初中英语单词 中考单词 按读音归类和快速记忆 分类记忆_第1页
初中英语单词 中考单词 按读音归类和快速记忆 分类记忆_第2页
初中英语单词 中考单词 按读音归类和快速记忆 分类记忆_第3页
初中英语单词 中考单词 按读音归类和快速记忆 分类记忆_第4页
初中英语单词 中考单词 按读音归类和快速记忆 分类记忆_第5页
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1、ei lake cake make take wake name date gate late made case face grade plane plate safe save skate tape wave sale game base space age place snake ei day may play pay stay way lay relay display hayei wait rain train raise pain paint main fail mail email remain rail afraid bag hat black bad can glad has

2、 hand man map match fat that back fact crash track trap thank sand path hang snack i: see week green keep meet jeep sleep sweet street deep feet teeth free greet tree seed sheep beef feel steal agree feeli: sea beat clean east seat speak teach weak tea team pea bean read eat cheap deal meal dream le

3、ast leaf real beach please meat meane bread dead deaf health heavy ready weather meant e pen pencil beg bell sell net ten tent then set shelf rest pet next neck men lend less spend mend left bed best egg get west red smell check vet end press pet best fell feltai like nice bike side line mine drive

4、fine knife life ride rise white while write bite kite time wife size shine dive wine prize pride hike ai by try fly sky spy cry dry why my shy fry ai light bright might night sight right fight sign high i in hit sit bit chick dig fish if milk miss quick rich ship tip wind fit lift list pick sick tri

5、p stick win kid silk print pig fridge i l ill fill will drill hill bill still pill kill tillu note nose hope phone rode woke hole smoke stone whole close joke u boat coat goat road load soap throat goalu slow blow grow row yellow show low throw snow know below bowl u old hold told cold sold u: too t

6、ooth food tool goose room stood pool cool shoot u look took good book cook cookie wood wool dog lock mop stop top spot rob pop pot knock job hot drop block lot soft shop sock top got cost shot rock cross across crop : all hall wall fall fallen small tall chalk mall call : want watch wash what warn w

7、arm u: rule blue june ruler rude nut must duck truck bus but cup cut just jump run sun gun luck rush brush hug shut such sunny a: car cart card part park far farm hard large dark arm march chart yard mark hardly shark a: class glass past pass grass last fast : or for forty storm store sore more scor

8、e pork orange north force nor horse born more short sport fork form score corn : birth girl shirt skirt bird thirty dirty thirteen first thirsty : world word work worker worst worse worth : turn nurse purse thursday burn return surf au house loud about cloud mouth round ground count shout found sout

9、h sound proud mount mountain au how now brown flower crowd power town allow i boy boil voice toy joy join coin point noise noisy moisti ear dear hear near nearly tear clear air chair hair pair repair pear wear bear appear eicake糕点gate大门plane飞机make制造late迟到plate碟子take拿、带made制造(过去式)safe安全的wake醒、叫醒case箱

10、子save挽救name名字wave 波浪skate溜冰tape录音带face脸sale出售game游戏base基地、基础snake蛇space太空age年龄place地方lake湖泊date日期grade年级eiday日may可以play玩pay付款stay逗留way道路、方法lay下蛋relay接力display展出eiafraid害怕、担心wait等待rain下雨、雨train火车raise提高、升起pain疼痛paint油漆main主要的fail失败、不及格,mail邮件email电子邮件remain.保持, 逗留rail铁轨 hang悬挂,snack 小吃, 快餐bag包hat帽子bl

11、ack黑的bad坏的can能够glad高兴的has有(第三人称)hand手man男人map地图match比赛fat肥的that那back背部、后面fact事实crash.碰撞, 坠落track.轨迹, 车辙trap圈套, 陷阱thank感谢sand沙子path小道i: see看见week星期green绿色的keep保持meet遇见、会见jeep吉普车sleep待添加的隐藏文字内容3睡觉sweet甜的street街道deep深的feet脚 (复数)teeth牙齿(复数)free空闲的greett.问候,tree树seed种子sheep绵羊beef牛肉feel感觉steal偷agree同意i: m

12、ean意思、用意sea海beat打clean干净的east东面seat座位speak讲teach教weak弱的tea茶team队pea豌豆bean豆read阅读eat吃cheap便宜的deal.处理、交易meal一餐dream发梦least 最少leaf树叶real真正的beach 海滩please请meat肉e meant用意 (过去式)weather 天气bread 面包dead死的deaf聋的health 健康heavy重的ready.有准备的e west西方pen 钢笔pencil铅笔bell铃sell卖net网beg.请求, 乞求ten 十neck脖子next下一个pet宠物rest

13、休息shelf架子set树立、一套then然后tent帐篷men 男人(复数)lend借给less较少bed床left左边spend花费mend修理best最好egg蛋get .获得、到达felt感觉(过去式)fell跌下(过去式vet兽医press.压, 按end末端、结束red红色的check检查smell闻ai prize奖赏、 奖品wine葡萄酒like 喜欢nice好的、和蔼的bike自行车line线、绳、排队drive驾驶side边mine我的knife刀ride骑fine 美美好的、 优良的while一会儿,rise上升, 增加write写white白色的life生活kite风筝

