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1、1Section 2 代词高考真题演练l2016年高考真题1. (2016 浙江高考)In many ways, the education system in the US is not verydiffere nt from in the UK.2. (2016 浙江高考)My mother and father were united in their way of raisingchildren, but it mostly fell to my mother to actually carry out.3. (2016 天津高考)1 hate when she calls me at

2、 wor I m always toobusy to carry on a conversation with her.4. (2016 四川高考)The female hormones also protect the body in another way.Theyhelp the body defendaga inst some kinds of in fecti ons.5. (2016 四川高考)Some think that a woman body cells have a tendency to age more slowly than a man s. think that

3、a man s body cells have a tendency to age more quickly.6. (2016 北京高考)For the first time , I feel good about(me)because I mdoing someth ing, not because some one told me I was doing good.经典高考真题1. (2015 浙江高考)How would you like if you were watching yourfavorite TV program and some one came into the roo

4、m and just shut it off withoutask ing you?2. (2015 重庆高考)The meeting will be held in September, butknows thedate for sure.3. (2015 陕西高考)To warm himself, the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing onebare foot aga inst the.4. (2015 四川高考)Niki is always full of ideas, but is useful to mykno wledge.5. (

5、2015 天津高考)The quality of education in this small school is better thanin some larger schools.6. (2015 福建高考)The research group produced two reports based on the survey, butcontained any useful suggesti ons.7. (2014 四川高考)She d lived in Londo and Mancheste, but she likedand moved to Cambridge.8. (2014

6、浙江高考)An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year, makingthe driest year since California became a state in 1850.9. (2014 重庆高考)A smile costs, but gives much.10. (2014 大纲卷)一Who s that at the door? is the milkma n.11. (2014 山东高考)Susan madeclear to me that she wished to make anew life for herself

7、.12. (2014 大纲卷)1 think Mrs.Stark could bebetween 50 and 60 years ofage.13. (2014 福建高考)ln some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in, knives and forks.14. (2014 江苏高考)Good families are much to all their members buttonone.15. (2014 安徽高考)You can ask anyone for is willing to lendyou a

8、 hand.16. (2014 陕西高考)I d appreciateif you could let me know in advaneewhether or not you will come.17. (2014 江西高考)When shall I call, in the morning or afternoon? .I llbeinall day.对弓高ED主来说i眞B3 啊只要解决以下三大难题,悔也能写出W篇高分英语作文!Dear Ro屮ni sorry to hear that you are 局軒ng 5ome proNemj in getting on. here in Chi

9、na. 8ut take it easy. I believe with your sincerity and friendliness you wiil make more friends.Here are my suggestions Fi0 overcome your shyness. Be brave and open to others. Keep reminding yourself to wear a smile when meeting people, whkh can help you become more popular ond build your confidence

10、. Besides join in mor activities, where you mag meer people who share common interests. Last but not least let your friendship grow. Its a good thing to stay in touch with your friends often. -After alL the best friendship is the one that Qrow naturaily,.I m looking forward, to hearing 5如e itof/ej a

11、bQift yt2Uf_nei frisnd. Yours. Li HupH顷英语*学习型字祐英语规范书写就程星专为;5中生势打谯的学刃型字 不一样的书堀体燼.解决中生壇习英文宇需见的三大雉题,垢时園内成效卓越!ilKAX4上手讯单快刖訓生应该胃齟笺迦刃諺斛杳I阿漓f+迓占十frocAtiC JTEtKJ pj-JlxE v w me+ 轴片W 微信扫码免费皱収字帖IIH7360147931 h I M L)參电:学锁版必详情请联系客服,高中英语教师都可以免费领取,不收取快递费。模拟试题精练2016年模拟试题1. (2016 安徽师大附中模拟)一Lend me some more money

12、will you?Sorry, I ve gotat hand myself.You know the iPhone 6 cost me all I hadjust now.2. (2016 河南十校联考)Have you finished your report?No, I ll finish it in ten minutes.3. (2016 四川省成都二模)Which tie would you prefer , the black tie or the redone, Sir?I ll take to have a change sometimes.4. (2016 浙江六校联考)D

13、o you ofte n talk with your friends on the teleph one ormobile phone?like us ing WeChat5. (2016 湖南十三校联考一 )I just choose a simpler lifestyle, where Ican ride my bike all over and do not have to make a great liv ing to survive.6. (2016 安徽江南十校联考)The doors here are really , all made ofgood wood like mah

14、oga ny.7. (2016 山东临沂质检)Tom told me that he needed a chair and that soon he found8. (2016 长春一调)Which of the white shirts appeals to you most?prefer a yellow one.9. (2016 南京一模)By 2025, when the number of consumers worldwide has reached4.2 billi on , people with high in come will be, for the first time

