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1、半导体制造工艺实验姓名:章叶满 班级:电子1001 学号:10214021一、氧化E3:25.1:1. go athena#TITLE: Oxide Profile Evolution Example# Substrate mesh definitionline y loc=0 spac=0.05line y loc=0.6 spac=0.2line y loc=1 line x loc=-1 spac=0.2line x loc=-0.2 spac=0.05line x loc=0 spac=0.05line x loc=1 spac=0.2init orient=100# Anisotro

2、pic silicon etchetch silicon left p1.x=-0.218 p1.y=0.3 p2.x=0 p2.y=0# Pad oxide and nitride maskdeposit oxide thick=0.02 div=1deposit nitride thick=0.1 div=1etch nitride left p1.x=0etch oxide left p1.x=0# Field oxidation with structure file output for moviediffuse tim=90 tem=1000 weto2 dump=1 dump.p

3、refix=anoxex01mtonyplot -st anoxex01m*.str structure outfile=anoxex01_0.strquit实验截图:实验分析:当氧扩散穿越已生长的氧化剂时,它是在各个方向上扩散的。一些氧原子纵向扩散进入硅,另一些氧原子横向扩散。这意味着在氮化硅掩膜下有着轻微的侧面氧化生长。由于氧化层比消耗的硅更厚,所以在氮化物掩膜下的氧化生长将抬高氮化物的边缘。这就是LOCOS氧化工艺中的“鸟嘴效应”。这种现象是LOCOS氧化工艺中不受欢迎的副产物。氧化物较厚时,“鸟嘴效应”更显著。为了减小氮化物掩膜和硅之间的应力,在它们之间热生长一层薄氧化层垫氧。或者可以

4、使用浅槽隔离技术来代替LOCOS,这样就可以避免“鸟嘴效应”。E3:25.1:2. go athena#TITLE: Mixed Ambient Oxidation Example# This example demonstrates mixed ambient oxidation in 1D#foreach gas (2. to 8. step 2.)#line x loc=0.0 sp=1.0 line x loc=1.0 sp=1.0 line y loc=0.0 sp=0.05line y loc=1.0 sp=0.05initialize#diffuse time=60 temper

5、ature=1000 f.o2=gas f.h2=20.structure outfile=anoxex02_gas.str#endtonyplot -st anoxex02*.strquit实验截图:实验分析:实验描述的是当气流中通过四种不同浓度比的由氧气、水、氢、氮构成的混合气体时Si氧化成SiO2的不同程度,其中参数F.O2, F.H2O, F.H2, F.N2是每个气流中流的氧气、水、氢、氮的扩散语句。由图可以看出,不同的气体比例会得到不同的氧化效果。潮湿的氧化环境水蒸气在二氧化硅中扩散的更快、溶解度更高,更有利于硅氧化生长速率的加快。而无论是何种程度的氧化,二氧化硅的生长都是要消耗硅

6、的,氧化生长的越多,硅消耗的越多。硅消耗的厚度占氧化物总厚度的0.46。氧化物生长发生在氧分子通过已生成的二氧化硅层运动进入硅片的过程中。E3:25.1:9. go athena#TITLE: Orientation dependent Oxidation Example line y loc=0 spac=0.1line y loc=4 spac=0.1line x loc=-1 spac=0.1line x loc=1 spac=0.1#initialize with orientation of sidewalls along 100 directioninit orient=100 r

7、ot.sub=0method gridinit.ox=0.02 grid.ox=0.02# Anisotropic silicon etchetch silicon right p1.x=0.0 p1.y=2.0 p2.x=0.0 p2.y=0.0# Field oxidationdiffuse time=20 tem=1000 wet #extract name=toxx thickness oxide mat.occno=1 x.val=0.50extract name=toxy thickness oxide mat.occno=1 y.val=1.05# Save the struct

8、urestructure outfile=anoxex09_1.strline y loc=0 spac=0.1line y loc=4 spac=0.1line x loc=-1 spac=0.1line x loc=1 spac=0.1#initialize with orientation of sidewalls along 110 directioninit orient=100 rot.sub=45 # Anisotropic silicon etchetch silicon right p1.x=0.0 p1.y=2.0 p2.x=0.0 p2.y=0.0# Field oxid

9、ationdiffuse time=20 tem=1000 wet extract name=toxx thickness oxide mat.occno=1 x.val=0.50extract name=toxy thickness oxide mat.occno=1 y.val=1.05# Save the structurestructure outfile=anoxex09_2.str#plot each of the saved structurestonyplot -overlay anoxex09_1.str anoxex09_2.str -set anoxex09.set实验截

