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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级分类模拟题40公共英语二级分类模拟题40第一部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空问题:1. From here, you can see the bridge _ construction.A.inB.onC.underD.with答案:C解析 本题考查介词的用法。这句话的意思是:从这里,你可以看到正在修建中的那座桥。与construction搭配使用的介词是under,所以正确的答案为C。问题:2. Which is _ country, Canada or Australia?A.a la

2、rgeB.largerC.a largerD.the larger答案:D问题:3. He _ to invest(投资) 10 million dollars to have new classroom buildings built for the children in the mountain area.A.insistedB.offeredC.looked forwardD.suggested答案:B解析 insisted习惯搭配是insist on/upon,意为“坚持要”;looked forward加to doing sth意为“盼望”;suggested后面不能接不定式的结构

3、。问题:4. Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? I am afraid_ day is possible. A.eitherB.neitherC.someD.any答案:B解析 此题中的I am afraid就是隐含信息,它表明答话人所持的是否定态度,也就是说星期一、星期二这两天都不行,故正确答案为B。问题:5. _ she is young, she knows quite a lot.A.WhenB.HoweverC.AlthoughD.Unless答案:C解析 意为“虽然她很年轻,却知道许多”。问题:6. Id _ them to stay at ho

4、me the whole day.A.ratherB.betterC.preferD.agree答案:C问题:7. Harry _ the car before he entered the supermarket. That was why his car was stolen.A.had not lockedB.is not lockingC.has not lockedD.was not locking答案:A解析 动词时态题。在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,先发生的动作要用过去完成时,而后发生的动作要用过去时。When the police arrived,the thieves ha

5、d run away“哈理没有锁车”在前“进超市”在后,所以没锁车应该为过去完成时,因此A为正确选项。问题:8. Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? Yes. They have better players, so I _ them to win. A.hopeB.preferC.expectD.want答案:C问题:9. _the road until you get to the church, then trun left.A.ChangeB.KeepC.LeadD.Follow答案:D问题:10. Dont _ from me wh

6、ile Im talking to you.A.turn backB.turn offC.turn awayD.turn out答案:C解析 本题考查动词词组的辨析。turn back意为“(使)折回,(使)往回走”,turn off意为“关掉,拐弯”,turn away意为“回绝,转过脸”,turn out意为“证明是”。根据句意,当我和你说话时不要背对着我。故正确的答案为C。第二节 完型填空 It is always a little sad to say goodbye to a long-time friend you are leaving forever, a 1 you have

7、 spent many hours with, in all sorts of 2 . David didnt think I should be so 3 about the separation. Its 4 a car, he said. And we need a 5 one. We were standing in the hot car park outside a car dealers office, keys to the new 6 in Davids hand, keys to the old one in mine. David took the keys and ha

8、nded them to the 7 As we drove away, I 8 to look at my trusty friend, standing silent and alone. As it turned out, I 9 the new car. It ran beautifully, all the tires were good, 10 I happily stopped buying gas every week. Our teenage children were 11 to ride around in a small green car 12 a smoky van

9、 (小型客货车). It began to feel like our familys car. Still, I 13 looking in the rear-view mirror (后视镜) and seeing the seats 14 I used to put my little children. I still thought about the family 15 in that car and the fun we had together. Then one day, I happened to go to a 16 . I parked in a sea of vehi

10、cles (车辆). As I 17 through the car park on my way into the store, I saw a 18 blue van coming slowly toward me. A little boy and a girl looked out the window at me as I stared at them in great 19 . The boy smiled at me cheerfully and waved. Then, as I waved back slowly with 20 feelings, and then walk

11、ed quickly away toward the stores entrance, I burst into tears. 1.A.leaderB.customerC.companionD.neighbour答案:C解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。“long-time friend”最可能是“companion”(同伴、朋友),而不可能是A、B、D项所说的“领导”、“顾客”和“邻居”。故选C。2.A.situationsB.directionsC.chancesD.dangers答案:A解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。“all sorts of”指“各种各样的”,B、C、D分别为“方向

12、”、“机会”、“危险”。根据文意,轻松排除掉B、C。D项过于片面。故选A。3.A.unhappyB.sureC.crazyD.careless答案:A解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。第一句中的“sad”一词明确表达了离别的基调。此处自然是,“我为离别感到不高兴”的意思。故选A。4.A.reallyB.justC.hardlyD.indeed答案:C解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。作者即将把自己的大车换成一辆小一点的车。大卫劝作者不要太伤心了,不过是一辆车罢了。故选B。5.A.lighterB.cleanerC.quieterD.smaller答案:D解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。南39