15、 , more tha n struggli ng to meet basic n eeds.10. (2016 山东师大附中五模)Lei Feng is a hero, I think, that will beremembered by Chin ese forever.11. (2016 陕西西北工大附高六模)一 How old can you guess your new English teacher is?It s hard to say.But I guess him to bebetweennd 40.12. (2016 浙江高考最后冲刺卷)Excuse me, but cou

16、ld you please stop! Such anargume nt is not gett ing you.13. (2016 吉林延边质量检测)My apartment is being decorated, so I have to rentun til it has bee n fini shed.14. (2016 四川成都外国语学校月考)The pronunciation of the speakers living inLondon is judged to be more n ative tha nof the speakers from Liverpool.15. (20

17、16 成都一诊)We live in a world in which only the strongest can maketo the top.16. (2016 北京海淀区一模)With the loss of her husband in the earthquake the twochildre n mea nto the young mother.17. (2016 四川泸县九中一诊)Many people agree that there has never been a moresple ndid ope ning cerem ony tha nof the Beiji ng

18、Olympic Games in history.18. (2016 福建漳州七校联考二)We agreed to acceptthey thought was thebest tourist guide.19. (2016 江西余江二模)My boss made clear that one in three of uswill have to leave n ext mon th.20. (2016陕西西工大第五次适应性训练)It s a lovely dayn t it?Yeslove when the weather is like this.Why do n t we sit out

19、side andhave our lun ch?21. (2016 山东潍坊一模)The customer didn t chooseof the coats andwent away without look ing at a third one.22. (2016 安徽蚌埠三校期中)Which of the three ways shall I take to the village?way as you please.23. (2016 南昌高三一模)I have no time to readof Liu Lianzi s novels, butjudgi ng from Lege n

20、d of Con cub in eZhe n Huan I ve read, she is very promis ing.24. (2016 南开高中二模)Not having found, he had to go home with emptyhan ds.25. (2016 湖南怀化四模)I would really appreciateif you can give me someadvice on how to get the positi on.26. (2016 四川石室中学一模)1 watched a film yesterday, but it wasn fes gooda

21、swe watched last week.27. (2016 宝鸡二检Actually neither side is prepared to give in to thein theborder n egotiati on.28. (2016 云南四模)1 ve achieved a lot in my study, thanks towho helped me.29. (2016 天津南开中学 4 月考试)一Do you haveready for the openingceremony, Ted?No, we still need some volunteers.30. (2016 浙

22、江六市六校联盟考前模拟)一Is Michael a man with good manners?I don t think so. As a matter of fact, he isbut polite.31. (2016 陕西五校一模)一Hurry up! There s a bus comi ng!Why run? There will beone in two or three minu tes.32. (2016 四川成都一诊)There is still a copy of the book in the library.Would yougo and borrow?No, I d

23、 rather buyin the bookstore.33. (2016 江西吉水二模)Grandma will appreciateif her elder sister couldcome back from abroad.34. (2016 浙江重点中学协作体摸底)1 velways wan ted an MP5 and I vjustsaved eno ugh money to buy.35. (2016 山西二次诊断)一Given one more week, I ll getready.Then we ll have a dinner out to celebrate your

24、success.36. (2016 安徽 4 月模拟冲刺)With the comi ng of new tech nologies like computers,writi ng by hand has becomeof an outdated skill.37. (2016 四川成都七中二诊)Do you have any more bags of this size?I m sorry we ve soldbut this one.38. (2016 福建莆田质检)The emergency center is in great need of O type blood,but ther

25、e isat hand.39. (2016 陕西西安长安一中一模)The you ng member made several proposals, andnone ofwere con sidered to be practical or acceptable.40. (2016江西师大附中等重点中学联考 )Work hard and try to make what theteachers teachin class.41. (2016 北京朝阳区综合练习一)一He found a baby in his car when he came backfrom the supermarket.

