1、3500词检测答案1AI. abno rmal/ ability/ accuracy/ absolutely/ accessibleII. abse nt/ accide nt/ accomplish/ abroad/ absorbIII. 1.取消、废除制度等 2.唐突的、陡峭的、不连贯的 3.绝对的、专制的4.丰富的、 充 分的、大量的5.滥用、辱骂、虐待 6.膳宿7.加速、促进8.账目描述9.惯常的、习 惯的10.会计人员、会计师IVc 1. capable2 说明原因、占比例 3. accuse sb of / charge sb with 4.全神贯注于 5. be about to
2、 do when= be on the point of doing sth when 6. on purpose= by design=byinten tio n 7. be addicted to doing sth= be hooked on doing sth= aba ndon on eself to doing sth 8. doing 9.某人不在时10. be abundant in= be rich in 1BI acquisiti on/ in adequate/ admissi on/ adjustme nt/ activeII address/ adolesce nt/
3、 adult/ adjust/ adva ntageIII 1着迷的、上瘾的2.陪伴、伴随3.痛、疼痛4.英亩5 .热爱、爱慕6可钦佩的、极好7.适当的、足够的8.管理、行政、施行、政府9.相识、熟人10.实际的、现实的IV 1 ack on wledge doing =admit doing sth 承认做 2.以获得 3. put i nto action 4. over 5. in adva nee 6. an adopted child 7 address/ han dle/ deal with/ cope with the problem 8. inadditi on to = be
4、sides= apart from= aside from= as well as 9. achieve/ reach 10. adapt sth for sth2AI.advertise/ advise/ agricultural/ Africa n/ agreeme ntII aggressive/ airli ne/ aim/ agree/ affordIII 1广告2.代理商3.惊恐、警报、 警钟、闹钟 4.飞机5.农业6.时事7.议程8.代理机构、经销商9.喜爱10.拥护、支持、提倡IV 1.advice 2. ringing 3. at doing = to do 4. with
5、5. come to/ reach/ arrive at 6同意某人的看法、意见等; 气候、食物等适应;与一致7. a child aged 9= a child 9 years old = achild 9 years of age 8.你先请 9. to do 10. doing 2BI amuseme nt / amazeme nt/ allowa nee/ anger/ an alysisII altogether/ aloud/ ambula nee/ an cie nt/ amoutIII 1大量的、充足的2.抱负、野心、雄心 3.模棱两可的、含糊不清的4.大使5.祖宗、祖先6.业
6、余爱好的7.津贴、限额、允许8.过敏的、9.代数10.海拔IV 1. to 2.基于,扎根于 3 总计达到 4.尤其、格外 5. all in all/ in a word/ in conclusion 6. have no choice/ alter native/ opti on but to do= do nothing but do= cannot choose but do= cannot help but do= cannot but do 7. to do 8 a pers on alive= a livi ng pers on 9 let alone=not to men ti
7、o n 10.Areat minds think alike.3AI.i nappropriate 2. appeara nee 3. an xiety 4. approval 5. appo in tme ntII 1. announeement 2. applieation 3. applieant 4. appetite 5. apologizeIII 1清晰可见的、显然的、表面上的2.周年纪念日3.踝4.每年的、一年一次的5.南极地区6.古董7.不管怎样8. 一套房间9.拍手喝彩10.附录、附加物、阑尾IV1. an approach to doing sth 2. I would a
8、ppreciate it if 3. apply to 应用,向.申请,把 应用于 4.appeal to sb to do sth 5. tell A from B/ tell the differences between A and B/ distinguish A from B 6.if any如果有的话 7if anything 如果要说什么的话 8judge a man byhis appeara nee 9. some other day= ano ther day 10.be too an xious to do sth非常渴望3BI assumpti on / assista
9、 nee, assista nt/ arrival/ arise- arose- arise n/ argume ntII ast oni sh/ assessme nt/ aspeet/ ashamed/ arrangeIII1.助手2.人造的,假的3.箭头,箭4.建筑学5.专横的,武断的6.接近,大约7.亚洲 的,亚洲人的8.评估,评价9.分配,任务,转让10.联系,交往,联盟IV1. eover an area of 2. argue with sb about sth 3. arise from/ arise out of 4. an armedrobber 5. jo in the
10、army 6. an artiele of furn iture/ apieee of furn iture 7.be wide awake 8. befast/ sound asleep 9. arrange for sb to do sth 10. ask for trouble 4AI luggage/ aware ness/ awake-awoke-awoke n/ attraetive/ atte nti on, atte ndance, atte ndantII author/ available/ average/ baekgro und/ attitudeIII尴尬的,笨拙的2
