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1、1. What is the basic structure of cereal caryopses (果实)?谷物果实基本结构Embryo 胚芽; Endosperm 胚乳; Seed coats(Testa)种皮;Pericarp果皮2. What is the function of Scutellum ? 胚盘功能Rapid exchange of water and solutes between scutellum and starchy endosperm in germination for the next generation.3. What are the propert

2、ies of Aleurone ? 糊粉的特点The starch endosperm dies,but the Aleurone cell continue to respire(呼吸) at a slow rate for long time. 胚乳淀粉的死,而是糊粉细胞继续呼吸(呼吸)慢速下降了很长时间4. What are the properties of testa ? 外种皮的特点Permeability(渗透性)of testa reduces or regulates(控制;调节) water and gaseous exchange.5. What is the struc

3、tural property of fruit coats(Pericarp)?水果外皮结构性能-Multilayered(多层的):protecting and supporting the growing seed.-Innermost(最深处的) layer of pericarp (inner epidermis 皮层)-Outermost layer of pericarp-Hairs(茸毛)6. What are the Contributions by botanical(植物学的) fractions to grain mass ?Starchy endosperm 84%;

4、embryo 3%; outer pericarp 4%; inner pericarp 1%; seedcoat 1%; nucellus 1%; aleurone 6%; 7. What is the most striking(显著的;突出的) morphological(形态学) Characteristic of wheat,maize and rice ? 小麦玉米大米。特征Wheat: a crease 腹沟 Rice:pales 壳of rice (rid and groove凸和沟槽);no crease;embryo,not firmly attached to the e

5、ndosperm;husk 20%.Maize:basal part,narrow; top,broad; embryo,large; pericarp,thicker,robust光滑; tip-cap,hull in the embryo; no hairs,no cellular testa layer; aleurone cells,coloration in blue8. What is the classification of impurities 杂质? 杂质的分类Vegetable,animal,mineral(矿物质) and other9. What are the pr

6、inciples of cleaning and separation? 清洁和分离的原则Surface cleaning: abrasion摩擦, impact 碰撞Separation:size,shape,specific-gravity 比重,color ,composition10. What is the principle原理 of aspiration 风选and de-stoning? 风选的原理Aspiration:terminal velocity:weight/ratioHigh TV:compact spherical球形(cubical)particles碎木料Lo

7、wer TV:flake-like 片状particlesDe-stoning :specific-gravity,selected material(after separation of coarser and finer particles by size and shape)11. What dose cleaning mean ? 清洁意味着什么Cleaning,in contrast to separating ,is performed on scourers.12. What is the principle of loop system ?Please give an exa

8、mple. 环状系统 The feed rate decreased /efficiency of separation increasedExample:separator10% cut off with all separable impurities; 90%clean grain without impurities;13. What are the conditions of dust explosions( 粉尘爆炸)?What measures should be taken to avoid it?Conditions:certain limiting concentratio

9、n source of ignitionAvoidance:suppression of dust avoidance of source of ignition14. What is conditioning(tempering) 调和Addition of controlled moisture to affect on the physical properties of cereals ,especially on adhesion (粘合)between component(组分) of cells,cells themselves and grain tissues.器官 15.

10、What are the reasons for conditioning? 调和原因To toughen(使.坚韧) the outer bran糠,large pieces of bran.To mellow(使.成熟)the endosperm to provide required degree of fragmentation(分裂,破碎)Toughness of endosperm and moisture content16. What kinds of factors will influence on the Water addition? 水添加-Hardness; moi

11、sture content of final products(storage life)-Conveying system(evaporation of water, 1-2.5%)-Ambient temperature/humidity-Roll temperature.17. What is water penetration way? 渗水-Water absorption by capillarity into empty pericarp cells (reservoir);-Impermeable componenents = testa + nucellusEmbryo (t

12、hinner layer)Endosperm (distal end).18. What kinds of factors will influence on the tempering time?回火时间-Initial MC; -Testa permeability degree;-Mealiness of endosperm;-Temperature of water (3/12);-Uniformity.19. What are the rapid conditioning ways?快速调节方式-multistage dampening;-abrasion of grain surf

13、ace; (removal part of testa)-expansion of the endosperm;-temperatur; -mixing.20. What is milling? 磨粉Methods of transforming whole grain into forms suitable for consumption.21. What are the characteristic features of milling? 磨粉特征-separation of the botanic tissues of the grain;-reduction of the endos