10、图:实验分析:上图中红线代表忽略晶向影响的情况,绿线代表考虑晶向影响的情况。实验表明,在氧化生长的线性阶段侧墙的生长氧化受到硅晶向的影响。而在抛物线阶段侧墙的生长氧化几乎不受硅晶向的影响。 E3:25.1:10. go athena #simflags=-V 5.6.0.R#TITLE: Oxidation Overlap in Narrow Trench Example# This example simulates oxidation in a narrow trench#line x loc=0.0 spac=0.2line x loc=1.0 spac=0.05#line y loc=

11、0.0 spac=0.05line y loc=0.7 spac=0.25line y loc=1.4 spac=0.05line y loc=2 spac=0.25 initialize#etch silicon start x=0.95 y=0.0etch continue x=1.0 y=0.0etch continue x=1.0 y=1.5etch done x=0.8 y=1.5#structure mirror right# Specifying fill on method statement causes voids in oxide to be filledmethod c

12、ompress fermi diffuse time=8 temp=1150 wet dump=1 dump.prefix=anoxex10mstructure outfile=anoxex10.str#tonyplot -st anoxex10m*.str anoxex10.strquit实验截图:实验分析:上图演示的是沟槽夹断现象。在用PECVD进行淀积的时候,随着淀积过程的不断进行,膜在间隙入口出产生夹断现象,并且导致在间隙填充中的空洞,影响电学特性和长期可靠性。为了避免这一现象的产生,我们可以采用HDPCVD进行淀积。HDPCVD即高密度等离子体CVD,它的主要优点在于可以在300到4

13、00摄氏度较低的淀积温度下,制备出能够填充高深宽比间隙的膜。二、扩散24.1:1. go athena#TITLE: Simple Boron Anneal#the x dimension definitionline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.1line x loc = 0.1 spacing=0.1#the vertical definitionline y loc = 0 spacing = 0.02 line y loc = 2.0 spacing = 0.20 #initialize the meshinit silicon c.phos=1.0e14#perfor

14、m uniform boron implantimplant boron dose=1e13 energy=70#perform diffusiondiffuse time=30 temperature=1000 #extract name=xj xj silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0 junc.occno=1#save the structurestructure outfile=andfex01.str#plot the final profiletonyplot andfex01.strquit实验截图:实验分析: 上图实验为硼的注入和退火的过程。红、绿、蓝线分

15、别表示硼、磷以及净掺杂。注入后形成高斯分布。随着硼浓度的下降,净掺杂浓度等于磷的浓度。离子注入通过高压离子轰击把杂质引入硅片,杂质通过与硅片发生原子级的高能碰撞,才能被注入。离子注入会将原子撞击出晶格结构而损伤硅片晶格。退火能够加热被注入硅片,修复晶格缺陷,还能使杂质原子移动到晶格点,将其激活,最小化杂质扩散。24.1:2. go athena# OED of Boron#the x dimension definitionline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.1line x loc = 0.1 spacing=0.1#the vertical definitionline y

16、 loc = 0 spacing = 0.02 line y loc = 2.0 spacing = 0.20 line y loc = 25.0 spacing = 2.5 #initialize the meshinit silicon c.phos=1.0e14#perform uniform boron implantimplant boron dose=1e13 energy=70#set diffusion model for OEDmethod two.dim#perform diffusiondiffuse time=30 temperature=1000 dryo2#extr

17、act name=xj_two.dim xj silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0 junc.occno=1#save the structurestructure outfile=andfex02_0.str# repeat the simulation with default FERMI modelgo athena#TITLE: Simple Boron Anneal#the x dimension definitionline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.1line x loc = 0.1 spacing=0.1#the vertical def

18、initionline y loc = 0 spacing = 0.02 line y loc = 2.0 spacing = 0.20 line y loc = 25.0 spacing = 2.5 #initialize the meshinit silicon c.phos=1.0e14#perform uniform boron implantimplant boron dose=1e13 energy=70#select diffusion modelmethod fermi #perform diffusiondiffuse time=30 temperature=1000 dry

19、o2#extract name=xj_fermi xj silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0 junc.occno=1#save the structurestructure outfile=andfex02_1.str# compare diffusion modelstonyplot -overlay andfex02_0.str andfex02_1.str -set andfex02.set实验截图:实验分析: 扩散工艺有二步,第一步为恒定表面浓度的扩散,第二步为有限源的扩散。在杂质浓度很高时,扩散系数不再是常数,而与掺杂浓度相关。该实验演示了氧化增强扩散(OED