11、真实的,逼真的3.观众4.单身汉,学士 5.自治的,自主的 6.获得7.自动的,无意识的8.宇航员9.天文学10.原子IV avoid doing sht 2. an average stude nt 3. awake sb= wake sb up 4. take positive attitudes towards life 5. from bad to worse 每况愈下 6. attract/ draw one attention to 7. attend to= tend to 照顾 8. an attempted murder 9.attaeh importanee to/ mak
12、e much of 10. be under attack4BI beat- beat- beate n/ bear- bore-bor n/ beaches/ bathe/ beautyII basic/ abttle/ battery/ basketball/ barga inIII 1狗叫声2.阻碍。隔阂3.地下室4.牛肉5野兽,牲畜6.下巴上的胡须7.野外宴会, 烧烤8.绷带9.浴缸10.露台,阳台IV 1. a glass of beer 一杯啤酒 2.make the bed 铺床 3.ban sb from doing 禁止某人做 4.at thebarber 在理发店 5.Th
13、at the bargain 言为定 6.a balaneed diet 7. on a daily / regular basis 8. be bathed in 9. bear/ take/ shoulderresp on sibility to do sth 5AI ben efieial/ beliefs/ begi nning/ bite- bit- bitte n/ behaviorII biography/ birthplace/ biology/ bitter/ bey ondIII 1.账单2.腹部,肚子3.背叛,出卖,泄露 4.在上面5皮带6.弯的,决心的,专心 的7生物,
14、生存8.饼干9长凳10.铃声,钟声IV 1. bid for the Olympic Games 2. at the beginning of 3. on behalf of代表某人 4.not a bit一点也不 5.do one bit6. hold the belief that / in the belief that7. be determined to do=be bent on doing sht 8. behave on eself表现好,守规矩 9.be ben eficial to = be of ben efitto 10. come into being/ existe
15、 nee5BI bota ni cal/ bored, bori ng / bowed- bowed/ bled- bled/ blew- blow nII boom/ booklet/ boycott/ boun dary/ bla nketIII 1.空白,空格2.弓形物,弯腰3.长筒靴4.宽罩衫5.联系,纽带6.弹向,弹跳7.植 物学的8.金黄色的9.边界,边境10.奖金,额外的红利IV 1 a wet blanket 件令人扫兴的事、一个令人扫兴的人2.in the black有盈余3. Whybother?何必麻烦 4.be blind to= turen a blind eye t
16、o 对.视而不见 5.book/ reserve a room 6.at the bottom of 7. be bored with/ be fed up with/ be tired of/ have had eno ugh of/ besick of8.block/ stop/ preve nt / discourage sb from doing 9. sb be to blame for sth10. be blessed with幸有,赋有6AI breathe/ bravery/ burnt- burnt/ broadcast-broadcast/ broade nII budg
17、et/ breathless/ bridge/ brief/ brow nIII 1.一串,一群2.早午餐3.小册子4.官僚主义的5.砖块6.光辉的,辉煌的,英明的7.入 室窃贼8.胸怀,心情9.自助餐10.扫帚IV 1.ease one burden 2. burst into tears/ burst out crying 3. be buried in doing 4. make a breakthrough 5. 打断,折断 6. build up one stren gth/ body= get into shape 7. run in to/ run across/ bump in
18、 to/ come across6BI calculati on/ camp ing, camp/ bought- bought/ can celled- can celled/ can diesII campaig n/ capable/ can cel/ can didate/ campIII取消2.灌木丛3.骆驼4.癌症5.太空舱,胶囊6.屠夫7.小卖部,餐厅8.蜡烛9.糖 果10.出租车IV 1.launch a campaig n 2. put off / delay/ hold up/ postp one doing sht 3. call for要求,邀约,取某物 4.have
19、a butterfly in one stomatch 忐忑不安 5.by and by 不久 6.call up 打电 话给,使想出 7. none of your bus in ess 不管你的事 8.be chose n capta in 9. die of/ from can cer10. be busy/ occupied in doing sth7AI cautious/ casually/ cast, cast/ cen tral/ celebrati onII celebrati on/ career/ cave/ carriage/ carto onIII 1.盒式录音带2.
