



1、2012 2013学年度第二学期 小学六年级英语期中测试卷 听力部分 (2013、4) 1、听朗读,选出你听到的单词。(10分) ()1. A. clow nB. clock C. clothes ( )2. A. glass B. glue C. gloves ( )3. A. cream B. crab C. crocodile ( )4. A. grass B. grapes C. grocery store ( )5. A. practice B. prese nts C. press ( )6. A. bread B. brother -C. break ( )7. A. drum

2、B. dress C. drink ( )8. A. trumpet B. train C. tree ( )9. A. milk B. elk C. sink ( )10. A. mask B. ask C. wi nk (本 二、听朗读,选择正确的答语,把字母编号填在左边的括号里。 题共10分,每小题1分。) ()1. A. At the library. B. At the shop. ()2. A. Be careful. B. Itn ext to the park. ()3.A. No, they don B. Because they stayed up late. ()4. A

3、. It Friday. B. Itthree yua n. ()5. A. I was look ing for my glasses. B. I dontk now. 三、听朗读,完成句子。(10分) 1. did youthose shoes? 2. t the corner. 3. . (本题共10分,每小题1分。) visited it. Where the I t S the park. 四、听录音,根据录音内容填上所缺的单词。 A new store ope ned last weeke nd. Lots of They kes , puppies and fish. becau

4、se It the Big Money Bank. Tony was he got a kitte n. Jenny was Gogo was because 笔试部分 because she a puppy. he the snakes in the cage. 五、单词运用。根据句子的意思和中文提示,在横线上填上适当的单词或词组, 使句子完整、正确。(本题共15分,每小题1.5分。) 1. You can (横过)the street whe n the traffic light is red. 2. He has to 来)back in time. 3. I bought 五盒牛奶)

5、 4. Do you want to know the( 洞)in the J 山) 5. Don ( 笑)in the class. 6. The worker was tired. He was ( 挖)the hole slowly. 7. Why was he ( 哭)? Because he ( 错过了 )the bus. 8. We ll give(他们) some money tomorrow . 9. Gogo _ s ( 最喜爱的 )food is cookie. (本题共15分, 六、选择题。选出正确答案,把答案编号填在左边的括号里。 每小题1.5分。) ()1. Mum

6、will getflowers? A. a box of B. a bunch C. a bag of ()2. How muchthose pants?30 yuan. A. were B. was C. is ()3. Go straight the traffic light. A. at B. to C. of ()4.Turn rightthe corner. A. in B. at C. to ()5. I stayed up late because ITV. A. is watch ing B.watches C. watched ()6. He all my cookies

7、yesterday. A. look for B. foundC. find ()7.did you buy at the store? A tube of toothpaste. A. Where B. Which C. What ()8. He likes, A. go shopp ing B. going to go shopp ingC. shopp ing ()9. What are you going to doSun day morning ? A. on B. in C. at ()10. You have to come to school 7:00 . A. atB. in

8、 C. on 七、 从B栏中找出A栏的答语,把代号写在题前的括号里。(10分) AB ()1. How much were they? a. A cart on of milk. ()2. Where can he buy socks? b.She takes the bus. ()3. Can you see that tree? c. They were 30 yua n. ()4. How does she get to school? d.At the shopp ing mall. ()5. What did Ben buy? e. Of course I can see. 八、阅读

9、理解。判断对错,对的写 T,错的写F. ( 10分) A Hello. Today is Tuesda y.It was warm yesterday. We had a good time. Tony and I were at the swimmi ng pool yesterday after noon. We were swimming. Jenny was at the toy store. She was excited because she got a nice doll. Ben was at the hair sal on. He was hav ing a haircut

10、 at 4:00. Now he looks cool after havi ng a haircut. ()1.Yesterday was Mon day. ()2.T noy and I were swim ming the day before yesterday. ()3.Je nny was sad. ()4.Ben didn had a haircut. ()5.We all had a good time. B My sister has two sons. One is 4 and the other is 6. One day I go to see my sister. H

11、er husband isntat home. I t stime for lunch and we sit at the table waiting for the dishes. Now the mother is in the kitchen. I hear a talk betwee n the brothers. The 6-year-old boy says,” Dad is not at home. I am the head of our family today. And I can sit on Dads chair. ” But the 4-year-old boy says,” No. Sit on Mom s chair if you are the head of our family today.” ()1.My sister has two childre n. ()2.The father is at home. ()3.The 6-yea


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