20、)的模型。对硼来说,其在硅中的扩散可以通过间隙硅原子进行。氧化时由于体积膨胀,造成大量硅间隙原子注入,增加了硼的扩散系数。有利于扩散的进行。24.1:3. go athena#the x dimension definitionline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.1line x loc = 0.1 spacing=0.1#the vertical definitionline y loc = 0 spacing = 0.005 line y loc = 2.0 spacing = 0.20 line y loc = 25.0 spacing = 2.5 #initialize

21、 the meshinit silicon c.boron=1.0e17#deposit screen oxidedeposit oxide thickness=0.005 div=2#perform arsenic implant with damage implant arsenic dose=1.0e15 energy=40 tilt=7 unit.damage dam.factor=0.1#set diffusion model for TEDmethod full.cpl#perform diffusiondiffuse time=15/60 temperature=1000 #ex

22、tract name=xj_fullcpl xj silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0 junc.occno=1#save the structurestructure outfile=andfex03_0.str# repeat the simulation with FERMI model#the x dimension definitionline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.1line x loc = 0.1 spacing=0.1#the vertical definitionline y loc = 0 spacing = 0.005 line

23、 y loc = 2.0 spacing = 0.20 line y loc = 25.0 spacing = 2.5 #initialize the meshinit silicon c.boron=1.0e17#deposit screen oxidedeposit oxide thickness=0.005 div=2#perform arsenic implant with damage implant arsenic dose=1.0e15 energy=40 tilt=7 unit.damage dam.factor=0.1#set default model method fer

24、mi#perform diffusiondiffuse time=15/60 temperature=1000 #extract name=xj_fermi xj silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0 junc.occno=1#save the structurestructure outfile=andfex03_1.str# compare diffusion modelstonyplot -overlay andfex03_0.str andfex03_1.str -set andfex03.set实验截图:实验分析: 杂质在硅原子间穿行,会在晶格中产生一条受损伤的

25、路径,损伤的情况决定于杂质离子的轻重。上图为重离子注入造成晶格损伤,重离子每次与硅原子碰撞都会转移许多能量,并沿相对较小的散射角度偏转。每个位移硅原子也会产生大量的位移。重离子注入造成的晶格损伤需要进行RTA来进行修复晶格损伤。使扩散效应增强。另外,还能使杂质原子移动到晶格点,将其激活。 24.1:7. go athena#TITLE: Emitter push effect example#line x loc=0.0 spac=0.2 line x loc=2.5 spac=0.8line x loc=3.0 spac=0.2#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.04 line

26、y loc=0.3 spac=0.06line y loc=2.0 spac=0.8line y loc=10.0 spac=2.0#init c.phos=1e15#implant boron dose=1e13 energy=40#deposit nitride thick=.2 div=4#etch right nitride p1.x=2.5relax y.min=1.5#implant phosphor dose=1e16 energy=30#etch nitride all#method compress full.cpldiffuse time=30 temp=1000#stru

27、cture outfile=andfex07.str#tonyplot -st andfex07.str -set andfex07.setquit实验截图:实验分析: 本实验演示的是硼掺杂发射极的推进效应。在磷发射区下的硼比旁边的硼扩散得快,导致基区宽度改变。硼扩散增强是由于磷与空位相互作用形成的PV对分解所带来的复合效应。硼附近PV对的分解会增加空位的浓度,加快了硼扩散的速度。三、离子注入23.1:1. go athena#TITLE: Comparison of Gauss, Pearson and SVDP methodline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.25line

28、 x loc = 0.25 spacing=0.25line y loc = 0 spacing = 0.01 line y loc = 0.50 spacing = 0.01#initialize the meshinit silicon #Gauss (symmetrical) implant (parameters are in std_tables)moments std_tablesimplant phos dose=1e14 energy=40 gauss struct outf=aniiex01_0.strline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.25line x l

29、oc = 0.25 spacing=0.25line y loc = 0 spacing = 0.01 line y loc = 0.50 spacing = 0.01#initialize the meshinit silicon #Use single Pearson (parameters are in std_tables)moments std_tablesimplant phos dose=1e14 energy=40 pearson print.momstruct outf=aniiex01_1.strline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.25line x loc

30、 = 0.25 spacing=0.25line y loc = 0 spacing = 0.01 line y loc = 0.50 spacing = 0.01#initialize the meshinit silicon #Use SVDP method (default)moments svdp_tables implant phos dose=1e14 energy=40 print.momstruct outf=aniiex01_2.strtonyplot -overlay aniiex01_*.str -set aniiex01.setquit实验截图:实验分析:离子注入是离子

