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1、新概念第二册 Lesson1-Lesson12目标测试卷 Name Mark (Total Mark: 120) 一、单词:(每空0.5分,总计10分) (A) 翻译 1.私人的2.事,商业 3.容忍 4决定5.接受,收到 6比赛,竞赛 7.拒绝8.损坏9.震惊 (B) 同音词/字母填写 twoson see I u b pear write aunt :(每题1分,总计10分) 2. bear - 4. lend - 6. take - 8. leave - 10.be - 二、写出下列单词的过去式和过去分词 1. steal - 3. send - 5. write - 7. make -

2、 9. go - 三、单选:(每题1分,总计28分) 1. The writer looked at the man and the woma n an grily. He was very A. sad B. un happy C. cross D. pleased 2. The writer could not bear it. He could notit. A. carry B. sufferC. stand D. lift 3. He calls at every house in the street. Heevery one. A. shouts at B. callsC. cr

3、ies out at D. visits 4. does he call? Once a mon th. A. How seldom B. How long C. How soon D. How often 5. Two men took the parcel off the pla ne. They. A. took off it B. it took offC. took offD. took it off 6. Joe wins every time. He alwaysBill Frith. A. wins B. beatsC. gains D. earns 7. -will it s

4、trike ?-I n twenty mi nu tes time. A. Whe nB. How longC. How long ago D. How much 8. - How are the team play ing? -They re playing well, but one of themhurt. A. got B. gets C. are D. were 9. I shouted at Bob just now, but heat that time. A. was listening to musicB. has been listening to music C. has

5、 liste ned to musicD. liste ned to music 10. - Can I help you, sir? -Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it. A. didn t workB. won t work C. can t work D. doesn t work 11. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and Ithere several years ago. A. are going B. had bee n C. went D. had 12. Th

6、ere sdictionary ondesk by your side. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the 13. Make sure you ve got the passport and tickets andbefore you leave. A. somethi ngB. any thi ngC. everyth ing D. nothing 14. A new cin emahere. They hope to finish it n ext mon th. A. will be built B. is built C. has bee

7、n built D. is being built 15. The policewalk ingthe road. A. are pas .is pastC. were pass D. were past 16. The football match last ni ght was very. A. excit ing B. excited C .excite D. exit 17. Friday eve nin gs, we usually go to see a film. A. At B. On C. In D. When 18. “A quarter10 means “nine for

8、ty-five ” A. to B. forC. past D. passed 19. He playspia no very well and has won some awards. A. a B. the C. an D. / 20. When he gets here tomorrow, I will pick him upthe airport. A. at B. in C. on D. by 21. Jane has two brothers; one is Joh n, andis Henry. A. ano ther B. the others C. the other D.

9、other 22. She istha n any other stude nts. A. clever B. cleverest C. cleverer D. the clever 23. Heto Beiji ng in two days. A. will fly B. flew C. flies D. was fly 24. Would you likebread? A. some B. any C. no D. every 25. My brother enjoybasketball very much. A. playi ngB. play C. to play D. played

10、26. Listen! Somebody was knockingthe door. A. at B. in C. off D. out 27. Up till no w, Ihim for three times. A. have called B. has called C. called D. calls 28. EverybodyTom. A. know B. knows C. knowD. known 四、改写下列句子,用 what来引导下列感叹句(总计3分) 1. This is a won derful garden! 2. He s a rude person. 3. They

11、 re beautiful pictures. 五、按照例句改写以下句子(总计 3分) (eg.) He lent a book to me last week. He lent me a book last week. 1.1 bought you this bunch of flowers. 2. She showed her husba nd her new hat. 3. He paid the shopkeeper some mon ey. 六、 句型转换(将下面句子改成否定句和一般疑问句)(总计6分) 1. He has washed the dishes 2. She has m

12、ade the beds. 3. I ve taken my holidays. 七、用括号中动词的正确形式填空(总计 5分) 1. Whenyou(lose)your umbrella? 2. Wejust (win) the match. 3. you(bur n) those old papers yet? 4. Tom (work) in the garden while I (sit) in the sun. 5. He usually(get) up at 7 o clock, but this mornjnq he_ (get) up at 6 o clock. 八、 选用正确的

13、词填空(总计 5分) 1. Can you move that chair please? It .(in my way/ on my way) 2. My mothera cake for us. (made / did) 3. I stopped to the station to buy a book. (in the way/ on the way) 4. We usually do the job. (by the way/ in this way) 5. I a letter from my brother last week. (received/ took) 九、用括号中的正确

14、形式填短文(总计 10分) My friend, Roy, (die) last year. He(leave) me his CD player and his collectio n of CDs. Roy(spe nd) a lot of money on CDs. He(buy) one or two new CDs every week. He never(go) to the cin ema or to the theatre. He(stay) at home every eve ning and(liste n) to music. He ofte n (le nd) CDs

15、to his frie nds. Sometimes they(keep) them. He_(lose) many CDs in this way. 十、用适当的介词填空(in, on, during, at, until)(总计5分) 1. He has gone abroad. He will return two years time. 2. I shall not hear from himtomorrow. 3. I can t see him the moment. I m busy. 4. Nicky s birthday is October 31st. He was bor

16、1970. 5. The days are very short December. 十、根据要求写句子(每小题1分,总分14分) 1. There are some milk in the fridge.改成否定句) 2. There are two birds in the tree对画线部分提问) 3. I can swim.(对画线部分提问) 4. He can play the piano.改成一般疑问句并作否定回答) 5. She likes dogs .改成一般疑问句并作肯定回答) 6. They have some telescopes对划线部分提问) 7. They, lik

17、e , buy , some ,for , Halloween, would , to, things, a , party连词成句) 8. I d like a cup of tea划线部分提问) 9. They are twenty yuan.对划线部分提问) 10. He reads English every morning.改为否定句) 11. His pia no has bel on ged to our family for a long time.翻译) carefully 12. The n ews liste ned to 13. We at home stay on S

18、un days 14. A new school built they in our village last year. 十二阅读理解(总计10分) s no rmal. Your body slows dow n th Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, that What should you do about it? Don t reach for a coffee! In stead, ta小e睡)nap( s good to have a daily n ap. First of all, you are more effi

19、cien有 效的)after n app ing. You remember things better and make a fewer mistakes. Also, you can lear n thi ngs more easily after tak ing a n ap. A nap may in crease your self-c on fide nc自信)and make you more active. It may even cheer you up. But, there re some simpleyraileshould follow about tak ing a

20、 n ap. First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up. Next, a 20-minute nap is best. If you sleep Ion ger, you may fall into a deep sleep. After waking from a deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock. That way, you can fully relax during your nap. You won t have to k looking at the clock so you don t oversleep. Now, the next time y


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