14、perm into flour or grits.22. What kinds of action are there in roller milling system? 磨粉机工作-grinding;-flaking.23. What are the principles of fine grinding and air classification? 精磨和风选-endosperm structure/composition: starch granule and protein matrix;-size and composition of endosperm.24. What are

15、the final products of fine grinding and air classification? What about their uses? 精磨和风选终产物-fine fraction: bread flour;-medium fraction: sponge cakes and premix flour;-coarse fraction: biscuit making flour.25. What is protein shift? 蛋白质转变Protein shift is the amount of protein shifted into the high-p

16、rotein fraction plus that shifted out of the lower fractions,expressed as a percentage of total protein in the material fractioned.26. What is TD system? TD系统To produce a high yield of large particle size grits with low fat content and low fiber content(about 0.5%), suitable for manufacture of corn

17、flakes.27. What are the final products of maize drying milling? What about their uses? Flaking grits are used for the manufacture of the ready-to-eat breakfast cereal “corn flakes” 玉米干燥磨粉终产物 Other use :porridge(polenta) and ready-toasted cereals, for bread and other baked foods, and for industrial p

18、urposes.(p65)28. What is the wet milling? 湿磨Wet milling is a maceration process in which physical and chemical changes occur in the nature of the basic constituents 29. What are the final products of wheat wet milling? What about their uses?-main products: starch, 66%; 湿磨终产物 -by products: oil, 4%; a

19、nimal feed, 30%, including 24%, gluten feed (PC, 21%) and 5.7% gluten meal (PC, 60%).Uses: -modified starch; -sweeter; -alcohol; -others30. What are the uses of vital gluten? 活力粉用途-improving the texture and raising the protein content;-forming an extensible, elastic mass;-fortification of week hour;

20、-high protein break making;-high fiber bread making;-others, meat products, e.g. sausages, breakfast food.1.Whats defination of oils and fats? 油脂分类Edible fats and oils are esters of the three carbon trihydric alcohol, glycerin, and various straight chained monocarboxylic acids known as fatty acids.2

21、.whats the major and minor component of edible oils and fats?Triglyceride; 食用油和油脂 主次成分Diglyceride monoglyceride phospholipids sterol cholesterol tocopherol pigments3 What are the major fatty acids of oils and fats? 油脂主要脂肪酸Palmitic oils stearic oils oleic linoleic linolenic4.Classification of oils an

22、d fats 油脂分类Saturated monounsaturated polyunsaturated 5.Iodine vaule 碘值he number of centigrams iodine absorbed by 1g of fat or percentage iodine absorbed. 6. Saponification value : 皂化值the weight in milligrams of potassium hydroxide needed to completely saponify 1 g of fat.7. Peroxide Value 过氧化值the mi

23、lliequivalents of iodine formed per kilogram of fat.8.Acid Value酸价The milligrams of potassium hydroxide needed to neutralize the free fatty acids in 1g of a fat9.Meat fat: 动物油Butterfat Lard Tallow Vegetable fat 植物油Canola Coconut Corn Cottonseed Olive Palm and Palm Kernel Peanut Safflower Soybean Sun

24、flower10. The general guideline for oilseed storage is low moisture, low temperature and aeration.11. Oil Extraction: 油萃取 Seed PreparationRenderingPressing Solvent Extraction 12. Degumming: 脱胶Degumming is carried out by adding 2% water to the oil.Remove phosphslipids13 Refining 精炼Refining usually re

25、fers to the removal of nonglyceride fatty materials by washing the oils with strongly alkaline water solutionsRemove Free fatty acids.14. Bleaching 漂白Bleaching is the process used for the removal of pigments from the oilRemove pigments15.Deodorization 除臭Deodorization is the process whereby the odors

26、 and flavors of fats and oils are removed,Remove volatilized gas 16. Fractional Crystallization 分离结晶Winterization Dewaxing Stearine Separation17. Hydrogenation:Hydrogenation is the treatment of fats and oils with hydrogen gas in the presence of a catalyst. 加氢18. Interesterification:interesterificati

27、on is the exchange of acyls of triglycerides of two separate fats or a single fat. 酯化作用19.What are the main protein products? 蛋白质产品Protein flour; protein concentrates ;protein isolates;texturized protein20.What is defatted soybean protein flour? 脱脂大豆蛋白粉Flour produced by the nearly complete removal o

