



1、关于针对理科生在德语学习中应采取的教学策略的探析中英文对照about for science students in learning german language teaching strategies should be taken to the analysis of chinese and english language compared 随着我国德语专业的持续发展,很多理工科学校也加入到这一行列。然而,由于我国传统德语教学都是在针对文科生生源的基础上发展而来的,在针对理科生的教学法上也应当有所改进。笔者所在学校的生源为理科生,而且有多年针对文科生源的教学经验,所以对文理生的学习特

2、点的区别有一定体会。虽然文理学生的区别并非绝对化,但是他们在入门阶段的阶段课堂环节中还是存在较为明显的特征差异。along with our country the sustainable development of german professional, many science and engineering school joined the act. however, due to traditional german teaching in china is on the school of arts living to students on the basis of deve

3、lopment, for teaching in the school of science living on should also be improved. the school students for the school of science living, and have many years experience in teaching for liberal arts students, so the difference of the characteristics of the liberal arts life learning has certain experie

4、nce. although the difference between liberal arts students is not absolute, but they still exist in the introduction stage of the stage class link evident characteristics of differences. 相对于文科生而言,理科生的课堂气氛较难调动。由于大学德语是从最基本的学习读音开始,要求每个学生必须掌握所有relative to the arts, school of science living the classroom

5、 atmosphere is more difficult to mobilize. because of the german university from the most basic began to learn pronunciation, it is required that every student must master all 发音方法,大量的随堂朗读以及教师的及时纠正都非常必要。相对于文科生,理科生存在心理障碍的学生比例偏高,很多学生羞于张口,往往会出现冷场的情况,导致教学环节很难顺利地推进。而且这一情况在之后的对话练习环节则更明显:由于在语音阶段就羞于启齿,要完成较有

6、难度的对话对于他们来说无疑更加困难。这种状况极容易造成课堂教学效果的恶性循环,教师的积极性也容易受到打击,导致今后的课堂教学举步维艰。pronunciation method, a lot of in-class reading and teachers in a timely manner to correct, is very necessary. relative to liberal arts majors, science students have psychological barriers for high proportion of students, many studen

7、ts are ashamed to open mouth, often can appear ice situation, make it difficult to smoothly advance in the teaching link. and the situation in the following dialogue practice part are more obvious: it ashamed because in speech, to complete the conversation is more difficult for them, no doubt even m

8、ore difficult. this situation is extremely easy to cause a vicious cycle of the effect of classroom teaching, teachers enthusiasm is also vulnerable to, lead to the struggling of classroom teaching in the future. 德语教学十分注重语法的训练。理论上讲德语的语法严密,条理清晰,变化规律性强,对于习惯理科思维的学生应该更容易接受。但事实的情况却正好相反:理科生反而对于繁复的语法规则适应很慢

9、,特别是口语中的语法应用。此外,思维习惯的不同让理科生容易在一些细枝末节的问题上纠缠不清。例如在最初接触“格”这个概念的时候,对于文科生通常只需要简单交代:“格”指的是德语中名词、冠词、代词等根据情况词形变化这一现象,学生一般能够理解。但是理科生中较多人对此会产生疑惑,喜欢刨根问底。类似的情况造成课堂进度不能如期完成。german language teaching pays attention to the training of the grammar. theoretically the german grammar, clear, change regularity is strong

10、, for the habit of thinking in science students should be more easy to accept. but the fact is just the opposite: the school of science living rather slowly to adapt to the grammatical rules of heavy and complicated, especially the spoken grammar in the application. thinking habit of different, more

11、over, to the school of science living easily entangled in some detail problems. such as in the original contact , the concept of time, for the school of arts living often simply stated: g refers to the german nouns, articles, pronouns, such as the phenomenon of morphological change according to the

12、circumstance, students can understand. but more people in the school of science living produces doubt, like asking why. a similar situation caused by class schedule can not meet the deadline. 口语是语言初学阶段的重中之重。相对于文科学生,理科生在积极性和对错误的认知上都有显著的区别。由于练习中错误是难以避免的,学生的心理素质和对错误的态度对口语的提高中起着关键作用。理科生面对问题善于首先进行缜密的构思,然

13、后将其在书面上得到验证。这种理性的思维习惯对于口语训练显然缺少帮助。他们往往过于在意说出的性、数、格是否正确,在说出口之前犹豫再三,一旦发现有错误便马上急于纠正。如此反复,导致很难完整地说完一整句。长此以往,口语练习不仅难以进步,反而给学生带来较大的心理负担从而使其产生逆反心理或者是消极的态度,导致最后落入只能写而不能说的“哑巴外语”的尴尬境地。the key of the spoken language is a beginner. relative yu wenke student, school of science living in initiative and the cognit

14、ive errors, there is significant difference. due to errors are inevitable in the practice, the students psychological quality and the attitude towards errors plays a vital role in the improvement of oral english. science students face the problem at first carries on the careful design, and verified

