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1、once upon a timethere was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.one day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. our world. this is how it happened-(s=snow;p=prince charming; q=queen)_:youre too late. p: no,no! open it._:im sorr

2、y. shes gone.p: at least let me say good-bye.s: you. you found me.p: did you ever doubt i would?s: truthfullythe glass coffin gave me pause.p: well, you never have to worry. i will always find you.s: do you promise?p: i do._:and do you, snow white, promise to take this man to be your husband and lov

3、e him for all eternity?s: i do._: i now pronounce you husband and wife. q: sorry im late._: its the queen. run!s: shes not a queen anymore. shes nothing more than an evil witch.p: no,no,no. dont stoop to her level. theres no need. youre wasting your time.youve already lost,and i will not let you rui

4、n this wedding.q: oh, i havent come here to ruin anything. on the contrary,dear.ive come to give you a gift.s: we want nothing from you.q: but you shall have it.my gift to youis this happy,happy day, for tomorrow my real work begins.youve made your vows. now i make mine. soon everything you love, ev

5、erything all of you love will be taken from you forever,and out of your suffering will rise my victory. i shall destroy your happiness,if it is the last thing i do.p: hey!_: that a good book?herry: this? its more than just a book._: boston south station. thank you for riding greyhound.driver: hold o

6、n.herry: uh,you take credit cards?driver:where to, chief?(e=emma; r=ryan; h=henry)r: emma?e:ryan? you look relieved.r:uh,well,it is the internet.pictures can bee:fake,outdated,stolen from a victorias secret catalog.r: exactly. soum,tell me something about yourself,emma.e:oh,uh,welltodays my birthday

7、.r:and youre spending it with me?what about your friends?e:kind of a loner.r:andyou dont like your family?e:no family to like.r:oh,come on. everyone has a family.e:technically, yeah, but not everyone knows who they are. ready to run yet?r:oh, not a chance. you, emma, are,by far, the sexiest friendle

8、ss orphan that i have ever met.e:okay. your turn. no,wait. let me guessss. um, you are handsome, charmingr:go on.e:the kind of guy who-and now stop me if i get this wrong-bezzled from your employer,got arrested, and skipped town before they were able to throw your ass in jail.r:what?e:and the worst

9、part of all of this is your wife. your wife loves you so much tha she bailed you out, and how do you repay that loyalty? youre on a date.r:who are you?e: the chick who put up the rest of the money.r:youre a bail bondsman.e:a bail bondsperson. really?r:come on. look, you dont have to do this,okay? i

10、can pay you. ive got money.e:no, you dont,and if you did, you should give it to your wife to take care of your family.r:what the hell do you know about family, huh?e:nothing. e: another banner year. (open the door) can i help you?h: are you emma swan?e: yeah. who are you?h: my names henry. im your s

11、on.e: whoa.hey, kid. kid.kid! i dont have a son. where are your parents?h: ten years ago, did you give up a baby for adoption? that was me.e: give me a minute.h: hey, you have any juice? never mind. found some. you know, we should probably get going.e: going where?h: i want you to come home with me.

12、e: okay, kid. im calling the cops.h: then ill tell them you kidnapped me.e: and theyll believe you, because im your birth mother.h: yes.e: youre not gonna do that.h: try me.e: youre pretty good, but heres the thing. theres not a lot im great at in life, but i have one skill,. lets call it a superpow

13、er. i can tell when anyone is lying, and you,kid, are.h: wait. please dont call the cops. please. come home with me.e: wheres home?h: storybrooke,maine.e: storybrooke? seriously? all righty then. lets get you back to storybrooke.(s=snow p=prince charming)p: whats wrong?s: nothing.p: youve thinking a

14、bout what the queen said again, arent you? snow,please. i cant keep having this conversation. you have to let it go. were about to have a baby.s: i havent had a restful night since our wedding.p: thats what she wants, to get in your head, but theyre only words. she cant hurt us.s: she poisoned an ap

