1、英语文体学学期论文范文英语文体学学期论文范文 内容简介: 英语文体学学期论文范文-Stlisti Analsis of Brak Obama rsquo;s Vitor SpeehAbstrat: Publi speeh is an art. It presents the features of formal ritten language hile exhibiting harateristis of the spoken. Bara 论文格式论文范文毕业论文 英语文体学学期论文范文-Stlisti Analsis of Brak Obama s Vitor SpeehAbstrat: P
2、ubli speeh is an art. It presents the features of formal ritten language hile exhibiting harateristis of the spoken. Barak Obama ,an exellent speaker, addressed his vitor speeh on NOV 5, 201X in Chiago. This speeh, hih is ver onvining, is onsidered a lassi. This paper analsis the speeh from four asp
3、ets: ontent, grammatial features, lexial features and semanti features. Through the essa, e an have a better understanding of the publi speeh.Ke Words: Obama, vitor speeh; stlisti analsisOn NOV 5,201X,Barak Obama as eleted the 44th president of Ameria, being the first national leader in Amerian hist
4、or. On the evening, Obama addressed his vitor speeh in Chiago. The theme of Obama s vitor speeh is hange is ing to Ameria in response to the speial period of US. Form the perspetive of stlistis, the speeh an be analzed form four aspets: ontent, grammatial features, lexial features and semanti featur
5、es. 1.Introdution of the ontent Grammatial features 1Variation in sentene lengthThere are 83 sentenes and 2067 ords in Obama s Vitot Speeh. The length of sentenes varies ith the hange emotional state of mind of the Obama. The average length is 25 ords per sentene, hih sho the trait of formal ritten
6、language. But Obama does not use too muh long sentene to onfuse the audiene. Short sentenes, hih are easier to remember and to understand also server to deliver his massage learl. 2Different sentene tpes In this speeh, posite sentenes are ver mon, hile simple sentenes just aount for a little part. O
7、bama rarel uses s struture. Instead, he applied of , that and ho to put the modifier part behind. B using postposition struture, he makes the ontent more preise and adds a sense of elegane and gravit to the speeh.Besides, all the sentenes in the speeh are statement ithout a fe questions. Beause the
8、aim of speeh is to deliver the massage of es e an , he utilizes affirmative tone to emphasize his and Amerian people s onfidene. The appliation of mand also helps to enhane the interation of the addresser and the addresses.3 lexial features 3.1DitionAs Obama s vitor speeh has been metiulousl prepare
9、s, ever ord has been arefull hosen to express the aurate meaning. It is learl that Obama avoids using too muh big ords in order to make his speeh eas to understand and popular. Hoever, as a politial speeh, abstrat ords are indispensable. Therefore, e an find demora , enormit , mortgage , humanit and
10、 determination this kind of ords. These ords hih ma inrease the diffiult to understand to some extend. an make the speeh ver formal and pelling. 3.2Various personal pronounWhen delivering his speeh, Obama uses various personal pronouns to address the audiene.Obama uses first person frequentl. We , o
