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1、 淮 阴 工 学 院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学 院:江淮学院专 业:会计学姓 名:杨欢学 号:3082113331外文出处:Facts for You(用外文写)附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。指导教师评语: 所选文献与论文题目相关,翻译较清楚,格式符合规范要求。年月日签名: 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文 中小型企业融资决策企业的产生、生存及发展均离不开投资与融资活动。随着我国加入WTO 组织,市场经济体制的逐步完善,金融市场的快速发展,投资与融资效率也越来越成为企业发展的关键。对于中小型企业而言,应要根据自身发展需求,认真考虑如何选择自己需要和适合自




5、策在中小企业财务决策中并不具备像大企业(尤其是股份公司)那样的独立性,它应该是企业投资决策的一部分,融资必须直接为投资服务。这也就是说,中小企业的融资决策必须通过投资决策这一环节才能通向财务管理目标,而不是像股份公司那样,融资决策与财务目标之间可以建立直接的函数关系。这是因为:1.中小企业财务目标是利润最大化,只有投资活动才能为企业带来利润,即最优的投资决策就是最优的筹资决策。2. 中小企业的资金供需矛盾突出,企业融资的渠道、数量、时间都受到各种客观条件的限制。要像大企业那样灵活地运用多种手段来自由调整资本结构,对中小企业来说是不现实的。因此,对于有数十年经营历史,由职业经理层管理的中小型企业











16、、融资收益的不同而存在很大差异。比如,股票融资、尤其是初次发行普通股并上市流通,不仅会给企业带来巨大的资金融通,还会大大提高企业的知名度和商誉,使企业的竞争力获得提高。因此,在进行融资决策时,中小企业要先选择最有利于提高竞争力的融资方式。随着中国加入世界贸易组织,中国中小企业的准入领域将会进一步拓展,这为中小企业的发展提供了难得的机会,但同时也向中小企业提出了挑战。而中小企业在发展中作出的融资决策,直接关系着中小企业的存亡,所以,中小企业的投融资决策中应在充分考虑企业自身条件的基础上,考虑企业融资策略可行性的各个方面和可能会带来的各种问题,寻求企业整体收益的均衡。 Small and Medi

17、um Enterprises financing decision企业的产生、生存及发展均离不开投资与融资活动。 Business generation, survival and development are inseparable from the investment and financing activities. 随着我国加入WTO 组织,市场经济体制的逐步完善, 金融市场的快速发展,投资与融资效率也越来越成为企业发展的关键。 With Chinas accession to WTO organization, the market economy system, the gra

18、dual improvement of the financial markets, rapid development, investment and financing efficiency is increasingly becoming the key to the development of enterprises. 对于中小型企业而言,应要根据自身发展需求,认真考虑如何选择自己需要和适合自己发展阶段的融资方式以及各种融资方式的利用时机、条件、成本和风险,确定合适的融资规模以及制定最佳融资期限等问题。 For the small and medium enterprises, ac

19、cording to their own development needs should seriously consider how to select their own needs and suited to their stage of development financing, as well as a variety of financing the use of timing, conditions, costs and risks, determine the appropriate size of the financing and the development of

20、the best financing periods. 要解决这些问题,需要中小型企业制定适当的融资策略,以作出最优化的融资决策。 To solve these problems, small and medium enterprises need to develop appropriate financing strategies in order to make the most optimal financing decision. 一、企业融资决策概述 First, an overview of corporate finance decision-making (一)企业融资决策概

21、述 (A) an overview of corporate finance decision-making 企业融资决策,是企业根据其价值创造目标需要,利用一定时机与渠道,采取经济有效的融资工具,为公司筹集所需资金的一种市场行为。 Corporate finance decision-making, is the enterprise value creation objectives in accordance with its needs, the use of a certain timing and channels to take cost-effective financing

22、tool for companies to raise the funds needed for a market behavior. 它不仅改变了公司的资产负债结构,而且影响了企业内部管理 、经营业绩、可持续发展及价值增长。 It not only changed the structure of the companys assets and liabilities, but also affected the internal management, business performance, sustainable development and value growth. 典型的融资

