1、剑桥商务英语BEC中级阅读全真试题READINGQUESTIONS 1-45PART ONEQuestions 1-7Look at the sentences below and the job advertisements on the opposite page.Which job does each sentence 1-7 refer to?For each sentence,mark one letter(A,B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than on
2、ce.1 You will be responsible for the operation of a computer system.2 You must be able to forecast what people will want to wear.3 You will be able to work with people from many different countries and backgrounds.4 You will have a qualification which covers two subject areas.5 It is necessary to ha
3、ve worked in this sector before.6 You will need to keep in contact with the headquarters of the organization.7 The advertisement emphasises the need to have a suitable approach to important people.ABUSINESS MANAGERYou will be responsible for our global business within specific countriesand will have
4、 a good understanding of international distribution, possiblybased on previous experience, plus the ability to work in markets that arehighly varied in theirculture. You willbe fluent ina second language, bewilling to travel extensively, and preferably have a degree.BDEPARTMENT STORE BUYERBased at o
5、ur head officein London, you willselectand orderstock from oursuppliersin Italy.You willneed to predictfashiontrendsand builda strongrelationship with our Italian office. You will have gained your buyingexperience in women s fashion and will hold a degree in design with abusiness studies component.C
6、LEGAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATORAs head of the legal office, your work will include managing the office ITnetwork,typing reports,diary maintenance and supervisionof anotherstaffmember. You will need good organizational skills in order to keep ahead ofa variedworkload. You willbe dealingwith senior execu
7、tivesand governmentofficials, so a mature and efficient manner is essentialDREGIONAL LEISURE SITES MANAGERYou willbe responsibleforbudgetaryplanning,contract negotiations,localmarketingand effectiveadministration.You willcommunicate frequentlywithour main office using the latest technology. Your exp
8、erience could be fromany business sector but you should enjoy outdoor lifeand willideallypossessan estate management qualification.PART TWOQuestions 8-12 Read the extract below from an article about the coffee industry. Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the
9、gaps. For each gap8-12 , markone letter (A-I )on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once.Coffee is worth approximately $50-60bn per annum in terms of world sales.It is a truly international commodity, and today more than 50 countries inthe worldgrow coffeebeans. ( example) _I_. ICO o
10、rganizationhelpscoffee producers and promotes coffee conumption worldwide.ICO estimates that world production next year will reach 97.5 millionbags.11.3 million bags higher than the current year. (8) _. Asthe largestproducingcountry, Brazilis particularlyimportant inthecoffeeworld. In1994 Brazilwas
11、responsiblefor 25%of world production,Colombiawas next with 13.4%, Indonesia had 7.5%, Mexico 4.7%, Guatemala 3.8% and Ethiopia and Vietnam were equal with 3.4%.Coffee is a tough crop, and can be grown in areas where it is difficult or impossible to grow other crops. (9) However, disease is always p
12、roblem for coffee production, as we can see in some parts of South America at the moment.ICOis active in educating farmers about avoiding disease and dealing with problems when they occur.The distributionchain variesfrom countryto country, explainsPablo Dubois.In most countriesthe smallerfarmers sel
13、ltheircropto a localtrader, whothen sells it on to exporters.There are, however,otherdistributionsystems.(10) _. Some countries, like Vietnam, have special government marketing organizations for coffee.Coffee prices often vary greatly from one year to the next. In 1997, for example, there was a larg
14、e rise in the world price, which was immediatelyfelt by the consumer.Rising prices alwaysresult in adrop in sales, whichwill have a bad effect on those developing countries, which are highly dependent on foreign exchange from coffee exports. (11)_.In the opinion of Pablo Dubois, the biggest problem
15、for his organisationisto create greater consumer awareness of the different varieties of coffeeand different ways of preparing it. (12)_. ICO is thereforeconcentrating its promotional activities on Russia and China. It is alsoencouraging environmentally friendly coffee production, and last yearssemi