20、种类、类别3.摄氏的4.雕刻5.灾祸、灾难6.天花板、顶棚7.地毯8.目录、一览表9说明10城堡IV 1. be cautious of / about doing sth 2. five ( head of ) cattle 3. in celebration of 4.常有的事 5. the cause of the accident 6. cater to/ for one taste 7. be caught doing sth 8. 冲走、 带走、冲昏某人头脑9.carry on a discussio n/ con versation 10.无意中泄露秘密7BI cha ngeab
21、le/ chiefs/ chefs/ certa inty/ challe ngingII character/ champi on/ charity/ chemical/ ceremonyIII 1.奶酪2.频道、通道、水渠 3.大厨4.追捕、追逐 5吟诵、咏唱、圣歌 6.检查、批 改、核对7.图表、航海图 8.证明、证明书 9.咀嚼10.箱子、盒子、胸部IV 1. play chess 2. have no choice/ opti on/ alter native but to do = cannot choose but do = cannot help but do 3.登记住宿 4
22、. Chances are that .=There a chanee/ possibility that 5. get changed= change one clothes 6. in/ during the 1980s 在 20 世纪 80 年代 7. 结婚证 8. in chaos= in a great mess 9. choke off the traffic= block the traffic 10. turn/cha nge for the better 转好8AI circulati on/ cloudy/ chose; chose n/ classic; classica
23、l/ civilia nII climate/ civilia n/ click/ classic/ cli nicIII 1.声称、索取、认领、夺去2.教练、马车、长途车3.电线、线路、环形道4.从句、分句5.委托人、当事人6.笨拙的、笨重的7.文明8.鼓掌、拍手9.线索、迹象、提示10. 使清楚、澄清IV1.致命的缺陷 2.夜以继日的 3. come close to doing sth 差点儿 4. two cups of coffee5. un der no circumsta nces/ i n no case, way, sen se/ on no acco unt, con si
24、derati on, con diti on/ at no time/ by no means 6. come to an end/bring( put)to an end 7. 由于巧合 8. an article of clothi ng/ a piece of cloth ing 9.海滨城市 10.se nior citize ns/ the elderly/ the old8BI comb in ati on/ commitme nt/ comedies/ com mun icati on / competitor, competiti onII colleague/ comma n
25、d/ compa nion/ compa ny/ collect ionIII 1.社区、社会、团体、共有、享有2.柱子、专栏、纵队 3.倒塌、瓦解、昏倒 4.委员会5.商业的、商务的6.能力7.指南针、圆规8.委员、特派员、长官 9.梳子10.共产 主义IV 1. combine work with pleasure把工作和娱乐相结合2.出来、发芽、出版、结果是3. live/lead a comfortable life; live in comfort; live comfortably 4. com mon sense 5. have a good comma nd of 6. hav
26、e much in com mon with 7. compare no tes with禾 口交换意见; 商量;核对 8.弥补;补偿 9. complain to sb about sth/ make a complaint to sb about sth10. commit on eself to doing sth; be committed to doing sth; make a commitme nt to do sth9AI concen trati on/ con duct, con ductor, con duct ion/ con structi on/ con sider
27、ate, con siderable/ uncon sciousII con fide nt/ con sta nt/ conference/ con flict/ confirmIII 1.良心2.保守的3.概念4.秘密的5.妥协,折衷6.数量相当大7.具体的、混凝土8. 一致的9.组织、宪法、体格10.理解IV concen trate on, focus on, fix one atte nti on on2. be aware of, be con scious of 3. havecon fide nee/ faith/ belief in 4. consider doing sth
