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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全专升本英语模拟338专升本英语模拟338 Phonetics问题:1.A.hugeB.busyC.instituteD.music答案:B解析 画线部分读i,其他选项的画线部分读ju:。问题:2.A.duckB.sugarC.suchD.luck答案:B问题:3.A.flyB.sillyC.simplyD.city答案:A问题:4.A.tookB.moonC.bookD.look答案:B解析 moon中的oo读,其余三个词中的oo读。问题:5.A.shootB.bloodC.roofD.tool答案:B

2、解析 A、C、D三项划线部分发,而B项划线部分发,因此选B项。 Vocabulary and Structure问题:1. When Edison died, it was proposed that the Americans _ all power in their homes, streets and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man.A.turn offB.turned offC.must turn offD.would have turned off答案:A解析 本句的意思是:爱迪生去世时,有人建议美国人

3、关掉家中、街道上和工厂里的电力供应来纪念这位伟人。虚拟语气题:It is/was proposed that其后的从句用虚拟语气,动词形式为“should+动词原形”,should可省略。问题:2. Beethoven is my favorite musician, I regard him as _ other musicians.A.superior toB.more superior toC.superior thanD.more superior than答案:A解析 本句的意思是:贝多芬是我最喜欢的音乐家,我认为他胜过其他所有的音乐家。无比较级的形容词的用法题:形容词superio

4、r本身没有比较级和最高级形式,其比较级形式为“superior to”。问题:3. It is not difficult to teach _ students.A.smartB.fashionableC.sensitiveD.vital答案:A解析 本句的意思是:聪明的学生不难教。形容词词义辨析题:smart意为“聪明的,伶俐的”;fashionable意为“时髦的”;sensitive意为“神经过敏的,容易生气的”;vital意为“有生命力的,充满活力的”。问题:4. He is _ a writer as a reporter.A.moreB.ratherC.not so muchD.

5、not much答案:C解析 句意:他与其说是一个作家,倒不如说是个记者。本题考查not so much A as B这一比较句型,意为“与其说A倒不如说B”。所以选项C为正确答案。问题:5. Mike said that the house was _ expensive for him.A.very muchB.so muchC.far tooD.about答案:C解析 副词短语辨析题。问题:6. Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being.A.doB.dont haveC.didnt haveD.didnt do答案:D问题:

6、7. Can you tell me _ a post office near here?A.whether is thereB.that is thereC.if there isD.what there is答案:C问题:8. It took them more than ten years to _ the defensive works.A.build inB.build intoC.build onD.build up答案:D问题:9. He has made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science

7、and man.A.which I think isB.which I think it isC.of which I think it isD.I think which is答案:A解析 句意:他又有了一项重大的发现,我认为这项发现对科学和人类非常重要。本题考查非限制性定语从句的用法。定语从句中的which指代之前的先行词discovery,并做从句中的主语成分,I think为从句中的插入语。问题:10. It suddenly _ to me that we could use a computer to do the job.A.happenedB.occurredC.agreedD

8、.presented答案:B问题:11. The fireman managed to _ the fire in time.A.extinguishB.preventC.stopD.ruin答案:A解析 句意:消防员设法及时扑灭了火。本题为近义词题。根据题意可知这里需要表示“扑灭(火焰等)”的单词。extinguish:熄灭,扑灭;prevent:阻止;stop:停止。注意stop一般用于stop the fire burning/spreading结构,故答案为A。问题:12. The earth is _ the moon.A.as 49 times bigB.49 times as b

9、igger asC.49 times as big asD.as big as 49 times答案:C问题:13. I used to smoke _, but I gave it up three years ago.A.severelyB.heavilyC.stronglyD.seriously答案:B解析 smoke可以用heavily来修饰,表示烟瘾很大。问题:14. _determines a good meal varies from country to country.A.WhatB.ThatC.ItD.Which答案:A问题:15. Was the housemaster

10、strict? Yes. He requested that we _ television on week nights. A.not watchB.must not to stayC.not be watchingD.staying not答案:A解析 在含有要求、命令等意义的动词之后的宾语从句中,要用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”,should可以省略,句中的request意为“要求”。 Cloze Beauty is a curious phenomenon, one of permeable, shifting boundaries. We may think we unde