16、nar on coffee and the environment created a lot of interest.The future looks bright for the coffee industry. It is estimated thatconsumption over the next few years will continue to rise steadily. Newmarkets like Eastern Europe and China are expected to develop fast.A.As a result,the membership now
17、represents94% of allexportersand 60%of all importers.B. In some of these countries, this can amount to as much as 50% of all export earning.C. In North America, most consumers already have above average knowledgeof the range available.D.For example, frost and windare particularly damagingto coffee c
18、rops.E. Larger coffee growers, for example, frequently export directly.F. The main reason for this is higher Brazilian output as production recovers from weather damage to crops.G.Itis cultivatedin mountain regionswhich can only be reached by animaltransport, and in other difficult areas where moder
19、n agriculturalequipment cannot be used.H.This isbecause thereis a demandforcoffeein Germany, and itis alsosold in the UK and in the US.I. This make the coffee industry fairly universal, according to Pablo Dubois, Head of the International Coffee Organisation (ICO), based in London.PART THREEQuestion
20、s 13-20Read the article below about stress management, and answer questions 13-20 on the opposite page.A Lesson In Stress ManagementDemands placed on us at work can often lead to considerable worry and discomfort. There are, however, ways of protecting ourselves from the stresswe face at work. We in
21、terviewed Jane Collard, a consultant in stress management.1. In Jane Collard s opinion, stress is becoming an increasingly common feature of the workplace. Stress is a highly individual reaction, whichvaries considerably from person to person, and it is difficult for some employees to avoid it. Inde
22、ed, stress is regarded by many as part of the organizational culture of our institutions: it comes with the job. Recent figures indicate that time taken off work because of stress has increasedby 500 per cent since the 1950s. Undoubtedly, changes in working conditions have led to greater pressure at
23、 work at all levels. With reductions instaffing, workloads for individual employees have increased. In addition, many employees are left worrying about the security of their jobs.2.On the stressmanagementcourses that she runs,Jane Collardtriestomakethe trainees realise that stress in itself is not h
24、armful. Everyone needsa certain level of stress to enable them to feel motivated and to performeffectively.A complete absence of stresscan be as damaging as overstress,since it can make people lose interest in their work, and even lead todepression. The difficulties occur when the amount of stress r
25、ises above alevel which is healthy for a particular individual. If this happens, theeffectsare veryobvious and the traineesaretaughtto recognize thesigns.Stress may be expressed physically, for example through headaches andtiredness, or through emotional problems such as depression. A personsufferin
26、g from stress may also start to behave differently, and can bedifficult to deal with.3.Whileitmay not always be possibletopreventstress,thereare a numberofways inwhich it can be controlled.The firstthingthatthetraineeslearnishow to managetheir time effectively.Thisinvolves,firstofall,settingrealisti
27、c goals for both the short and long term. Once this framework hasbeen established, tasks are then prioritised on a daily basis. The trainees are also reminded that when they are under pressure the less important itemsshould be left, and they should never hesitate to delegate. Everyone isencouraged t
28、o look at ways of reducingwasted time , for example bygrouping similar tasks together or dealing with items immedkiately.4. Jane feels that one of the most useful features of the course is thatit enablestrainees to dealwith thosedemandsordeadlinesthatthey regardas unreasonable. They are encouraged t
29、o avoid being defensive, but at thesame time they are advisednot to be afraidof saying no. They areaskedto give reasons only if necessary. The training helps them to foreseedifficult situations or unwanted demands, and they learn how to preparethemselves mentally. Everyone is encouraged not to get s
30、tuck in negativethought patterns, where stress can feed a circular sense of helplessness.One solutiontheydiscussis to thinkof a more encouragingalternativeforeach negative message. They learn, for example, to remind themselves thatnothing terriblehappens when a demandisrefusedor a deadlinemissed. Li