28、f the oil fromsoybeans by the use of hexane or other homologous hydrocarbon solvents.21.How is edible soybean soybean protein flour produced? 可食大豆蛋白粉Soybean storagesoybean cleaningsoybean temperingdehullingconditioning and flakingextraction and desolventizingtoastingflour and grit grindingfat-condit

29、ioning soybean protein flour 22、Whats the definition of soybean protein concentrates? 大豆集中蛋白soybean protein concentrate is a product having a protein content of 70% (N6.25) on a moisturefree basis.23.How to produce soybean protein concentrates? 大豆浓缩蛋白(1)Extraction with aqueous acids in the isoelectr

30、ic range of pH 4-5.(2)Extraction with aqueous alcohol.(3)defatted flakes or flour are moist heat treated to denature and thereby insolubilize the protein.24How to immobilize the major protein fraction in soybean? 固定大豆蛋白a. Leaching with Aqueous Organic Solvents.b. Leaching with Dilute Acid.25.What ar

31、e soybean protein isolates? 大豆分离蛋白isolated soy proteins must contain not less than 90% dry-basis protein (Nitrogen6.25).26.How many functional properties do vegetable have?What are they? 蔬菜功能特性(1)Hydration and Water Absorption(2)Solubility (3)Viscosity and Gelation(4)Texturization(5)Emulsion and Foa

32、ming (6)Color, Flavor, and Odor27、How many methods can be used to produced texturized protein? What are they? 脉络产生蛋白质 Three. Extrusion ;spinning ; steam texturizing 28.Process for Producing Soybean Protein Isolates 大豆分离蛋白生产工艺The starting material for soy protein isolate is finely ground, defatted fl

33、akes that have been desolventized by a vacuum process for maintaining protein solubility. The protein is extracted with dilute alkali, pH 9, at 50-55. Stronger alkali would extract more protein but would also cause more damage particularly to the sulfur-containing amino acids. The solids are separat

34、ed by screening and centrifuging and contain primarily insoluble carbohydrates and proteins. The soluble protein portion is adjusted to pH 4.5 with food grade acid. This results in a protein precipitate and a whey fraction). The precpitate is washed, neutralized ,sterilized and then dried to yield a

35、 soy proteinate.29.What is the difference between the bulk density and absolute density ?bulk density 容积密度和绝对密度区别Definition: The weight of a given volume of grain including the voids is the bulk density of the material. Bulk density is a widely used grain property. It is part of the U.S. grain stand

36、ards. absolute densityDefinition: The absolute density of the grain is the weight per unit volume of the grain itself, independent of the voids between the grain. The density of the grain can be determined by an air comparison pycnometer30. What is the angle of repose ? 水下静止角Definition: When poured

37、on a level surface, grain forms a pile whose outer edge makes an angle to that surface. The value of the angle is specific to the grain and is called the angle of repose. 31. What is the impact factors of angle of repose ? 静止角影响因素Impact factors: Including frictional forces generated by grain flowing

38、 against itself, the distribution of weight throughout the grain mass, and the moisture content of the grain. The angle of repose determines whether the grain will flow of its own accord or whether outside force is necessary to move it. 32. What is the hardness of grain ? 粮食硬度An important attribute

39、of grains is their hardness, their resistance to being broken or reduced in particle size. (Large variation often even occurs within a single species (wheat, for example) of grain. The variation can be caused by both genetic differences and differences in the growing environment.)33.What is the prac

40、tical significance of moisture in grain? 现实意义粮食水分Practical significance: determine the grains corresponding grade, price and quality; and further affect the grains safe storage.34. Please introduce the important methods to measure the moisture content of grains and their products. 粮食水分衡量Many methods

41、 have been developed to measure moisture content of grains and their products. The best known are :1) oven drying;2) vacuum oven drying, with and without a desiccant; 3) distillation; 4) chemical reaction with the Karl Fischer reagent; 5) electronic devices or moisture meters; 6) nuclear magnetic re

42、sonance (NMR); 7) near- infrared ( NIR) spectrophotometry.35.What is the pesticide? 农药Pesticide: Anything that inhibits or kills a pest such as weeds, fungi, insects, and rodents. 36. What is chemical grain protectant ? 谷物化工保护剂Grain protectants are materials that will persist for extended periods at