11、rstand it, 1 we sense it effortlessly. 2 , it is a bundle of mysteries researchers are still 3 . Consider the ancient proverb: 4 is in the eye of the beholder. Until about 30 years ago it seemed too 5 for scientists to bother 6 When they finally 7 it, their results 8 them. 9 , the maxim is false. Fa

12、cial beauty is the same 10 the world. In every tribe and culture, individuals will consider Sharon Stone, say, an attractive woman. It goes 11 Males can identify good-looking men, and females alluring women. Old and young, rich and poor, learned and 12 , all agree 13 who is beautiful. 14 people of e

13、very class and personality type. We dont learn this response. We re born 15 it. In one recent study, babies just 20 hours old recognized attractive faces and 16 them. So beauty is in our DNA. The eye of the beholder doesnt matter. On the other hand, and this is 17 it gets 18 , the facial shell is ju

14、st the foundation of beauty. We see the self in the face, every day, 19 and we cant 20 the two. 1.A.thereforeB.sinceC.owing toD.thank to答案:B2.A.GenerallyB.In doing soC.In additionD.In fact答案:D3.A.uncoveringB.discoveringC.uncoveredD.discovered答案:A4.A.feelingB.emotionC.beautyD.love答案:C5.A.distinctB.cl

15、earC.obviousD.evident答案:C6.A.withB.inC.fromD.on答案:A7.A.inspectedB.testedC.examinedD.researched答案:B8.A.pleasedB.angeredC.frightenedD.startled答案:D9.A.In factB.On the one handC.SoD.As a matter of fact答案:B10.A.overB.throughoutC.acrossD.in答案:B11.A.fartherlyB.fartherC.further.D.furtherly答案:C12.A.innocentB

16、.ignorantC.ignoredD.illiterate答案:B13.A.onB.withC.toD.in答案:A14.A.In so doingB.In doing soC.Do soD.So do答案:D15.A.withB.ofC.fromD.on答案:A16.A.preferredB.favoredC.choseD.selected答案:A17.A.howB.thatC.whereD.which答案:C18.A.interestedB.interestingC.interestD.interests答案:B19.A.all the dayB.all the timeC.every

17、timeD.anytime答案:B20.A.seeB.makeC.distinguishD.differ答案:C Reading Comprehension Train companies in Tokyo are taking action to reduce the number of people jumping in front of trains. They are fitting blue lights on station platforms to try and create a more calming atmosphere. The East Japan Railway C

18、ompany has invested almost $170,000 to install the lights in all of the 29 stations on the capitals busy Yamanote Line. There has been an alarming rise in the number of people committing suicide at train stations. A total of 68 people threw themselves under trains in the year up to March. This compa

19、res with 42 suicides in the same period a year earlier. In 2008, Japan had nearly 2,000 suicides by jumping in front of a train; around six percent of all suicides nationwide. Suicides have risen sharply in the past decade due to poor economic conditions. No one knows if the blue lights will work. T

20、here is no evidence to show that blue light reduces suicidal feelings. Keihan Railway spokesman Osamu Okawa stated: We thought we had to do something to save lives. We know there is no scientific proof that blue lights deter suicides, but if blue has a soothing effect on the mind, we want to try it

21、to save lives. The Associated Press news agency reports on a Japanese therapist called Mizuki Takahashi. She explained her reasons why the blue lights might be a good idea: We associate the color with the sky and the sea. It has a calming effect on agitated people, or people obsessed with one partic

22、ular thing, which in this case is committing suicide, she said. Other companies are watching this experiment with interest. 1. Why blue lights are installed in many train stations?A.Because they do not hurt human eyes.B.Because they are cheaper than regular ones.C.Because they can help people at nig

23、ht.D.Because they can reduce the number of suicides.答案:D解析 本文讲的是许多日本火车站启用蓝色的灯以减少卧轨自杀人数。第一段提到,蓝色可以创造平静的氛围,想自杀的人会在这种气氛中平静下来,所以采用蓝色。2. The use of blue lights to reduce suicides _.A.has no result yetB.is proved effectiveC.is welcomed by suicidesD.has been refused by stations答案:A解析 全文中多处提到,无论从科学的角度还是试验的角

24、度,都还没有结果表明蓝色的灯是否会真的起作用。3. A Japanese therapist explained that _.A.many suicides love blue colorB.the color of sky and see may calm excited peopleC.only people with trouble in mind need blue colorD.blue color will definitely work to save suicides答案:B解析 第二段中说到,一位日本的理疗医师说,蓝色被认作是天空和海洋,有让心情焦躁的人或受到某个特殊事件刺

