan a trip 计划一次旅行27. How about 怎么样?(常用于表示建议或提议)28. be going to + v. 打算做语言点:1. at weekends= at the weekend在周末 2. near/ far away fr

14、om离.近/远near后直接接地点名词 3. Where have you been in.?你去了.哪个地方? I have been to.in /on 我去了. Where have you been in Shanghai?你到过上海哪里? I have been to Century Park in Shanghai.我到过上海的世纪公园。6.a photo of my brother and me 一张我哥和我的照片。a photo of后接人称代词时,应该用宾格形式a photo of me/him/her/it/us /them 7. be +V-ing 表现在进行时8. co

15、st以物作主语,通常是问价钱 Take以it作主语。通常是花费时间 It takes me 15 minutes to go to school. Spend 以人作主语,既可以是花费金钱,也可以是花费时间。 Spend time/money on sth. spend time/money in doing sth. I spend two yuan on this pen.=I spend two yuan in buying this pen.9.Which place shall we visit?我们将参加哪个地方?10.When are we going to come back?

16、我们将什么时候回来? Come back回来 Be going to 表将来begoing to=will 11. How are we going to get there?我们将怎样到达哪里?How对交通工具进行提 问。回答可以用by bus/ car/ on foot 12. How much does it cost?它花费多少钱?How much对价钱提问 13. How about = what about怎么样? 14. a.m./p.m.分别表示上午和下午。 Module 2 Places and activitiesUnit 4 What would you like to

17、be?1. different jobs 不同的职业2. would like to be/become 想要成为3. a secretary 一名秘书4. a bank clerk 一个银行职员5. a policewoman 一个女警察6. a dentist 一名牙医7. a pilot 一名飞行员8. a fireman 一个消防队员9. a postman 一名邮递员10. a shop assistant 一个商店营业员11. teach children English 教孩子们英语12. make sick people better 使病人好转13. drive a bus

18、驾驶一辆公交车14. put out fires 扑灭火15. cook food for people 为人们烧食物16. make our city a safe place 使我们的城市(成为)一个安全的地方17. interview sb. 采访某人18. find out 查明;弄清(情况)19. stark work 开始工作20. finish work 结束工作21. in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/下午/晚上22. Why not? 为什么不呢?语言点: 1. would like to do sth.想要做某事 2. Would y

19、ou like to be a/an?你想要成为一个.Yes, I would./No, I wouldnt.是的,我想。/不,我不想。3. Why / Why not?为什么?/为什么不? I would like to be a/an.because.我想成为.,因为. I would like fried eggs for dinner tonight.我晚饭想要吃炒蛋。 I fried eggs yesterday.我昨天炒了蛋。 4. Would you like rice or noodles for dinner tonight?你晚饭是想吃饭还是吃面条?or在这里是标示一种选择

20、关系。 5.What kind of soup/fruit would you like?你想要哪种汤/水果? 6.I would also like some soup.=I would like some soup, too. also,too两个都可以表示“也”, also用在句中,但是too用在句尾,并且要用逗号隔开。 7.need to do sth.需要做某事。 We need to buy some food first.我们需要先买一些食物。 8.shopping list 购物单。Shopping动词的ing形式在句中充当定语。9.favourite=like best最喜欢

21、的 10.Lets have tomato.让我们有西红柿。Let后面接动词原形。11.in the market / in the supermarket在市场/在超市12. at the fish/fruit/meat stall在鱼/水果/肉摊位 13. in the fish/fruit/meatsection在鱼/水果/肉部门 in the market,at the fish/fruit/meat stall in the supermarket,in the fish/fruit/meatsection 14.A:Have you bought any garlic? 你买了一些

22、大蒜吗? B: Yes, I have bought some garlic./ Yes, I have.是的,我买了些大蒜。 这是个现在完成时,bought是buy的过去分词. 现在完成时的构成是: have/has +动词的过去分词。它的回答应该用have/has。 Has she bought some oranges? Yes, she has. 15.How much was it?=How much did it cost?= What was the price of it? 它多少钱。Price是“价格”的意思。16.Where did you buy it/them? in

23、the supermarket in the section Unit 5 Open Day1. an Open Day 一个开放日2. Open day programme 开放日活动安排3. an entrance 一个入口处4. listen to a choir 听一个合唱队(唱歌)5. a noticeboard 一块布告栏6. my parents 我的父母亲7. meet sb. at the entrance 在入口处迎接某人8. arrive in + 大地方 到达一个大地方9. arrive at + 小地方 到达一个小地方10. visit the classroom 参

