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1、1 Unit 4 The Lady, or the Tiger? (1) http:/ oaenglish/voaspecialenglish/2012-03- 03/170227.html 2 1. About the Title oThe Lady, or the Tiger? oTrick or Treat? (childrens words at Halloween) oTo Be, or Not to Be? (Hamlets soliloquy ) oWhat does this pattern call to your mind? 3 2. About the Story oTh

2、is is a story about how justice is administered by a semi-barbaric king. o Lets first talk about how justice is done in a civilized society. oNow lets imagine how things like this go on in a barbaric kingdom and how things go on in a semi-barbaric kingdom. 4 3. Synopsis of the story oThe Lady, or th

3、e Tiger? is about a man sentenced to an unusual punishment for having a romance with a kings beloved daughter. oTaken to the public arena, he is faced with two doors, behind one of which is a hungry tiger that will devour him. Behind the other is a beautiful lady-in-waiting, whom he will have to mar

4、ry, if he finds her. 5 oWhile the crowd waits anxiously for his decision, he sees the princess among the spectators, who points him to the door on the right. oThe lover starts to open the door and . the story ends abruptly there. 6 oDid the princess save her love by pointing to the door leading to t

5、he lady-in-waiting, or did she prefer to see her lover die rather than see him marry someone else? oThat discussion hook has made the story a staple in English classes in American schools, especially since Stockton was careful never to hint at what he thought the ending would be. 7 4. About the auth

6、or oFrank R. Stockton (1834-1902) oOne of the most famous American writers of the 1880s and 1890s; oAn American humorist who has been compared to Mark Twain; oThis story was his most famous story, first published in the popular magazine Century in 1882. 8 oBest known today for a series of innovative

7、 childrens fairy tales that were widely popular during the last decades of the 19th century, using clever humor to poke at greed, violence, abuse of power and other human foibles, describing his fantastic characters adventures in a charming, matter-of-fact way in stories like The Griffin and the Min

8、or Canon (1885) and The Bee-Man of Orn (1887), which was published in 1964 in an edition illustrated by Maurice Sendak. 9 5. Organization of the text oPart (1): description of the Kings semi-barbaric character; oPart (2-6): illustration of how the King administered justice in the arena; oPart (7-8):

9、 reasons why justice was done in this way. oThe Theme or themes? 10 6. Questions for Part oIn what sense was the king “semi-barbaric”? (his ideas were polished and sharpened by, but still large, florid and untrammeled) oWhat was his character like? (a man of exuberant fancy and of an irresistible au

10、thority; having a tendency to discuss matters with himself; having a liking to make the crooked straight and crush down uneven places; Owing no more allegiance to any tradition than pleased his fancy; Having a liking to ingraft his barbaric idealism on every adopted form of human thought and action)

11、 11 Questions for Part oWhat idea, among the borrowed ones, signified the semi-barbarism of the king? (the public arena) oWhat should be the original function of an arena? (to give the people an opportunity of hearing; to enable the people to view the inevitable conclusion of a conflict) oHow did th

12、e king adapt it for “better purposes”? (as an agent of poetic justice) 12 Questions for Part oWhy was the arena called the kings arena? (although borrowed from, the adapted purpose came from the brain of the king) oHow was justice administered in the arena? (two doors, behind which a tiger or a lady

13、 may come out) 13 Questions for Part oWhat were the reasons? (perfect fairness; the element of uncertainty) 14 7. Words and Phrases osemi half: semicircle, semi-cylinder partly: in some degree: semi- conscious, semi-official, semi- darkness, semi-literate 15 oBarbaric - uncivilized, unrestrained oWo

14、rds family: barbarian adj. n. midway between full civilization and tribal savage;野蛮的,野 蛮人 barbarity n. 残忍 barbarism n. 野蛮,原始,未开化 barbarous adj.野蛮的,粗野的,沙哑的 16 oFlorid - adj. elaborate and ornate; excessively decorated or colorful; florid music/poetry/art 矫揉造作的音乐、诗、艺术; of a persons face red in color,

15、ruddy 面色红润 17 oTrammeled - restrained; untrammeled: not restrained 我行我素 oExuberant - very lively and cheerful 生气勃勃的,兴高采烈的 18 oWithal - besides oHitch - difficulty oOrbs - heavenly bodies 19 obland and genial adj. having a pleasant and friendly disposition or manner; cordial and kindly 20 oCrooked -

16、not straight or level弯 曲的 ; dishonest, not straight- forward 行为不端的 oValor great bravery, esp. in war oRhapsody - a composition of irregular form and often improvisatory character 狂想曲 21 oGladiator - armed fighters performing for the public in ancient Rome 角斗士 oAmphitheater - - an arena where contest

17、s spectacle are held 22 oEmanate from - to come out from; oAllegiance - loyalty to a ruler or government give/pledge/swear allegiance to 忠 诚于 oIngraft (engraft) transplant 23 oAforementioned - mentioned before oDoleful - filled with or evoking sadness 24 oWend ones way - travel over a distance , esp

18、. slowly oDire - terrible oRetribution - deserved punishment oChorister - a singer in a choir, esp. a choirboy or choirgirl 25 oAirs - tune, melody oSolemnize - to celebrate or observe with dignity and gravity 隆 重庆祝 oStrew flowers - cast flowers oHilarious - extremely amusing; very funny, noisily merry a hilarious joke 轻松的笑话 26 9. Translation P49 o1) The freshmen are all youthfully exuberant. Or: The freshmen are young and exuberant. o2) His attitude was bland and his expression was unreadable. o3)The headmistress of my middle school was a genial young lady. 27 o4) The philosopher


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