11、ur , and us ontribute to involve the audiene, making them feel that the are on equal terms ith the president. Thus it is easier for the speaker to in the support of the listeners, ho immediatel feel lose to the speaker hen hearing the expression e , our , and us ontribute to involve the audiene, mak
12、ing them feel that the are on equal terms ith the president. Thus it is easier for the speaker to in the support of the listens, ho immediatel feel lose to the speaker hen hearing the expression e or our . Obama involves all the audiene and makes them feel that the are the ones hom he is speaking to
13、 . In this speeh, he hanges personal pronoun from time to time. B the onversion of personal pronouns, he manage to make the speeh flexible and rousing. 4. Semanti featuresTo make the speeh an impressive one instead of a politial lih , a variet of figures of speeh are used, hih inludes phoneti stlist
14、i devies, lexial stlisti devies and sntatial stlisti devies. 4.1 phoneti stlisti deviesIn order to make the speeh sound fluent, a lot of alliterations are applied, For example, in the sentene Let us resist the temptation to fall bak on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturit that have pois
15、oned our politis for so long. Partisanship and pettiness poisoned and politis have the same onsonants, hih sound rhthmial and harmonious and learl embodies the determination of the president. The frequent use of alliteration makes the narration brief but preise, hih an easil dra the attention of the
16、 audiene and sho the speaker s opinion poerfull. 4.2 Lexial stlisti deviesMetaphors and allusions are highlights in the speeh. In the sentene The road ahead ill be long. Our limb ill be steep, the tenors for the road and our limb are atuall the hardship that Amerians ill be onfronted ith. Then, Obam
17、a enourages Amerian people that Amerian s beaon still burns as bright, and here he uses metaphor to onve the information that Ameria is still ver strong and ill be strong enough to onquer the diffiulties. B paring the abstrat ontent to onrete things, he adds vitalit to the hole speeh. 4.3 Sntatial s
18、tlisti deviesThe diversit of sntatial struture makes the speeh eminent. At the ver beginning of the speeh, he uses a paralleled sentene to laim the audiene s attention. After the opening-up, a number of parallelisms used in the speeh. Besides, a lot of repetitions an also appear, suh as blok b blok,
19、 brik b brik, alloused hand b alloused hand and the impressive slogan Yes e an hih appears 7 timesand graduall pushes the speeh to the resendo of emotion. The appliation of repetitions and parallelism atuall has similar effet: it makes the hole speeh organized in order and highlight the topi, hih is
20、 overhelming and onvining.Furthermore, antithesis, a rhetorial devie hih is favored b man president of Ameria, plas a signifiant role in the speeh. In paragraph 3,Obama sas It s the anser spoken b oung and old, rih and poor, Demorat and Republian, blak, hiten Hispani, Asian, Native Amerian ,ga, stra