15、ple because she thought i was prettier than her. you have no idea of what shes capable.p: what can i do to ease your mind?s: let me talkto him.p: him? you dont means: i do.p: no. no,no. its too dangerous.s: he sees the future.p: theres a reason hes locked up.s: can you promise me that our child will

16、 be safe? can you guarantee it? because he can.p: all right. for our child.(e=emma; h=henry)h: im hungry. do you want to stop somewhere?e: this is not a road trip. were not stopping for snacks.h: why not?e: quti complaining,kid. remember, i could have put your butt on a bus. i still could.h: you kno

17、w, i have a name. its henry.e: whats that?h: im not sure youre ready.e: ready for some fairy tales?h: theyre not fairy tales. theyre true. every story in this book actually happened.e: of course it did.h: use your superpower. see if im lying.e: just because you believe something doesnt make it true.

18、h: thats exactly what makes it true. you should know more than anyone.e: why is that?h: because youre in this book.e: oh, kid. youve got problems.h: yep, and youre gonna fixem.(s=snow; p=prince charming; r=rumplestiltskin.)_: when we reach the cell, stay out of the light, and whatever you do, do not

19、 let him know your name. if he knows your name, he will have power over you. rumplestiltskin. rumplestiltskin! i have a question for you.r: no, you dont. they do. snow white andprince charming. you insult me. step into the light and take of those ridiculous robes. thats much better.s: weve come to a

20、sk you about ther: yes, yes! i know why youre here. you want to know about the queens threat.s: tell us what you know!r: ohh. tense, arent we? fear not, for i can ease your mind, but its gonna cost you something in return.p: no. this is a waste of time.s: what do you want?r: the name of your unborn

21、child?p: absolutely not.s: deal. what do you know?r: the queen has created a powerful curse, and its coming. soon youll all be in a prison, just like me, only worse, for your prison, all of our prisons will be time, for time will stop, and we will be trapped someplace horrible, where everything we h

22、old dear, everything we love will be ripped from us, while we suffer for all eternity,while the queen celebrates,victorious at last! no more happy endings.s: what can we do?r:we cant do anything.s: who can?r: that little thing growing inside your belly.p: next time i cuit it off.r: the infant is our

23、 only hope. get the child to safety. get the child to safety,and on its28th. birthday, the child will return. the child will find you,and the final battle will begin!p: ive heard enough. were leaving.r: hey! you! we made a deal! i want her name! we had a deal! i need her name! h-h-her name!p: “her”?

24、 its a boy.r: missy. missy, you know im right.tell me. whats her name?s: emma. her name is emma.r: emma.15:53 (e=emma, h=henry, a= archie)e: okay,kid. how about an address?h: 44 im-not-telling-you street.e: look, its been a long night, and its almost8:15 ?h: that clock hasnt moved in my whole life.

25、times frozen here.e: excuse me?h: the evil queen did it with her curse. she sent everyone from the enchanted forest her.e: hang on. an evil queen sent a bunchch of fairy tale characters here?h: yeah, and now theyre trapped. frozen in time and stuck in storybrooke,mainee: thats what youre going with?

26、h: its true.e: then why doesnt everybody just leave?h: they cant. if they try, bad things happen.a: henry. what are you doing here? is everything all right?h: im fine, archie.a: who is this?e: just someone trying to give him a ride home.h: oh, shes my mom,archie.a: oh. i see.e: do you know where he

27、lives?a: yeah, sure. just right up on mifflin street. the mayors house is the biggest one on the block.e: youre the mayors kid?h: uh,maybe.a: hey, where were you today, henry? cause you missed our session.h: oh,well, i forgot to tell you, i went on a field trip.a: henrywhat did i tell you about lyin

28、g? giving in to ones dark side never accomplishes anything.e: okay. well, i really should be getting him home.a: yeah, sure.well,listen, have a good night,and,you be good, henry.e: so thats your shrink?h: im not crazy.e: didnt say that. justhe doesnt seem cursed to me. maybe hes just trying to help