28、 考虑做 con dit on, in good shape9. composed of9BIcon sulta nt/con tradict ion/相关的人 5. correspond to, agree with, be consistent with 6.7.in consequenee of, as a consequenee/ result of 8. in good 必修科目 10. be made up of, con sist of, be comprised of , becon trolled,con trolled/con veyed, con veyed/convin
29、ced, convincingII con tributio n/ cooperati on / con sume/ convenien ce/ contentIII 1.大公司2.合同,契约3.背景,环境,语境4.传统的5.腐败6.大陆7.有争议的8.保守9.容器10.运输,运送,表达IV 1.即将来临的2.与 一致 3. bring convenience to sb 4. in con temporary society 5.convince/ assure sb of sth6.耗时的工作 7. cope with/ deal with , struggle with = handle
30、=address= approach 8. 与矛盾 9.根据语境 /上下文 10. consult/ refer to / turn to the dictionary, look up the word in the dictionary 10AI criticism , critic/ creati on, creativity/ curiosity/ crim in al/ crowdedII couple/ courage/ crash/ cruel/ cultureIII 1.小木屋,村舍,别墅2.棉花(的)3.地方议会,委员会,市政服务机构4.堂(表)兄弟、堂(表)姐妹 5.生物、
31、动物6.批评家,评论家 7.庄稼,收成8.立方形的东西, 立方体9.货币,现金10.总课程IV 1. at the cost/ expense/ price/ sacrifice of 2. 偏离航线 3. be curious about 4. cure sb of sth 5.在十字路口,处于关键时刻 6. global financial crisis7. 使 sb 发疯 8. a credit card 9.可 以指望 10. take sb to court10BI decorati on/ in crease/ death/ dan gerous/ daw nII decisi o
32、n/ daughter/ declare/ deed/ debtIII 1.降低、减少2.十年(间)3.资料库、数据库4.潮湿(的)5.堤、坝6.垫子、靠 垫7.窗帘8.海关、关税9.聋的10.讨论、辩论IV 1. decide on sth 2.set/meet/ miss the deadline 3.追溯至U 4.cause/ do damage to 5. follow a custom 6. 砍伐、缩减、减少 7. make a dash for 8. 成交、就这么办 9.陷入衰退 中 10. be deep in thought11AI defi niti on/ dema ndi
33、ng/ depressed, depressive/ descripti on/ defe nceII delicious/ desti natio n/ detail/ deliberate/ deskIII 1.投递信件(邮包)2.牙科医生3.离开、离去4.侦探5.尽管6.预期的7.舍弃、遗 弃8.放置、放下、存放9.否认10.娇弱的,纤细的,脆弱的,易碎的IV1. delay/ put off/ hold up/ postp one doi ng sth 2.在一定程度上 3. take delight in 4. 那得依情况而定 5. a damand for 6. deserve p
34、raising= deserve to be praised 7.无法描述 8. bedesig ned/ i nten ded/ meant to do sth/ for sth 9.极度渴望得至 U 10. be determ ined to do =make up one mi nd to do sth11 BI devoti on/ dug, dug/ disappo in tme nt/ disagreeme nt/ disabilityII campaig n/ capable/ can cel/ can didate/ camp ingIII 1装置、设备、器具、手段、策略2.钻