13、题的解析可以看出答案。除此之外,“smaller”一词还可以从第三段作者“每周都愉快地去加油”推测出,车非常小。故选D。6.A.flatB.carC.caseD.lock答案:B解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。作者和大卫去买车,钥匙自然是车子的钥匙。故选B。A、C的意思分别是“公寓”、“箱子”。7.A.childrenB.policemanC.salesmanD.repairman答案:C解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。大卫和作者把旧车卖掉,买了新车。这里是交付旧车的钥匙。他们把钥匙交给经销商。故选C。8.A.showed upB.turned backC.moved onD.ran aw

14、ay答案:B解析 本题考查的是动词短语词义辨析。作者为失去老朋友而难过,在离开时,她自然会依依不舍,“turn back”的意思为“回头”。A、C、D的意思分别为“出现”、“前进”、“逃跑”。故选B。9.A.likedB.boughtC.stoppedD.returned答案:A解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据后文对汽车优越性能的描述,可以推测说作者喜欢上了新车。故选A。10.A.yetB.untilC.andD.then答案:C解析 本题考查的是连词的用法。前半句讲新车的优点,后半句有“happily”一词,可见没有转折的意思,填“and”表示并列、承接。故选C。11.A.protec

15、tedB.shockedC.delightedD.determined答案:C解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。孩子坐在新车里兜风,情绪自然高涨,故选C。因为delighted指“高兴,开心”,A、B、D的意思分别为“保护”、“震惊”、“坚决”。故选C。12.A.as well asB.away fromC.in comparison withD.instead of答案:D解析 本题考查的是介词短语的用法。孩子们乘坐绿色小汽车而不是小型客货车,故选“instead of”。A、B、C的意思分别是“也”、“离开”、“比较”。故选D。13.A.missedB.enjoyedC.avoidedD.

16、forgot答案:B解析 本题考查的是动词的用法。A、C、D的意思分别为“思念”、“避免”、“忘记”。作者喜欢看后视镜,故选B。14.A.whereB.whenC.thatD.which答案:A解析 本题考查的是定语从句先行词的用法。正常语序为“put my little kid”,这里需要填入一个表示位置的副词,故选A。15.A.picturesB.tripsC.interestsD.stories答案:B解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。上文讲到带孩子出行,B有“旅行”的意思,故选B。16.A.schoolB.Chinese restaurantC.hospitalD.shopping c

17、entre答案:D解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。根据下文的“store”,可以推测出作者去的是“购物中心”。故选D。17.A.droveB.walkedC.marchedD.ran,答案:B解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。上文作者“parked in a sea of vehicles”,她走向商店。故选B。“march”的意思为“行军、进军”。故选B。18.A.dustyB.noisyC.shiningD.familiar答案:D解析 本题考查的是对上下文的理解。后文中,作者之所以长时间注视着这辆车,是因为它对作者来说是“familiar”。故选D。A、C的意思分别是“满是灰尘的”、“

18、闪闪发光”。故选D。19.A.joyB.fearC.disappointmentD.surprise答案:D解析 本题考查的是形容词词义辨析。在无意之中看到自己的旧车,作者很是惊讶。C的意思为“失望”。故选D。20.A.mixedB.strongC.personalD.warm答案:A解析 本题考查的是对全文的理解。作者最初舍不得自己的旧车,里面承载了家庭的美好回忆,购物途中偶遇爱车,心里甚是惊讶、欣喜、不舍。“mixed”的意思为“混杂”。故选A。第二部分 阅读理解A Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and servi

19、ces. People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of other things they need or want. When they work, they usually get paid in money. Most of the money today is made of metal or paper. But people used to use all kinds of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was sh

20、ells. Shells were not the only things used as money. In Chinese history, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money for a long tie. Elephant tusks, monkey tails, and salt were used as money in parts of Africa. Cattle were one of the earliest kinds of money. Other a

21、nimals were used as money, too. The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in the center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place. Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in England were

22、 made of tin. Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money, Later, countries began to make coins of gold and silver. But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money. The first pa

23、per money looked more like a note from one person to another than the paper money used today. Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today. 1. Which of the following is the best title for this article?A.Countries and Their Money.B.Kinds of Money.C.Trade and Money.D.T