29、you.h: hes the one who needs help,because he doesnt know.e: that hes a fairy tale character?h: none of them do. they dont remember who they are.e: convenient. all right. ill play. whos he supposed to be?h: jiminy cricket.e: right. the lying thing. i thought your nose grew a little bit.h: im not pino

30、cchio.e: of course youre not, cause that would be ridiculous.18:02(s=snow; p=prince charming;p: i say, we fight!fighting is a bad idea.giving in to ones dark side never accomplishes anything.and how many wars has a clear conscience won?p:we need to take the queen out before she can inflict her curse

31、.-can we even trust rumplestiltskin?p: ive sent my men into the forest. the animals are abuzz with the queens plan. this is going to happen,unless we do something.s: theres no point.the future is written.p: no. i refuse to believe that. good cant just lose.s: maybe it can.p: no,no.not as long as we

32、have each other. if you believe him about the curse, then you must believe him about our child. she will be the savior. what the hell is this?f: our only hope of saving that child.g: a tree? our fate rests on a tree? lets get back to the fighting thing.f: the tree is enchanted. if fashioned into a v

33、essel,it can ward off any curse.geppetto, can you build such a thing?ge:me and my boy-we can do it.f: this will work. we all must have faith. there is,however,a catch. the enchantment is indeed powerful, but all power has its limits,and this tree can protect only one.19:40 (h=henry; e=emma;r=regina)

34、h: please dont take me back there.e: i have to. im sure your parents are worried sick about you.h: i dont have parents-just a mom,and shes evil.e: evil? thats a bit extreme,isnt it?h: she is. she doesnt love me. she only pretends to.e: kid. im sure thats not true.r: henry? oh,henry.ohh. are you okay

35、? where have you been?! what happened?h: i found my real mom!r: y-youre henrys birth mother?-ill just go and check on the lad,make sure hes all right.r: how would you like a glass of the best apple cider you eve tasted?e: got anything stronger? how did he find me?r: no idea. when i adopted him, he w

36、as only 3 weeks old. the records were sealed. i was told the birth mother didnt want to have any contact.e: you wewe told right.r: and the father?e: there was one.r: do i need to be worried about him?e: nope. he doesnt even know.r: do i need to be worried about you, ms swan?e: absolutely not.-madame

37、 mayor, you can relax.other than being a tired little boy, henrys fine.r: thank you, sheriff. im sorry he dragged you out of your life. i really dont know whats gotten into him.e: kids having a rough time.it happens.r: you have to understand, ever since i became mayor, balancing things has been tric

38、ky. you have a job,i assume?e: uh, i keep busy, yeah.r: imagine having another one on top of it. thats being a single mom. so i push for order. am i strict? i suppose, but i do it for his own good. i want henry to excel in life. i dont think that makes me evil, do you?e: im sure hes just saying that

39、 because of the fairy tale thing.r: what fairy tale thing?e: oh, you know,his book,how he thinks everyones a cartoon character from it,like his shrink is jiminy cricket.r: im sorry. i really have no idea what youre talking about.e: you know what? its none of my business. hes your kid and i really sh

40、ould be heading back.r: of course.e: sneaky bastard.23:46 (s=snow; p=prince charming)s: i dont want to do this.p: it has to be you.s: im not leaving you.p: its the only way. youll go in there,and youll be safe from the curse.s: he said it would be on her 28th birthday.p: whats 28 years, when you hav

41、e eternal love? i got faith. you will save me,as i did you. what is it?s: the baby. shes coming.-wake up. wake up! look! the curse! its here!25:10 (e=emma;g= graham; r=regina; m=mary)leroy :what are you looking at,sister?-hey,leroy. manners. we have a guest. so you are,uh, henrys mother? how lovely

42、for him to have you back in his life.e: actually i was just dropping hime off.leroy:dont blame ya. theyre all brats. who needsem?-well,id give anything for one.my wife and i-we tried for many years,but,uh.it was not meant to be.leroy:well,cry me a river.g: leroy,im going to let you out. you need to