35、石、金刚石、纸牌中的方块3数字的、数码的4.进退两难的境地 5.尺寸、度量6.恐龙7.纪律8.折扣9.歧视10.姓名地址录IV 1.make a differenee to 2.keep a diary 3. 决心做 4.声音静下来、火 /兴奋渐息 5. have somedifficulty/ trouble/ bother/ a hard time in doing sth 6.把 浸入、浏览、动用款项 7. go inthe directi on of 8. at a disadva ntage 9. be disappo in ted with/ at / by 10.感至叶世气 lo
36、seheart12 AI discussi on/ dived, dived/ upsett ing, upset/ dista nt/ divisi onII distribute/ disti ncti on/ dow nl oad/ doze n/ dormitoryIII 1.令人作呕的,讨厌的 2.卓越的,杰出的3.国内的,家用的4.草稿,草案,草图,起草5.点,小圆点6.玩偶,玩具娃娃 7.头晕目眩的8.不同的,多种多样的9.区,地区,区域10.离婚IV 1. divorce sb= get divorced from sb 2.去掉,废除,弄死,浪费 3.有益于4.有效,有作用
37、5.捆,扌 L,收拾,刷新、修缮 6. There is no doubt about sth/ that 7. don ate money to/ con tribute to8. by the doze n 9. divide sth in half/ into halves/ i n two10. dist in guish Afrom B= disti nguish betwee n A and B=make a dist in cti on betwee n A and B12 BI drew, draw n/ drank, drunk/ drove, drive n/ ate, e
38、ate n/ dustyII Easter/ ecology / eastwards/ earthquake/ duskIII 1.拖,拽2.抽屉3钻头,反复的训练4.掉下,落下,投递,放弃 5.药,药物,毒品6. 阴暗的,单调无味的7.汤团,布丁 8.垃圾箱9.鹰10.王朝,朝代IV 1.被征召到2.以平局告终3. dress up 4.迫使sb做sth 5. drop out 6顺便拜访7.到期的8. a drow ned child 9. earn one livi ng= make a livi ng 10.另 U紧张,从容13 AI emotio nal/ employme nt/
39、un employme nt/ en ergetic/ electricityII educati on/ econo my/ en courageme nt/ en dless/ engin eerIII 1.发行物的版, 版本2.有效率的3.上了年纪的4.优美的,文雅的,讲究的5.化学元素, 成分,要素,原件 6.象7.大使馆8.强调9.敌人10发动机,引擎IV 1. full of energy 2. make enemies with sb 3 使 sb 能够做 sth 4.在紧急情况下 5. spare no efforts to do sth 6.生效 7. on the edge
40、 of the town 8. English- speaking 9. feel embarrassed about sth 10. 一个二选一的情况13 BI entrance, en try/ exam in ati on/ equality/ establish/ evide neeII enjoyable/ en terprise/ en viro nment/ especially/ evoluti onIII 1.询问2.整个的,全部的3.信封4.错误,差错5.爆发,喷发, 突然发生6.散文,文 章,随笔7.邪恶的,坏的8.事件,大事9.必不可少的,绝对必要的,非常重要的10.扩
41、 大IV1.热衷于 2. enter for a 3.与相等,胜任 4.be equipped with 5. a lot of equipment 6. 通过不断摸索学习7.勉强逃脱,九死一生8. towards evening 9. every few years 10.不完全是这样14 AI explanation/ expression/ extension/ on exhibition. display/experieneedII exeelle nt/ expe nsive/ expert/ eyesight/ exploreIII 1.出口,太平门2.详述的,明晰的,直言的,毫不
42、隐瞒的 3.额外的,外加的4.离奇的, 使人惊奇的5.极度的,极端的,过激的 6.宽度,大小,长度,程度,范围 7.例子,榜 样8.预料,期望9.爆炸10.延长,扩展IV1. set an example to sb 为 sb 树立榜样 2.也不例外 / with exeeption/ of no difference3. in exehange for sth 以交换 4.make up/ invent an excuse 5.eome into existenc/being 6.eome/ live up to one expeetati ons 7. at one own expe ns