26、 Andwas crying for some milk.When was? was in 2 000 when he was still in college.42. (2016 重庆万州二中模拟)It is said that Tom is a wise manager in yourcompa ny.Oh, no, he isbut a wise leader.43. (2016 湖南怀化二模)一“ Man From the Stars ” is one of the most popular SouthKorea n TV plays in China no wadays.But I

27、m afraid it can t interest_44. (2016 宁波二模)1 d appreciateif you can turn the radio down, for mybaby is sleep ing.45. (2016 南京二模)By 2025, when the number of consumers worldwide hasreached 4.2 billio n, people with high in come will be, for the first time, morethanstruggli ng to meet basic n eeds.46. (

28、2016 天津一中模拟)It is said that Frank is very rich and is always changinghis private cars. What is he? of a man ager, I am not sure.47. (2016 江西新余一中模拟 一- )The story is about an old Indian farmer and anAmerican tourist in India, of them understanding the other s Ianguage.经典模拟试题1. (2015 河北保定三校联考)He once p

29、lugged up the spout (嘴)of a teapot andplacedon the fire.2. (2015 山西康杰中学月考)The frog explained to them thatwas wrongwith his heari ng.3. (2015 河北邯郸市一模)We offer them three choicesthe end of March,the middleof April and the beg inning of May, and they chose the earliest.4. (2015 甘肃民乐一中诊断)I na successful

30、 bus in essma nnow and whe never I thi nk about the troubles of the world , I th ink about that little girl and the remarkableless on about life that she taught5. (2015 贵州六校联盟联考二)lsn _ttoo bad that Alfred can doarithmetic?6. (2015 海南中学月考)Do you find thatis difficult to find a suitable jobthis year?7

31、. (2015 内蒙古包钢一中月考)Daisy: Well, first of all , I found my wallet gone.Travel agency: Hmm, I apologize.Did you findwallet?8. (2015 河南洛阳一高月考)Chopsticks originated in China, but arewidely used in many Asia n coun tries.9. (2015 乌鲁木齐一中月考 )He was very proud of her and always wan ted to showoffto his frie

32、nds.10. (2015 广东揭阳一中、潮州金山中学联考 )A large variety of Ianguages exist inthe world.Every Ian guage hasown special words and expressi ons.11. (2015 黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)Scott isof the top students in thecollege.12. (2015 甘肃嘉峪关一中月考)The price of tea picked in March is extremely highbecauseis fresh tender and contains

33、 multiple trace elements.13. (2015 海南三校联考)I am terribly sorry to hear the accident.I will look intoimmediately and give you a satisfactory reply.14. (2015 河南开圭寸联考)Some pour the remains of a meal when there is still muchleft ; simply walk away after washing hands leaving the water running.15. (2015 黑

34、龙江哈三中二模 )When a person is curious about something it meanshe is in terested in it and wishes to know someth ing about it.There iswrongwith curiosity in itself.16. (2015辽宁瓦房店高级中学考前模拟)Tom: I ll go with you.Mary: OK.can go there by bus.17. (2015 宁夏大学附属中学二模)We sang songsand played games with the oldpeop

35、le and had tea together.Someofwere in poor health and were veryun happy.II go out18. (2015 黑龙江大庆一中段考二)But I think he works too hard.1 hope heand enjoyfor a cha nge.19. (2015 甘肃张掖市诊断三)A Boeing 777 took off from Malaysia s largest city ofKuala Lumpur at 0: 41 am on March 8.destination was Beijing.20.

36、(2015辽宁瓦房店高级中学考前模拟)1 will go to Liverpool on businesstomorrow morni ng and now I haveto buy in the supermarket.21. (2015 河北衡水中学一模)I m so glad to see yDavid.has been sucha long time.How are you?22. (2015 宁夏大学附属中学一模)The differenee between a man who succeeds andwho does n ot lies only in the way each t

37、reats opport un ities.23. (2015 广东汕头一模)Starving,they had to eat each other to survivthough thispicture makeslook heroic rather tha n viole nt.24. (2015 吉林一中模拟)Keeping in touch with our friends is an important part offrien dship.This does not mea n thathave to write or call our frie nds everyday.25.

38、(2015 河北衡水中学模拟)Some like to call their friends.Others prefer to email their frien ds.Stillprefer writi ng letters.26. (2015 山西太原五中月考)It is said that a short tempered man in the SongDyn asty (9601279) was very an xious to helprice crop grow up quickly.27. (2015 河南洛阳联考)When the you ng are feeli ng tha

39、t they reot deali ngproperly, they turn tothat they can control and food is accessible for themto con trol.28. (2015 江西南昌模拟)Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for avacati on .Some of my frie nds who had bee n there before said was awon derful holiday dest in atio n.29. (2015 山东聊城联考)was rich i

40、n metaphor隐喻)and characterdevelopmen, while the other was humorous but too shallow.30. (2015 浙江温州十校联考)Womeh s Day is around the corner, and I mconsidering buying a gift for Mum , that is to her taste.31. (2015 四川成都高新区月考)Peter, though a green hand, has earned not only thetrust of his fellow workers b

41、ut alsoof his boss.32. (2015 安徽六校联考一 )The hard part in our life is not making the decision butlivi ng with.33. (2015 浙江江山实验中学月考)I agree with most of what her lecture said, but Idon t agree withshe said.34. (2015 江苏南京调研)一Why was the movie a turn off? I thought you likedthrillers.Well, I do enjoy it.