21、ight, disabled and not disabled Here, b addressing people from all alks of life, Obama shos his onern for ever single Amerian. It reflets the Amerian s belief: all men are reated equal . B using antithesis, he emphasizes his opinions and delivers his message learl. 5.Conlusion From hat has been disu
22、ssed above, e an see that the vitor speeh of Obama embodies the harateristis of publi speeh. B overing rih ontent, Obama reates an inlusive sense of histor; b using diversified rhetorial devies, he sprues up the hole speeh and makes it infetious; b ing former great men s ditums, he ehoes ith the gre
23、at spirit of Ameria and marks himself as one of the great speakers. To sum up, the vitor speeh of Obama shos his distint and speaks out the inner voie of Amerian in that ruial period.参考文献: 文秉龙,李智允.奥巴马的演讲艺术.北京:机械工业出版社,201X王佐良,丁往道.英语文体学引论.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1978曾亚平,黄振定.论奥巴马总统竞选获胜演讲的文体风格湖南大学学报:社会科学版,201X,5H
24、ello, Chiago. - Amerians ho sent a message to the orld that e have never been just a olletion of individuals or a olletion of red states and blue states; e are and alas ill be the United States of Ameria. Senator MCain fought long and hard in this ampaign, and hes fought even longer and harder for t
25、he ountr that he loves. He has endured sarifies for Ameria that most of us annot begin to imagine. We are better off for the servie rendered b this brave and selfless leader. I ongratulate him, I ongratulate Governor Palin for all theve ahieved, and I look forard to orking ith them to rene this nati
26、ons promise in the months ahead. - the unsung hero of this ampaign ho built the best - - the best politial ampaign I think in the histor of the United States of Ameria - - to m hief strategist, David Axelrod - - ho has been a partner ith me ever step of the a, to the best ampaign team ever assembled
27、 in the histor of politis - - ou made this happen, and I am forever grateful for hat ouve sarified to get it done. It belongs to ou. To those - to those ho ould tear the orld don: e ill defeat ou. To those ho seek peae and seurit: e support ou. And to all those ho have ondered if Amerias beaon still
28、 burns as bright: tonight e proved one more that the true strength of our nation es not from the might of our arms or the sale of our ealth, but from the enduring poer of our ideals - demora, libert, opportunit and unielding hope. Hello, Chiago. - Amerians ho sent a message to the orld that e have n
29、ever been just a olletion of individuals or a olletion of red states and blue states; e are and alas ill be the United States of Ameria. Senator MCain fought long and hard in this ampaign, and hes fought even longer and harder for the ountr that he loves. He has endured sarifies for Ameria that most
30、 of us annot begin to imagine. We are better off for the servie rendered b this brave and selfless leader. I ongratulate him, I ongratulate Governor Palin for all theve ahieved, and I look forard to orking ith them to rene this nations promise in the months ahead. - the unsung hero of this ampaign h
