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1、南城中学20182018学年第一学期第一次月考八年级英语试卷皿严彎警确答案。对话读两遍。(5分)1penons talking about? rmmin8- R Baseball.L- Am酣can football.()12. Where do the Americans play it1?扎 In parks or in sports fields.On the football gn)und.f u 气 Tmming stadium(游泳馆)+1 傑 ong does this sports season last?、A* It fasts shout thirty days.黑11血

2、from April to November.C* It lasts about half a year鲁灌鑑豐鷲严细噺昨 竟更讐屿血heavy诚爲. 护叩嚳輛阪啣嘯血皿k)15.严n is the most important game?C At1 f k l BiAl 此 end f 血 baseball season.NameTom17_18-J At the beginning of the baseball season.What to do?1Tdo homework firstlook after her mother19at 9:30 a. m.命题人:吴惠风.选择填空 20分

3、)( 1. Would you mi ndthe door?9 / 9A. open B. opens C. opening ( 2. - What s your favorite sport?A. I don t want to tell you. B. Socc,erof course. C. Me , too. ( 3. -Will you join us?-Yes , A. I ll B. I won t C. I will ( 4. - I hope your team will win.A. Of course. B. Thank you C. Don t say that( 5.

4、 They are leaving Japan the day after tomorrow.A. from B. forC. to( 6. I am very sorry what I said.A. with B. at C. for( 7. Michael felt very this morning.A. excited B. excite C. exciting ( 8. The interesting book kept her for an hour.A. read B. reading C. to read ( 9. It can make us .A. strong B. s

5、trongly C. to strong ( 10. There is going to a school sports meet next month.A. have B. has C. be uORoNPHanc ( 11. I enjoy English with my friends.A. practice B. practicing C. to practice ( 12. Would you smoking here?A. mind not B. not mind C. to mind not ( 13. You shouldn t shout Michael.A. at B. t

6、o C. with( 14. We will have a football game Class Three this Sunday.A. with B. and C. against ( 15. I heard him in the room almost every day.A. sing B. singing C. sings uORoNPHanc 17 .If you have a headache, you lie down for a good rest. uORoNPHancA. shouldn t B. had better not C. had better( 18.I h

7、ad a backache. I cant sleep.A . Not so wel I. B. I m sorry to hear tCitWhy? uORoNPHanc( 19. Oh, you have a headache and a cough.have you bee n like this?uORoNPHancThree days.A. How longB. How soo nC. How ofte n( 20.My hometow n is in the south of China. There israin in spri ng. uORoNPHancA .many B.

8、lot ofC. ple nty of三完形填空。 1.A.oneB.twoC.many(2. AasksB.tellsCsays(3.A.ask forB.getC.take(4.A.fullB.bigC.small(5.A.drinkB.comeC.eat(6. A.goes outB.saysC.comes in(7.A.twoB.oneC.much(8.A.isB.wellC.good(9.A.usB.meC.him(10.A.wantBhelpC.let四.阅读理解o1.Dollyisachild.(2.Dollycanspeaklikeaman.(3.Dollysayssometh

9、 ingtotheman everymorni ng.(4. The man doesn t give Dolly any food because it doesn t speak to him. He is very angry.( 5. Dolly says , “Fool! Youre a fool! ” after the man says so. 根 据 短 文 内 容 , 选 择 正 确 答 案 。 B 篇In many English homes, people eat four meals every day: breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinne

10、r. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥 , eggs or bread. En glish people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon , and dinner is at half past seven.First they have soup1. Many

11、Englishpeoplehave_ meals everyday.A.twoB.threeC.fourD. threeorfour(2.Peoplemayhave_fortheirbreakfast.A. teaor eggsB.porridge,eggs,bread ,tea ,orcoffeeC.TeaandcoffeeD.breadandeggs(3.Peoplehavelunchat_A.anytimeB.nineC.fiveD.one(4.Peopledonthavefortheirdinner.A.PorridgeB.bananasandapplesC.soupandmeatD.

12、meatandfish(5.InsomeEnglishhomesdinnercancome_A.At one o clock B. at any timeC. at noon D. in the morning uORoNPHancC 篇More and more middle school students in Beijing are getting shorter sleeping time. Most students sleep fewer than nine hours every night, because they have much homework to do. Some

13、 homework is given by school teachers , and some by parents. Also ,some students dontknow how to save 节省) time. They are not careful enough while doing their homework , so it takes them a lot of time. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by

14、bike. It can be a long way from home to school.Schools and pare nts should cut dow n1. The middle school students inBeijingare getting _ sleepingtime.A.moreB.less2. The teachers and_ givethe studentstoo much homework.A.friendsB.brothersC.parents( 3. From the passage the students should have hourssle