23、决策包括出售何种债务和股权(融资方式)、如何确定所要出售债务和股权的价值(融资成本)、何时出售些债务和股权(融资时机)等等。 A typical decision-making including the sale of what kind of financing of debt and equity (financing), how to determine which they want to sell the value of debt and equity (financing costs), when to sell more debt and equity (financing

24、opportunities) and so on. 而其中最主要的包括融资规模的决策和融资方式的决策。 Which include the financing of the size of the most important decision-making and financing decisions. 融资规模应为企业完成资金使用目的的最低需要量。 Financing scale enterprises should be the purpose of completing the minimum requirements for the use of funds. 而企业的融资方式则多

25、种多样,常见的以下几种: The financing of enterprises are diverse, common the following: 1. 财政融资。 1. Fiscal financing. 财政融资方式从融出的角度来讲,可分为:预算内拨款、财政贷款、通过授权机构的国有资产投资、政策性银行贷款、预算外专项建设基金、财政补贴。 Financial financing from a financial point of view out, can be divided into: budget allocation, financial loans, through auth

26、orized agencies of the state-owned assets investments, policy-oriented bank loans, special construction of extrabudgetary funds, financial subsidies. 2.银行融资。 2. Bank financing. 从资金融出角度即银行的资金运用来说,主要是各种代款,例如:信用贷款、抵押贷款、担保贷款、贴现贷款、融资租凭、 证券投资。 From the Chinese-funded financial point of view that is out of

27、 the use of bank funds, the main sections of various generation, such as: credit, mortgage loans, secured loan, discounted loans, lease financing, securities investment. 3.商业融资。 3. Commercial financing. 其方式也是多种多样,主要包括商品交易过程中各企业间发生的赊购商品、预收货款等形式。 Its the way they are varied, mainly including trade tra

28、nsaction process that took place between enterprises on credit products, prepaid loans and other forms. 4.政券融资。 4. G voucher financing. 该方式主要包括股标融资和债券融资两大类。 The method includes tendering, financing and bond financing two major categories. (二)融资决策过程 (B) the financing decision-making process 企业制定融资决策的

29、过程,也即确定最优资本结构的过程。 Corporate financing decision-making process to develop, that is to determine the optimal capital structure process. 具体决策程序是:首先,当一家企业为筹措一笔资金面临几种融资方案时,企业可以分别计算出各个融资方案的加权平均资本成本率,然后选择其中加权平均资本成本率最低的一种。 The specific decision-making process is: First, when a sum of money to finance compan

30、ies faced several financing options, companies can calculate the various financing options respectively, the weighted average cost of capital rate, and then select one of the lowest weighted average cost of capital as a. 其次,被选中的加权平均资本成本率最低的那种融资方案只是诸种方案中最佳的,并不意味着它已经形成了最佳资本结构,这时,企业要观察投资者对贷出款项的要求、股票市场的

31、价格波动等情况,根据财务判断分析资本结构的合理性,同时企业财务人员可利用一些财务分析方法对资本结构通行更详尽的分析。 Secondly, selected the lowest weighted average cost of capital is just the kind of financing options best Zhuzhong program does not mean that it has become the best capital structure, this time, enterprises should observe the investors in th

32、e loan payment request, the stock market price fluctuations, etc., according to financial analysis to determine the reasonable capital structure, while corporate finance officers can use some of the financial analysis of capital structure, access more detailed analysis. 最后,根据分析结果,在企业进一步的融资决策中改进其资本结构

33、。 Finally, according to results of the analysis in the corporate financing decision-making to further improve its capital structure. (三)中小企业融资的总思路 (C) the general idea of the Financing of SMEs 中小企业融资的总体思路应是:投资与融资相结合,以投资带动融资。 SME finance general idea should be: a combination of investment and finance

34、 in order to finance investment-driven. 融资决策在中小企业财务决策中并不具备像大企业(尤其是股份公司)那样的独立性,它应该是企业投资决策的一部分,融资必须直接为投资服务。 Financial decision-making in small and medium enterprises do not have the financial decision-making as big business (especially stock company), as the independence, it should be a part of busine

35、ss investment decisions, financing must be direct investment services. 这也就是说,中小企业的融资决策必须通过投资决策这一环节才能通向财务管理目标,而不是像股份公司那样,融资决策与财务目标之间可以建立直接的函数关系。 This means that the SMEs in the decision-making must pass in order to lead to investment decision-making in this part of the financial management objectives