24、观教室11. First, /Next, /Then, / After that, / Finally, 首先,紧接着,然后,在那以后,最后12. look at our class projects 看一看我们的班级习作项目13. in the Arts and Crafts room 在美术劳技室14. in the hall 在大厅里15. our English Club 我们的英语俱乐部16. have tea and cakes 喝茶吃蛋糕17. in the Music room 在音乐室18. welcome the parents on the Open Day 在开放日欢迎

25、父母19. in different places 在不同的地方20. on the ground floor 在第一层(英式表达法)21. write an invitation 写一封邀请函22. take some photos 拍一些照片23. have a great/good time 过得愉快知识点1.arrive at / arrive in / reach / get to 到达 arrive at后接小地方 arrive in 后接大地方 I arrive at school at 7:15. He will arrive in Shanghai at two oclock

26、. reach是个及物动词,后面直接接地点名词 I reach school at 7:15. I get to school at 7:15. 2.will / be going to 都是用来表将来的, 他们后面应该接动词的原形。 will是个情态动词,没有人称的变化. He will arrive in Shanghai at two oclock.I will meet them at the entrance. Your parents will arrive at two oclock. 但是be going to有人称的变化. He is going to go fishing

27、tomorrow. I am going to go fishing tomorrow. They are going to go fishing tomorrow. 3.look at 看; see 看见; listen to 听; hear 听见 4.at the entrance 在入口处 enter 进入(动词) in the hall/in the Music room /in classroom6A/in the Arts and Crafts room 5.具体的某一天介词只能用on On Sunday, On Sunday morning,On the Open Day 6.在

28、具体的某一楼层只能用介词on,并且第几层还要用序数词 On the ground floor, on the first floor, on the fifteenth floor 7. want sb. to do sth. = would like to do sth.想要做某事 I want you to read English everyday.我想要你们每天都读英语。 8.i n the same place / in different places 9. First,/Next,/Then/After that,/Finally, Finally=at last =in the

29、 end 10. take photos拍照 11. invite 邀请(动词) invitation邀请 (名词) Invite sb to sp邀请某人去某地 She invites me to her birthday party.她邀请我去她的生日晚会。 12. on the tenth of September / on September tenth 9月10日 13. two fifteen= a quarter past two 2:15 Three ten = ten past three 3:10 One thirty = half past one 1:30 two fo

30、rty = twenty to three 2:40 14. have a great / good time 玩得开心,过的愉快 15Parent = father or mother parents = father and motheUnit 6 Going to school1. traveling time to school 去学校行走时间2. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花一段时间做某事3. It takes him about ten minutes. 他花大约十分钟。4. half an hour 半小时5. go to sp. b

31、y ferry 乘渡船去某地6. go to school on foot=walk to school 步行去学校7. how long 多久8. get to sp. 到达某地9. get to the supermarket 到达超市10. get there/here/home 到达那儿/这儿/家里11. a restaurant 一个饭店12. a hotel 一个旅馆13. an advertisement board 一块广告牌14. a few + c.n. 几个;一些(后跟可数名词复数)15. a lot of + c.n. & u.n. 许多(后跟可数名词复数或不可数名词)

32、16. on ones way to school 在某人去某地的路上17. on my way to school 在我去学校的路上18. by light rail 乘轻轨19. department stores 百货商店20. go to kindergarten 上幼儿园语言点1. near 离很近 后面直接接地点 I live near school.=My home is near school.我家离学校很近。 2. far away from=far from离很远 He lives far away from school.=His home is far from sch

33、ool.他家离学校很远 3. by bus/bike/car/underground/train/ferry 其他的交通工具都能用take来表示乘,但bike只能用ride take a bus/bike/car/underground/train/ferry ride a bike He goes to school by bus.=He takes a bus to school. He goes to school by bike.=He rides his/a bike to school.=He cycles to school. 4. on foot She goes to wor

34、k on foot every day.=She walks to work every day. 5. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多少时间做某事。 It takes me about fifteen minutes to go to school. 我去学校要花费15分钟。 6. half an hour=30 minutes 用了half an hour后面就不能再有minutes。 7. travelling time to school 去学校的旅途时间 8. How long does it take you to get to 它花

35、费你多长时间到达 9. get to “ 到达 ” 表示“到达那里”只能说get there 10. on ones way to 在某人去某地的路上 On my way to school 在我去学校的路上 11.some / a lot of 既可修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词。当与可数名词连用时,只能与可数名词的复数形式连用 12. a few 只能修饰可数名词,与可数名词的复数形式连用 a little 只能修饰不可数名词 13.on the bus 在公共汽车上 on the underground 在地铁上 I see a lot of trees when I am on th