31、化后的原子在强电场的加速作用下,注射进入靶材料的表层,以改变这种材料表层的物理或化学性质的一个工艺工程。本实验对离子注入模型高斯模型、皮尔逊模型以及双皮尔森模型三种模型进行了比较分析。显上图中是扩散杂质随厚度增加的三种分布情况。其中,双皮尔森模型的浓度分布曲线和另外两种有很大差异。23.1:2. go athena# Tilt angle dependence using SVDP modelline x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.7 spac=0.01in

32、it implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=0 rotation=0 print.momstruct outfile=aniiex02_00.strline x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.7 spac=0.01init one.dimplant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=1 rotation=0 print.momstruct outfile=aniiex02_01.str li

33、ne x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.7 spac=0.01init implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=2 rotation=0 print.momstruct outfile=aniiex02_02.str line x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.7 spac=0.01init

34、 implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=7 rotation=0 print.momstruct outfile=aniiex02_07.str line x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.7 spac=0.01init implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=10 rotation=0 print.momstruct outfile=aniiex02_10.strtonyplot

35、 -overlay aniiex02_*.str -set aniiex02.set实验截图:实验分析:这个例子显示了在SVDP注入模型里,倾斜角度的改变对于35KeV的硼的注入影响。模拟结果显示了硼的分布是非常敏感的,即使是一个很小的变化倾斜角。倾斜硅片是减小沟道效应最常用的方法,它把硅片相对于离子束运动方向倾斜一个角度。(100)硅片常用角度是偏离垂直方向7度,保证了杂质离子进入硅中很短距离内就会发生碰撞。倾斜角度在扫描工艺中进行设置。这样,离子束经过的是晶格的密集区,能够获得对注入离子投影射程更好地控制。超浅结低能注入的沟道效应有所不同,倾斜硅片几乎不起什么作用。另外,倾斜硅片会增加阴影

36、效应,可能导致器件性能的不对称。注入过程中还必须经常旋转硅片表面。23.1:3. go athena# Oxide Thickness Dependence of B Implant Profilesline x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.6 spac=0.01init # Implant into bare silicon (native oxide = 0.001 micron)implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 til

37、t=0 rotation=0 print.mom#extract name=SIMS curve(depth,impurity=Boron material=Silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0) outfile=aniiex03_00.datline x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.6 spac=0.01initdiffuse time=8 temp=900 dry#extract name=tox8 thickness materia

38、l=SiO2 mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=0 rotation=0 s.oxide=1.0e-04*$tox8 print.momextract name=SIMS curve(depth,impurity=Boron material=Silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0) outfile=aniiex03_01.dat line x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line

39、y loc = 0.7 spac=0.01initdiffuse time=20 temp=900 dry#extract name=tox20 thickness material=SiO2 mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=0 rotation=0 s.oxide=1.0e-04*$tox20 print.momextract name=SIMS curve(depth,impurity=Boron material=Silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0) outfile=anii

40、ex03_02.dat line x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.6 spac=0.01init diffuse time=60 temp=900 dry#extract name=tox60 thickness material=SiO2 mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=0 rotation=0 s.oxide=1.0e-04*$tox60 print.momextra

41、ct name=SIMS curve(depth,impurity=Boron material=Silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0) outfile=aniiex03_03.dat line x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 1.0 spac=0.1line y loc = 0 spac=0.01line y loc = 0.6 spac=0.01init diffuse time=160 temp=900 dry#extract name=tox160 thickness material=SiO2 mat.occno=1 x.val

42、=0.0implant boron energy=35 dose=1.e13 tilt=0 rotation=0 s.oxide=1.0e-04*$tox160 print.momextract name=SIMS curve(depth,impurity=Boron material=Silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.0) outfile=aniiex03_04.dattonyplot -overlay aniiex03_*.dat -set aniiex03.set实验截图:实验分析:由上图可知,不同的氧化层界面厚度对离子注入浓度分布的影响。分析可知,越厚的掩蔽层,使

43、得注入的离子深度越浅,并且随着距离越来越远,离子的浓度迅速减小,浅的掩蔽层,使得注入的离子均匀性比较好,注入的离子浓度在一定范围内处于一个相似值。某些情况下,注入之前在硅片表面生长或淀积一薄层氧化层,被称为掩蔽氧化层,有时也称为牺牲氧化层,因为它是为注入工艺淀积的,并在注入之后需要去除。注入离子通过这样一层非晶氧化层后进入硅片,它们的方向将是随机的,因此可以减小沟道效应。杂质离子与二氧化硅原子的撞击导致了方向的随机性。研究表明掩蔽氧化层并非始终能有效减小沟道效应,可能会导致一些剂量均匀性问题。23.1:6go athena# Retrograde Well Formation Using Hi