36、, rather than as stock companies, finance decision-making and financial objectives to establish a direct functional relationship. 这是因为: This is because: 1.中小企业财务目标是利润最大化,只有投资活动才能为企业带来利润,即最优的投资决策就是最优的筹资决策。 1. SME financial goal is to maximize profits, only the investment activities in order to bring

37、profits for the enterprise, that is the optimal investment decisions is the optimal financing decision-making. 2. 中小企业的资金供需矛盾突出,企业融资的渠道、数量、时间都受到各种客观条件的限制。 2. The obvious contradiction between supply and demand of funds for SMEs, corporate finance channels, quantity, time is influenced by various obj

38、ective conditions. 要像大企业那样灵活地运用多种手段来自由调整资本结构,对中小企业来说是不现实的。 To act like large companies the flexibility to use various means to freely adjust the capital structure, for SMEs is unrealistic. 因此,对于有数十年经营历史 ,由职业经理层管理的中小型企业而言,融资计划是为投资服务的,必须与投资需求相匹配,包括融资金额和融资时间上的匹配。 Thus, for decades operating history, la

39、yer management by professional managers of small and medium enterprises, financing plan for investment services, and must be matched with investment demand, including financing and financing the amount of time matching. 更重要的,投资项目必须是经过多方面因素考虑的,不是盲目圈钱的幌子,否则容易出现投融资决策失效,导致投资失败、损害企业权益的问题。 More importantl

40、y, the investment projects through a variety of factors must be considered, not blind means for misappropriating a cover, otherwise easily lead to investment and financing decision-making failures, leading to investment failure, damage to corporate rights. 在监督职能缺乏的中小型企业中,进行程序化的项目可行性论证是必要的,但只是决策的一个部分

41、,提供财务上的参考,不能对整个计划是否可行提供意见,更不能作为项目可行的决定性依据。 In the absence of the oversight function of the small and medium enterprises in the conduct of the proceedings of a project feasibility study is necessary, but only a part of the decision-making, provide financial information, the feasibility of the whole s

42、cheme can not provide advice, but can not serve as a viable project a decisive basis. 战略和内部需要等各种因素综合考虑是很重要的。 Strategy and internal needs of a variety of factors to consider is very important. 论文网Www.LunWenNet.Com Paper Net Www.LunWenNet.Com 二、我国中小型企业融资环境分析 Second, our analysis of the financing envir

43、onment for SMEs 企业是在一定环境下的各种经济资源的有机集合体。 Enterprise is in a certain environment, a variety of economic resources, the organic collection. 企业运营只有适应和了解环境变化的要求,才能立于不败之地。 Business operations to adapt and understand the requirements of environmental change, to be invincible. 企业面临的环境是指存在于企业周围,影响企业生存和发展的各种客

44、观因素和力量的总称,它是企业选择筹资方式的基础。 Enterprises are faced with an environment is present in the surrounding businesses, affecting business survival and development of various objective factors and forces of the general, it is the basis for corporate financing choices. 就现阶段而言,我国中小企业的融资环境现状主要有以下几个方面: At the mome

45、nt, the status quo of Chinas financing environment for SMEs mainly in the following areas: (一)从中小企业自身的状况来看 (A) From the situation of SMEs in view of their own 我国中小企业的经营管理水平和技术水平往往比较低,企业内部缺乏有效的监督制约机制,这样造成的一个结果就是资金使用效率不高,风险比较大。 Chinas SME business management and technical levels are relatively low, a

46、lack of effective internal supervision and control mechanisms, such a result is caused by inefficient use of funds, the risk is relatively large. 因此,银行等金融机构对中小企业经营和发展的信任度很低,所以也不会轻易地将资金借贷给中小企业。 Thus, banks and other financial institutions and development of SME business confidence is low, so it will

47、not easily borrow funds to SMEs. (二)从银行等金融机构的经营原则来考虑 (B) from banks and other financial institutions operating principles to consider 银行等金融机构的经营讲究资金的“效益性、安全性、流动性”,在实践中银行等金融机构给予客户贷款的一个前提条件就是要求客户能够提供有效的担保,中小企业自身则因资力有限而无法提供有效的担保,同时因为中小企业经营的风险性,第三人在一般情况下也不会为中小企业的债务提供担保。 Banks and other financial institu

