1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级模拟21公共英语五级模拟21Section Listening Comprehension This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are three parts i
2、n this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first answer the questions in your test booklet, not on the ANSWER SHEET. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto ANSW
3、ER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear an interview about campus life. As you listen, answer Questions 2 to 10 by circling True or False. You will
4、hear the conversation ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1 to 10. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Jenny doesnt have a heavy load this semester.答案:B解析 1-10W: Professor Weston, could I speak to you?M: Come in please, Jenny. How can I help you?W: I need to get your signature on my schedule card
5、 here, on the line above advisors approval.M: Sure, but lets look at it over together first. How many courses do you have here?W: Six.M: Six? Thats quite a heavy load. Any particular reason?W: I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I was in a hospital, so. I need to take it gain.M: So
6、youve already learnt a lot of the material.W: Right. And calculus is a part of the third year requirement.M: Lets see, chemistry. Oh I see youll be in my seminar on modern American novels.W: Yes, Im looking forward to it and the romantic poetry seminar, too.M: Two seminars? That is rather a lot. Can
7、 you handle the work?W: I think so. I know its a graduate course and Im only a junior, but.M: Arent you a bit young? The students usually have a hard time keeping up.W: I know, but American Literature is my favorite interest and Ive done a lot of reading in the field. In fact I attended part of Prof
8、. Johnsons literature class before I was in the hospital. Our first reading assignment was the book Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck.M: Travels with Charley? Its a very good book.W: Yes. It includes descriptions of many different parts of the United States. Steinbeck and his pet poodle, Charle
9、y, had lots of adventures.M: Yes. Does the book have any central theme to hold all these adventures together?W: I think Steinbecks theme is the urge to travel that helps capture the curiosity and the desire for new experiences expands ones horizons and motivates all of us towards intellectual growth
10、.M: I see. You seem to know a lot about literature and you certainly arent one of those students who are out for easy grades.W: I should say not. I really want to learn something.M: Now. Lets see what other courses you have chosen.W: Watercolor painting and the advanced sketching course.M: Have you
11、ever worked with watercolors?W: Ive done very little painting at all. Im a math major, but I enjoy drawing and the course description says that any student can sign up. I assume that means experience in painting isnt necessary.M: Thats right. Theyll be using watercolors instead of oils because they
12、are easier to handle. Also beginning students can get a good feel for what they can do with painting by working with watercolors.W: My roommate is a chemistry major, but he has done a lot oil painting. If he signed up for the course would he find it too easy?M: No he could work on using techniques h
13、e already knows and applying them to principles of composition, color and design. Theres something for everyone in this course.W: Do we need to bring our own brushes and colors to class?M: Yes, you can buy them at the bookstore. The department will provide drawing board and any other supplies that a
14、re necessary. I hope you will enjoy it very much.W: It sounds interesting. Ill definitely register today.M: Fine. Now about the advanced sketching course. Have you taken the prerequisite, the beginning-tching course?W: No, thats just one of the reasons why Im here. The catalog says that the advisor
15、can give rmission to register without the prerequisite.M: Have you got any previous experience?W: I brought lots of sketchbooks full of my work, but I have had no formal training.M: Have you brought any of your work with you?W: Yes, here are some examples, mostly flowers and landscapes.M: They look
16、pretty good. Well, then Ill be happy to give you the permission and sign the card. However, since you are taking such a heavy load, I insist that you come see me after the first week of classes so that we can make sure this isnt too much for you.W: Whats a promise.2. Jenny failed in chemistry last s
17、emester.答案:B3. Jenny is a third year student.答案:A4. Prof. Weston taught Jenny American novel last semester.答案:B5. Prof Weston will give her two seminars this semester.答案:A6. Prof. Weston agrees with Jenny about the theme of Travels with Charley.答案:A7. Jenny is very good at watercolors.答案:B8. The cou
18、rse of watercolors is unnecessary for those who have experience in oil painting.答案:B9. Jenny has experience in sketches.答案:B10. Prof. Weston agrees to sign her card.答案:APart B You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recordi
19、ng ONLY ONCE. Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following talk on printing. You now have I5 seconds to read Questions 11 to 13. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. How old is the earliest surviving examples of Chinese printing?A.It was produced before AD 400.B.It was produced before AD 200.C.It was produced b
20、efore AD 100.D.It was produced before AD 50.答案:B解析 11-13 Printing is an old technique, By the 2nd century AD the Chinese had developed and put into fairly widespread use the art of printing texts. Like most inventions, it was not entirely new, because the printing of designs and pictures on textiles
