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1、广庆新材料科技有限公司承办部门生产部BOPP操作规程文件编号GQXCLZYSC01批 准 人丁章版本号A/0实施日期2012年3月1号页 数共 23 页1 目的为了规范生产过程和故障处理中的各单元的操作,避免造成设备和人身伤害。2 范围车间各岗位。3 职责4 要求一、目录 1二、警示提醒标语(挤出、铸片单元 2激冷辊穿膜操作步骤 7三、警示提醒标语(MDO纵拉)9 清除MDO辊筒上废膜操作步骤 10MDO穿膜操作步骤 11四、TDO穿膜操作步骤 13五、TDO和牵引破膜后牵引操作步骤 14六、警示提醒标语(牵引) 15 牵引穿膜操作步骤 16 七、停机(CUT BACK)操作步骤17八、破膜后

2、收卷操作步骤20九、正常换卷操作步骤21 警示提醒标语(收卷)23 第 22 页 共 24 页警告!Warning !严禁用除铜以外的任何金属接触口模和激冷辊Forbid any kind metal touch DIE and CHILL ROLL except COPPER注意!Pay attention !工作完毕, 请按一下”复位按钮” 并马上关好安全门, 否则铸片系统将无法移动和部分功能无法操作。Please press “Door reset” button and close the door immeditaly. Otherwise, casting unit cannot

3、move and some functions of casting system are disabled.“复位按钮”在下面“Door reset” button In the following提醒!Notice !踩下该踏板,移动小车会更轻松Press down this plate for easy moving trolley注意!Pay attention !踩踏黑色安全垫,将导致辅助收卷机降速 踩踏黄色安全垫,将导致辅助收卷机停车Aux. winder will slow down when step on Black safety matAux. winder will be

4、 stopped when step on yellow safety mat激冷辊穿膜操作步骤Chill Roll Threading Procedure1. 清理模头完毕后启动挤出机排除系统内降解料;Start extruders to purge the die after die lip has been cleaned;2. 待流出的融体均匀干净后,停止挤出机;Stop extruders after cleaning melt come out;3. 清洁固膜气刀;Clean the airknife;4. 将激冷辊移到”工作位置” (激冷辊速度为5m/min),Move Chil

5、l Roll to “Chill roll work Pos.” (Keep Chill Roll speed 5m/min);5. 将激冷辊除水装置移到”工作位置”,并启动除水风机;Move Chill Roll Water Remover” to “Waterremoval CR Work Pos.” and Start the Fan (press “waterremoval CR run” button;6. 启动辅助挤出机;Start Co-extruders;7. 将流出的融体用胶带粘附在铸片辊表面;Stick the melt on the surface of the chil

6、l roll;8. 启动主挤出机; Start main extruder;9. 按” 激冷辊穿片模式”钮;Push “Chill Roll Thread Mode” button;10. 待厚片穿过整个铸片系统后,将风刀移到”工作位置”, 并启动风机;调整好吹边Move Air Knife to “air knife work pos.”. Start the fan (“air knife fan run”) after casting film through all the casting unit; adjust the edge pipe.11. 待厚片平整后,合上”导向辊”,打下

7、”旋转辊1”,合上”除水CF装置” 和 ”压辊” ,启动”除水CF开”;Put Guide Roll, Swivel rolls1, Waterremoval CF and Nip Roll to “work Pos” after Casting film flat. Start Casting Film Water Remover Fan.注意:在进行该部分操作时必须有人按注MDO入口处“移动释放” 钮Pay Attention: When operating Step 4,5,10 and 11, somebody should Keep Press “Movement Realese”

8、button at MDO inlet.注意!Pay Attention!在做MDO辊筒清洁时请先将衣服口袋中的物品取出, 以防物品跌落损坏辊筒To avoid damaging rolls, Please take all things out from your pocket when you are cleaning the MDO rolls from topside清除MDO辊筒上废膜操作步骤Cleaning waster film from MDO rolls 1. 将”模式”钥匙转向”服务”, 打开安全护网Turn “Mode” key to “Service” and open