14、time时间wife妻子bite 咬shine照耀pride.自豪size尺寸, 尺码hike远足dive潜水ai by 在附近fly飞sky天空spy间谍my我的fry油炸, 油煎shy害羞的why为什么dry干燥的cry哭try尝试ai light轻的bright明亮的might可能night晚上sight视力right右边、对的fight战斗、.打架sign标志、签名high高的 i in 在。中bit一点sit坐miss怀念、错过milk牛奶if如果fish鱼、钓鱼dig挖掘chick小鸡hit打击、 碰撞rich富裕的ship轮船quick 迅速的list目录、名单lift提起、电梯

15、pick摘、拣起wind风fit合适tip小费win 赢trip旅行sick病的print印刷kid小孩silk丝绸pig 猪fridge冰箱stick棍子 i fill装满, 注满ill 病的will将来时助动词drill钻孔、操练till直至kill杀害pill药片still仍然bill帐单hill小山unote 记录, 笔记nose鼻子hope希望whole整个joke开玩笑close关stone石头smoke抽烟hole洞woke醒(过去式)rode骑(过去式)phone电话uload装载、重担soap肥皂boat 小船coat外衣goat山羊road道路goal目标、球门throat

16、喉咙uslow 慢的bowl碗below在。下面know知道snow雪、下雪throw扔、 抛low低的show演出、引导yellow黄色的row.排, 行grow生长blow吹usold卖(过去式)cold冷的old 老的told告诉(过去式)hold.拿着、举行u:goose鹅too 也tooth牙齿(单数)tool工具food食物cool凉爽的shoot射击pool池塘stood站(过去式)room房间 u look 看took拿(过去式)good好的book书cook煮、厨师wool羊毛wood木头、木材cookie曲其饼 stop停止top 顶部lock锁mop拖把crop庄稼acr

17、oss横过、越过cross横过rock岩石shot射(过去式)cost价值shop商店got得到(过去式)sock短袜block街区、堵塞soft柔软的lot很多hot热的drop滴下、 落下job工作pot.罐, 壶knock敲pop流行的dog狗spot.班点、 污点rob打劫 : all 全部、所有wall墙壁fall跌下tall高的mall大商场chalk粉笔hall大厅small小的call讲、打电话 : want 想watch观看、手表wash洗what什么warn警告warm暖和的 u: rule 规则blue蓝色的june七月ruler尺子rude粗鲁的 bus公共汽车truc

18、k卡车nut 果仁must必须duck鸭子sunny阳光灿烂的such这样shut关上, 闭上hug巨大的brush刷子rush冲、奔luck幸运gun枪sun太阳run跑步jump跳just刚cut割、剪cup杯子but但 a: far远的cart手推车car 小车card卡part部分park公园shark鲨鱼hardly几乎不mark.标志, 分数yard院子chart 图表march三月arm手臂dark黑暗的large大的hard硬的、刻苦的farm农场 a: pass通过、及格class 班级glass玻璃杯past过去的last最后的fast快的grass草 o: or 或者fo

19、rty四十storm暴风雨pork猪肉corn玉米score得分form表格fork叉子sport运动short短的、矮的more更born出生horse马nor也不force.力量、.强制north北方orange橙子for为sore.疼痛的,store商店 : thirsty口渴birth 出生girl女孩shirt衬衫first第一thirteen十三dirty肮脏thirty三十bird鸟skirt裙子 : worst最坏的world 世界word单词work工作worker工人worth值得worse较坏的 : thursday星期四turn .转动, 旋转nurse护士purse钱

20、包surf冲浪return归还、.回来burn燃烧 au house 房子loud大声的about大约、关于mount山峰mountain山proud骄傲的、自豪sound声音south南方found找到(过去式shout喊count数、计算ground地面round环绕mouth嘴cloud云 au how 怎样now现在brown棕色的flower花朵allow允许town城镇power动力, 权力crowd人群ijoy.欢乐, 喜悦,toy玩具boy 男孩boil煮voice.声音, 嗓音,moist.潮湿的noisy.吵杂的noise.吵杂声point点、指出coin硬币join加入i

21、 ear 耳朵hear听见near在。附近clear清晰的tear眼泪nearly几乎dear亲爱的appear出现disappear消失pear 梨子wear穿上bear熊air 空气hair头发pair双、对chair椅子repair修理初中三册书以及大纲要求掌握的词组1. a bottle of water 2. a glass of milk 3. a little money 4. a lot of friends5. a pair of shoes 6. a piece of paper7. agree with sb 8. all day 9. all kinds of frui

22、ts 10.all over the world 11.arrive in beijing 12. arrive at a small village13. as usual 14. at dinner15. at first 16. at last17.at night 18. at noon19.at once 20 at present21.at the moment 22.at the same time23.at work 24.attend a meeting25.be afraid 26.be angry with sb.27.be born 28.be busy with so