15、it in written. the rational thinking habits for oral training is obviously the lack of help. they are often too care about name, number, case is correct, before say hesitate repeatedly, once found to have eager to correct errors. so, makes it hard to completely finish a whole sentence. in the long t

16、erm, oral practice is not only difficult to progress, give students bring larger psychological burden instead to make it produce rebellious attitude or negative attitude, resulting in falling into can only write not said dumb english awkward situation. 在针对以上问题的时候,教师应当找到原因,有所变化。在课堂气氛的调节中教师处在主导地位。如果能一

17、开始就调动起来学生的积极性,课堂气氛就能良性循环下去。在这里要特别考虑到学生的心理。学生从小学开始养成的习惯性沉默难以在短时间内克服,所以就更要求教师应当有足够的耐心和恒心,不断鼓励其发言。如果有学生主动发言,教师应该尽量给予鼓励和表扬,鼓励其他学生跟进。即便无人主动举手,教师也应该适当强制其他学生发言,而不应该一直让主动发言局限在个别学生上。否则不但对鼓动气氛无益,反而会使主动发言的学生承担巨大压力,丧失举手的勇气。人的表现欲望其实是天生的,只要教师持之以恒,而且把关心和鼓励放在每一个学生身上,学生本来的惰性终究能够得到克服,能够让课堂气氛达到比较理想的状况。when to solve ab

18、ove problems, the teacher should find out why, change. in the adjustment of classroom climate teachers in a dominant position. if we can mobilize students enthusiasm from the start, classroom atmosphere can a virtuous cycle. here to consider the students psychology. students from primary school bega

19、n to form the habit of silence is difficult to overcome in a short period of time, so it requires teachers should have more patience and perseverance, constantly encourage their statements. if you have students take the initiative to speak, the teacher should try to give encouragement and praise, en

20、courage other students to follow. even if no one actively raise your hand, teacher should also force other students to speak appropriately, and should not have been active speech limitation on individual students. otherwise not only benefit to encouraging atmosphere, can make instead active speaking

21、 students bear huge pressure, lose the courage to put up your hands. people desire is born, persistent, as long as the teachers and put care and encourage each student, the student was inert, after all, can be overcome, can make classroom atmosphere to achieve ideal conditions. 语法讲解上的困难关键还是在于其思维模式。德

22、语语法比较复杂和严密,但是和数理化还是有着本质的区别:理科中的规律和公式是一种自然规则,而德语语法的规律和规则是一种人为规则,很多语法现象没有精确的答案,且常伴随着例外。这种看似“没有道理”的规则让学生困惑。从实践经验来看,类比法在这种情况下最有效率。如解释“格”这个概念的时候,可以用英语的词形变化为例子。例如用英语中的i和me同德语中的ich和mich做类比,说明英语中有类似的现象,只不过德语中这种现象更为复杂。通过他们熟悉并且已经接受的语言现象来说明新的问题,效率明显提高。grammar explanation on the difficult key lies in the thinki

23、ng mode. german grammar is complicated and strict, but still math, science and the distinction that having essence, science of law and the formula is a natural rule, while german grammar rules and rules is a kind of artificial, no accurate answer many grammar phenomenon, and is often associated with

24、 exceptions. the seemingly unreasonable rules of students puzzled. from the point of practical experience, analogy method in this case, the most efficient. such as explanation , the concept of time, can use english inflections for example. for example in the i in english with me in german ich mich a

25、nd draws an analogy, that there is a similar phenomenon in english, just this kind of phenomenon is more complex in german. through they are familiar with and have accepted language phenomenon to explain new problem, obviously improve the efficiency. 口语训练在中国的外语教学中始终是个难点。教师首先要鼓励学生多说,而且尽量少打断学生的发言。在纠正学

26、生发言的时候,也不过分强调问题,而要突出优点,对于细枝末节的小问题应选择性忽略。这样做是为了保护学生较为脆弱的心理状态,帮助他们完成积极的心理建设。其次还应注意训练的方式和方法。一个人单独站发言的压力是较大的,但是多人进行对话练习效果就会好很多,学生也容易表现。对于那些特别不愿意在课堂说的学生,教师也可以采取轮替发言的方式,最大限度地保障每个人有发言的机会。此外,课堂外的练习也很重要。教师可以让学生自由分组,然后布置有针对性的口语练习,让他们在课外有充分的准备时间。oral training is always a difficult point in foreign language tea

27、ching in china. teachers should encourage students to speak first, and interrupt students speak less as far as possible. when correcting students speak, too much emphasis on the problem, and to highlight the advantages, for small problem of the details should be selectively ignored. this is done to protect students a more fragile state of mind, help them to complete construction of positive psychology. second should also pay attention to the training ways and methods. stand alone speak pressure is larger, but many people dialogue practice effect


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