1、词汇课教案全英【篇一: pep 四年级小学英语上全英教案全册】(此文档为 word 格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)通册备课一、教学内容 :book 3本册书共六单元,课本内容共分六部分:unite 1 my classroomunite 2 my schoolbagunite 3 my friends unite 4 my homeunite 5 what would you like?unite 6 meet my family!二、教材分析为确保良好的教学效果,在教学新内容时要强调听准,辩清,观察,模仿,练习运用。即:听音 仔细静听 ; 辩音 辨清发音 ;观察 注意观察 ;模仿 认真模仿
2、;练习 积极练习; 运用 实际运用;课堂练习a- 活动手册它是本套教材教科书的主要组成部分,与课本同步进行。b- 单元练习每单元课后用一课时巩固前面内容。录音带,投影片和教学挂图,音标卡片,字母卡片,教学图片。这些辅助材料,均为配合课本的系列辅助材料,不仅可以帮助教师有效的进行教学,而且可以活跃课堂气氛,增加学生学习英语的兴趣。三、教学目的1、对于有一年学习基础的学生要求进一步提高,加强儿童对英语的感性知识,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和培养能力,使学生敢于大胆开口说英语,在理解的基础上表演英语。2、 打下较好的语音,语调和书写基础。3、养成良好的书写习惯,根据单词的拼写和发音规则认读和拼写单词。四
3、、重点难点:1、“四会 ”单词的教学。2、每一课的会话的表演。3、五、教学进度表四会单词的拼写。unit 1 单元分析一、 教学内容1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词:windowboardlight picture door floor classroomcomputerwall teacher?s desk fan what in the we11. teaching aims let the students master the words: window, classroom, floor,light, door, board, and picture. when they see
4、the objects, they canrecognize and readthem and do the action about them. 2. teaching aidsa bloom, a piece of cloth, a picturea board-wiper and a tape- recorder.3. important pointspicture, classroom, window, board, and blackboard4.teaching steps(1) greetings the teacher asks the question : “what day
5、 is it today? ” the student answers : “today is monday. ” then the question “what?s the weather like today? ”(2) new content the teacher reads the words like that the classroom, thewindows, the door, the floor, the board and the lights inenglish one by one. then the teacher asks students to readafte
6、r the classroom? ” choose several students who knows theanswers to answer by using the words they?ve just learned.the teacher shows the cards of the words while the studentsare answering. then the teacher points at the card and asks thestudents to read after and the other answers. then the teacheras
7、ks some groups to show the work.practice the teacher the students listen to the tape while the teacher isdoing the actions: opening the door, turn on the light, sweepthe floor, clean the window, put up the picture and clean theboard. then the teacher does the actions again and asksstudents to follow
8、. after that, choose several pairs of studentsto do it like , turn, sweep, clean and put. listen to the tape andread after it.5. homeworkask the student to remember the new words and listen to thetape after class and try to imitate the american accent. listen tothe tape.6.teaching noteslesson 21.tea
9、ching aims let the students recognize and read the words andexpressions (classmate, seat, andthe teacher . listen to the music and do the action 开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板and ask the students to say them in english. (3) new content. the teacher shows the text sentence on the blackboard usingthe computer sentence
10、by sentence and ask who can readthem. let the student who can read them to read and thenchoose 2 or 3 students to read after listen to the tape andfollow it.practice divide them into some small groups and let them practice ingroups and then asks some of them to show the text. chant listen to the tap
11、e and ask the students to imitate. then practicethe chant in pairs by clapping the front of the classroom. 4.homeworklisten to the tape after class and try to imitate the accent.【篇二:英语课堂教学用语集锦 (比较全)】实用课堂教学用语 (一)1.上课class begin./ it s time for class.let s have / start the lesson.let s begin our lesso
12、n.2.起立 stand up.3.同学们好 good morning./ afternoon, everyone/ everybody/ boys and girls.4.请坐 sit down, please. please be seated.5.今天谁值日? who is on duty today? 6.大家都来了吗? is anyone absent?7.出席多少人? how many students are present?8.班级共有多少人? how many students are there in your class?9.谁没来?who is not here?who
13、 isn t at school today?who doesn t come to school today?10.你知道他为什么没来吗? whats the matter with him? do you know?11.今天几月几日? whats the date today?12.今天星期几? what day is it today?13.今天天气怎么样? whats the weather like today? / how is the weather?14.今天很冷是吧? it s very cold, isn t it? / it s a cold day, isn it?1