36、e bus. 在公共汽车上的时候,我看见了许多树。When在本句中作连词,意为“当的时候” 14. one and a half hours=one hour and a half一个半小时 One hour and twenty minutes一小时二十分钟Unit 7 Rules round us1. rules and signs 规则和标记2. have rules in the classroom 在教室里有规则3. have rules on the road 在马路上有规则4. must do 必须做5. must keep quiet 必须保持安静6. must not do

37、sth.= mustnt do sth. 不准;禁止做7. mustnt eat or drink 不准吃或喝8. wait for 等候9. walk on the grass 走在草地上10. listen to the teachers 听老师11. run across the road 跑过马路12. pick the flowers 摘花13. enter the centre 进入中心14. climb the trees 爬树15. talk loudly 大声交谈 16. turn left/right 向左/右转17. a lift 一部电梯18. an escalator

38、 一部自动扶梯19. on the left 在左边20. on the right 在右边21. the one on the left/right 在左边的/右边的一个22. the one in the middle 在中间的一个23. go upstairs 上楼24. go downstairs 下楼25. an exit 一个出口26. chase each other 互相追逐27. keep class rules 遵守班级规则28. break class rules 违反班级规则语言点1. in the library/in the classroom/in the par

39、k on the road在路上 2. We must not walk on the grass.我们不可以踩在草上。 We must keep quiet.我们必须保持安静。 must 意为“必须”表示很重要或必要。 must not意为“不准”,表示不允许或禁止 must是个情态动词,后面接动词原形。 3.aross the road 穿过马路 4. wait for 等待 5.We mustnt eat or drink. or用于否定句中表示“并列”。 and用于肯定句中表示“并列”。 6.Dont talk loudly.=We mustnt talk loudly. Dont不得

40、,不要。该句为祈使句的否定形式。 Dont后面接动词原形。 talk loudly 副词修饰动词 7.What does this sign mean?这个标志意味着什么? What does this sign mean?=what is the meaning of this sign? 8.Where can we find it?我们在哪里能找到它? 9.Which door must we use?我们必须要使用哪一扇门? 情态动词的一般疑问句就是把情态动词提前,后面照抄。句号改为问号。 Must we wait for the green man? 10.the one on th

41、e left/right 左边/右边的这个 the one in the middle 中间的这个 如果是介词短语修饰the one,应该要放在the one后面 ,如果是形容词应放the one的中间the left/right one the middle one 12.be late for school 迟到 13.find out查出,弄清 14.talk to sb. 对某人说,跟某人交谈。talk about sb./sth.谈论关于某人/某事。 15. tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事 I

42、t tells us to keep quiet.它告诉我们要保持安静。 It tells us not to talk loundly. 它告诉我们不要大声说话。 Module 3 Food and DrinkUnit 8 The food we eat1. dinner menu 晚餐菜单2. cabbage soup 卷心菜汤3. chicken soup 鸡汤4. fried cabbage 炒卷心菜5. steamed prawns with garlic 蒜蓉蒸虾6. steamed fish 清蒸鱼7. fried eggs with bacon 熏肉炒蛋8. fried chi

43、cken wings 炸鸡翅9. boiled eggs 水煮蛋10. baked potato 烤土豆11. tomato and egg soup 番茄蛋汤12. after dinner 晚餐后13. What kind of 什么种类的。14. need to do sth. 需要做某事15. would like noodles for dinner 晚餐想吃面条16. like seafood 喜欢海鲜17. in the market 在市场18. in the supermarket 在超市19. at the fish stall 在鱼摊20. in the fruit se

44、ction 在水果部门21. frozen food 冰冻食物22. like to eat dumplings 喜欢吃饺子23. a packet of 一包/袋24. two hamburgers 两个汉堡包25. fruit salad 水果色拉 语言点1. for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner What would you like for dinner tonight?今天晚饭你们想吃什么? for在这里表目的,用途 2.d=would d是would的缩写形式。 would like sth.=want sth.想要某物 would like to do sth.=would love to do sth.=want to do sth.想要做某事like sth.喜欢某物 like to do sth./like doing sth.喜欢做某事 I would like some apples.我想要一些苹果。 I like apples.我喜欢苹果。 I would like to swim after school.放学后我想去游泳。 I li


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