43、e8. make/ do/ perform/ con duet/ earry out an experiment9. look sb in the eye(s)/ look into one eyes10. be faced with sth= face sth= be encoun tered with14 BI failure/ un familiar/ fancy/ felt, felt/ fed, fedII factor/ fate/ favourite/ feature/ festivalIII 1.能力,设备,设施 2.褪色,消退3.公平的,合理的,白肤金发的4.花式的,奇特的,
44、美妙的,很棒的 5.乘车船的费用,票价 6.扎牢,扣住7.中央的,联邦的8.同伴,伙 伴9.渡船,渡口,渡运,运送10.去取来,去带人来,售价为IV 1.find fault with sb 2. 赞成,有利于 3 以为主食 4.正流行 5.sb be familiar with sth 6.相 信7.静下来8.我说不出话来9. fail to do sth 10.遥远的,远非15 AI flue ney/ fought/ fled, fled/ flew, flow n/ finan cialII fictio n/ focus/ fin al/ flash/ floodIII 1.纤维(质
45、)2.拳头3.猛烈的4.手电5.易弯曲的,柔韧的,灵活的,可变通的6.面 粉,粉7.航班,楼梯的一段 8.焰火9.火焰,光辉10.流行性感冒IV1. fight for2. fill in/ out 3. set fire to sth= set sth on fire 4.计算出,理解 5.有发言权 6.颜色、款式、时间、地点适合7.盯着某人看8.发高烧9. find out 10. set off fireworks15 BI un fold/ foggy/ formal/ freque ncy/ freedomII follow/ forgive/ figure/ flue nt/ fo
46、rtun ateIII 1.摩擦2.芳香的,香的3.十四日,两周4.使格式化,设计,安排,格式,样式,版式5.冻结的,极冷的6.财产,运气7.喷泉8.易碎的,脆弱的,弱的,经不起折腾的9.预告10.构架,结构IV1.把注意力集中于 2.常客 3. force sb to do sth= force sb into doing sth 4.make a good / great/ big fortune 5.由于恐惧而僵住了6.使某人摆脱 7. forbid sb from doing/ forbid sbto do sth/ be forbidden to do sth 8. 忘记做过某事 9
47、. in the form of 10. fool sb into doi ng sth= trick sb into doing16AI frien dship/ frighte n/ funny/ gen erally/ fruitlessII furn iture/ garbage/ gather/ gesture/ gen erati onIII 1.前沿,边界,前线2汽车间,车库3.长衫4大蒜5基础的6美术馆7基因8葬礼9配备了家具10霜IV 1.消除代沟2.分耕耘,一分收获3.对某人(事)慷慨4.不时,偶尔5.frighten sb in to/ out of doin g6. f
48、rom now on 7. make full use of sth to do sth8. what ( great ) fun 9. functionas/ serve as/ work as 10. 走得快16BI global/ gover n/ gradually/ gifted/ geeseII golde n/ graduate/ goal/ gla nee/ gainIII 1.谷物2.商品,货物3.宏伟的,伟大的4.荣誉,赞美5等级,中小学的学年,成绩, 分数6.胶水7.天赋8.手套9.(外)孙或者孙女10.大蒜IV 1.go in for 2. win a gold med
49、al 3. 发出烟味,气味 4. go by 5. get alo ng well with 6. begifted /tale nted in / at, have a gift/ tale nt for 7. glare at 8. give out 9.变坏,腐败 10.达到目的17AI growth/ greet ing/ guilty/ Greece/ guida neeII grateful/ guara ntee/ guilty/ han dful/ graspIII 1.引力2.食品杂货店3.蔬菜水果商4.体操5.锤子6.向导,导游者7.家伙8.葡萄9.大 厅,会堂,礼堂,过道
50、 10。图表IV1.beyond/ within one grasp 2.贪婪、渴望得到 3.园艺能手 4. kick/ get rid of/ break away from the habit of 5.领会某人的意思 6.be guilty about/ for 7.在 sb 的指导下 8. under guara ntee 9. 养成的习惯10.众人拾柴火焰高17BI hardship/ harm onio us/ healthy/ dislike/ gratefulII hearing/ handle/ hardworking/ hardship/ handwritingIII 1.