21、 had preceded the printing of words in China by at least a century. The earliest surviving examples of Chinese printing, produced before 9.00 AD, were printed from letters and pictures cut in relief on wood blocks. Its always a pleasure. to visit the different parts of newspaper operations. Printing
22、 is a really messy process because of the black, oil-based ink we use. If you hold the newly printed newspapers, you will come away with the black ink all over your hands and then probably get it on your clothes. That may change soon, with the use of a different type of ink. Several major daily news
23、papers are now trying out a new printing process called flexography. This process produces smear-free pages that are remarkably clean. Flexography is often referred to as flexo. Flexo presses use water-based inks that dry quickly, not like the standard oil-based inks that take much longer to dry. Th
24、e new flexography inking process is also simpler and faster than the standard method. Theres one major problem, though. The ink may dry too quickly, and thereby gum up the machines. It could obstruct the presses, so that they wont work right, or it might cause them to break down altogether. If the m
25、achines clog too easily, the process will have to be changed and retested. Theres a possibility that our newspaper will convert to the flexography process sometime soon. In any case, our readers have already expressed a definite preference for the new papers and clean hands. 2. In what way is the fl
26、exo process considered better than standard printing?A.The newspapers remain thin and flexible.B.The presses can print larger sheets of paper.C.The ink is fast drying and clear.D.The ink can be changed and retested.答案:C3. According to the speaker, what is a disadvantage of the flexo process?A.Presse
27、s may get clogged with ink.B.Papers get smudged with old ink.C.Reporters prefer the standard method.D.Machines may need to be oiled daily.答案:A Questions 14 to 17 are based on an interview about swimming. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14 to 17. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Why does the speaker
28、 refer to swimming as one of the most beneficial forms of general exercise?A.Because no other form of exercise uses so many muscles in the body so fully.B.Because no other form of exercise provides so much pleasure.C.Because no other form of exercise is so popular.D.Because no other form of exercise
29、 is so competitive.答案:A解析 14-17 Swimming is a popular competitive sport, and many age groups, interscholastic, and intercollegiate meets are held each year. Each individual swimming race is classified according to the stroke required and the distance covered. Swimming is known not only as a means of
30、 survival or saving lives in emergencies, but also as a valuable means of physical improvement and as one of the most beneficial forms of general exercise. No other form of exercise uses so many muscles in the body so fully. Swimmings popularity has been helped by the fact that many indoor and outdo
31、or swimming pools have been constructed for public use worldwide. Now that youve listened to me talk about all the rewarding aspects of swimming, Id like to talk to you about some of the aspects necessary to become a dedicated swimmer. Competitive swimming is one of the most demanding of all sports.
32、 Since all of you today are interested in joining the swimming team, you might be wondering where your training here can lead. Thats a good question and not a very easy one to answer. Theres high dropout rate a long competitive swimmers. If we compare swimming to a sport like running, you will note
33、that runners will often continue to train and compete in races after the age of thirty, but most swimmers will stop competing after they graduate from college. There are probably two major reasons for this. The first is financial. Unlike runners, tennis players, or golfers, swimmers cannot make much
34、 money in their sport. Swimmers compete for the pleasure and the glory of winning, not for the monetary rewards. The athletic scholarships that colleges award to the top swimmers are probably the culminating financial rewards that swimmers receive for their swimming abilities. The second reason for
35、the high dropout rate is a physical one. Most top competitive swimmers undergo hard workouts four hours a day, eleven months out of the year. Swimmers pay a heavy price in developing the physical and mental discipline necessary for swimming excellence. For most swimmers, this type of schedule is too
36、 demanding in terms of time and too draining in terms of physical energy. So knowing all this, if you are still enthusiastic about competitive swimming, Id like to hand out this schedule of tryouts. 2. What group is the speaker addressing?A.Parents of swimmers.B.Tennis coaches.C.Candidates for the s
37、wimming team.D.Competitive runners.答案:C3. The speaker compares competitive swimming with what sport in terms of the athletes age?A.Golfing.B.Tennis.C.Football.D.Running.答案:D4. What does the speaker say about competitive swimming?A.It is a lifelong sport.B.It may interfere with academic studies.C.It
38、does not offer many financial rewards.D.It is less demanding than other sports.答案:B Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following talk between two students about campus life. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 18 to 20. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Where was the woman at lunchtime?A.Giving a lectu
39、re.B.Discussing political science.C.Working on a science problem.D.Reading twentieth century literature.答案:B解析 18-20W: Hi, Susan, Where are you at lunchtime? I was saving a seat for you in the cafeteria.W: Oh, sorry to miss you, but my thirst for knowledge was greater than my pains of hunger.M: I ne