42、However, I dislikewhen the actors expressions are sofake and unn atural.35. (2015 江西遂川中学月考一)We are in great need of a more capable monitor,with straightforward pers on ality as well as good humor.36. (2015 浙江重点中学适应性测试一)road out of town is good, but thisone is better than the other.37. (2015 湖南长沙一中期中

43、)As for the plan some agree while others don m t. Ione ofopposed to it.38. (2015 福建福州八中质检二 )In societies where social roles are determ in ed, boysusually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girlsof their mothers.39. (2015 重庆一中月考)“ I have to go,” she said, and withshe hungup the pho ne.Section 2

44、代词【高考真题演练】1. 2016年高考真题1. that 句意:在很多方面,美国的教育体系和英国的教育体系不是很不相同。指代上文的名词education system用that,而且后面有介词短语作后置定语。2. it 句意:我的父母在抚养孩子的方式上是一致的,但在切实执行时大部分 还是落在了我妈妈身上。it代指上文提到的their way of raising children。3. it 句意:我讨厌她在上班的时候给我打电话。我总是太忙了不能和她进行 谈话。it作形式宾语,代指when引导的从句。4. itself 5.0thers 6.myself2. 经典高考真题1. it 句意:如

45、果你正在看最喜爱的电视节目,这时有人进来没有征求你的意见就把电视关了,你会怎么想。固定表达how would you like it if.,在此结构中it代替后面if句的内容。2. nobody 句意:会议将在九月召开,但是没人知道具体日期。句中的关键词为but,表转折,故nobody没有人,符合句意。3. other 句意:为了让自己暖和起来,这个水手坐在火堆旁,光着脚,用一只脚搓另一只脚。表示两者中的一个,另一个,用one.the other.4. none 句意:Niki总是有很多想法,但对我来说没有一个是有用的。三者或三者否定以上用none,可指人也可指物。5. that 句意:这所

46、规模较小的学校的教育质量比一些规模较大的学校的教育质量好得多。表示比较时,指代前面的quality of education,为了避免重复,要用that代替前面提到的不可数名词。6. neither 句意:这个研究组发布了以调查为基础的两个报道,但是都没有有 用的建议。 表示“两者都不”要用neither。7. neither 句意:她已经在伦敦和曼彻斯特生活过,但这两个地方她都不喜欢,就搬到了剑桥。根据题意,表达两个地方都不喜欢用neither。8. it 句意:去年年平均降水是18.75厘米,使得自从加利福尼亚在1850年建州以来成为最干旱的一年。这里考查代词,指代上文提到的年平均降水一事

47、,答案用it。9. no th ing 句意:一个微笑不会费掉什么,但会给予很多。对应后面的much,空缺处应该填的代词为nothing。 句意:一一门口的那个人是谁?一一是送牛奶的人。考查代词用法。用 以指代不明性别的人时常用it。 句意:苏珊清楚地向我表明,她希望自己开始一种新生活。句中that shewished to make.是真正的宾语,空格处应为形式宾语,故用it。12. anywhere 句意:我认为斯达克夫人差不多介于50和60岁之间。根据题 意,这里表达的是“将近,差不多”,所以答案是anywhere。13. others 句意:在一些国家,人们吃东西时

48、使用筷子,而在其他国家,使用刀和叉。固定短语some.others.表示“一些其他的”,故答案为others。14. everything 句意:优秀的家庭对它的成员们来说意味着许多,但并不是一切。根据题意,表示“并非一切”其实是部分否定。everything与表示否定意义 的词用在一起可表示部分否定,答案为everything。15. Everyone/Everybody 句意:你可以找任何人帮忙。这儿的每一个人都愿意帮助你。根据上下文逻辑可知此处表示“这里的每个人”故答案为every one或everybody。由于设空处后为is,故all(所有人)不符合。16. it 句意:如果你提前让

49、我知道你是否会来,我将不胜感激。考查代词。Iappreciate it if属于固定句式,表示“如果我将不胜感激”。17. Either 句意:“我什么时候给你打电话,是在上午还是在下午? ” “都可 以。我整天都在家”。根据答语所述的“一整天都在家”可知,上午或下午都是 可以的,两种情况选择其中的一种都可以用 Either。【模拟试题精练】1. 2016年模拟试题1. none 考查代词。答语的第二句提到iPhone 6花光了答话人所有的钱,由此可知答话人现在手头上没有钱,故用none,相当于no money。2. another 此处another表示“又,再”。根据语境可知,报告没有完成