31、o built the best - - the best politial ampaign I think in the histor of the United States of Ameria - - to m hief strategist, David Axelrod - - ho has been a partner ith me ever step of the a, to the best ampaign team ever assembled in the histor of politis - - ou made this happen, and I am forever
32、grateful for hat ouve sarified to get it done. It belongs to ou. To those - to those ho ould tear the orld don: e ill defeat ou. To those ho seek peae and seurit: e support ou. And to all those ho have ondered if Amerias beaon still burns as bright: tonight e proved one more that the true strength o
33、f our nation es not from the might of our arms or the sale of our ealth, but from the enduring poer of our ideals - demora, libert, opportunit and unielding hope. Thats the true genius of Ameria, that Ameria an hange. Our union an be perfeted. And hat e have alread ahieved gives us hope for hat e an
34、 and must ahieve tomorro.This eletion had man firsts and man stories that ill be told for generations. But one thats on m mind tonights about a oman ho ast her ballot in Atlanta. She is a lot like the millions of others ho stood in line to make their voie heard in this eletion, exept for one thing:
35、Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 ears old. She as born just a generation past slaver; a time hen there ere no ars on the road or planes in the sk; hen someone like her ouldnt vote for to reasons, beause she as a oman and beause of the olor of her skin. And tonight, I think about all that shes seen throughout
36、 her entur in Ameri a: the heartahe and the hope, the struggle and the progress, the times e ere told that e ant, and the people ho pressed on ith that Amerian reed, es e an.At a time hen omens voies ere silened and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reah for the
37、 ballot. Yes e an.When there as despair in the Dust Bol and depression aross the land, she sa a nation onquer fear itself ith a Ne Deal, ne jobs, a ne sense of mon purpose. Yes e an.AUDIENCE: Yes e an!MR. OBAMA: When the bombs fell on our harbor and trann threatened the orld, she as there to itness
38、a generation rise to greatness and a demora as saved. Yes e an.AUDIENCE: Yes e an!MR. OBAMA: She as there for the buses in Montgomer, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preaher from Atlanta ho told a people that We shall overe. Yes e an. AUDIENCE: Yes e an!MR. OBAMA: A man touhed don
39、on the Moon, a all ame don in Berlin, a orld as onneted b our on siene and imagination. And this ear, in this eletion, she touhed her finger to a sreen and ast her vote, beause after 106 ears in Ameria, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knos ho Ameria an hange.Yes, e an.AUDIENC
40、E: Yes, e an.MR. OBAMA: Ameria, e have e so far. We have seen so muh. But theres so muh more to do. So tonight let us ask ourselves, if our hildren should live to see the next entur, if m daughters should be so luk to live as long as Ann Nixon Cooper, hat hange ill the see? What progress ill e have
