已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、print process litho 印印刷刷方方式式 ( (胶胶印印, ,柔柔印印, ,凹凹印印?) ) digital file format (adobe cs, cs2 or cs3) - we will supply in cs3 unless specified adobe cs3 所所需需文文件件格格式式 (adobe cs, cs2 or cs3) - - 如如未未特特别别要要求求,我我们们会会提提供供 cs3 格格式式文文件件 printing surface (front printing or reverse printing ) - this is mainly us

2、ed for flexible packaging, where the printed surface is on the outside selling face of the packaging or inside. n / a 印印刷刷面面 ( (表表印印, ,里里印印) ) - - 印印刷刷面面: 针针对对透透明明的的印印刷刷材材料料, 材材料料的的两两面面都都可可以以印印刷刷。 面面对对印印刷刷品品, 当当印印刷刷内内容容是是 正正向向时时, 印印刷刷面面 (油油墨墨覆覆盖盖的的一一面面) 如如果果是是朝朝着着阅阅读读者者的的一一面面,称称为为表表印印, 如如果果是是背背着着印印刷

3、刷者者的的一一面面, 称称为为里里 印印(也也叫叫反反药药膜膜印印刷刷)。 对对于于纸纸张张印印刷刷,基基本本都都是是表表印印。对对于于凹凹印印,以以里里印印居居多多,只只有有纸纸尿尿片片、卫卫生生巾巾类类产产品品(承承 印印物物为为乳乳白白pe)的的是是表表印印。 trapping value (by how much colours print into each other - state unit of measure - in inches or mm only) - due to the nature of the print process, a certain degree o

4、f mis-register occurs when printing from one colour to the next. this means that when 2 colours that appear to be touching each other on the artwork, move apart leaving a white space. to resolve this, we apply something called trapping. this is where we make elements of the lightest colour larger so

5、 they extend under the darker colour. when printed, even with the printing machine mis-register, the colours appear to touch each other as displayed on the artwork. this needs to be specified as a single unit of measurement in mm. the industry standard for offset is 0.1mm, but you will need to speci

6、fy how much.0.15mm 扣扣套套(陷陷印印)或或补补漏漏白白值值( (inches 或或者者mm)mm) ( (给给出出单单位位 inches 或或者者mm)mm) - - 陷陷印印量量: 陷陷印印,又又称称补补漏漏白白、 扩扩缩缩、扣扣 套套、爆爆肥肥。 对对于于两两色色以以上上的的印印刷刷, 由由于于机机器器存存在在误误差差, 绝绝对对套套准准是是不不可可能能的的。 为为了了避避免免两两色色相相接接处处因因为为套套印印 不不准准而而漏漏出出承承印印物物的的颜颜色色, 在在印印前前制制作作时时通通常常需需要要把把相相接接处处两两色色相相互互叠叠印印一一些些。这这个个叠叠印印的的

7、距距离离叫叫陷陷印印量量,是是一一个个 有有长长度度单单位位的的数数值值,比比如如 0.1mm。这这个个量量也也可可以以反反映映出出印印刷刷机机的的套套印印精精度度。 bleed this is how much the printed design prints over the edge of the cutter shape to allow for any mis-register when die-cutting the printed material after printing. this needs to be specified as a single unit of me

8、asurement in mm. a typical measurement for this would be 3mm, but you will need to specify how much. 3mm 出出血血值值:为为了了方方便便后后加加工工,主主要要是是模模切切和和切切,在在印印前前设设计计时时靠靠着着刀刀线线的的所所有有物物件件都都要要往往刀刀线线外外的的方方向向延延伸伸一一些些。延延 伸伸出出去去的的部部分分叫叫出出血血位位,延延伸伸的的距距离离叫叫出出血血值值。 这这是是一一个个有有长长度度单单位位的的数数值值, 比比如如 3mm。 bar width reduction (

9、bwr) (state unit of measure - in inches or mm only) - to explain bwr further, it is a value of reduction required to be applied to the barcode. this is to accommodate ink spread on press. pressure on press and during the print process will cause ink to spread. as a result, sometimes the bars in the

10、barcode expands (become fatter) and will not be able to scan. by reducing the width of the barcode slightly, this will allow the barcode to “expand” to the correct and actual width after it has been printed. this needs to be supplied as a unit of measurement in mm or inches. a typical bwr for offset