44、gh Energy Phosphorus Implants#the x dimension definitionline x loc = 0.0 spacing=0.25line x loc = 0.25 spacing=0.25#the vertical definitionline y loc = 0 spacing = 0.02 line y loc = 5 spacing = 0.05#initialize the meshinit silicon c.boron=1e15deposit oxide thick=0.01 div=1#perform hogh energy phosph

45、orus implantsimplant phos dose=5e13 energy=2000 print.momimplant phos dose=5e12 energy=750 print.mom# subsequent annealdiffuse time=60 temp=1100struct outf=aniiex06_0.strtonyplot aniiex06_0.str -set aniiex06.setquit实验截图:实验分析:上图显示了高能离子注入的浓度分布情况。注入机的能量越高,意味着杂质原子能穿入硅片越深,射程越大。由于控制结深就是控制射程,所以能量是注入机的一个很重要

46、掉的参数。高能离子注入机的能量大于200KeV。高能注入用于倒梯度阱和倒梯度三阱。倒梯度阱中,较深的掺杂浓度大于表面。高能离子注入的强注入效果有利于掩埋杂质层的离子注入。23.1:10. go athena#LDD Formation using LATID Full Rotation Implant#line x loc = 0.0 spac=0.1line x loc = 0.4 spac=0.02line x loc = 0.7 spac=0.05# line y loc = 0 spac=0.02line y loc = 0.50 spac=0.04line y loc = 1.0 s

47、pac=0.1# #calculate the meshinit c.boron=1.0e15#grow gate oxidediffuse temp=950 time=15 dry#implant threshold adjustimplant boron dose=4e12 energy=20#deposit gate poly and patterndeposit poly thick=0.4 div=8etch poly left p1.x=0.4# remove excess grid in substraterelax dir.y=f y.min=.4#perform gate r

48、eoxidationdiffuse temp=950 time=10 dry# mirror to form complete devicestructure mirror right# implant LDD using angled implant and full rotation# 48 degrees is selected to avoid channelling implant phos dose=5e13 energy=80 tilt=48 fullrotat# implant source/drain vertically # Use standard tables beca

49、use SVDP tables are available only for# native oxide and would overestimate channelling for in this casemoments std_tabimplant arsen dose=5e15 energy=80 tilt=0# activation diffusiondiffuse time=10 temp=900# structure outfile=aniiex10.strtonyplot -st aniiex10.str -set aniiex10.setquit实验截图:实验分析:上图显示的是

50、轻掺杂漏源区LDD在高浓度漏源区和低浓度的沟道区间形成渐变的横向浓度梯度的情况。LDD注入用于定义MOS晶体管的源漏区。注入使LDD杂质位于栅下紧贴沟道区边缘,为源漏区提供杂质杂质浓度梯度。LDD在沟道边缘的界面区域产生复杂的横向和纵向杂质剖面。大质量材料和表面非晶态的结合有助于维持浅结,浅结还有助于减少源漏间的沟道漏电流效应。四、光刻28.1:1. go athena# OPTOLITH input file: anopex01.in# -# Aerial image of a complex mask feature.# The illumination wavelength#illumi

51、nation g.line # The shape of the illuminating source#illum.filter clear.fil circle sigma=0.3# The projection system numerical aperture#projection na=.43# The shape of the pupil of the projection system#pupil.filter clear.fil circle# Define the mask : two elbows and a contact hole (cd=1.0 um)#layout

52、lay.clear x.low=-2.5 z.low=-2.5 x.high=-1.5 z.high=2.5layout x.low=-1.5 z.low=1.5 x.high=2.5 z.high=2.5layout x.low=-.5 z.low=-2.5 x.high=.5 z.high=.5layout x.low=.5 z.low=-.5 x.high=2.5 z.high=.5layout x.low=1.5 z.low=-2.5 x.high=2.5 z.high=-1.5# Calculation of the aerial image#image win.x.lo=-3 wi

53、n.z.lo=-3 win.x.hi=3 win.z.hi=3 dx=.2 opaque# Store the aerial image in a structure file#structure outfile=anopex01.str intensity mask# Plot the aerial image during the run#tonyplot -st anopex01.str -set anopex01.set#quit实验截图:实验分析:上图为光刻工艺中的一个工艺步骤,把掩膜上的图形投到光刻胶上。形成了两个弯管和一个接触孔。在光刻工艺中,曝光的目的是要把版上图形精确地复制成光刻胶上的最终图像。用于亚微米光刻的投影掩膜版衬底材料是熔融石英。在投影掩膜版的制作过程中,利用电子束光刻的直写方式能直接把高分辨率的图形转印到投影掩膜版表面。28.1:3. go athena # # AT


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