31、fegoes on.Questions 13-16For questions13-16 , choose the best title for each numberedparagraph from the list below.For each numbered paragraph 1-4 , mark one letter( A-G) on your AnswerSheet.Do not use any letter more than once.A Higher stress levels among top managersB Coping with stress through a
32、positive attitudeC Time lost at work through sicknessD Causes of increased stress in the work environmentE Explanations for missed deadlinesF stress reduction through better organisationG Typical problems associated with stress13 Paragraph 114 Paragraph 215 Paragraph 316 Paragraph 4Questions 17 20Us
33、ing the informationin the text,complete each sentence 17-20 witha phrase A-G from the list below.For each question17-20 , mark one letter(A-G) on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any letter more than once.17 Most people agree thatthe recentincreasein stressisdue to changesin _.18 The trainees are taught
34、 that the right level of stress at work isimportant for good.19 Trainees learn that one way of limiting stress is by deciding upon.20 One of the most important parts of the course is learning how to react toA levels of performanceB shorter deadlinesC employment practicesD higher levels of sicknessE
35、unfair demandsPART FOURQuestions 21-35 Read the text below about job prospects at the Provincial Bank. Choose the correctword A, B, C, or,D on the oppositepage to filleachgap. For each question 21-35 , mark one letter ( A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet.Employment Opportunities for Graduates with
36、the Provincial Bank The Provincial Bank is one of the biggest (example) _institutions in the U.K. With its 1,900 branches and 58,000 employees,ithas (21) _ a household name. Almost 4,000 of these employees(22) _ managerial or executive positions. The bank has an outstanding (23) _ of profitability,
37、which has been achievedby introducing innovations at the same time as maintaining leadership of the (24) _.The bank s comprehensive training programme concentrates on (25)_ the most important skills that graduates need in order to(26) _ early management responsibility. Trainees take responsibility f
38、or their own continuous self-development throughvisitingotherbranches and departments,and by (27)_ coursesin management skills. They also receive training in order to increasetheir knowledge of the banks (28) _. The bank supports(29)_ of staffwho wish to take professionalexaminations,andits Graduate
39、 Training Scheme is (30)_ to the nationallyrecognized Diploma in Management.Obviously the quality of its mangers is of (31)_ importanceto the banks performance.Itwelcomes good graduates in any subjectarea,(32)_ they can demonstrate the ability to influence events,and have the potential to (33)_ both
40、 as leaders and as partof a team. Most graduate trainees join the Retail Banking division initially. Those starting on this programme will soon have the(34)_ to work in other parts of the bank and can(35)_ a varied and flexible working life.Example:A budgetaryB fiscalC financialD economicExample0ABC
41、D21A openedB enteredC turnedD become22A holdB doC keepD own23A careerB catalogueC recordD experience24A areaB tradeC recordD market25A makingB reachingC developingDheightening26A presentB treatC dealD handle27AobservingBattendingCinvolvingDstaying28AservicesBgoodsCcreationsDabilities29A colleagueB m
42、embersC peopleD persons30AqualifiedBcombinedCfastenedDlinked31AmainBvitalCnecessaryDsuperior32AthereforeBthusCprovidedD only33A succeedB realizeC gainD overcome34AchoiceB chanceC likelihoodDprobability35A forecastB believeC supposeD expectPART FIVESection AQuestions 36-40Read the text below about a
43、special kind of competition.In most of the lines36-40 there isone extra wordwhichdoes notfit. One or two lines, however, are correct.If a line is correct, writeCORRECT on your Answer Sheet.Ifthere isan extraword inthe line,write theextraword inCAPITALLETTERSon your Answer Sheet.Examples:0 The intern
44、ational Youth Skills Olympics is a vocational skills competition in0CORRECT00which the young people demonstrate their achievements in a range of areas.00THE36 The competition, which there is held every two years, is organized by the international37 Training Organisation. All U.K. competitors qualify
45、 for the team by getting through38 atough nationalcompetition.Theirbackgrounds are vary from artstosciences,39 and students to the self-employed. Since they do not know which skill area they40 will be tested in, they must to train for everything before the start of the competition.Section BQuestions 41-45Read the text below about market resear
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