43、 concentrations lethal to the target insects.37. What is fumigant ?烟熏A fumigant is a chemical that exists as a gas at ambient temperatures and pressures or produces a gas from a solid or a liquid. 38. What characteristics are an ideal fumigant should possess ? 烟熏特征An ideal fumigant should 1) have lo

44、w cost per effective fumigation;2) be highly and acutely toxic to all stages of the target pest, but not unduly hazardous to man and other higher animals; 3 ) be highly volatile, with a good ability to penetrate, but not be excessively absorbed by the commodity; 4) have adequate warning properties f

45、or easy detection;5) be noncorrosive, nonflammable, and nonexplosive under practical conditions; 6) possess a good storage life; 7) be nonreactive with the commodity, so as not to produce adverse odors and flavors; 8) be readily removable by aeration, leaving no harmful residues;9) be noninjurious t

46、o seed germination; 10) be nondamaging to miling qualities or other processing properties of grain; 11) be readily available and simple to apply. 39. What must you pay attention to when you use the fumigants to effectively control the stored-grain insects? 控制子代昆虫Primary factors that decrease or incr

47、ease the distribution of fumigants into grain and their biological activity are temperature, moisture, time, fumigant formulation, dosage, application procedure, storage structure, aeration, dockage, insect population characteristics, and grain kernels. 40:What is the meaning of food processing ?什么是

48、食品加工的意义?答:Increase the value of agriculture products and by-products; 增加农业产品的价值和副产品; Prolong the storage period; 延长贮藏期; Improve the safety of food; 改善食品的安全问题; More nutritive、diversified and convenient. 更多的营养、多样化和方便41:The classification of food material . Point out some common food materials. 食品材料的分类

49、。指出一些常见的食物材料。42:Classification of food nutrients. 。食物营养的分类。答:A) Macro Nutrients(宏量营养素) 1.Protein: Amino Acid (20 kinds) .蛋白质:氨基酸(20种). 2.Lipids and Fats: Fat, Lecithoid, Cholesterin 脂类:脂肪、磷脂、胆固醇 3.Carbohydrates: Mono-, Oligo-, Poly-saccharides, and Fibre 碳水化合物:单糖, 低聚糖2 (220DP),多糖, 膳食纤维.4. Water: 水.B

50、) Trace Nutrients(微量营养素)5. Minerals: (Inorganics,17 kinds), Ca, Zn, Fe 矿物质:(无机盐,17种)钙、锌、铁.6.Vitamins: Fat Soluble Vits(4 kinds), Water Soluble Vits(10kind维生素(14种):脂溶性 (A,D,E,K), 水溶性(B族9种+Vc.43:Classification and properties of carbohydrate答:Classification:1单糖 Monosaccharides,C6(H2O)6 葡萄糖 Glucose (blo

51、od sugar, grape sugar, dextrose) C6H12O6 果糖 Fructose ( levulose ) C6H12O6 半乳糖 Galactose C6H12O6 2 低聚糖 (Oligosaccharides, C6(H2O)6220 e.g. 二 (disaccharides蔗糖 Sucrose (table sugar,beet sugar, cane sugar) C12H22O11麦芽糖 Maltose (malt sugar) C12H22O11纤维二糖 Cellobiose C12H22O11乳糖 Lactose (milk sugar ) C12H2

52、2O11 3 多糖 Polysaccharides, C6(H2O)6x x20 淀粉 Starch 纤维素 Cellulose 44.Properties: 1 糖的性质 (Some Properties of Sugars (mono-, i di-, tri-saccharides) ) 甜度 (sweetness) 溶于水,容易形成糖浆。 晶化 (Crystallizesfrom solution). (sugarcane, 甘蔗) 提供能量. (1g white sugar70 kilocalories) 容易发酵 (Easily fermented by microorganism

53、s). . 防腐 Can be used as preservative prevent growth of microorganisms. 焦糖化 (Caramelize on heating darkens in color). . 咀嚼感 (Give body and mouth feel to solutions in addition to sweetness). .2 淀粉的性质 (Some Properties of Starchs) 没有甜度 (Not sweet) 难溶于冷水 (Not readily soluble in COLD water) 在热水中形成面糊和胶体 (Form pastes and gels in HOT water) 储备能量 (Reserve of energy in plants) 提供能量 (Supply energy in Nutrition) 颗粒形状 (Occur in seeds and tubers as granules)45:St


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