23、mething29.be careful 30.be close to31.be covered with 32.be different from33.be good at 34.be good (bad) for35.be interested in 36.be late for school37.be tired 38.belong to39.break the rule 40.burn down41. by air (plane) 42.by bike43.by the way 44.call on45.catch a bus 46.catch a cold47.catch up wi

24、th my classmates 48.change ones mind49.childrens day 50.christmas eve51.climb a mountain e frome into use plain about55.do ones best 56.do ones homework57.do sport 58.do some cleaning59.do some shopping 60.do some washing61.each other 62.enjoy oneself63.fall asleep 64.fall off65.family name 66.famil

25、y tree67.far from my home 68.feel ill69.fight with 70.fill in the form71.find out 72.for a living73.a foreign language 74.from now on75.hold a ladder 76.a gate keeper77.get excited about 78.get home79.get in 80.get on a bus81.get off a bus 82.get on well with sb.83.get ready for 84.get to school85.g

26、et up 86.get warm (cold)87.give a talk 88.give the message to him89.give up 90.go boating 91.go for a walk 92.grow some vegetables93.go over the lessons 94.go shopping 95.go swimming 96.go on97.go to the cinema 98.go to bed99.go to sleep 100.a good idea101.grow up 102.plant some trees103.half an hou

27、r 104.hand in 105.have a cough 106.have a good time107.have a football match 108.have a meeting109.have a rest 110.have a way out111.have been to shanghai 112.have lunch113.have good manners 114.buy a car115.hear from 116.have to 117.hear of 118.here and there119.hold a sports meeting 120.home town1

28、21.hurry up 122.in a minute123.in bed 124.in english125.in the hat 126.in the middle of the city127.in the open air 128.in the sun129.in time 130.jump the queue131.just now 132.keep healthy133.knock at the door 134.last year135.laugh at 136.learn from lei feng137.leave a message 138.look after139.lo

29、ok for 140.look forward to141.look up a dictionary 142.make a living143.make friends 144.make faces145.make the bed 146.may day147.next to 148.on duty149.on fire 150.on foot151.on show 152.on sale153.on the earth 154.pay a visit155.play with 156.a police station157.a post office 158.put on159.put ou

30、t a fire 160.a railway station161.right away 162.a relay race163.ring up 164.say hello to somebody165.stop sb. from doing something 166.take a bus167.take a trip 168.take care of169.take away 170.take off171.take medicine 172.take part in173.take photos 174.take (time)175.talk about 176.teachers day

31、177.the day after tomorrow 178.the great wall179.the high jump 180.the long jump181.the night before last 182.think about183.traffic lights 184.try ones best185.turn off 185.turn on187.wait for a bus. 188.wake up189.wear out 190.write a letter to sb.191.youd better 192.you are welcome193.send for 19

32、4.never mind195.in surprise 196.all ones life197.at the beginning of 198.make a mistake199.a school library 200.borrow a book from sb201. put away 202.make sb do something203.kinds of 204.be amazed at205.a bit (of) 206.take a seat/ sit down207.be famous for 208.in time209.make ones way to 210.just t

33、hen211.get lost 212.go wrong213.make a noise 214.take turns215.at the head of 216.at the end of 217.laugh at 218.throw about219.in fact 220.at midnight221.quarrel with 222.have a headache223.have a cough 224.be awaken225.take exercise 226.all by oneself227.solve the problem 228.run away229.eat up 23

34、0.to ones surprise231.look up 232.take an active part in233.be interested in 234.in the future235.in the end 236.be fed up with /be tired ofe to oneself 238.hard-working239.set off 240.here and there241.look out 242.make room for243.take ones place 244. a lifeboat245.used to e up with247.pick up 248

35、.have a try249.large number of 250.no matter251.give up 252.the olympic gamese true 254.so far255.be proud of 256.speak highly of257.not only but also 258.keep doing something259.a round-trip ticket 260.go straight along261.on earth 262.at the age of 263.rush out 264.base on265.live on 266.give birt

36、h to267.be used for 268.on display269.human being 270.in this way271.on the way to 272.more or less273.shut down 274.put off275.prefer to 276.be busy doing277.be excited about 278.wear out279.make a decision 280.a credit card281.drop off 282.the great hall of people283.be grateful 284.regard as285.a

37、t sea 286.at least287.by the time 288.carry on 289.be pleased with 290.from now on291.trip over 292.more and more293.in the modern world 294.on earth 295.find out 296. writing brush297.drop off 298. go over299.on the other hand 300.a part-time job 301.point to 302.put up 同义词组的句子1. ill look after you

38、r house when you travel to new york.2. ill take care of your house when you travel to new york.3. when did he return the money to you?4. when did he give the money back to you?5. he made some friends in paris last year.6. he made friends with some people in paris last year.7. jack is poor in maths.8

39、. jack is weak in maths.9. jack doesnt do well in maths.10. lucy is good at playing basketball.11. lucy does well in playing basketball.12. jim is feeling ill.13. jim is ill.14. some foreign teachers will reach beijing in two days.15. some foreign teachers will get to beijing next week.16. some foreign teachers will arrive in beijing the day after tomorrow.17. some foreign teachers will arrived at the hotel this evening.18. they often fly to london to do some business.19. they o


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