14、5.李雷,去看看是谁? go and see, li lei.16.请进 come in, please.17.请回,下次早点来go to your seat, please. but don t be late next time. go and sit down. come earlier next time.18.坐好了,请脱帽 sit straight, please. take off your cap, please.19.讲讲你星期天都做了些什么事好吗?what did you do last sunday? can you tell us? would you please t
15、ell us what you did last sunday?20.那么,你能给我们讲一个故事吗? well, could you tell us astory?实用课堂教学用语 (二)21.谁愿意到这儿来给大家讲一个故事? whod like to tell us a story here?22.到谁的了? whose turn ( is it )?23.小张,到你的了,到这来给大家讲个故事 xiao zhang, it s your turn. come here and tell us a story.24.大家注意听,然后就他讲的故事进行问答listen to him careful
16、ly, then ask and answer about the story.25.就你所喜欢的话题进行对话make a dialogue in pairs about any topics you like.26.好了,该学第八课了 well, it s time to learn lesson 8. well, let s learn the 8th lesson.27.今天这节课,我们学习新课,第八课 today in this c lass we ll learn a new lesson, lesson 8. 28.学习新课前,我们复习一下第七课的生词和短语 before the
17、new lesson let s revise the new words and phrasesin lesson 7.29.拿出练习本来,我们来听写 take out your exercise books. let s have a dictation.30.我叫两个学生到黑板上来写i ask two students to write on the blackboard. 31.谁愿来写? any volunteers? who would like to do it here?who would like to come here and write on the blackboar
18、d?32.准备好了吗?开始! are you ready? (let s ) begin.33.就听写到这,把你们写的交上来so much for the dictation. please hand them in. 34.现在看图,两人一组进行问答now look at the pictures, then ask and answer in pairs. 35.谈论这幅图,可多可少talk about the picture. you can say more or less.say something about the picture more or less.36.表演第七课的对话
19、 act out the dialogue in lesson 7.37.看教学挂图,回答我的问题look at the wall charts and answer my/ the questions.38.在图上你能看到什么? what can you see in the picture?39.还有吗?还有什么吗? anything else / more? any other things? 实用课堂教学用语 (三)1.看图一,猜一猜发生了什么事?look at picture 1, and guess what ( has ) happened? 2.谁能回答这个问题?who wou
20、ld like to answer this question?who can answer it?3.会的举手! hands up if you can.put up/ raise your hands if you know the answer. 4.好,你来答 ok, you please. 5.下一个,你请来 (答,做 ) next / the next one, you please. 6.小李,你能回答这个问题吗? can you (answer this one), xiao li? 7.小林,你呢? (你能回答吗? ) what /how about you, xiao li
21、n? 8.你来回答这个题好吗? would you like to / please answer thisone?9.试一试,错了没关系 just have a try. it doesn t matter if you make any mistake.10.是否正确? ( is he / that / it )right or wrong? yes or no?11.正确/ 错误 right./ yes./ wrong. / no.12.正确吗? ( is it / that / he) right?13.是的,正确 yes, ( it / he) is right.14.不,不正确 n
22、o, ( it / he) is wrong. 15.谁来再做一次? who would like/ wants to do it again?16.谁能用另一种方式来做? who can do/ say it in a differentother way?17.谁有不同观点 / 看法? who has a different idea/ opinion?18.你是什么观点? / 你的看法如何? whats your opinion?19.没听清,请你再说一遍 ( i beg your ) pardon? i didn t hear clearly. please say it again/
23、 repeat it.20.请大声点 ( a little ) louder, please.21.稍慢点读 read ( a bit ) slower.22.肃静,你们最好不要在课堂上说话 be quiet./ keep silent. you d better not talk in class.23.管好自己的事 / 别管闲事 mind your own business.24.不要朝窗外看 dont look out of the window.实用课堂教学用语 (四)25.下面学习生词 now word study.26.注意发音 pay attention to your pron
24、unciation. 27.注意听我说,并观察我的动作,然后猜词意 listen to me carefully and watch my actions, then guess themeaning of the word.28.你们听明白 / 懂了吗? are you clear? do you catch my idea?29.这个词是什么意思? whats the meaning of the word?30.汉语意思是什么? the chinese ( meaning). give the chinese for it.31.好了,我们学习第二部分对话 well, let s com
25、e to part ii, the dialogue. well, let s come to the dialogue in part ii. 32.下面听录音,听前快速看一下黑板上的问题 now listen to the tape. before listening, read through thequestions on the blackboard.33.听音时合上书 close/ shut your books while listening. books closed. / shut while listening to the tape. listen to the tape
26、 with your books closed/ shut.listen to the tape without your books.34.回答黑板上的问题 answer the questions on the blackboard.35.我们来核对答案 let s check the answers.36.一题,哪个正确? no. 1, which one is right? 37.下一个,哪个正确? next, which is the right answer? 38.最后一题最难,正确答案是 c,选对的举手 the last( one ) is the most difficult