41、made?This is our hane to anser that all. This is our moment. This is our time - to put our people bak to ork and open doors of opportunit for our kids; to restore prosperit and promote the ause of peae; to relaim the Amerian dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth that out of man, e are one; that
42、hile e breathe, e hope; and here e are met ith niism and doubt and those ho tell us that e ant, e ill respond ith that timeless reed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, e an.AUDIENCE: Yes, e an.MR. OBAMA: Thank ou. God bless ou. And ma God bless the United States of Ameria. 内容简介: 在我国,独立审计的重要性日
43、益为人们所认识,注册 会计 师队 伍也在迅速扩大。然后,公众及 社会 对独立审计质量的种种批评,以至于 注册会计师在帮客户作假账 似乎成为公认的事实,又注册会计师职业的 发展 前景蒙上了阴影。注册会 论文格式论文范文毕业论文 在我国,独立审计的重要性日益为人们所认识,注册 会计 师队 伍也在迅速扩大。然后,公众及 社会 对独立审计质量的种种批评,以至于“注册会计师在帮客户作假账”似乎成为公认的事实,又注册会计师职业的 发展 前景蒙上了阴影。注册会计师协会及政府有关部 门为了解决独立审计质量 问题 ,从各方而,特别是在加大检查与惩罚力度方面作出了巨大的努力,并取得了一定的成效。但是,要从根本上解
44、决问题,必须首先明确与改善独立审计质量的市场机制。拟在这方面作一初步探讨,并提出相应的建议。 一、独立审计质量水准的 经济 学思考 市场经济中,任何一种产品或劳务的价格和质量要求取决于该种产品或劳务的巾场供需状况。经济学原理告诉我们,生产产品、提供劳务所耗费的社会资源,是决定该 种产品或劳务价值的客观基础,但价值的实现是一个社会过程,取决 于社会资源配置的客观约束。 注册会计师所提供的会计专业服务的价格与质量的决定,同样服 从于市场经济的客观 规律 。从需求角度看,对注册会计师专业服务的社会需要是多方面的,涉及不同的 利益团体,有 企业 管理当局、企业所有者、政府、企业的潜在投资者、债权人、供
45、 应商、顾客、企业员工等;从审计 的 内容 看,涉及到公允性、一贯性、合法性,舞弊违法行为的 检查,持续经营能力的检查,内部: 控制状况的检查,经营的经济件、 效率性、效果性以及与客户议定的 其它特定目标。对注册会计师专业 服务的特定社会需要的形成和变 化,成为注册会计师职业存在与发展的源泉和外在动力。从供应角度看,注册会计师能够提供的服务种类、质量,取决于注册会计师自身的数量、专业素质及会计师事务所管理水平等因素。为了满足对独立审计的特定社会需要,必然要将一定的社会资源分配于注册会计师职业。经济利益是注册会计帅职业发展的基本内在动因。然而,在特定社会的特定 历史 时期,注册会计师专业服务的供
46、求之间可能是不平衡的。当供大于求时,可以依靠优胜劣汰而将部分供应者挤出市场,或 者通过创造或寻求新的需求,从而形成新的平衡。当供小于求时,则需要有新的社会资源投入注册会计师行业;或者,如果行业进入具有相当难度且无替代选择,客观上则要求调整社会需求。否则,在新的平衡形成之前,就会出现注册会计帅无法很好地满足社会需求。以至 服务质量下降的状况。 在我国,十分强调 法律 约束、职业道德 教育 、纪律制裁对提高独立审计质量的重要作用,却忽视广经济规律的客观制约。经济规律制 约是指客户所支付的价格决定了注册会计师服务质量的上限;不能设 想注册会计师可以不顾成本而单纯 退求服务质量。我国有关政府部门 以至
47、于客户在对注册会计师提出新的审计任务和要求时,并没有考虑 供给方面的因素。也很少提及单独付费的问题。在我国审计准则制订 的过程中,主要考虑的是审计准则 的先进性以及与国际惯例接轨的要 求,对供给方面的参与及 影响 程度的关注则远远不够。我国改革井放 后最初的对注册会计师服务的社会 需求由政府的行政力量创 造同时。通过政府部直接或间接创办会计师事务所创造供给,形 成了主要依靠行政手段促进独立审汁质量改进的惯性。因而,在独立 审计市场比过程中,首先需要解决的是观念的转变,应当从会计师事 务所是提供专业服务的经济组织的 认识出发注重机制的建设,避免 因在独立审计质量问题上求成心 切。出现政府过度干预
48、而形成效率 低下、事与愿违的结果。 二影响独立审计质量的制度因素 在市场经济条件下,特别是资事市场的运行中,由注册会计师实 施的财务报丧独立审计发挥着不可或缺的作用: 这种作用具体表现为 监督、预警和经济补偿三方面的机制对于独立审计质量的要求,正 是由这三方面的机制内在决定的。在发达国家独立审计的三大机制 购主要内容包括如下几方面: 首先所有权与经营权的分离呈 现代 企业制度基本特征之。在 发达的资本市场中,这种分离更为彻底。为了保护投资者的利益,有 关法律明确规定,股票上市公 司的财务报表必须公开披露,公司的管理当局必须对报表的质量承担 法律责任: 然而,由于利益冲突,专量知识、时间及空间等
49、方面的限制,信息不对称问题始终存在。由注册会计师进行的独立审计,从专量角度就报表质量发表意见赋予报 表可信性可以在一定程度上解决信息不对称问题。形成对受托管理 公司的当局履行其确认、计量、记 录与报告会计信息责任的独立监督。正是这种独立监督构成了维护 和加强委托人与受托人之间的相互信任,合理保障各自利益的基础。 最后,注册会计帅提供服务取得公费。但经济利益的驱动有可能 使注册会计师在工作中有失公正。 因此,需要在法律上规定。注册会 计师对其提供服务的质量及发表的 意见承担责任,并要求会计帅事务 所采用无限责任合伙制或其他证明 其承担责任能力的组织形式。一且注册会计师对财务报表表达厂不恰 当的审