9、 safety Cover2. 使用脚踏开关”向后”或”向前”转动辊筒,清除机器上废膜Use “Jog switch” to turn roll “ forwards” or “backwards” for taking casting film away3. 关闭安全护网, 将”模式”钥匙转向”生产模式”Close safety gates and Turn “Mode” key to “Prod.”4. 启动MDOStart MDO警告!Warning !严禁用任何刀具直接在辊筒上割膜Forbid to use any kind knife to cut film away from MD

10、O rolls directlyMDO穿膜操作步骤MDO Threading Procedure1. 按MDO入口处的”纵拉穿引模式”钮;Press “MDO thread Mode” button at MDO Inlet;2. 将穿片绳系好在穿片链条上;Put the threading rope on threading chain;3. 将横向切刀移到操作侧,并将厚片切开;Move cross cutter to O.S and put the “knife in”;4. 将O.S.侧的膜条剪断Cut O.S.casting film strip;5. 在膜条上用剪刀穿孔,并系好穿片绳

11、;Drill a hole on the casting film with scissors and Put an threading rope in;6. 将两穿片绳系好;Connect two threading ropes together; 7. 按”穿引链条启动”钮; 向D.S.侧移动横向切刀至厚片切断;Press “Threading Chain Run” button, move cross cutter to D.S. until casting film cut.8. 待膜片穿过MDO第一根预热辊后按”纵拉加速”钮,待厚片张紧时松开;Press “MDO Overspeed

12、” button after casting filmpassed first Preheating roll until casting tensioned;9. 注意观察MDO的穿片情况;Pay attention MDO threading situation;10. 待膜片穿过MDO出口导辊后, 按“穿引链停条止”钮;Push “Threading Chain Stop” button when casting film come out MDO outlet;11. 剪断穿片绳, 并将膜片缠在辅助收卷机上Cut threading rope and put the filme on

13、the Auxiliary winder;注意!Pay Attention !切勿戴手套, 切勿将手放入膜中Dont take gloves and dont put your fingers between the film.12. 根据情况适当调节好辅助收卷张力;Adjust film winding tension;13. 调整拉伸间隙到工作位置;Adjust MDO stretch gap to work position;14.压好压辊.Put Nip Rolls to Working Position.TDO穿膜操作步骤TDO Threading Procedure1. 将纵拉出口

14、横向切刀移到切膜位置;Move Cross Cutter to working position;2. 按”横拉穿引模式”钮;Push “TDO Thread Mode” button;3. 按”刀膜内”钮,将膜切开;Push “Knife in film” button;4. 剪断操作侧的膜条并将其穿过导辊, 交給TDO入口处的操作人员将膜条夹入链夹;Cut the O.S. strip, pass guide roll and put the stripin clip;5. 待操作侧夹稳后, 将横向切刀点动移向驱动侧;Move cross cutter to D.S.(by steps)

15、when O.S. strip clip in well;6. 将驱动侧的膜夹入链夹;Clip D.S. film in;7. 待两侧夹稳后,将两边的展平轮放下;Close Spreader roll when both side clip in; 8. 按TDO入口处的”横拉加速模式”钮.Press “TDO Speedup Mode” at TDO inlet .9. 待横拉穿好后,停止辅助卷曲,stop the auxiliary winder after threading the TDO.TDO和牵引破膜后牵引操作步骤Operating Procedure After TDO and

16、 Pull Roll Film Breaking1. 将”模式”钥匙转向”服务”, 打开安全门Turn “Mode” key to “Service” and open safetygates2. 清除测厚仪两边的废膜Take waster film away from both side Thickness gauge3. 按测厚仪的”OFF SHEET”钮,将测厚仪移到停车位置Press Thickness Gauge “OFF SHEET” button4. 使用脚踏开关”正转”或”反转”转动辊筒,清除机器上废膜Use “Jog switch” to turn roll “ forwar