11、 printing, would be 0.01mm, but you will need to specify to us how much. 10 microns 条条码码宽宽度度减减少少量量 (bwr) (给给出出单单位位 inches或或者者 mm) - 条宽扩张量:由于印刷时的压力, 油墨在承印物上会有不 同程度的扩张。 在印刷条码时条码中每个黑线条的宽度对条码的识别等级有着极其重要的影响。如果线条的宽度误 差很大,条码的级别就无法达到a级。为了补偿油墨的扩张,在印前制作时会把条宽适当的减细一些,这样印刷时 加上油墨的扩张量,印刷出的条码中每条黑线的宽度就刚好达到要求的宽度。条宽扩张

12、量是一个有长度单位的数值 ,通常对胶印来说是 0.01mm。条宽扩张量可以通过测试印刷得到。 minimum positive type size - this needs to be displayed as a size of text. type is usually measured in a unit of measurement called a point - but you can supply in mm if you prefer. basically we are asking what is the smallest type that you can reproduc

13、e how small. some of the tesco product, is going into ce countries and as a result has a lot of text on the packaging. because of this, we sometimes have to reduce the text right down to a very small size, especially for swing tags & labels. by having this value supplied by the printer, we can ensur

14、e that we dont reduce the type down so small so it is unprintable. positive text means printed on white paper. if you like you could enter the industry standard 4 point. 4 point 最最小小的的阳阳字字大大小小 - - 最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阳阳字字大大小小: 因因为为制制版版、 印印刷刷设设备备的的限限制制, 当当文文字字大大小小小小于于某某个个值值时时, 印印刷刷品品 上上将将无无法法识识别别出出文文字字的的内内容容

15、。 在在印印刷刷设设计计时时, 应应该该避避免免使使用用小小于于“最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阳阳字字大大小小”的的文文字字。 文文字字大大小小通通 常常用用 point 来来表表示示。工工业业标标准准是是 4 point,但但是是应应该该通通过过测测试试印印刷刷来来确确定定。 minimum reverse type size - this needs to be displayed as a size of text. same explanation as above, but reverse type means that the text is unprinted but display

16、ed out of a printed background. usually a minimum reverse type is larger than the minimum type for positive text as there is more chance of the text filling in when printed. if you like you could enter the industry standard 6 point. 4 point 最最小小的的阴阴字字大大小小 - - 最小可印刷的阴字(反白字)大小: 因为制版、印刷设备的限制,当文字大小小于某个值

17、时 , 印刷品上将无法识别出文字的内容。 在印刷设计时, 应该避免使用小于 “最小可印刷的阴字大小”的文字。 文字大小通常用 point 来表示。由于油墨扩张,小的反白字印刷更困难, 所以工业标准的“最小可印刷的阴字大小 ”为 6 point, 但是应该通过测试印刷来确定。 minimum dot percentage a shade of colour is represented during the print process as a dot. the size of this dot is represented as a percentage of the space that t

18、his dot should occupy. the bigger the dot, the bigger the percentage, so the resulting colour is darker. a solid colour would be 100%, a clear unprinted area would be 0%. sometimes a very small percentage of dot is difficult to retain on a printing plate or the resulting print. for this reason we as

19、k that you specify what is the minimum or maximum dot percentage that you can print is so we can compensate for this when creating the files.1% 最最小小网网点点 - - 最最大大最最小小网网点点: 因因为为制制版版、 印印刷刷过过程程的的限限制制,小小于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通常常是是 2 2,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 56%, 丝丝印印更更大大为为 10% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将无无印印到到承承印印物物上上,大大于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通

20、常常是是 98%,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 9495%,丝丝 印印约约为为 85% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将变变成成实实地地。 请请通通过过测测试试得得出出这这个个值值, 我我们们会会根根据据您您提提供供的的数数值值对对文文件件进进行行处处理理,避避 免免一一些些难难看看的的效效果果出出现现在在印印刷刷品品上上。 maximum dot percentage a shade of colour is represented during the print process as a dot. the size of this dot is represented as a percentag

21、e of the space that this dot should occupy. the bigger the dot, the bigger the percentage, so the resulting colour is darker. a solid colour would be 100%, a clear unprinted area would be 0%. sometimes a very small percentage of dot is difficult to retain on a printing plate or the resulting print.