50、计意见而造成投资者损失 的,应当给予经济上的补偿。正是 这种补偿机制,成为社会信任注册会计师执业质量的制度及心理保证。一方向可以在一定程度上减少 投资者实际承担的损失,更重要的是在投资者心中建立起对注册会计师执业质量的信任,并督促注册 会计师不断地根据社会需要和预期改进工作质量,以质量促发展。 上述三项机制影响和决定着独立审计的质量。这种机制在不同社会环境中对独立审计的质量要求不同,审计质量的高低在很大程度上 受到这种制度的约束。因此,改善 审计质量的需要从制度的改善入手: 第一,所有者需求决定对审计质量的要求。独立审计的监督机制主要是为了保护所有者的利益。审 计公费是所有者为了避免受托经营一
51、方损害其利益而付出的成本的一部分。在我国,由于经济体制尚处 于转轨过程,国有股份所有者“虚位”现象较为严重。因而尽管法律、法规要求对国有企业及合有国家股份的企业进行审计,但如果国有代表并不真正需要审计,或者说并不需要高质量的审计,则审计只是一种形式。另外,在我国,所有者不到位的另一个表现是,上市公司虚 假报告通常只受到国家监管部门的惩处,很少有股东或潜在投资者诉 诸法律手段来保护自身的利益。证券市场投资者期望得到回报的主要 渠道不是上市公司的良好业绩,而是市场投机,政策保护。因此,审 计收费越少,他们自身的利益越多。我国企业,特别是国有企业产权制度的改革与完善,以及证券市 场的规范与发展,直接
52、影响到对审计质量的实际要求。 第 二,宏观监管需求决定对审计质量的要求。对会计师事务所审计目标的法律界定,反映了国家赋予独立审计的社会功能;由注册会计师职业界制订的审计准则,反 映了职业界对满足国家需要所作出的积极反应。然而,由于历史和社会环境的不同,相同的审计目标有着不同的内涵。例如,发达国家和我国的独立审计准则中,都要求注册会计师关注违反法规行为。然而在发达国家,市场经济体制以私有 经济为基础,国家制订的直接约束、规范企业行为的法律法规较 少。在我国, 目前 尚处于由计划经济向市场经济转换过程中,国有企 业和国有经济成份仍占有主导地 位,国家从行政管理者和所有者双 重身份出发,制订了内容繁
53、多、十 分具体的各种法规来约束、规范企 业的行为,其中有的是为了保护国 家所有者的利益,有的是为履行国 家发展经济职能,有的则关系到国 民经济或市场经济的运行秩序。因此,在 中国 ,检查违反法规行为意 味着注册会计师更大的任务和责任,需要更多的经济资源,也必然 因要求耗费过多的社会资源而无法实现。 因此,国家必须明确,在有限 的 社会 资源条件约束下,何种独立 审计目标对有效地发挥好国家宏观监控作用最为重要,这是合理确定独立审计质量目标与质量要求,充分利用有限的独立审计资源的另一 重要的制度基础。 第 三, 会计 师事务所约束机制 影响 对审计质量的要求。会计师事务所发挥其社会功能的前提条件之
54、一,是注册会计师不仅在专业水平上,而且在 经济 基础方面,确有能 力对独立审计的质量承担经济责任。在发达因家,无限责任合伙制一直是会计师事务所的主要组织形式,直至本世纪80年代末、90年代初,才开始在 法律 上允许成立有限责任合伙制和有限责任公司制的 会计师事务所。但即使在法律上解 除了禁令,各会计师事务所仍然对采用有限责任合伙制十分谨慎。迄今为止,也很少有事务所采用有限 责任公司的组织形式。究其原因, 不是因为会计帅事务所不愿意规避风险,而是因为怕失去公众的信任、丧失 保障和提高审计质量的动力。在法律上允许采用有限合伙制和有限 责任公司制,一方面是由于法 律诉讼之多已危及注册会计师职业 界的
55、生存和 发展 ,从另一方面讲。 则是由于会计师事务所经过多年的 发展已积累了较强的经济实力,职 业责任保险也已具备了相当的规 模。如果没有这样的经济基础,投 资者及其他审计报告使用者对注册 会计师的信任就会丧失重要的心理 保障。 深入考察会计师事务所约束机 制的 问题 ,还涉及会计师事务所规 模与客户规模相对应的内在要求。 如果会计师事务所规模从经济上, 人员数量与素质等方面与客户的规 模不对应,则其审计的质量难以保 障。国际五大会计师事务所包揽了 百分之八十五以上国际上最大的跨 国公司的审计业务。正是这种内在 要求的必然结果。 在我国,对违反职业道德弄虚 作假的注册会计师和会计师事务 所,在
56、经济方面要求注册会计师和 会计师事务所给予赔偿还远远不 够。迄今据报导起诉的案件,集中 在少数地区和个别所,且主要涉及 验资业务。在国有 企业 审计中,几乎没有注册会计师及会计师事务所 因审计质量被起诉给予经济补偿 的。会计师事务所对审计质量承担 责任的经济约束缺乏刚性和力度, 是独立审计质量保障机制重要的制 度缺陷。 三、结论与建议 综上所述,独立审计质量要求与社会需求审计目标紧密联系在一 起,在特定社会环境下可以达到的 一般水准,是一个复杂的社会过程,其中经济因素是基础,市场机 制的建设是保证。缺乏以经济为基 础的优胜劣汰的健全的市场机制, 仅仅靠监管机构的惩罚,难以从根 本上解决独立审计
57、质量的问题。因 此,应该积极建立健全有关的制 度,促进健康的市场机制的形成和 完善。对此,笔者有以下建议: 1配合新会计法的出台,股份期权制的试行,加大对企业管理当局的激励及惩处力度,改善企业 管理当局的责权利关系,增强企业持续健康发展的动力与压力。在贯 彻新的会计法过程中,必须使企业管理当局对会计信息失真、弄虚作假、欺骗股东和公众及政府的行为负起主要责任,而不是将会计师当作替罪羊。 2应当通过适当的法规和监管防止恶性压价竞争,从审汁收 费角度保护投资者利益。有关的监 管部门,国有企业主管部门和公司 董事会应充分关注审计收费过低的问题。可以要求会计报表中单独列示审计收费,对 以压低收费争取客户
58、给予经济处 罚: 3.在提出对注册会计师新的业 务要求前,在审计准则制定及修订过程中。应加强政府有关部门的协作建立 科学 的协调与决策机制,强调民主化与透明度,理顺社会与注册会计师职业界的沟通渠道,使确定的独立审计目标及质量要求能 够保持社会需要与职业界水平之间 平衡。 4促进会计师事务所的联合。 建立起具有足够规模的会计师事务 所以完成大型、超大型企业集团的审计业务。中注协可以提出客户规 模与事务所规模的对应关系的建议性意见,并鼓励事务所培养和宣传品牌,缩小国内所与外资所的收费差距,通过加强事务所自身力量促进审计质量的改善。 5调整注册会计师执业质量的监管思路,对那些毫无专业水准, 无职业道
59、德的个别注册会计师和事 务所应严厉惩处,对多数事务所执业质量中的问题应积极督促落实改进措施。要有针对性确定一定时期内对国民经济、企业发展、投资者 利益有重大影响的领域,将这些领域的审计质量作为重点予以检查,以引导注册会计师从宏观 角度考虑审计质量标准与要求,使有限的社会资源发挥更大的社会作用。 6 加强审计 方法 的 研究 和审计 人员的培训。应当适应审计环境、对象及目标的变化, 学习 和引进先 进的审计 理论 与技术方法。注册会 计师必须通过学习和运用 现代 审计 的理论方法与手段,提高工作效率,改善市计质量,才能以有限的 审计资源尽可能地满足社会需要。 7明确会计师事务所的经济性 质。不应当将为社会公共利益及客户利益服务与事务所的盈利对立起来,要让社会认识到注册会计
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