24、he History of Money.答案:D解析 归纳题。文章最后一句Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.实际上归纳了全文的主题,暗示了四个选项中的D最适合用作标题。因此答案为D。2. The first tin coins were made _.A.in ChinaB.in PhilippineC.in EnglandD.in countries of Africa答案:C解析 细节题。文中第三段有The first coins in England were mad

25、e of tin之句,与C. In England一致,所以本题答案为C。3. The main idea of the second paragraph is that _.A.different countries use different kinds of money todayB.different things were used as moneyC.animals, shells, rice, elephant tusks, monkey tails and salted were used as moneyD.cloth, knives, animals , shells, r

26、ice, elephant tusks, monkey tails and salted were used as money答案:B解析 归纳题。题干+Bdifferent things were used as money实际上为文章的第二段中But people used to use all kinds of things as money的另外一种表达;同样通过第二段所举的例子也可以归纳出B为正确答案。4. Which of the following are true of the first metal coins?A.They were made of copper.B.The

27、y were made of paper.C.They were square but with a round hole in the center.D.They were round but with a square hole in the center.答案:D解析 细节题。关于最早的金属钱币的描述出现在文中第三段第二句They were round and had a square hole in the center中,这与D的描述完全一致,因此D为答案。5. From this article readers can learn that _.A.by comparing and

28、 contrasting, todays money is convenient to carryB.all of the money today is made of metal or paperC.the earlier kinds of money seems to be art productsD.in parts of Africa monkey tails are still used as money答案:A解析 细节题。通过阅读全文及比较四个选项,B、C在文中根本没有提及,D与文章内容不合。因此答案应为A。B Like all other mothers who have sm

29、all children, I, too, have to steal time-from my own children at home and from the children who know me as their teacher-just to put a few words down on paper. Many times Ive wanted to write for myself, for other women, for my parents, for my husband, and especially for my children. I would have lik

30、ed to leave a legacy (遗产) of words explaining what it has meant to have twins (双胞胎). One reason there is not a great deal written about being a mother of a new baby is that there is seldom a moment to think of anything else but the babys needs. With twins, I did not have a spare hand to write with.

31、Before my twins were born, my days were long and I had nothing to write about. After the twins birth I did have something to write about, but I found myself facing not a pen and paper but milk bottles. Some nights, friends would visit. They would leave at 11 p.m. , heading for bed, and for us the ni

32、ght was only just beginning. With twins, there is really no night. Each feeding lasts a long time. At 1: 00 a. m. , each of them would begin crying from hunger. At 4:00 a. m., when I finally put them down, I head for the kitchen and light a cigarette. I haven t smoked in almost a year, but I feel Iv

33、e never needed it more. Im so sleepy and so tired that I dont care. Two years have passed since then and weve managed to live through k ail. My days are still very full and even now there isnt one evening when I put the twins down for the night that I dont breathe a sigh of relief(松口气). At last a li

34、ttle time for myself. 1. What does the writer mainly write about?A.Her role as a wife.B.Her work as a writer.C.Her role as a teacher.D.Her experience as a mother.答案:D2. When did she have time but nothing to write about?A.Before the birth of her twins.B.When she faced bottles of milk.C.After her frie

35、nds visit to her home.D.When she had to think about the babies needs.答案:A3. When the writer says I dont care ( paragraph 4 ), she means that she doesnt care about_.A.her babies any moreB.the time to go to bedC.the writing of her bookD.the possible effects of smoking答案:D4. Even when the twins were tw

36、o years old, the only time the writer could find for herself was_.A.when her babies were asleepB.when the feeding was overC.when her friends leftD.when evening began答案:AC The Internet is a way of life for US college students. A recent survey by Harris Interactive and 360 youth found that 93 per cent

37、 of American college students visit the Internet, and this market is expected to grow from 15.2 million in 2003 to 16.4 million in 2007. That is slow but it could be the result of the already high number of Internet college users. About 88 per cent of American college students own a computer, and mo

38、re than half have broadband (宽带) connections. Furthermore, 67 per cent own cell phones and 36 per cent use their mobile devices to visit the Internet. Study findings show that 42 per cent go online mainly to communicate socially, and 72 percent of college students check emails at least once a day, w

39、ith 66 per cent using at least two email addresses. The most popular online social activity is sending messages to friends or family, with 37 percent of college students saying they do so. The study also looked beyond the Internet surfing habits and into the buying habits of this group, and found th

40、em responsible for more than $ 210 billion in sales last year alone. College students have learned how to spend their money, with 93 per cent saying low prices are important when shopping. The study also shows that 65 per cent make loan (贷款) payments; 41 per cent of freshmen have a credit card; and