22、for this reason we ask that you specify what is the minimum or maximum dot percentage that you can print is so we can compensate for this when creating the files.100% 最最小小网网点点 - - 最最大大最最小小网网点点: 因因为为制制版版、 印印刷刷过过程程的的限限制制,小小于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通常常是是 2 2,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 56%, 丝丝印印更更大大为为 10% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将无无印印到到承承印

23、印物物上上,大大于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通常常是是 98%,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 9495%,丝丝 印印约约为为 85% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将变变成成实实地地。 请请通通过过测测试试得得出出这这个个值值, 我我们们会会根根据据您您提提供供的的数数值值对对文文件件进进行行处处理理,避避 免免一一些些难难看看的的效效果果出出现现在在印印刷刷品品上上。 minimum positive line weight - what is the minimum line weight (or thickness) of a line that can be printed. positive

24、means the line is printed on a white unprinted background. 0.12mm 最最小小的的阳阳线线 - - 最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阳阳线线,阳阳线线是是指指直直接接印印刷刷在在白白色色纸纸张张上上的的线线条条。 minimum negative line weight - what is the minimum line weight (or thickness) of a line that can be printed. negative means an unprinted line, reversed out of a solid

25、 background. 0.18mm 最最小小阴阴线线 - - 最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阴阴线线,阴阴线线是是指指由由实实地地反反白白体体现现的的线线条条。 print process flexo 印印刷刷方方式式 ( (胶胶印印, ,柔柔印印, ,凹凹印印?) ) digital file format (adobe cs, cs2 or cs3) - we will supply in cs3 unless specified adobe cs3 所所需需文文件件格格式式 (adobe cs, cs2 or cs3) - - 如如未未特特别别要要求求,我我们们会会提提供供 cs3 格格式

26、式文文件件 printing surface (front printing or reverse printing ) - this is mainly used for flexible packaging, where the printed surface is on the outside selling face of the packaging or inside. front 印印刷刷面面 ( (表表印印, ,里里印印) ) - - 印印刷刷面面: 针针对对透透明明的的印印刷刷材材料料, 材材料料的的两两面面都都可可以以印印刷刷。 面面对对印印刷刷品品, 当当印印刷刷内内容容是

27、是 正正向向时时, 印印刷刷面面 (油油墨墨覆覆盖盖的的一一面面) 如如果果是是朝朝着着阅阅读读者者的的一一面面,称称为为表表印印, 如如果果是是背背着着印印刷刷者者的的一一面面, 称称为为里里 印印(也也叫叫反反药药膜膜印印刷刷)。 对对于于纸纸张张印印刷刷,基基本本都都是是表表印印。对对于于凹凹印印,以以里里印印居居多多,只只有有纸纸尿尿片片、卫卫生生巾巾类类产产品品(承承 印印物物为为乳乳白白pe)的的是是表表印印。 trapping value (by how much colours print into each other - state unit of measure - in

28、 inches or mm only) - due to the nature of the print process, a certain degree of mis-register occurs when printing from one colour to the next. this means that when 2 colours that appear to be touching each other on the artwork, move apart leaving a white space. to resolve this, we apply something

29、called trapping. this is where we make elements of the lightest colour larger so they extend under the darker colour. when printed, even with the printing machine mis-register, the colours appear to touch each other as displayed on the artwork. this needs to be specified as a single unit of measurem

30、ent in mm. the industry standard for offset is 0.1mm, but you will need to specify how much.0.30mm 扣扣套套(陷陷印印)或或补补漏漏白白值值( (inches 或或者者mm)mm) ( (给给出出单单位位 inches 或或者者mm)mm) - - 陷陷印印量量: 陷陷印印,又又称称补补漏漏白白、 扩扩缩缩、扣扣 套套、爆爆肥肥。 对对于于两两色色以以上上的的印印刷刷, 由由于于机机器器存存在在误误差差, 绝绝对对套套准准是是不不可可能能的的。 为为了了避避免免两两色色相相接接处处因因为为套套印印

