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1、Fire and BombGeneralOrientation火灾及爆炸基础讲座Leader Guide主持人指南2 | Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座Things to remember要记住的用品Training room layout / Equipment LCD projector, laptop培训室布置/设备液晶投影仪,笔记本电脑Refreshments Water茶点 水Tutor notes / Leader guide导师笔记/主持人指南Support material Smoke detector, sprinkl

2、er head, fire extinguisher相关资料 烟雾探测器, 喷淋头, 灭火器As you leave, do not close doors or windows.Power Point slide show演示幻灯片| 3Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座Welcome to this orientation session entitled “We Have an Emergency Situation” which focuses on fire and bomb emergency response.欢迎来到“我们有

3、个紧急状况”的基础讲座,该讲座主要是关于如何应对火灾和炸弹的紧急情况Interest Hotel fires and bomb threats are a reality in the hotel兴趣 business.A fire or bomb explosion can not only destroythe hotel, they have the potentialof taking the lives ofguests and their families, or even the friends that you work with.酒店火灾和爆炸威胁实实在在存在于该行业。一场火

4、灾或炸弹爆炸不仅会摧毁酒店,它们还潜威胁到你的客人及家 属,甚至你的同僚们的生命。Need We need to plan our response to crisis events before需 求 they happen so that we can react calmly and quicklywhen they do happen.我们需要在危机发生前预先准备应对计划从而一旦危机发生,我们可以冷静又迅速地应对。This session will take 30 minutes.Well look at: Range这部分内容需要 30 分钟来完成。我们将涉及以下内容:范围?How

5、to prevent fires in hotels 如何防止酒店火灾的发生?? What is expected of you in a fire or bomb emergency situation 在火灾或炸弹袭击紧急状态中你该做些什么?There will be discussion and I will ask questions to see what you already know about emergency response.我们会有一场讨论。我会问一些问题来了解你对于紧急应对计划已经了解多少。| 4Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火

6、灾及爆炸物基础讲座By the end of this session you will be able to :-在这小节结束时,你将能够:? List at least three fire prevention precautions andexplain how they work 列出至少 3 个防火措施并解释他们如何实现? Describe what action you should take if you hearthe fire alarm or a bomb alert说明你应该采取什么行动,如果你听到火警警报或炸弹警报? Explain the importance of

7、 following evacuation procedures 说明按疏散流程实践的重要性What questions do you have before we begin?ASK:在我们开始之前你有什么问题?问:OK Lets begin with the most common emergencysituation a fire.好 我们从最常见的紧急情况开始火灾Q. When do you think the majority of fires happen in ahotel?问:你认为大多数酒店的火灾都发生在什么时候?A.After 6pm回答:下午 6 点以后Q. Why do

8、 you think that is?问:你认为是什么原因呢?A:People are relaxed after work and they are lesscareful than they would be at home.Remember that we are here to take care of them.回答:人们下班后都比较放松,他们不如在家时那么警惕。记得我们的任务是照顾好他们。火灾及爆炸物基础讲座 | 5Fire and Bomb General OrientationThe three things needed to start a fire are fuel, h

9、eat, and oxygen.You can stop the fire by removing one or more of these components.Well refer back to this triangle as we talk more about responding to a fire.引起火灾的三个必须元素是燃烧剂,热量和氧气。你可以 通过隔绝任意两个或所有元素来防止火灾。我们会在如何应对火灾中回看这个三角图示。There are two ways to prevent fires in a hotel.One is to build the property w

10、ith fire safety equipment, and theother is to focus on emergency planning and training, like we are doing now.Lets talk about each of these.有两种方式来防止酒店火灾。 一种是使用防火材料来建酒店,另一种是如我们现在所做的那样,注重应急规划和培训。我们来分别来讨论一下。Property Design建筑设计Automatic Fire Alarm System火灾自动报警系统? The hotel fire alarm system detects fire

11、s usingsmoke detectors, heat detectors, and breakglass points.酒店火灾报警系统使用到烟雾探测器,热量感应器以及紧急报警玻璃盒? When a fire is detected, you are warned by :(point out nearest smoke detector and breakglass point and describe your hotels alarm sound, which may include, horns, strobes ,and当发现火情,你会 voice evacuation mess

