1、SP000216302中文资料Cool MOS? Power TransistorV DS 800V R DS(on)0.9?I D6AFeature? New revolutionary high voltage technology ? Ultra low gate charge ? Periodic avalanche rated ? Extreme d v /d t rated? Ultra low effective capacitances ? Improved transconductance? P G -TO-220-3-31: Fully isolated package (
2、2500 VAC; 1 minute)Marking 06N80C306N80C3Type Package Ordering Code SPP06N80C3P G -TO220Q67040-S4351SPA06N80C3P G -TO220-3-31SP000216302Maximum RatingsParameterSymbolValueUnit SPAContinuous drain currentT C = 25 C T C = 100 CI D63.861)3.81)APulsed drain current, t p limited by T jmax I D puls 1818A
3、Avalanche energy, single pulseI D =1.2A,V DD =50VE AS 230230mJAvalanche energy, repetitive t AR limited by T jmax 2)I D =6A,V DD =50VE AR 0.20.2Avalanche current, repetitive t AR limited by T jmax I AR 66A Gate source voltageV GS 2020V Gate source voltage AC (f 1Hz)V GS 3030Power dissipation, T C =
4、25CP tot 8339W SPPOperating and storage temperatureT j ,T stg-55.+150CMaximum RatingsParameter Symbol Value Unit Drain Source voltage slopeV DS = 640 V, I D = 6 A, T j = 125 Cd v/d t50V/nsThermal CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Values Unitmin.typ.max. Thermal resistance, junction - case R thJC- 1.5K
5、/W Thermal resistance, junction - case, FullPAK R thJC_FP- 3.9 Thermal resistance, junction - ambient, leaded R thJA-62 Thermal resistance, junction - ambient, FullPAK R thJA_FP-80 Soldering temperature, wavesoldering1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from case for 10s3)T sold-260CElectrical Characteristics, at T j
6、=25C unless otherwise specifiedParameter Symbol Conditions Values Unitmin.typ.max.Drain-source breakdown voltage V(BR)DSS V GS=0V,I D=0.25mA800-V Drain-Source avalanchebreakdown voltageV(BR)DS V GS=0V,I D=6A-870-Gate threshold voltage V GS(th)I D=250A,V GS=V DS 2.13 3.9Zero gate voltage drain curren
7、t I DSS V DS=800V,V GS=0V,T j=25C T j=150C -0.5-10100AGate-source leakage current I GSS V GS=20V,V DS=0V-100nA Drain-source on-state resistance R DS(on)V GS=10V,I D=3.8AT j=25C T j=150C -0.782.10.9-?Gate input resistance R G f=1MHz, open drain-0.7-Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Condition
8、s Values Unitmin.typ.max. Transconductance g fs V DS2*I D*R DS(on)max,I D=3.8A-4-SInput capacitance C iss V GS=0V,V DS=25V,f=1MHz -785-pFOutput capacitance C oss-390-Reverse transfer capacitance C rss-20-Effective output capacitance,4) energy related C o(er)V GS=0V,V DS=0V to 480V-22-Effective outpu
9、t capacitance,5) time relatedCo(tr)-42-Turn-on delay time t d(on)V DD=400V,V GS=0/10V,I D=6A,R G=15?,T j=125C-25-ns Rise time t r-15-Turn-off delay time t d(off)-6575Fall time t f-811Gate Charge CharacteristicsGate to source charge Q gs V DD=640V,I D=6A- 3.3-nC Gate to drain charge Q gd-14-Gate char
10、ge total Q g V DD=640V,I D=6A,V GS=0 to 10V-2735Gate plateau voltage V(plateau)V DD=640V,I D=6A-6-V1Limited only by maximum temperature2Repetitve avalanche causes additional power losses that can be calculated as PAV=E AR*f.3Soldering temperature for TO-263: 220C, reflow4Co(er)is a fixed capacitance
11、 that gives the same stored energy as C oss while V DS is rising from 0 to 80% V DSS.5Co(tr)is a fixed capacitance that gives the same charging time as C oss while V DS is rising from 0 to 80% V DSS.Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Conditions Values Unitmin.typ.max. Inverse diode continuou
12、sforward currentI S T C=25C-6AInverse diode direct current,pulsedI SM-18 Inverse diode forward voltage V SD V GS=0V,I F=I S-1 1.2VReverse recovery time t rr V R=400V,I F=I S ,d i F/d t=100A/s -520-nsReverse recovery charge Q rr-5-C Peak reverse recovery current I rrm-18-A Peak rate of fall of revers
13、erecovery currentdi rr/dt T j=25C-400-A/s1 Power dissipation P tot = f(T C)Ptot2 Power dissipation FullPAKP tot =f(T C)Ptot3 Safe operating areaI D= f ( V DS )parameter : D = 0 ,T C=25C3ID4 Safe operating area FullPAKI D = f (V DS)parameter:D = 0,T C = 25C3ID5 Transient thermal impedance Z thJC = f
14、(t p )parameter:D =t p /T-11010101010 K/W Z t h J C6 Transient thermal impedance FullPAK Z thJC =f (t p )parameter:D = t p /t11010101010 K/WZ t h J C7 Typ. output characteristic I D = f (V DS );T j =25C parameter:t p= 10 s, V GSI D8 Typ. output characteristic I D = f (V DS );T j =150C parameter:t p
15、= 10 s, V GSI D9 Typ. drain-source on resistance R DS(on)=f(I D)parameter:T j=150C,V GSRDS(on)10 Drain-source on-state resistanceR DS(on) =f(T j)parameter : I D = 3.8 A, V GS = 10 VSPP06N80C3RDS(on)11 Typ. transfer characteristicsI D= f ( V GS ); V DS2 x I D x R DS(on)maxparameter: t p = 10 sID12 Ty
16、p. gate chargeV GS=f (Q Gate)parameter:I = 6 A pulsedVGS13 Forward characteristics of body diodeI F = f (V SD)parameter:T, t p= 10 sIF14 Avalanche SOAI AR = f (t AR)par.:T j 150 C4IAR15 Avalanche energyE AS = f(T j)par.:I D = 1.2 A, V DD = 50 V16 Drain-source breakdown voltageV(BR)DSS = f(T j)V(BR)D
17、SS17 Avalanche power losses P AR = f (f )parameter:E AR =0.2mJ6P A R18 Typ. capacitances C = f (V DS )parameter:V GS =0V,f =1 MHz19 Typ.C oss stored energy E oss =f (V DS )EDefinition of diodes switching characteristicsP G-TO220-3-1, PG-TO220-3-21P G-TO220-3-31 (FullPAK)Published byInfineon Technolo
18、gies AG,Bereichs KommunikationSt.-Martin-Strasse 53,D-81541 Mnchen? Infineon Technologies AG 1999All Rights Reserved.Attention please!The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics.Terms of delivery and rights to technical chan
19、ge reserved.We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein.Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer.InformationFor further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our Infineon Technologies Reprensatives worldwide (see address list). WarningsDue to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances.For information
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