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1、附录英文翻译鞋楦扫描机的控制系统的开发1 引言在全球制鞋业中,中国制鞋业可谓异军突起。短短的十多年,中国一跃升为全球最大的鞋类生产国和出口国。制鞋业的迅猛发展也带动了鞋楦业,鞋子的样式越来越多,就要求鞋楦也要不断翻新,这促成了鞋楦从耐用品变成易耗品。机械鞋楦机采用的是仿形加工的原理,它实现了鞋楦加工的批量生产,带来了鞋楦业的飞速发展。但是机械鞋楦机也有其不可避免的缺点:首先,从产品角度来讲,它加工出来的鞋楦的鞋帮两侧,总有几道较明显的纵痕,鞋楦很不光滑,这对于要求越来越高的制鞋业来说,是不能满足要求的;其次,机械鞋楦机在实现鞋楦的缩放时,需要工人凭经验手工调整机器,这对工人要求比较高;再次,也

2、是最重要的,传统的加工方法无法建立工件尺寸的文件,也无法做任何的外形修改。2 数控鞋楦机的数字化逆向工程系统数控鞋楦机可以避免机械鞋楦机的缺点。数控鞋楦机采用数字化的逆向工程系统,数字化的逆向工程系统在对鞋楦模型进行三维扫描后,得到模型的三维数据文件,通过处理数据文件(如表面光滑处理,插值处理等),实现对鞋楦模型的缩放,并能改变鞋楦加工表面的螺旋线的螺距,从而改善加工表面的质量。同时,所得数据文件可以存入电脑,需要时可再调出来,同一类型的鞋楦只需扫描一次,管理非常方便。显然,这样的数字化逆向工程系统才是满足现代鞋楦业的发展的。数控鞋楦机的数字逆向工程流程图如图1所示: 图1 数控鞋楦机的数字逆

3、向工程流程图国外的数控鞋楦机到目前为止已经非常完善了,在实际应用中也得到极大肯定。我们国内由于种种原因,起步较晚,所以笔者所在实验室在参考国外机器的前提下,以实际应用作为主要目的,进行数控鞋楦机的研制,为国内在该领域的企业提供一些参考。该数控鞋楦机有两部分组成,一部分是扫描机,它通过扫描得到鞋楦的三维数据,另一部分是刻楦机,它利用扫描得到的三维数据加工出鞋楦。本文主要讨论鞋楦扫描机的控制系统设计,只有扫描得到的数据文件准确,才能保证加工出来的鞋楦的质量,因此鞋楦扫描机是实现鞋楦加工的基础和前提。3 鞋楦扫描机的扫描原理首先,简要介绍一下鞋楦扫描机的扫描原理,如下图2所示。 图2 鞋楦扫描机的扫

4、描原理图如上图所示,X轴带动鞋楦的自转,Y轴为指向鞋楦中心线,Z轴在鞋楦长度方向移动,即扫描轮移动的方向。鞋楦扫描机采用接触式测量方式,所用测量工具为扫描轮,它安装在Y轴方向,扫描轮靠在鞋楦上,其后面由气泵顶着,扫描轮随着鞋子的运动而前后移动,扫描轮后面的光栅尺采集鞋楦数据。4 鞋楦扫描机的控制系统概述鞋楦扫描机采用PC机作为上位机,利用面向对象的语言VC进行软件设计、开发,通过运动控制卡驱动系统并采集三根轴的数据,得到扫描数据文件,以用于加工。上位机作为扫描机的操作界面,完成数据分析、处理以及对执行机构的控制等任务。运动控制卡作为控制核心,完成发送及接收脉冲。伺服电机接受板卡发送的脉冲,驱动

5、各个轴运动,同时,伺服电机编码器反馈给运动控制。整个控制系统简图如下图3所示。 图3 控制系统总框图下面主要介绍运动控制卡,伺服电机以及光栅尺的选择及控制41 运动控制卡的选择及控制 在扫描系统中,运动控制卡是整个系统的核心,因此选择合适的运动控制卡是很重要的。 在扫描过程中,运动控制卡需要控制Z轴和X轴的伺服电机,运动控制卡不仅要发送脉冲给电机驱动器,同时接受伺服电机编码器反馈的脉冲数。运动控制卡还接受光栅尺反馈信号。由于是采集鞋楦三维的数据,采样点越密集,加工出来的产品越光滑。在本系统中,设定鞋楦转一圈需要采样几百个点,因此对运动控制卡的驱动输出脉冲要求比较高,对编码器输入频率也有一定要求