31、 不不准准而而漏漏出出承承印印物物的的颜颜色色, 在在印印前前制制作作时时通通常常需需要要把把相相接接处处两两色色相相互互叠叠印印一一些些。这这个个叠叠印印的的距距离离叫叫陷陷印印量量,是是一一个个 有有长长度度单单位位的的数数值值,比比如如 0.1mm。这这个个量量也也可可以以反反映映出出印印刷刷机机的的套套印印精精度度。 bleed this is how much the printed design prints over the edge of the cutter shape to allow for any mis-register when die-cutting the pr

32、inted material after printing. this needs to be specified as a single unit of measurement in mm. a typical measurement for this would be 3mm, but you will need to specify how much. 3mm 出出血血值值:为为了了方方便便后后加加工工,主主要要是是模模切切和和切切,在在印印前前设设计计时时靠靠着着刀刀线线的的所所有有物物件件都都要要往往刀刀线线外外的的方方向向延延伸伸一一些些。延延 伸伸出出去去的的部部分分叫叫出出血血

33、位位,延延伸伸的的距距离离叫叫出出血血值值。 这这是是一一个个有有长长度度单单位位的的数数值值, 比比如如 3mm。 bar width reduction (bwr) (state unit of measure - in inches or mm only) - to explain bwr further, it is a value of reduction required to be applied to the barcode. this is to accommodate ink spread on press. pressure on press and during the

34、 print process will cause ink to spread. as a result, sometimes the bars in the barcode expands (become fatter) and will not be able to scan. by reducing the width of the barcode slightly, this will allow the barcode to “expand” to the correct and actual width after it has been printed. this needs t

35、o be supplied as a unit of measurement in mm or inches. a typical bwr for offset printing, would be 0.01mm, but you will need to specify to us how much. 30microns in the direction of print 40microns against the direction of print 条条码码宽宽度度减减少少量量 (bwr) (给给出出单单位位 inches或或者者 mm) - 条宽扩张量:由于印刷时的压力, 油墨在承印物

36、上会有不 同程度的扩张。 在印刷条码时条码中每个黑线条的宽度对条码的识别等级有着极其重要的影响。如果线条的宽度误 差很大,条码的级别就无法达到a级。为了补偿油墨的扩张,在印前制作时会把条宽适当的减细一些,这样印刷时 加上油墨的扩张量,印刷出的条码中每条黑线的宽度就刚好达到要求的宽度。条宽扩张量是一个有长度单位的数值 ,通常对胶印来说是 0.01mm。条宽扩张量可以通过测试印刷得到。 minimum positive type size - this needs to be displayed as a size of text. type is usually measured in a un

37、it of measurement called a point - but you can supply in mm if you prefer. basically we are asking what is the smallest type that you can reproduce how small. some of the tesco product, is going into ce countries and as a result has a lot of text on the packaging. because of this, we sometimes have

38、to reduce the text right down to a very small size, especially for swing tags & labels. by having this value supplied by the printer, we can ensure that we dont reduce the type down so small so it is unprintable. positive text means printed on white paper. if you like you could enter the industry st

39、andard 4 point. 5 point 最最小小的的阳阳字字大大小小 - - 最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阳阳字字大大小小: 因因为为制制版版、 印印刷刷设设备备的的限限制制, 当当文文字字大大小小小小于于某某个个值值时时, 印印刷刷品品 上上将将无无法法识识别别出出文文字字的的内内容容。 在在印印刷刷设设计计时时, 应应该该避避免免使使用用小小于于“最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阳阳字字大大小小”的的文文字字。 文文字字大大小小通通 常常用用 point 来来表表示示。工工业业标标准准是是 4 point,但但是是应应该该通通过过测测试试印印刷刷来来确确定定。 minimum reverse

40、type size - this needs to be displayed as a size of text. same explanation as above, but reverse type means that the text is unprinted but displayed out of a printed background. usually a minimum reverse type is larger than the minimum type for positive text as there is more chance of the text filli