25、激的人平静下来的作用。选项C中的only不合题意,太绝对了。4. What is the writers attitude toward the experiment? He is _.A.interestedB.denyingC.objectiveD.indifferent答案:C解析 作者通篇以陈述的口气说明了一个真实的试验。以客观的事实说明该事件,并没有以个人的看法为主导思想。 I was 14 when Mr. Ingram knocked on our farmhouse door in Sacred Heart, Okla. The old farmer lived about a

26、 mile down the road and needed help cutting grass. It was the first time I was actually paid for work- about 12 cents an hour, not bad when you consider it was 1939, a time when there was little business activity. Mr. Ingram liked the job I did and ended up hiring me to dig potatoes. I even helped w

27、hen a baby cow was being born. One day he found an old truck that was stuck in the soft, sandy soil of the melon(瓜)field. It was full of melons that someone had tried to steal before their truck got stuck. Mr. Ingram explained that the trucks owner would be returning soon, and he wanted me to watch

28、and lean. It wasnt long before a man from a nearby village, who had a terrible reputation(名声)for fighting and stealing, showed up with his two full-grown sons. They looked very angry. Calmly Mr. Ingram said,Well,I see you want to buy some watermelons. There was a long silence before the man answered

29、,Yeah,I guess so. What are you getting for them? Twenty-five cents each. Well. I guess that would be fair enough if you help me get my truck out of here. It turned out to be our biggest sale of the summer,and an unpleasant,perhaps unfortunate,incident had been prevented. After they left,Mr. Ingram s

30、miled and said to me,Son,if you dont forgive(原谅)your enemies, youre going to run out of friends. Mr. Ingram died a few years later,but I have never forgotten him or what he taught me on my first job. 5. Which of the following best explains ended up as is used in the passage?A.enjoyedB.finishedC.got

31、intoD.went on答案:D6. The truck owners were angry because _.A.they failed to get the melons away without being seenB.they forgot to have their truck checked before they startedC.they had got too many melons on the truckD.they knew they had a bad reputation答案:A7. Why didnt the truck owners fight to get

32、 away the melons.A.The old farmer was a strong enemy.B.The price offered for the melons was very low.C.It was hard to start a fight against friendly people.D.It was necessary to get the truck out before anything答案:C When I was about 12 I had an enemy, a girl who liked to point out my shortcomings. W

33、eek by week her list grew: I was skinny, I wasnt a good student, I was boyish, I talked too loud, and so on. I put up with her as long as I could. At last, with great anger, I ran to my father in tears. He listened to my outburst quietly. Then he asked, Are the things she says true or not? True? I w

34、anted to know how to strike back. What did truth have to do with it? Mary, didnt you ever wonder what you are really like? Well, you now have that girls opinion. Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true. Pay no attention to the other things she said. I did as he di

35、rected and discovered to my surprise that about half the things were true. Some of them I couldnt change (like being skinny), but a good number I could and suddenly wanted to change. For the first time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself. I brought the list back to Daddy. He refused to

36、 take it. Thats just for you, he said. You know better than anybody else the truth about yourself, once you hear it. But youve got to learn to listen, not to close your ears in anger or hurt. When something said about you is true youll know it. Youll find that it will echo inside you. Daddys advice

37、has returned to me at many important moments. 1. What did the girls enemy like to do?A.Talking with her.B.Pointing out her weak points.C.Reporting to the teacher.D.Quarrelling with her.答案:B解析 参见文章第一句。2. What did the girl do when she could no longer bear her enemy?A.She turned to her father.B.She cri

38、ed to her hearts content.C.She tried to put up with her again.D.She tried to be her friend.答案:A解析 通过上下文可知。3. Why did the girls father ask her to make the list?A.He wanted to keep the list at home.B.He didnt know what the girls enemy had said.C.He wanted the girl to talk back.D.He wanted her to check

39、 if she really had these weak points.答案:D解析 参见第四段。4. What can we infer from reading the passage?A.The girl benefited from her fathers advice.B.The girl was very often angry with her father.C.The girls father loved other peoples advice.D.The girl was easily hurt by her father.答案:A解析 通过句子“For the firs

40、t time in my life I got a fairly clear picture of myself.”可知。 BEIJING (Associated Press)China has a growing middle class, a tradition (传统) of expecting education and 21 million new babies every year. Selling educational toys should be easy. While China may be the worlds biggest toy-maker. Much of th