12、age)收到下述警报:(指出最近的烟雾探测器及紧,并描述你酒店的警报信号, 其急报警玻璃盒中可能包括了鸣笛,频闪灯以及紧急疏散信息)6 | Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座Automatic Fire Sprinklers消防自动喷淋头? This hotel (check whether fully or in part) is equipped with an automatic fire sprinklersystem. 此酒店已安装了消防自动喷淋系统? During a fire, heat rises and activates

13、 thesprinkler heads.发生火灾时,温度升高从而激活了喷头? Each head is independent of the others.每个喷头都独立不受其它喷头影响Automatic Fire and Smoke Doors自动消防门及自动感烟门? This hotel is equipped with fire and smoke doorsthroughout the property. 此酒店所有区域都安装了自动消防门及自动感烟门Doors act like hatches in a submarine 自动消防? 门好像潜艇舱门一样工作They compartme

14、ntalize the hotel ? 它们把酒店划分成各个区域Doors that are normally kept open will close?automatically 通常保持开放的门会自动关闭All doors must operate properly所有门必须正常?工作Never prop open doors - this includes laundry ?chute doors as this allows the fire to spread (永远)不要撑开门 - 这包括洗衣槽门,因为这使火势蔓延Exit Stairwells出口楼梯间? Exit stairwe

15、lls are the primary means of escapefrom the building during an emergency 紧急情况 下,消防楼梯出口是逃离酒店的主要逃生手段7 | Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座?They should never be locked (永远)不要锁上他们? Keep all doors closed at all times 任何时候都要保证所有的门关闭? If you find a door that does not close, tell your supervisor 如

16、果发现没有关闭的门,立即告诉你的上级? Do not block exits with storage or your cart 不要让物品或你的推车堵塞出口Emergency Lighting应急照明? Exit signs point to building exits 酒店大楼所有出口都有“出口” 标志? Emergency lights light the way out of the building 应急照明照亮离开酒店大楼的路? If you ever see a burned out emergency light,notify your supervisor 如果发现烧毁的应

17、急灯,告知你的上级Fire Extinguishers灭火器? This hotel is equipped with portable fire extinguishers 酒店配备了手提式灭火器? These can be used to fight small fires only ifyou have been trained to use them and if youfeel safe to do so 只有在安全的情况下并且只有接受过培训的人才可以使用该灭火器扑灭较小的火苗| 8Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座:P.A.S.

18、S.When using a fire extinguisher, remember: P.A.S.S.使用灭火器时要记住? Pull the Pin 拔出灭火器闩? Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire 将喷嘴对着火焰底部? Squeeze the trigger 挤压握柄? Sweep the flow from side to side 将灭火液来回横扫Emergency Planning and Training应急规划及培训Property design is all about the physical aspects of fireprev

19、ention.The other equally important aspect of fire prevention is emergency planning and training. The morewe practice what to do during an emergency, the moreable we are to make clear decisions and deal with iteffectively when it happens.建筑设计是关于硬件上如何来防火的。另一项同等重要的 内容是应急规划及培训。我们越多地演练紧急应对措施, 一旦危机发生, 我们就

20、越能明确决断高效处理了。So lets say that you walk into a room and discover the CLICK SLIDE trash bin is on fire.点击幻灯片现在我们假设你走进一间房间发现垃圾筒着火了Q. What is the first thing you should do?问:你第一件事该干什么?Contain the fire 控制火势Q. When we say contain the fire, what do we mean?问:当我们说控制火势,是指什么?A. Shut doors and windows and leave

21、 the area答 : 关上门窗,离开该区域 CLICK SLIDE点击幻灯片| 9 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座 Fire and Bomb General OrientationQ. Why?问:为什么?A. To stop the flow of air (oxygen) to the fire.Remember thefire triangle?答:为了制止空气对流(氧气)造成火灾。记得那个 三角图示吗?OK.We have contained the fire 好。我们已经控制的火势 点 CLICK SLIDEQ. Now what?击幻灯片问:现在该做什么Activatethe alar

22、m打响警铃Q. How can we do that?问:我们该怎样打响警铃呢?A. Break glass point / fire pullstation (explain how tobreak the glass in some countries you can simplypush the glass; in others you need to use a pen,heel of shoe etc. to smash the glass) 答:紧急报警玻璃盒/火警站(说明如何打碎玻璃-在某 些国家你只需推动玻璃;在另一些国家你需要用一支笔,高跟鞋尖等来打碎玻璃) 点 CLICK

