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1、refer to ? 继续她的事业 做研究 1. 迫不及待做某事 2. 4. 提高成绩 5. 为高考做准备 carry on her good work do some research cant wait to do have a family of her own improve studies prepare for the entrance examinations. draw a conclusion title ? Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) T or F find the evidence 1.

2、 Lin Qiaozhi specialized in Children diseases and she wrote a book explaining how to cut the death rate of babies. 2. Lin Qiaozhi s book was intended for mothers in the countryside in case of some emergency. Lins_brief introduction 偶然地 碰巧看到 吸引某人注意 减少死亡率 不得病 找到大夫 by chance come across catch ones eye

3、cut the death rate free from sickness reach a doctor Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) Lins _ character / qualities 1. 突然想到 2. 仅次于 3. 学医 4. 接生 sth. hit sb. A be placed second toB get medical training deliver a baby Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) 1. I

4、dint know the answer until one evening when I sat down _the computer to do some research _ great women of China. 2. She gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free_ sickness. 3.That was a generation when girls education was always placed second _ boys. 4. There was st

5、ory _ story of how Lin Qiaozhi tired after a days work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her. 5. I discovered that lin Qiaozhi had devoted her whole life _ her patients and had chosen not to have a family _ her own. _ She made suree that about 50,000 babies we

6、re safely delivered at on from to after to ofInstead Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) 2. It was a small book _(explain) how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. 3. She gave some simple rules _(follow) for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sicknes

7、s. 4. I realized that it _ (intend) for women in the countryside. 1. It seemed that she had been very busy in her _ (choose) career, _ (travel)abroad to study as well as _(write) books and articles. 5. Suddenly _ hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. 6. It was

8、 still not too late for me _ (improve) my studies. expaining to follow was intended chosen travl(l)ingwriting it to improve Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) 1. Was she much _(clever) than anyone else? 2. _ (far) reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination

9、as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school. 3. Having failed to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead._ 4. Britain has a high rate of unemployment._ 5. When students rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list._ 6. To

10、day, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow im many families._ 7.欲知详情, 请访问我们的网站。(further) _ cleverer Further 找到/联系到 率 评估/评价 For further information, please visit our website. 差距 Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) 1. They escaped through an _ (紧急情况)exit

11、 . 2. He is _ (体贴的)toward old people. 3. _(consider) his ability and experience, he might have done better. 4. 受邀参加聚会, 他感到非常荣幸。(consider it + n + to do ) He considered it a great honour to be invited. 5. We will _your recent sickness _ (考虑)when marking your exams. 6. The letter was delivered to his

12、office. _ 7. Being naughty is childrens nature._ 爬山不仅让我们接近大自然, 也增进了我们之间的友谊(nature) emergency considerate Considering take consideration 递送 本性 Not only does moutain -climbing get us close to nature , it also promoted our friendship. Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) 4.She reach

13、ed into her bag_ a business card. 5. She shelf is so high that it is _ (我够不着). 6. As they were introduced, George _ (伸出手)to the Japanese studens. 7. Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table _ (在. 够得着的范围内)little children. 8.作为舞蹈家, 无人能出其右。 As a dancer , she is second to none. 9.Buyers will bargai

14、n hard to cut the cost of the house they want._ 10. The key here is to set yourself free from all the worrrying and to go back to your heart._ 11.It hit me that I had a choice. The song became a great hit in 1945. for out of my reach reached out his hand within the reach of 减少 免于/从.中解脱出来 Unit1Womenofachievement小课文课件-河北省新乐市第一中 学人教版英语必修4(共9张PPT) One of the great women I admire in history is Song Qingling. Song was born in 1893 in Shanghai . She was sent to study in USA. later on Song Qingling devoted all her life to her nat


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