41、e best is exported (出口). Department stores here do not have enough high-quality toys. It is said that the demand for educational toys is low. A Us company, BabyCare, is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China. BabyCare works basically together with doctors in Beijing hospitals. Pe

42、ople who join the companys mothers club get lectures and newsletters on baby and child development at no extra costif they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the companys educational toys and childcare books. We want to build a seven-year relationship with those people, said Matthew J. Estes, Baby

43、Cares president. It starts during pregnancy (孕期), when the anxiety and needs are highest. BabyCare works on a one-to-one basis. Doctors, nurses, and teachers-paid by Baby-Care-advise parents, explaining toys that are designed for children at each stage (阶段) of de BabyCare opened its first store in C

44、hina last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo. It plans to have 80 stores in China within six years. It is a new model for China and develops a market in young childrens education and health that no other companies are in. 5. What do the first two paragraphs mai

45、nly tell us?A.Educational toys and foreign toy markets.B.Problems with Chinas toy markets and education.C.Reasons for pushing sales of educational toys in China.D.Baby population and various kinds of toys made in China.答案:C解析 前两段主要介绍了中国新生儿大量出生但是优质的educational toy短缺,对于一些厂商来说,机会在此。6. Which of the foll

46、owing is a fact according to the passage?A.Club members buy BabyCare products for free child-care advice.B.Doctors in Beijing help in making BabyCare products.C.Parents are encouraged to pay $18 for club activities.D.BabyCare trains Chinese doctors at no extra cost.答案:A解析 参考第四段可知A正确。7. BabyCare is d

47、eveloping its business in China by.A.opening stores in Beijing hospitalsB.offering 18-month courses on child-careC.setting up childrens education centersD.forming close relationships with parents答案:D解析 第四段就是在介绍BabyCare如何建立和新生儿家长的联系。8. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the p

48、assage?A.Mothers club in ChinaB.BavyCare and DoctorsC.American Company ModelD.Educational Toys On Challenge答案:D解析 文章提到了中国新生儿数量和educational toy短缺之间的矛盾所带来的商机,并主要介绍了BabyCare公司的销售模式。 The intelligence test used most often today are based on the work of a Frenchman, Alfred Binet. In 1905, Binet was asked

49、by the French Ministry of Education to develop a way to identify those children in French schools who were too mentally deficient (不足的) to benefit from ordinary schooling and who needed special education. The tests had to distinguish those who were merely behind in school from those who were actuall

50、y mentally deficient. The items that Binet and his colleague Theophile Simon included on the test were chosen on the basis of their ideas about intelligence. Binet and Simon believed intelligence includes such abilities as understanding the meaning of words; solving problems, and making commonsense

51、judgements. Two other important assumptions also shaped Binets and Simons work: (1) that children with more intelligence will do better in school and (2) that older children have a greater ability than younger children. Binets first test consisted of thirty tasks. They were simple things most childr

52、en learn as a result of their everyday experiences. The tasks were arranged in groups, according to age. Binet decided which tasks were appropriate for a given age group by giving them first to a large number of children of different ages. If more than half of the children of a given age passed a te

53、st, it was considered appropriate for that age group. 1. The main purpose of this passage is to _.A.tell the origin of intelligence testsB.explain the basic principle of intelligence testsC.describe the changes in the content of intelligence testsD.state the development of intelligence tests答案:A解析 主

54、旨大意题。 本文讲述了法国人Alfred Binet开始进行智力测试的过程,其目的是告诉我们智力测试的起源。 2. What was the purpose of the intelligence test designed by Alfred Binet in 1905?A.To select top students.B.To know who had received ordinary schooling.C.To put students in a right order.D.To make sure who required particular treatment.答案:D解析 事

55、实细节题。 文章第一段指出,法国教育部要求Alfred Binet开发一种方法确定哪些学生智力不足,需要特殊教育,将成绩差的学生和有智力缺陷的学生区分开来。所以测试的目的是确定哪些学生需要特殊教育,故选D。 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.Intelligence includes word understanding and problem solving.B.More intelligent children usually do better in school.C.The French Ministry of Education was charged with the development of first intelligence tests.D.Intelligence is related with age.答案:C解析 事实细节题。 由第二到可知,A、B、D三项正确。文章第一段第二句提到,法国教育部要求Al


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