15、ep every day at least.A. 8B. 9C. 10(4.Somestude ntshave toget upearlyonA.weekendsB.Mon daysC.weekdays(A.5. Some studentscarefulB. happyare notC. frien dlyuORoNPHanceno ugh whiledoi ngtheirhomework.D篇A farmer who lived in a small village had a bad pain 痛) in the chest. This never seemed toget any bet

16、ter. The farmer decided that he would go to see a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was a miserly 小气) pers on, he thought he would find out how much he would have to pay 付 钱) the doctor. He was told that a sick person had to pay three pounds 英镑) for the first visit and one pound for the sec ond

17、visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and the n he decided to go to the doctor in the town. uORoNPHancAs he came into the doctor s room, he said,“ Good morning, doctor. Here I am again.doctor was a little surprised. He asked him a few questions, checked his chest and then took thepou

18、nd which the farmer insisted on 1.Why did the farmer decide to go to see a doctor in the town? uORoNPHancA .Because the doctor in the village had been unable to save him. uORoNPHancB. Because he had a fever.C. Because he had a pain in the head.D. Because the pain in his chest didn t eeuR9|NPH( 2. Ho

19、w many pounds did a sick person have to pay the doctor in the town for twovisits? uORoNPHancA. Four.B. Three.( 3.Where did the doctor check the farmer?A. In the village. B. On the farm. city. uORoNPHanc( 4.What did the farmer give the doctor?A. Some medi cine.B. Noth ing.pou nd.uORoNPHanc( 5.The doc

20、tor asked the farmer.A. someth ing new about his ill nessC. On e.D. Two.C. At the doctor s.D.IntheC. Smile.D.AB. to go on taking the same medicine uORoNPHancC. to come aga inD. to give him some more pounds五. 情景交际(15分A.选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余。5分)A : Good morning. What s the matter?B: A.A : Do you have a

21、 headache?B: Yes, I do.A : Open your mouth and say“ Ah”.B: Ah.A : 2B: No, I felt terrible last night.A: Oh, I see. You had a bad cold.B: Do I have to stay in bed?A : Yes. _3B : Is it serious?A : No. 4 But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. uORoNPHancB : _5A : Three times a day.B : O

22、K. Tha nk you.A. Did you sleep well?B. How ofte n n eed I take the medici ne?C. I don t feel very well.D. It s nothing serious.E. You dbetter stay at home for two or threedays.B.填上句子,补全对话。5分)A : Hello, is that Michael?B :1A : Michael, the school sports meet is coming tomor row. Let s go togetuRPNPHa

23、ncB : Yeah, 2?A : we ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.B : Good idea.A :3?B : Let s make it half past sixA :4?B : At my house.A : OK. See you the n.B :5六. 词汇 us?2. How ofte n does she go(cycle?3.lt s a good way(keep fit.4.1 want(see all the in terest ing places of Beiji ng.5.You are always

24、 so(care , you missed a good chanee. uORoNPHanc七句型转换youfreen extSaturday?2.Youhad better gotoschooltoday.(改为否疋句 Yougoto schooltoday.3.Herfavorite sportisswimmi ng.(对划线部分提问herfavoritesport?4.I willplay footballwithmy friendsfor2hours.(同上willyou play footballwith yourfrien ds?5. They had a very exciti

25、ng party yesterday.(用 tomorrow 替换 yesterdayThey _ a very exciting party tomorrow. uORoNPHanc八看图写句子,提示词必须用上。8分)E1. will, play, tomorrow 2. make-happy 3. should, drink 4. a fever uORoNPHanc1.2.3. 4.九.写作。12分) 假如你是Li Tao,请根据昨天的情况写一篇60词左右的日记。昨天早上我感到不舒服,头疼,打喷嚏(sneeze过去式sneezed,不想吃东西。妈妈带我去医院,医生检查了一下并问了一些情况

26、,最后给我一些药片,并让我按时吃药,在家好好休息。我听从医生的建议,今天我觉得好多了。提示词:headache, feel like, check over,on time, stay at home, have a good rest, follow, feel better uORoNPHancWed nesday, October 12th, 2009I felt terrible yesterday morni ng.八年级英语月考参考答案一. 听力部分20分)I . 1 5: AABCC II. 6 10: CABCA III. 11 15: BACABIV . 16. climb

27、mountains 17.Jim 18.Ann. 19.go shopping 20.meet uORoNPHanc二. 选择填空20分)1 5: CBCBB 6 10: CABAC 11 15: BAACA 16 20 : BCBAC三. 完型填空15分)1 5: BCABA 6 10: CBBCC四阅读理解40分)A 篇.1 5: FFFTT B 篇.1 5: CBDAC C 篇.1 5: BCBCA.D 篇.1 5: DACDB五. 情景交际15分)A . 5 分)1 5: CAEDB B.10 分)1. Speaking. 2. What shall we take? uORoNPHanc3. When shall we meet?


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