6、,控制轴数要求三轴。综合考虑各种性能以及经济性等,选择深圳雷赛公司的DMC3000系列运动控制卡。 本系统的运动控制卡是基于PCI总线的高性能运动控制卡,可控制多达四轴步进或伺服电机。此系列具有即插即用、最高4MHz脉冲频率、S曲线减振功能、编码器反馈、随时变速等高级功能。 本运动控制卡的每一轴的两个信号输出口PUL和DIR可用来输出脉冲和方向信号,这两个输出口可以由程序设成正脉冲+反脉冲(双脉冲)模式或脉冲+方向模式(单脉冲)。本系统采用脉冲+方向形式,并设定脉冲为差分输出方式,在差分输出模式下,每一个信号可以被差分成一对相异的信号。使用差分输出方式可有效的减少传输中的干扰,提高可靠性。X轴

7、和Z轴的伺服电机驱动器接收来自运动控制卡的脉冲和方向信号。 本运动控制卡可同时控制四根轴,每一轴都有三对差分的A相、B相和Z相输入信号,EA和EB信号用来进行位置计算,EZ信号用作原点索引信号。每一轴都有一个原点开关信号,通过机械原点信号输入来查找该轴的原点,可通过软件设定原点开关模式。每一轴都有两个位置限位信号EL+(正向限位)和EL-(反向限位),可通过软件设定限位开关模式。在本系统中,X轴和Z轴的伺服电机编码器反馈的脉冲信号都接入运动控制卡。由于每根轴运动初始有个起始位,因此需要用原点信号,软件通过搜索原点信号来确定起始位。X轴为旋转方向,不需要正反限位,只采用一个原点信号。Z轴除了原点

8、信号外,还接入正负两个位置限位信号,两个限位起保护作用。通用数字输入输出口也可用来接一些开关信号。 对于单轴运动,按照运动距离来分,本运动控制卡有定长运行模式和连续运行模式。按照运动速度来分,本运动控制卡有梯形速度运行模式和S曲线运行模式。S曲线运行模式用来让一根轴以S曲线速度运行指定脉冲数,S曲线运行模式可以有效消除并改善加减速时的振动,使运动非常平滑。如下图4所示: 图4 S曲线速度及加速度 由于S曲线运行模式较于梯形速度运行模式的优点,本系统中均采用S曲线运行模式。在扫描开始前,为了测量鞋楦的底板直长,需要将鞋楦转过一定角度,这时采用定长运行模式。在扫描过程中,Z轴和X轴执行同时但独立的

9、运动,并且是连续运动。同时保证这两根轴以一定的比例速度运动。实际情况证明,本运动控制卡能满足本系统的要求,实现鞋楦数据的三维扫描,从而得到鞋楦三维据文件。42 伺服电机的选择及控制由于本控制系统对实时性要求比较高,运动控制卡发送脉冲给电机驱动器,要求电机立即发脉冲,不得延迟,不得有误。因此本控制系统不能采用步进电机,而必须采用伺服电机系统。同时伺服电机具有控制精度高,较强的过载能力,速度响应性能好,运行性能可靠等一系列优点。在本系统中,我们选用Panasonic全数字式交流伺服驱动器MSDA0231A1A,配置的伺服电机为MSM022A1。驱动器所带电机的额定输出功率为1.5kw,旋转编码器为

10、增量型2500P/r,输入电源为3相220V,额定速度为2000r/m。 本系统中要求到位比较准确迅速,由于在鞋楦转一圈(即X轴转动一圈)需要采样几百个点,因此对伺服系统的响应要求比较高。同时,伺服电机的参数对扫描质量也有一定影响。在系统采用的控制模式下,将伺服电机的参数调整到比较好的情况,主要是以下几个参数。1参数NO.10(第一位置环增益)定义位置控制的响应曲线,增益设定越高,定位时间越快。 2参数NO.11(第一速度环增益)和参数NO.10一起获得伺服系统的总响应曲线。尽可能设定高增益。 3参数NO.15(速度前馈)设定位置控制中速度前馈量。在电机恒速运转时,若将此值设为100,位置偏差