48、tions pay attention to fund the operation of efficiency, safety, liquidity, in practice, banks and other financial institutions to give customers a prerequisite for the loan is to ask customers to provide effective guarantees for SMEs with limited self-financing due to unable to provide effective se

49、curity, while for SMEs operating risks, the third person in normal circumstances would not provide guarantees for the debt of small and medium enterprises. 既然不能提供足额有效的担保,银行等金融机构就不会给中小企业发放贷款。 Since it is impossible to provide full and effective guarantees, banks and other financial institutions will

50、not give loans to small and medium enterprises. (三)从国家的产业政策和经济政策来看 (C) from the countrys industrial policies and economic policies are concerned 政府对中小企业的扶持不足也是造成中小企业融资难的一个重要原因。 Lack of government support for SMEs, SME financing difficulties also contributed to an important reason. 我国对中小企业虽然也有一些扶持政策,

51、比如中华人民共和国乡镇企业法当中也规定,“国家运用信贷手段,鼓励和扶持乡镇企业的发展”:“县级以上人民政府依照国家有关规定,可以设立乡镇企业发展基金”,“乡镇企业发展基金专门用于扶持乡镇企业发展”等,但是因为缺乏有效的制度保障,这些规定很难落到实处。 China for SMEs, although there are a number of supportive policies, such as The Peoples Republic of China Township Enterprise Law, which also stipulates that the state to use

52、 the credit means, to encourage and support the development of township and village enterprises: peoples governments above the county level in accordance with relevant state regulations, you can the establishment of rural enterprise development fund , township enterprise development fund dedicated t

53、o support the development of township enterprises , etc., but because of the lack of an effective system to protect, these provisions are difficult to implement. (四)从我国的金融管制来看 (D) from the view of Chinas financial control 企业之间不能相互借贷也在一定程度上增加了中小企业融资的难度。 Between enterprises can not borrow each other t

54、o some extent also increased the difficulty of financing for SMEs. 依据我国现行法律,公民之间、企业与公民之间、企业或公民与金融机构之间可以发生合法的借贷关系,然而企业与企业之间的借贷却被视为非法借贷关系而为法律所不允许。 Based on our current law, among the citizens, businesses and citizen, business or civic and financial institutions can occur between the legitimate lending

55、 between enterprises and between enterprises, however, been regarded as illegal loan lending relationships are not by law允许. 这样,对于中小企业来说,等于少了一条融资的途径,无形之中也增加了中小企业的融资难度。 In this way, for SMEs, he would lose a means of financing, intangible into the financing of SMEs has also increased the difficulty.

56、三、中小型企业应制定合理融资的具体策略 Third, small and medium enterprises should develop specific strategies and reasonable financing 因此,对于在现阶段我国的中小企业融资环境对中小企业融资不利的情况下而言,中小企业在制定具体的融资策略时,应注意以下几个方面: Therefore, at this stage of Chinas SME financing environment for SMEs in terms of financing of adverse circumstances, the

57、 financing of SMEs in the development of specific strategies should pay attention to the following aspects: (一)资金数量上追求合理性 (A) the amount of funding the pursuit of rationality 对以股份公司为代表的大企业来讲,融资的目的在于实现最佳资本结构,即追求资金成本最低和企业价值最大;而对中小企业来讲,融资的目的是直接确保生产经营所需的资金。 Right to shares of companies on behalf of larg

58、e enterprises in terms of financing aimed at achieving optimal capital structure, namely, the pursuit of cost of capital, the minimum and maximum business value; while for SMEs is concerned, the purpose of financing directly to ensure that the necessary production and operation of funds. 资金不足会影响生产发展

59、,而资金过剩也会导致资金使用效果降低,形成浪费。 Lack of funds will affect the development of production, but excess can lead to the use of funds of funds, diminish the effect, resulting in a waste. 由于中小企业融资不易,所以经营者在遇到比较宽松的筹资环境时,往往容易犯“韩信点兵,多多益善”的错误。 As the SME financing is not easy, so operators are more relaxed in the face of


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