23、SLIDE击幻灯片 Make sure everyone knows the telephone number ofemergency services.确保每个人都知道救急电话号码Report the fire报告火情Q. What do we mean by this?问:这是指什么?| 10Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座A.Call the front desk and report the location, type, size of fire, and if anyone is injured.答:打电话给前台,报告火灾地点

24、,形式及大小,并且是否有人受伤。Q. Why is this information important?问:为什么这些信息很重要?A. The front desk agent can then call emergency services and share this information答:前台人员可以打电话给紧急救援服务并共享此信息Remember to do this a safe distance from the fire.记住在离开火势的安全距离做这些。Extinguish and evacuate扑灭及疏散You can try to extinguish the fir

25、e if it is small and if it is safe to do so.Remember, the most important thing is to raise the alarm.如果火势还小且比较安全,你可以试图去扑灭它。记住最重要的事是打响警铃。If you do decide to attempt to extinguish the fire, remember to use PASS.Ensure that you positionyourself so that you have the fire in front of you and an exit behi

26、nd you.如果你决定尝试去扑灭火,记得 P.A.S.S.。确保你所在的位置前面是火苗,后面是出口。Q.Why is that important?问:为什么那很重要?A.So you can escape if the fire gets out of your control 答:因为那样如果无法控制火势,你就可以逃跑了。Also, be sure to never use a water extinguisher on an electrical fire.If you do, you could electrocute yourself.11 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座 Fire and

27、Bomb General Orientation |而且,记住永远不要用水来扑灭电器燃烧引发的火灾。如果那样, 你可能会触电。If you feel uncomfortable using an extinguisher or the fire is too large, evacuate after you have raised the alarm.如果你使用灭火器不顺或者火势太大,打响警铃后立即逃生。Q. Why should you raise the alarm before you evacuate?问:为什么要在逃生前打响警铃?A.It is important that you

28、 give others warning so that they can also evacuate.答:发出警示给其他人非常重要,那样他们也可以逃生了。Always ensure you know at least two emergency exits rom your place of work, as well as the assembly point.始终确保你知道在你工作地点的至少两个以上的紧急出口及集合点。Q. Where is the assembly point in our hotel?问:哪里是我们酒店的集合点?Now that you know what to do

29、 if you discover the fire,lets talk about what to do if you are in another part of thehotel and you hear the alarm.现在你知道了发现火情应该怎么做,接下来我们来讨论如 果你在酒店的其它位置,此时听到了警铃,这时该怎么 做?Control the spread of smoke控制烟雾扩散As you leave the building, close doors and windows to control the spread of smoke and stop the flow

30、 of air.当你离开酒店大楼,关闭门窗以控制烟雾扩散和制止空气 对流。| 12Fire and Bomb General Orientation 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座Provide assistance to guests向客人们提供协助Q. What assistance can you give to guests?问:你可以向客人们提供什么协助?A.Explain we have an emergency situation and direct them toward the assembly point.Also,provide assistance for less able

31、guests; for example wheelchair users or partially sighted guests (explain your hotels procedures for doing this).答:说明我们有一个紧急情况,并带领他们去集合点。同时,对老弱病残客人提供协助,例如坐轮椅的客人或视障客人(解释根据你们酒店流程这样做)Follow Departmental Procedures按照部门流程Explain that these are different depending on which department the employee works in

32、.These procedures should be explained in departmental induction.Give an example of a front desk agents responsibilities as an example.说明这些流程的不同取决于员工所在的部门。这些流程应该在部门别介绍时说明。用前台工作人员的案例来说明。Remember, panic and disorder can cost lives!Plan ahead and know what to do!记住,惊慌失措会有生命代价。提前计划,正确应对!13 火灾及爆炸物基础讲座 | F

33、ire and Bomb General OrientationBomb evacuation procedures爆炸物疏散流程A bomb threat is another potential crisis that we must be prepared for when we work in a hotel.Bomb evacuationis somewhat different from fire evacuation, so lets talkabout how to do it.炸弹威胁是另一个我们在酒店工作必须预防的潜在危机。爆炸物疏散和消防疏散多少有点不同,让我们来看一下如

34、何做到这一点。当你离开,不要紧闭门窗。Q. Why?问:为什么?A. This allows the blast to dissipate faster causing less damage.答:这样爆破造成损伤少,散热快。If a bomb explodes in the hotel, you want to make sure that you are well away from glassy areas so that you donot get cut by flying glass.如果酒店内发生爆炸,你要确保你远离那些玻璃区域以保证不被炸飞的玻璃割伤。Ensure you know several w


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