11、几乎为零。此值设定得较高,可在较小的位置偏差获得较快反应,但可能会导致超调。 通过对NO.46,NO.4B参数的设置,可以很方便的与各种频率的指令脉冲相匹配,以达到理想的控制分辨率(角度/脉冲)。二者的值差异过大会造成控制精度下降。所以推荐设置NO.46/NO.4B(即:电子齿轮比)为:1/50电子齿轮比20。43 光栅尺的选择及控制在本控制系统中,光栅尺用于采集Y轴数据,它安装在扫描轮的后面,在扫描过程中,扫描轮不断前后移动,从而带动光栅尺移动,光栅尺采集到的脉冲信号反馈到运动控制卡。结合实际应用情况,考虑精度、可靠性、经济性等各种因素,我们选用FAGOR MVX-225线性光栅尺。它采用的


13、确定机床的绝对位置,这主要是为防止数控机床掉电后轴意外移动而产生误差。FAGOR线性光栅尺每隔50mm就有一个参考点标记Io。此标记产生的信号,是和反馈信号同步的,目的是为保证可靠的测量重复精度。实际情况证明,FAGOR MVX-225线性光栅尺能够满足本系统的控制要求。5 结束语 如上,运动控制卡,伺服系统和光栅尺构成了鞋楦扫描机的数字控制系统。实际证明,整个控制系统运作非常稳定,将扫描得到的数据文件用于鞋楦刻楦机加工,加工出来的产品很光滑,完全避免了机械鞋楦机的缺点,能够满足市场的需求。参考文献: 1许智钦 孙长库 编著 3D逆向工程技术 中国计量出版社 2深圳雷赛DMC3000控制板硬件

14、手册 3深圳雷赛DMC3000控制板软件手册 4Panasonic交流伺服电机驱动器MINAS A系列使用说明 5FAGOR光栅尺使用说明Last scanner control system development1 Introduction In the global footwear industry, which has been Chinas footwear industry is. A short period of 10 years, China has risen remarkably, to the worlds largest footwear producer and

15、exporter. The rapid development of the footwear industry was driven by the shoe last industry, more and more shoe styles, and also requires constant renovation shoe last, which led to the shoe last from durable goods become consumables. Mechanical shoe last copying machine is used for processing pri

16、nciple, it implements the shoe last of the production process, bringing the shoe last, the rapid development of industry. But mechanical shoe last machine also has its inevitable drawbacks: First, from the product perspective, it processed by the upper sides of the shoe last, the more obvious Weijid

17、ao longitudinal marks, shoe last very smooth, as this request increasing the shoe-making industry, it is unable to meet the requirements of Secondly, mechanical machines in the shoe last of shoe last zoom, manual adjustment of the workforce to use their experience machines, which require workers rel

18、atively high; again, and most important, the traditional processing methods unable to establish workpiece size of the document, they can not do anything to modify the shape. 2 NC-shoe last two figures of reverse engineering system Last CNC machine can be avoided mechanical shoe last machine shortcom

19、ings. CNC machine using digital shoe last of the reverse engineering system, the digital system in the reverse engineering of the shoe last model 3D scanning, are three-dimensional model of data files, by addressing data file (such as dealing with a smooth surface, interpolation processing, etc.) Im

20、plementation of the shoe last scalable model, and change the shoe last machined surface of the helix pitch, thereby improving the quality of surface machining. At the same time, the data files can be stored in computer may need to tune out the same type of shoe last only one scan, management is very

21、 convenient. Clearly, the number of such reverse engineering system to meet modern shoe last is the development of the industry. NC-figure shoe last reverse engineering flowchart in Figure 1 below: Zoom appearance code revisionLast Model3D ScanningData ProcessingComputer-assisted analysisConstructio