50、,再有10分钟才能完成。3. both 根据对话中的 “ the black tie or the red one”和 have a chang6可判断出“两者都要”,故答案为both。4. Neither 此处表示“我既不用电话也不用手机和朋友交谈,而是用微信”。 neither表示“两者都不”,符合语意。5. one 考查代词。句意:我只是选择了一种更简单的生活方式,一种可以到处骑自行车,不必为生活奔忙的生活方式。one是a simpler lifestyle的同位语。6. something 句意:这儿的门真是极品,全部由红木一类的优质木材制成。 something在这里表示“想来重要(

51、或值得注意)的事物”。7. one 句意:汤姆告诉我他需要一把椅子,不久他就找到了一把。one在此 泛指同类事物中的一个。8. None 句意:一一你最喜欢哪一件白衬衫?一一哪一件都不喜欢。我喜欢黄 色的衬衫。从“prefer a yellow one ”可以看出答话者哪件白衬衫也不喜欢,根据most”可知,这是三者或三者以上的比较,none表示三者及三者以上的否定。9. those 句意:到2025年,当世界各地消费者的数目已经达到 42亿,那些高 收入的人将会是第一次比努力解决温饱的人要多。空处指代的是人,而且是复数, those作替代词,既可指物,也可指人。10. one 句意:我认为雷

52、锋是一位英雄,一位将被中国人民永远记住的英雄。 句中one与前面的hero构成同位关系,并作后面定语从句的先行词。11. any where 考查不定代词。句意:你猜一下你的新英语老师多大了?很难说,但是我想差不多是 35到40岁吧。anywhere意为“任何地方、将 近”。12. any where 句意:打扰了,但是请你停下来好吗?这样的争论不会让你有 什么好处。an ywhere任何地方。get any where为固定搭配,意为“有所成就,有 进展”。13. one 句意:我的公寓在装修,因此不得不租住一个公寓直到装修结束。one 表示泛指,指代前面可数名词 apartmen。14.

53、that 考查代词。句意:住在伦敦的讲话人发音比那些来自利物浦的说话人 的发音被认定是更地道。that可等于前文提到的the+名词,题干中相当于the pronunciation。15. it 考查代词。句意:我们生活在这样一个世界里 一一只有最强的人才能爬 得最高。make it获得成功,为固定搭配。16. everything 考查不定代词。句意:地震中她失去了丈夫,对于这位年轻的 母亲来说两个孩子就是她的一切。everything 切。17. that 考查代词。句意:很多人同意历史上没有比北京奥林匹克运动会更好的开幕式。比较级中出现代指,只能用that。18. whoever 考查代词

54、。句意:只要是他们认为的最好的导游,无论哪一个我 们都接受。whoever指代the best tourist guide表示的是人,故用 whoever。19. it it是形式宾语,代替后面的that从句。make it clear that.意思是“明确 表示,弄清楚”。此句的意思是“我的老板明确表示下个月我们三人中的一人将不得不离开。”20. it 考查 it 作形式宾语的句型。动词 love,like,hate, dislike,enjoy,prefer, appreciate等词后一般不能直接跟句子,前面要加it,然后再接when或if引导的 句子。21. either not与b

55、oth、all连用为部分否定,与 any、either连用为完全否定。根据后半句可知用完全否定且两件外套不可用any,故用either。22. Any 句意:一一这三条路我走哪条路可到达那个村庄? 一一你可以走任何 一条路。根据题干中的three ways及句意,可知语境指三者或三者以上,any表 示三者或三者以上中的任何一个,符合句意,故为答案。23. all 句意:我没有时间读完流潋紫的所有小说,但是我从读过的甄 嬛传 可以判断她是很有前途的。当否定词 no/not/hardly.与all/every等连用时,表示 的是部分否定,意为“并不是所有的/每一个都”。24. anything 句

56、意:什么也没有找到,他不得不空着手回家。前半部分是分词 结构,not与anything连用,相当于nothing,表示完全否定,但不能使用nothing, 因为再与not连用时,为双重否定,表示肯定。25. it 句意:如果你能就如何得到这个岗位而给出建议我会很感激的。根据句 意及句型,此处应用it作形式宾语。26. that 句意:我昨天看了一场电影,但它没有我们上个星期看的电影好看。这里需要一个代词特指the film we watched last week,也就是说指代可数名词,但应该是同名不同物(一个类别),答案是that。27.other 根据neither side”可知,此处指


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