41、ng in when printed. if you like you could enter the industry standard 6 point. 6 point 最最小小的的阴阴字字大大小小 - - 最小可印刷的阴字(反白字)大小: 因为制版、印刷设备的限制,当文字大小小于某个值时 , 印刷品上将无法识别出文字的内容。 在印刷设计时, 应该避免使用小于 “最小可印刷的阴字大小”的文字。 文字大小通常用 point 来表示。由于油墨扩张,小的反白字印刷更困难, 所以工业标准的“最小可印刷的阴字大小 ”为 6 point, 但是应该通过测试印刷来确定。 minimum dot perc

42、entage a shade of colour is represented during the print process as a dot. the size of this dot is represented as a percentage of the space that this dot should occupy. the bigger the dot, the bigger the percentage, so the resulting colour is darker. a solid colour would be 100%, a clear unprinted a

43、rea would be 0%. sometimes a very small percentage of dot is difficult to retain on a printing plate or the resulting print. for this reason we ask that you specify what is the minimum or maximum dot percentage that you can print is so we can compensate for this when creating the files.2% 最最小小网网点点 -

44、 - 最最大大最最小小网网点点: 因因为为制制版版、 印印刷刷过过程程的的限限制制,小小于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通常常是是 2 2,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 56%, 丝丝印印更更大大为为 10% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将无无印印到到承承印印物物上上,大大于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通常常是是 98%,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 9495%,丝丝 印印约约为为 85% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将变变成成实实地地。 请请通通过过测测试试得得出出这这个个值值, 我我们们会会根根据据您您提提供供的的数数值值对对文文件件进进行行处处理理,避避 免免一一些些难难看看的的效效果果出出现现在在印印刷刷品

45、品上上。 maximum dot percentage a shade of colour is represented during the print process as a dot. the size of this dot is represented as a percentage of the space that this dot should occupy. the bigger the dot, the bigger the percentage, so the resulting colour is darker. a solid colour would be 100%

46、, a clear unprinted area would be 0%. sometimes a very small percentage of dot is difficult to retain on a printing plate or the resulting print. for this reason we ask that you specify what is the minimum or maximum dot percentage that you can print is so we can compensate for this when creating th

47、e files.100% 最最小小网网点点 - - 最最大大最最小小网网点点: 因因为为制制版版、 印印刷刷过过程程的的限限制制,小小于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通常常是是 2 2,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 56%, 丝丝印印更更大大为为 10% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将无无印印到到承承印印物物上上,大大于于某某个个值值(胶胶印印通通常常是是 98%,凹凹印印、柔柔印印是是 9495%,丝丝 印印约约为为 85% 左左右右) 的的网网点点将将变变成成实实地地。 请请通通过过测测试试得得出出这这个个值值, 我我们们会会根根据据您您提提供供的的数数值值对对文文件件进进行行处处理理,避避 免免一一

48、些些难难看看的的效效果果出出现现在在印印刷刷品品上上。 minimum positive line weight - what is the minimum line weight (or thickness) of a line that can be printed. positive means the line is printed on a white unprinted background. 0.2mm 最最小小的的阳阳线线 - - 最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阳阳线线,阳阳线线是是指指直直接接印印刷刷在在白白色色纸纸张张上上的的线线条条。 minimum negative line

49、 weight - what is the minimum line weight (or thickness) of a line that can be printed. negative means an unprinted line, reversed out of a solid background. 0.25mm 最最小小阴阴线线 - - 最最小小可可印印刷刷的的阴阴线线,阴阴线线是是指指由由实实地地反反白白体体现现的的线线条条。 print process gravure 印印刷刷方方式式 ( (胶胶印印, ,柔柔印印, ,凹凹印印?) ) digital file forma

50、t (adobe cs, cs2 or cs3) - we will supply in cs3 unless specified adobe cs3 所所需需文文件件格格式式 (adobe cs, cs2 or cs3) - - 如如未未特特别别要要求求,我我们们会会提提供供 cs3 格格式式文文件件 printing surface (front printing or reverse printing ) - this is mainly used for flexible packaging, where the printed surface is on the outside se

51、lling face of the packaging or inside. front 印印刷刷面面 ( (表表印印, ,里里印印) ) - - 印印刷刷面面: 针针对对透透明明的的印印刷刷材材料料, 材材料料的的两两面面都都可可以以印印刷刷。 面面对对印印刷刷品品, 当当印印刷刷内内容容是是 正正向向时时, 印印刷刷面面 (油油墨墨覆覆盖盖的的一一面面) 如如果果是是朝朝着着阅阅读读者者的的一一面面,称称为为表表印印, 如如果果是是背背着着印印刷刷者者的的一一面面, 称称为为里里 印印(也也叫叫反反药药膜膜印印刷刷)。 对对于于纸纸张张印印刷刷,基基本本都都是是表表印印。对对于于凹凹印印,