51、孵化,培育2.加热,供暖,暖气装置3港口 4.重地,大量地5.直升飞机6手帕7.报刊的大字标题8.脚后跟9.头盔10.地狱,阴间,苦境,极大的痛苦,究竟,该死IV 1. be hard on sb= be strict with sb in sth 2. lose heart 3. head for; make one way to/ be bound for 4. a handful of people 5. 新手 6.do harm to = do sb harm= be harmful to 7. livein harmony with nature 8. 身心健康 9.穿戴 10.Do
52、n count the chickens before they are hatched.18AI hesitatio n/ hilly/ hit/ hon esty/ honorII historic/ hobby/ hero/ helpful/ homela ndIII 1.草药2.女英雄,女主角3.挂钩,钩子4.小山腰,山坡5.蜂房,蜂箱6神圣的7.蜂 蜜8.公路9.与历史有关的10.冬眠IV 1.ca n help doi ng2.我们对此无能为力3.不要迟疑做某事 4. thi nk highly of 5. on hire 6.the historic event7. 获得成功 8
53、. hold out 9. be hooked on= be addictied to 10. be home to=be the home of18BI illegal/ ig norance/ humorous/ hopeless/ huma nsII hurt/ ide ntify/ idiom/ ig no re/ imagi nati onIII 1令人恐惧的,恐怖的2.女主人3.家具,家庭的,家常的 4嚎叫5.飓风6.氢7.理想的,完美的,想象的 8.身份证明,一体9.相同,一致,身份 10.举例说明,为书作插 图,图解IV 1.以希望2. be rushed to hospita
54、l 3. by the hour 4. How come? 5.缺乏幽默感 6. beyond imagination 7. go hungry 8. 找工作 9.if any 10.be ignorant of / about19AI impressi on / improveme nt/ in depe ndent/ in spirati on / injuryII imply/ in dicate/ i nitial/ i ndividual/ i ndustryIII 1.进口,输入2.影响, 冲击力,撞击3.移民4.事件5传染,感染6.通货膨胀7插 入8.安装,安置,使就职9.例子,
55、实例,情况10英寸IV 1.imagine (one / sb) doing sth 2. impress sb with sth= impress sth on sb 3. insist on (sb /one s)doing sth= insist that sb (should) do sth4.inspire sb to do sth 5. an injured look 6.keep sb well in formed of 7. on the in crease 8.be in depe ndent of of 9对.有影响 10.i nformsb of sth19BI in s
56、truct ion/ in sura nee/ i ntellige nt/ inten ti on/ in troduceII in terrupt/ inven ti on / in vitati on/ jewelry= jewellery/ i nstructio nIII 1.研究院,学院2.瞬间,杀U那3.乐器,工具,器械4.保险5.智力的6.国内的,内部的, 身内的7. 口译,解释,阐明8.调查,研究9.坛子,罐子10.发行物,争论点,期刊号, 流出,发行IV 1.指令某人做某事 2.follow the in structio ns/ directio ns 3. be in
57、volved in 4. had inten dedto do sth= intended to have done sth5. 旨在 6.激发.的兴趣 7.cover sth8.加强国际合作 9. at (regular) intervals 10.看上去很诱人20AI kindn ess/ unkindn ess, kno wledge/ kni ves/ kn eel/ juniorII kin dergarte n/ journ alist/ keyboard/ kitche n/ laborIII 1.正义,司法2.丛林,密林3.共同的,关节 4.热切的5.证明6.茶壶7.王国8.劳 动者9.连接点10袋鼠IV1.这种事开不得玩笑2. judgi ng from/ by 3. be sen ior/ junior to sb by-years 4.just thebook= the very book5. keep up 6. the key to doing sth7 偶遇,撞上 8.There no knowing wh .9. get/ have a knowledge of 10. k
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