43、behave.put on a smile,and stay out of trouble.e:seriously?g: reginas drinksa little stronger than we thought.e: i wasnt drunk. there was a wolf standing in the middle of the road.g: a wolf. right.r: graham,henrys run away again. we have to-what is she doing here? do you know where he is?e: lady,i ha

44、vent seen him since i dropped him at your house,and i have a pretty good alibi.r: yeah,well,he wasnt in his room this morning.e: did you try his friends?r: he doesnt really have any. hes kind of a loner.e: every kid has friends.did you check his computer?if hes close to someone,hed be e-mailing them

45、.r:and you know this how?e: finding people is what i do. heres an idea.how about you guys let me out,and ill help you find him?smart kid. he cleared his in-box. im smart,too. a little hard disk recovery utility i like to use.g: im a bit more old-fashioned in my techniques.pounding the pavement,knock

46、ing on doors,that sort of thing.e: youre on salary. i get paid for delivery.pounding the pavement is not a luxury that i get. huh. theres a receipt for a web site. “whos your ”. its expensive. he has a credit card?r: hes 10.e: well,he used one. lets pull up a transaction record. “mary marga

47、ret blanchard.” whos mary margaret blanchard?r: henrys teacher.m: as we build our birthhouse,remember,what youre making is a home,not a cage.the bird is free and will do what it will. this is for them,not us. theyre loyal creatures. if you love them and they love you,they will always find you. well

48、pick this up after recess. no running. well, thank you. ms.mills,what are you doing here?r: wheres my son?m: henry? i assumed he was home sick with you.r: you think id be here if he was? did you give him your credit card so he can find her?m: im sorry. who are you?e: im hisim hisr: the woman who gav

49、e him up for adoption.e: you dont know anything about this,do you?m: no, unfortunately not. clever boy. i should never have given him that book.r: what in the hell is this book i keep hearing about?m: just some old stories i gave him. as you well know, henry is a special boy.so smart,so creative,and

50、 as you might be awarelonely. he needed it.r: what he needs is a dose of reality. this is a waste of time.have a nice trip back to boston.e: sorry to bother you.m: no,itsits okay. i fear this is partially my fault.e: hows a book supposed to help?m: what do you think stories are for? these storiesthe

51、 classics. theres a reason we all know them. theyre a way for us to deal with our world,a world that doesnt always make sense. see,henry hasnt had the easiest life.e: yeah, shes kind of a hard-ass.m: no,its more than her. hes like any adopted child. he wrestles with that most basic question they all

52、 inevitably face”why would anyone give me away?” i am so sorry. i am so sorry. i didnt mean in any way to judge you.e: its okay.m:look,i gave the book to him because i wanted henry to have the most important thing anyone can havehope. believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very pow

53、erful thing.e: you know where he is,dont you?m:you migt want to check his castle.30:00 (s=snow; p=prince charming)s: no. i canthave this baby now. doc, do something.p: its gonna be okay. the wardrobes almost finished.just-just hold on.-its ready.-its too late. we cant move her.-push.s:the wardrobe.

54、it only takes one.p: then our plan has failed. at least were together.s: no. you have to take her. take the baby to the wardrobe.p: are you out of your mind?s: no. its the only way. you have to send her.p: no,no,no,no. you dont know what youre saying.s:no, i do.we have to believe that shell come bac

55、k for us.we have to give her her best chance. good-bye,emma.p: find us.33:48 (e=emma;h=henry)e: you left this in my car. still hasnt moved,huh?h: i was hoping that when i brought you back,things would change her,that the final battle would begin.e: im not fighting any battles, kid.h: yes, you are. y

56、oure here because its your destiny. youre gonna bring back the happy endings.e: can you cut it with the book crap?h: you dont have to be hostile. i know you like me. i can tell. youre just pushing me away because i make you feel guilty. its okay. i know why you gave me away. you wanted to give me my best chance.e: how do you know that?h: its the same reason snow white gave you away.e: listen to me,kid. i am not in any book. im a real person. and im no savior. you were ri


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