22、n of 3D modelComputer aided manufacturingRapid ToolingLast products Figure 1 NC shoe last for the number of reverse engineering flowchart Last abroad NC machine has been very well so far, in the practical application has been greatly affirmed. Our domestic Due to various reasons, a late start, the a

23、uthor of the reference laboratory in foreign machinery under the premise of the practical application as the main purpose of NC Machine for shoe last for domestic enterprises in the area to provide some reference. Last of the NC machines composed of two parts, part scanner, be it by scanning the sho

24、e last three-dimensional data, and the other part is carved Last machine, which uses a three-dimensional scan data processing by the shoe last. This paper mainly discusses the shoe last scan machine control system design, only by scanning the data files accurately, to ensure processing by the qualit

25、y of the shoe last, shoe last scan machine of shoe last is the basis and premise for processing. 3 shoe last scanners scan Principle First, a brief introduction to the shoe last scanner scanning principle, as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 shoe last scanners scan schematic As shown below, driven shoe l

26、ast X-axis of rotation, Y-axis is at the center shoe last, in the Z-axis length shoe last move, that is, the direction of mobile scanning round. Last scanner using contact measurement, measurement tools used for scanning round, it installed in the Y-axis direction, scanning round rely on the shoe la

27、st, behind by the pump withstand, scanning round of the campaign with the shoes before and after moving, behind the wheel grating scanning device data acquisition shoe last. 4 shoe last scan machine control system outlined Last scanner using PC as a PC, using the object-oriented language VC + + soft

28、ware design, development, through the Motion Control Card drive system and three-axis collection of data by scanning data files, for use in processing. PC operating as a scanner interface, complete data analysis, processing and the implementation of the control, and other tasks. Motion Control Card

29、as a control center, sending and receiving complete pulse. Accept board sent servo motor pulse, drive shaft various campaigns At the same time, servo motor encoder feedback to the motion control. Diagram of the control system are shown in Figure 3. No. 0-axis encoder feedback signalsOptical grating

30、feedback systemDMC3000No.2-axis encoder feedback signalsNo. O-axis and the direction of the output pulseSection 0.1 axis origin and spacing signalNo. 1-axis and the direction of the output pulseVarious axis limit switchC-axis servo systemZ-axis servo systemNo. 1-axis encoder feedback signals Figure

31、3 diagram of the control system Below are introduced Motion Control Card, servo motor and optical grating choice and control. 4.1 Motion Control Card choice and control In the scanning system, the Motion Control Card is the core of the whole system, choose a suitable motion control card is very impo

32、rtant. In the scanning process, the motion control card and the need to control the X-axis Z-axis servo motors, motion control card not only to send pulses to the motor drives,servo motor at the same time accept encoder feedback pulses. Motion Control Card also accepted optical grating feedback sign

33、al. Because it is collecting shoe last three-dimensional data, the more intensive sampling and processing the products more smooth. In this system, setting shoe last lap to the needs of hundreds of point sampling, the Motion Control Card Driver output pulse requirement is relatively high, the encode

34、r input frequency of a certain request, a few requirements triaxial control axis. A mix of different properties, as well as economic, as well as their choice of Shenzhen Company, the mine DMC3000 series Motion Control Card. Motion Control of the system is based on the PCI bus card, high-performance

35、motion control card can control up to 4-axis stepper or servo motor. This series of plug-and-play with a maximum pulse frequency of 4 MHz, the S-curve damping function, encoder feedback, and advanced features such as variable speed at any time. Motion Control Card of the axis of each of the two sign

36、al outputs can be used to PUL and DIR output pulse and direction signal, which can be output from the two procedures are set to pulse-pulse + (double-pulse) + pulse mode or direction mode ( single pulse). The system uses pulse + direction form, and set the pulse for the differential output, in the d

37、ifferential output mode, a signal can be divided into a different bad signal. The use of differential output can be an effective way to reduce transmission interference, and improve reliability. X-axis and the Z-axis servo motor drive from the Motion Control Card to receive the signal pulse and dire

38、ction. The Motion Control Card may simultaneously control four-axis, the axis of each have three pairs of differential phase A, B and Z of the input signal, EA and EB signal used for position, the signal for the origin EZ index signal. Each axis has a switching signal origin through the mechanical o