52、以以里里印印居居多多,只只有有纸纸尿尿片片、卫卫生生巾巾类类产产品品(承承 印印物物为为乳乳白白pe)的的是是表表印印。 trapping value (by how much colours print into each other - state unit of measure - in inches or mm only) - due to the nature of the print process, a certain degree of mis-register occurs when printing from one colour to the next. this mea

53、ns that when 2 colours that appear to be touching each other on the artwork, move apart leaving a white space. to resolve this, we apply something called trapping. this is where we make elements of the lightest colour larger so they extend under the darker colour. when printed, even with the printin

54、g machine mis-register, the colours appear to touch each other as displayed on the artwork. this needs to be specified as a single unit of measurement in mm. the industry standard for offset is 0.1mm, but you will need to specify how much.0.30mm 扣扣套套(陷陷印印)或或补补漏漏白白值值( (inches 或或者者mm)mm) ( (给给出出单单位位 i

55、nches 或或者者mm)mm) - - 陷陷印印量量: 陷陷印印,又又称称补补漏漏白白、 扩扩缩缩、扣扣 套套、爆爆肥肥。 对对于于两两色色以以上上的的印印刷刷, 由由于于机机器器存存在在误误差差, 绝绝对对套套准准是是不不可可能能的的。 为为了了避避免免两两色色相相接接处处因因为为套套印印 不不准准而而漏漏出出承承印印物物的的颜颜色色, 在在印印前前制制作作时时通通常常需需要要把把相相接接处处两两色色相相互互叠叠印印一一些些。这这个个叠叠印印的的距距离离叫叫陷陷印印量量,是是一一个个 有有长长度度单单位位的的数数值值,比比如如 0.1mm。这这个个量量也也可可以以反反映映出出印印刷刷机机的

56、的套套印印精精度度。 bleed this is how much the printed design prints over the edge of the cutter shape to allow for any mis-register when die-cutting the printed material after printing. this needs to be specified as a single unit of measurement in mm. a typical measurement for this would be 3mm, but you wil

57、l need to specify how much. 3mm 出出血血值值:为为了了方方便便后后加加工工,主主要要是是模模切切和和切切,在在印印前前设设计计时时靠靠着着刀刀线线的的所所有有物物件件都都要要往往刀刀线线外外的的方方向向延延伸伸一一些些。延延 伸伸出出去去的的部部分分叫叫出出血血位位,延延伸伸的的距距离离叫叫出出血血值值。 这这是是一一个个有有长长度度单单位位的的数数值值, 比比如如 3mm。 bar width reduction (bwr) (state unit of measure - in inches or mm only) - to explain bwr furt

58、her, it is a value of reduction required to be applied to the barcode. this is to accommodate ink spread on press. pressure on press and during the print process will cause ink to spread. as a result, sometimes the bars in the barcode expands (become fatter) and will not be able to scan. by reducing

59、 the width of the barcode slightly, this will allow the barcode to “expand” to the correct and actual width after it has been printed. this needs to be supplied as a unit of measurement in mm or inches. a typical bwr for offset printing, would be 0.01mm, but you will need to specify to us how much.

60、40 microns 条条码码宽宽度度减减少少量量 (bwr) (给给出出单单位位 inches或或者者 mm) - 条宽扩张量:由于印刷时的压力, 油墨在承印物上会有不 同程度的扩张。 在印刷条码时条码中每个黑线条的宽度对条码的识别等级有着极其重要的影响。如果线条的宽度误 差很大,条码的级别就无法达到a级。为了补偿油墨的扩张,在印前制作时会把条宽适当的减细一些,这样印刷时 加上油墨的扩张量,印刷出的条码中每条黑线的宽度就刚好达到要求的宽度。条宽扩张量是一个有长度单位的数值 ,通常对胶印来说是 0.01mm。条宽扩张量可以通过测试印刷得到。 minimum positive type size


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