40、ver had that problem. So where were you?W: I was in class. My political science class ran overtime.M: Thats been happening quite a hit lately, hasnt it? There are some professors who just dont know how to show respect for timetable.W: I guess so. Actually, what happens is that a bunch of us hang aro
41、und for a while after class to talk with our professor and ask him questions.M: Oh, I see, Your classmates are as knowledge thirsty as you. Who is this twentieth century Socrates?W: Professor Howl. Have you heard of him?M: Yes. He does have a good reputation in the political science department.W: An
42、d a well deserved one. The same students who fall asleep in discussion groups and seminars fight for front-row seats in his lectures.M: Really? Quite unimaginable.W: Its great to have a professor whos not only interesting but prepared to give up time to students as well.M: I know. They are a rare br
43、eed. Maybe I should sit in on his class some time. Do you think hed care?W: Not at all. Lots of students bring their friends. He says he feels flattered.M: Well, just to be safe, I think Ill bring my lunch along as well.W: You will become a very good student.2. How do the students demonstrate that t
44、hey really enjoy professor Howls classes?A.They complete all their assignments.B.They study hard for his tests.C.They compete for the best seats in the class.D.They read all his books.答案:C3. Which of the following best describes Prof. Howls relationship with his students?A.Controversial.B.Impersonal
45、.C.Indifferent.D.Cooperative.答案:DPart C You will hear a monologue about aging America. As you listen, answer the questions or complete the notes in your test booklet for Questions 21 to 30 by writing NOT MORE THAN THREE words in the space provided on the right. You will hear the interview TWICE. (如需
46、获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Who usually take care of the elderly people in the United States?答案:(their)family members解析 21-30 Who takes care of the elderly in the United States today? Many people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left there
47、 in the hands of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their grown children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not have any regular visitors. The truth is that this idea is an unfortunate mytha fictitious story. In fact, family members provide over 80 percent of the care that eld
48、erly people need. Samuel H. Preston, a sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania, studied how the American family is changing. He reported that by the time the average American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than children. This statistic shows the change in life-styles an
49、d responsibilities of aging Americans. The average middle-aged couple can look forward to caring for elderly parents some time after their own children have grown up. Moreover, because people today live longer after an illness than people did years ago, family members must provide long-term care. Th
50、ese facts also mean that after care givers provide for their elderly parents, who will eventualy die, their spouses will probably take care of them. Because Americans are living longer than ever, more psychologists and social worker begun to study care-giving to improve care of the elderly. They hav
51、e found that all caregiver share a common characteristic. All caregiver believe that they are the best people for the job, for different reasons. One caregiver said that she had always been close to her mother. Another was the oldest child. Another was the youngest child. In other words, they all fe
52、lt that they could do the job better than anyone else. Social workers interviewed caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility of caring for an elderly, dependent relative. They discovered three basic reasons. Many caregivers believed that they had an obligation to help their relative.
53、 Some stated that helping others made them feel more useful. Others hoped that by helping someone now, they would deserve care when they became old and dependent. When people care for an elderly relative, they often do not use available community services, such as adult day-care centers. If the care
54、givers are adult children, they are more likely to use such services, especially because they often have jobs and other responsibilities. In contrast, a spouse, usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home. Social workers discovered t
55、hat the reason for this difference was fear of poverty. An ill, elderly person may live for years, and medical care and nursing homes are very expensive. An elderly couples savings can disappear very quickly. The surviving spouse, usually the wife, can be left in poverty. As a result, she often trie
56、s to take care of her husband herself as long as she can. Researchers have found that caring for the elderly can be a very positive experience. The elderly appreciated the care and attention they received. They were affectionate and cooperative. However, even when care-giving is satisfying, it is ha
57、rd work. Social workers and experts on aging offer caregivers and potential caregivers help when arranging for the care of an elderly relative. One consideration is to ask parents what they want before they become sick or dependent. Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance. On the other hand, they may want to live with their adult children. Care givers must also learn to be assertive and ask for help from others, especially siblings. Brothers and sisters are often wil
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