41、79 per cent of seniors have a credit card. A great number of charges on those credit cards are likely to be for entertainment and leisure expenses. 1. College students in US, as this passage shows, _.A.waste much time visiting the InternetB.spend too much time visiting the InternetC.lead an exciting

42、 life by using the InternetD.dont have to learn their lessons in the classrooms答案:C解析 本题考查对文章主旨的把握。本文通篇都在论述大部分美国大学生都 因特网,并且人数在增加。他们通过网络做很多事情,包括聊天、 发电子邮件、进行社交活动、购物等对比四个选项,可以排除A、 B、D,而C的意思是网络使美国大学生过着令人兴奋的生活,符合 主旨。因此选C。2. To communicate with friends, nearly half of the college students use _.A.telegrap

43、hsB.telephonesC.emailsD.letters答案:C解析 文章第三段“Study findings show that 42 percent go online mainly to commulaicate socially,and 72 petcent of college students check emails at least once a day,with 66 per cent using at least two email addresses”,明 确地告诉我们美国大学生流行用email来联系。所以答案是C。3. From the third paragra

44、ph we can find that in the US _.A.cell phones will take the place of computers in collegesB.college students can have a computer from their collegesC.most college students are from rich familiesD.mobile phones make Internet life easy for college students答案:D解析 本题可以用筛选法。选项A、B、C的内容在文中并没有提到。另 外,参考第二段最后

45、一句“Further more, 67 percent own cell phones and 36 percent use their mobile devices to visit the Internet”,可见移 动电话使他们上起网来非常方便。 cellphone,mobile phone,mobile device是在文中部是指同一个东西,即“移动电话”。所以答案为D。4. Which of the following is NOT about college students buying habits?A.Many of them own a computer and a cel

46、l phone.B.They think low prices are very important.C.More than half of them make loan payments.D.They spend a lot of money on entertainment.答案:A解析 细节题。参考文章的最后两段可以判断B、C、D都是有关大学生的 消费习惯,而A项与此无关。故本题答案是A。5. What are the two main points that the survey by Hiarris Interactive look into?A.Computer and cell

47、phone.B.College students and their university.C.Emails and letters.D.College students surfing habits and buying habits on the Internet.答案:D解析 细节题。文章中有一句话就是本题答案的关键。即倒数第二段的“The study also looked beyond the Internet surfing habits and into the buying habits of this group”。本句承上启下,告诉我们此研究的两大主题为 surring h

48、abits和buyiilg habits。故本题答案是D。D Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cogni

49、tive(认识派的)re searchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters,especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary(金钱的)rewards spark

50、s creativity in grade-school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements(刺激)indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. If kids know theyre working for a reward and can focus on a relatively challenging task ,they show the mos

51、t creativity , says Robert Eisenhower of the University of Delaware in Newark. But its easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance of or creating too much anticipation for rewards. A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achie

52、vement ends up with uninspired students, Eisenhower holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing grades. In earlier grades, the use of so-called taken economies, in which students handle challenging problems

53、 and receive performance-based points toward valued rewards, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Delaware psychologist claims. 1. Psychologists are divided with regard to their attitudes toward _.A.the choice between spiritual encouragement and monetary rewardsB.the amount of monetar

54、y rewards for students creativityC.the study of relationship between actions and their consequencesD.the effects of external rewards on students performance答案:D解析 本题要求判断心理学家们在谈论何种问题时意见分歧。依据文章第一段第一行、第三行Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards,from warm praise to cold cash,affect moti

55、vation and creativity(外部奖励,从热情洋溢的话语表扬到冷漠的现金,如何影响一个人的动机和创造力,对这一点,心理学家们采用完全不同的观点。) 其中该句中的opposing和divided相对应。views和attitudes相对应,affect转化到名词effect,所以,D应为正确选择。2. What is the response of many educators to external rewards for their students?A.They have no doubts about them.B.They have doubts about them.C

56、.They approve of them.D.They avoid talking about them.答案:B解析 作者在第一段中叙述的两种态度。第一种是行为学家的观点,外部奖励促进学习。第二种是认知学派的观点,外部奖励摧毁了学生的创造力。本题要求判断教育家们的态度。依据文章第二段第一行The latter view has gained many supporters,especially among educators(第二种观点获得了许多人的赞成,尤其是教育家们),教育家们的观点应该是和认知学派的观点一致的。因此选择项B符合题意。3. Which of the following can best raise students creativity acc


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