1、no matter when you start, the important thing is not to give up lightly after you start.整合汇编简单易用(word文档/a4打印/可编辑/页眉可删)公司圣诞晚会开场白 (女):亲爱的老师、同学们。(男):晚上好!(女):20_年度圣诞晚会现在开始。 (男):白雪儿飘飘,鹿铃儿敲敲,甜蜜的圣诞节又来到,快乐的圣诞节多美好! 祝大家圣诞快乐!(女):今天,是喜悦让我们相聚在这里;(男):今天,是我们共同的选择让我们走到这里;(女):今天,是共同的畅想让我们手拉手来到这里;(男):在这里,我们认识了许多同学,(女
2、):在这里,我们有了朋友,(男):在这里,我们有了进步,(女):在这里, 我们有了成功。(合):今天,在圣诞之夜即将到来之际,我们由衷谢谢晚托班的老师、谢谢我们的同学,谢谢大家!(男):我们更相信:我们今天的努力定会结出明天的累累硕果,(女)我们今天播下希望的种子,定会有明天沉甸甸的收获。结束语男:多么动人的.夜晚,多么难忘的时光。虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情;女:今天的圣诞晚会更加体现出一个充满活力,面向未来的集体;男:在这里,有我们对生活的激-情,更有我们对未来的渴望;女:因为,我们始终相信:明天会更好!齐:今天的圣诞联欢会到此结束,再次祝大家圣诞快乐,万事如意,
4、渐传来了圣诞老人驾着鹿车而来的清脆铃声,白色的圣诞节 属于我们童话般的节日如愿而至!丙丁:看,阳光灿烂,那是圣诞绚丽的色彩,甲乙:听,金钟朗朗,这是圣诞动人的旋律。齐:现在我们一起宣布:枫叶教育圣诞晚会现在开始!节目-圣诞晚会开场白(英文版)a: good evening ,ladies and gentlemen, welcome to christmas party which held by the international class of school of economics and managementb: be treading the peaceful ding of ch
5、ristmas, we welcome the silent night. a: tonight , we are getting here together to celebrate the special day.b: tonight, lets cherish this rare gathering together and make it unforgettable . a: just like everybody expected, all the dearest members of the international class and the admired teachers
6、have prepared brilliant performance to celebrate the christmas party, wish the party bright and colorful.b: to begin with, please allow us to introduce the leaders and the honored guest present tonight. they are:president of school of economics and management professor谢. welcome a: our dear foreign
7、teacher mr. giles. welcomeb: teachers who takes charge of the international class mr.闫a: and mr.倪 .a: tina ,do you enjoy the previous dance?b: yes , of course. but now i want to listen a beautiful song.a:oh, you know, i can satisfy you, lets welcome 4 pretty girls bring us a sweet song.b: catherine,
8、 i saw a handsome teacher just then.a: oh, really? where is he?b: he is therea; how lucky you ,lets welcome our mr 倪 to sing a love song take me to your heartb: the next, lets enjoy a drama named my sassy wife to see what funny things happened between the couple and the couples parents. welcome.a: t
9、ina. i heard that you are learning japanese recently, right? b: well. yes, but only a little.a: can you teach me some japanese? b: ok. ”ki ta gu ni no ha ru”a:whats the meaning of it ?b: well. actually, thats a songs name. now lets welcome our president professor xie to sing this song for us. welcom
10、e.b:tonight, we have invited a beautiful girl to our christmas party .now ,lets welcome the girl to sing a song for us. the songs name is someone like u.welcome.a: the next, lets see a belly dance comes from吴碧莹 and enjoy the exotic atmosphere brought by her. welcome.a: we are not the best one .we are not the most beautiful one .but we must believe that we are the special one in the universe. now, lets welcome 5 girls to sing a song for us. the songs name is ordinary girl.welcome.圣诞晚会开场白和结束语甲:多么动人的夜晚,多么难忘的时光。虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情;丙:今天的圣诞晚会更加体现出一个充满活力,面向未来的集体
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