17、ds” or “backwards” to take film away5. 关闭所有安全门,将”模式”钥匙转向”生产模式”位置Close all safety gates and Turn “Mode” key to “Prod.”;6. 启动牵引Start Pull Roll警告!Warning !严禁用任何刀具直接在辊筒上割膜Forbid to use any kind knife to cut film away from MDO rolls directly牵引穿膜操作步骤Pull Roll Threading Procedure1. 按牵引入口处的”牵引穿片模式”Press “Pu

18、ll Roll Thread Mode” 2 按TDO出口处的”切膜器工作位置”,数秒钟后按” 切膜器停止位置”钮Press “film cutting work pos.” button and press “film cutting park pos.” button few sec. later at TDO outlet;3. 待膜从TDO出口出来之后将两边的边料剪断Cut both strips when film coming out TDO.4. 抓住操作侧边料将膜穿过牵引机,并将膜缠在收卷机上;Take O.S. strip, threading Pull Roll and p

19、ut it on the winder;5. 按住”牵引超速”钮,待TDO与牵引之间的膜将要拉紧时松开, 按下牵引加速按钮。Keep press “Pull Roll Over Speed” button until film tensioned 。push the pull speed up button.6. 待压辊和展平辊到位后,将切边刀放下(“切边刀膜内”)Press “Edge knifes in film” button when part nip rolls and Spreader rolls on the position.7. 按住两剪边刀钮,将边料剪断Press two

20、“CHOPPING” buttons to cut the edge trim;8. 按”牵引生产模式”钮Push “Production Mode” button;9. 待电晕处理和测厚仪正常工作后换卷Change Jumbo roll after Corona treatment and Thickness Gauge working normally;10. 按收卷机的”自动切膜”钮Press “Auto Cut” button on the winder commander 11. 待自动切膜完成后,更换卷芯Unload jumbo roll after auto cutting pr

21、ocedure finished停机 (CUT BACK) 操作步骤Cut Back Operating Procedure1.按MDO或TDO出口处的”切断返回模式”钮 Press “Cut Back” mode button at MDO Outlet or TDO outlet.2.启动纵拉出口带有缠绕粘胶带的辅助收卷机Start Prepared Auxiliary winder at MDO outlet(with core and tape on)3.将横向切刀移到切膜位置 Move cross cutter to cutting film position4.按”刀膜内”钮,将膜

22、切开 Push “Knife in film” button; 5.剪断操作侧的膜条并将其缠到辅助收卷机上Cut the O.S. strip and put on auxiliarywinder 6.将横向切刀移向驱动侧Move cross cutter to D.S. 7.按”MDO穿片模式”钮Push “MDO threading Mode” button如果决定停机, 请进行下列操作If you are going to stop the line next procedure as following:1.在MDO入口将厚片剪断Cutting casting film at MDO

23、inlet2.打开激冷辊处的导辊, 厚片除水装置Open Guider roll, casting film water remover3.停止挤出机Stop all extruders11.关闭气刀风机, 并将气刀放下Switch off air knife fan and move air knife toparking position12.将激冷辊移开, 同时切断融体Move Chill Roll to parking position and cut the melt破膜后收卷机操作步骤Winder Operating Procedure after Film BreakA. 膜卷直

24、径较大需要更换卷芯Big jumbo roll diameter, it is necessary to change core1. 按”翻转”按钮Push “turning” button 2. 待转塔转动到位后, 打开夹头, 更换卷芯, 夹好夹头Open chuck, change core and close chuck 3. 按”打开穿膜”钮 Push “open to thread” button4. 待转塔转动到位后,启动收卷卷芯Start winder after reach Threading position5.转动”安全门解除” 钮, 打开安全门, 将粘胶带缠在卷芯上(胶面

25、向外)Turn “Safety gate release” key and open safety gates, put additive tape on6. 关闭安全门, 转动”安全门解除” 钮Close safety gate, Turn “Safety gate release” keyB. 不需要更换卷芯Not necessary change core1. 按” 打开至穿引”钮Push “open to thread” button2. 待转塔转动到位后, 启动收卷卷芯 Start winder after reach Threading position3. 转动”模安全门解除”, 打开安全门, 将粘胶带缠在卷芯上(胶面向外)Turn “Safety gate release” and open safety gates, pu


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