39、rigin of the signal input shaft to find the original point of origin can be set through the software switch-mode. Each axis has two locations spacing signal EL + (positive spacing) and EL-(reverse Limit), the limit set by switch-mode software. In this system, the X-axis and the Z-axis servo motor fe

40、edback encoder pulse signal have access Motion Control Card. Since the initial movement of each axis there is a start bit, it was necessary to signal to the original point, the search software to determine the origin signal the start bit. X axis rotation direction, do not limit pros and cons, using

41、only a signal origin. Apart from the Z-axis origin signal, but also limit access plus or minus two position signals from the two limit protection. I universal digital input and output can also be used to access some of the switch signal. The single campaign, according to campaign-distance, the motio

42、n control card, the mode of operation and continuous operation mode. According to the velocity, the trapezoidal motion control card that runs at S-curve pattern and operation mode. S-curve model used to run a shaft that runs at the S-curve designated pulse number of S-curve model can be run effectiv

43、ely and to improve acceleration and deceleration eliminate the vibration, so that movement is very smooth. Figure 4 shows the following: Figure 4 S-curve velocity and acceleration Since S curve in a trapezoidal mode runs at the merits of this system are used in the operation mode S-curve. Before the

44、 start of the scan, in order to measure the floor straight shoe last longer need to shoe last turn certain angle, and then use fixed-length operation mode. In the scanning process, the Z-axis and the X-axis but at the same time the implementation of an independent movement, and movement is continuou

45、s. This two-axis at the same time guarantee a certain percentage of the speed sports. Actual circumstances, the Motion Control Card of the system can meet the requirements of shoe last of the three-dimensional data scanning, and thus gained three-dimensional data files shoe last. 4.2 servo motor con

46、trol and choice Since the control system for the real-time requirement is relatively high, motion control card sent to the motor drive pulses to the pulse motor immediately, not delayed, not wrong. Thus the control system could not be used stepper motor and servo motor systems must be used. At the s

47、ame time servo motor control with high accuracy, strong Guozainaili, speed response performance, and reliable operation of a series of advantages. In this system, we have selected Panasonic Digital MSDA0231A1A AC servo drives, servo motor configuration for MSM022A1. Bring the drive motor rated outpu

48、t power of 1.5 kw, incremental rotary encoder for the P-2500 / r, 3-phase input power for 220 V, rated speed of 2000 r / m. Request to place the system more accurate rapidly, as in the shoe last lap to (X-axis rotation lap) needs hundreds of sampling point, the response of the servo system requireme

49、nts relatively high. At the same time, the servo motor parameters on the quality of scanning has a certain impact. Used in the control system mode, the servo motor will be adjusted to the parameters of a better situation, mainly the following parameters. 1. NO.10 parameters (location of the first lo

50、op gain) definition of the position control response curve, the higher gain settings, the faster positioning time. 2. NO.11 parameters (first speed loop gain) and the parameters NO.10 servo system with access to the total response curve. As far as possible, high-gain settings. 3. NO.15 parameters (s

51、peed feed-forward) to set the pace in the position control of feedforward. In the constant speed motor running, if this value as a 100% position deviation almost zero. This value is set higher, so to a lesser position error was faster response, but it may lead to overshoot. By NO.46, NO.4B parameter

52、 settings can be very convenient with a variety of command pulse frequency matched to achieve the desired control resolution (angle / pulse). The value of the difference between the two caused the decline in control accuracy. It is recommended settings NO.46/NO.4B (ie: electronic gear ratio): 1 / 50

53、 electronic gear ratio 20. 4.3 optical grating choice and control In the control system, grating Y-axis device for the collection of data, it installed in the back of scanning round, the scanning process, moving around constantly scanning round, which will stimulate mobile device grating, grating de

54、vice to collect feedback to the pulse signal movement control card. With practical applications, considering the accuracy, reliability, economy, and other factors, we selected FAGOR MVX-225 linear optical grating. It uses the glass chrome scale Ceju 20 um, accuracy of 5um, a resolution of 1 um, the differential output signals to TTL signal, the output signal cycle T for the 4 um, maximum speed of 60 m / min. In this system, non-stop around the grating device needs mobile, and the grating


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