27、/ hardest. the right answer isc. put up your hands if you choose right.39.再听一遍,并跟着读 listen to the tape again and read after it.now, once again/ more /over, read after it this time.40.注意语调 pay attention to your intonation.41.好啦,就听到这 ok, stop here.42.打开书,两人一组读对话 open your books and read the dialogue i
28、n pairs.43.口答练习册上的习题一 . do exercise one in the workbook orally.now, workbook, exercise 1, do it orally.answer the questions of exercise 1 in your workbooks orally. 实用课堂教学用语 (五)1. 谁能帮他指出来? who can point it out?/ who can correct the mistakes for him? 2. 注意,不要再犯同样的错误 be careful./ take care. don tmake t
29、he same mistake again.3. 好了,接着来 well, let s go on ( with it ) 4. 接下去做习题 let s go on to do the exercises. 5. 看动作猜猜他们在干什么? look at them/ their actions andguess what they are doing.6. 下面进行书面作业? now written work. 7. 用下列词语写一篇 150 字的短文,十分钟完成 write a 150-word passage with / using the followingexpressions i
30、n ten minutes.8. 写一段对话尽可能使用列词语 make a dialogue using the following expressions as much as you can/ possible.9. 写完了吗? have you finished it/ the writing? finish up?10.我找两名同学,把你们写的对话读出来【篇三:全英教学课堂用语 100 句】4. we have one weekly meeting on monday afternoon. 周一我们有一节班会。5. the head teacher of our class is mr
31、.zhang. 我们的班主任是张老师。6. you must be polite and say hi to them when you see the teacher. 见到老师要礼貌,要问好。7. when you come into our school, you must speak putonghua.一进学校,你就要讲普通话。8. the chinese lessons are very important 。语文课对于我们来说相当重要。9. we should study it more carefully than before. 我们要比以前更加认真地学习。 10. if y
32、ou study chinese it s very easy, but if you don t it s verhard. 对于汉语,你学它就不难,你不学它就显得挺难。11. chinese is our native language,we must learn it well. 汉语是我们的母语,我们必须把它学好。12. this is our first chinese class of this term. 这是我们本学期第一节语文课。13. we re going to learn lesson one (the first lesson )。 我们要学习第一课。 14. don
33、 t make any noise in class,or you may trouble theothers. 课上不要喧哗,那会影响别人。15. open your text-books to page 10. 打开课本第 10 页。 16. this text is written by mr.luxun.the great man in ourchinese modern literature history. 本文由我国现代文学史上伟大的文学家鲁迅先生的作品。17. listen to me carefully,let me tell you sth about the writer
34、. 请认真听我为大家介绍一些作者的情况。18. you may write down sth important and special on yournotes. 你们可以在自己的笔记本上记录一些较为重要和特殊的内容。19. first ,let me read the text aloud . 首先让我为大家朗读本文。20. put the text-books on your desk, please. 请把你的课本放在书桌上。21. please read it follow me quietly (lowly )。你们可以轻声跟读。 22. read the text to your
35、selves. 默读本文。 23. stop here for a while, please. 暂停一会儿。 24. take your text-books. 用手端起课本来。 25. pay attention to them when they read the secondparagraph. 他们读第二段时,注意听。26. read more distinctly (speak more clearly ), please. 请读清楚一点。 27. would you speak in a little loud (in a slow )voice(louder,please )。
36、你能大一点声音吗?28. speak in a little low voice, please. 声音低一点。29. your voice (timbre, tone ) sounds sweet. 你的声音很好听。30. read louder and slowly so that everybody can hear you. 读得声音大一点、慢一点,让大家都能听清楚。31. now, you may read it in class . 现在,你们可以课堂上阅读本文。32. i ask you to read it fluently and clearly as soon as pos
37、sible.我要求大家尽量流畅、清晰地阅读本文。 33. about the key sentences, i ask you to study not only themeaning of the words,but also (them )in the line. 就这些重点语句,我要求大家有仅了解字面,还要注意字里行间的深意。 34. you may ask me if you have any questions. 有问题可以问我。 35. i ll give you explanations as many as possible (i can )。我会尽多地为大家解释。36. an
38、d then, i m going to ask you sth simple about it. 然后,我会问你们一些较为简单的有关情况。 37. where did we stop (learn ) off last time (how far did weget last time )? 上一次我们学到什么地方了? 38. let me remind you of what we have learned last period(refresh your memory last time we talked about )。让我提醒你一下,关于上节课所学的内容。 39. do you k
39、now the general mind (main meaning )of thearticle? 你知道这篇文章的中心意思吗?40. say sth about what you have learned from the hero 。谈谈关于这个英雄的启示。 41. you mustn t make faces in class. 上课不要做鬼脸,出洋相。 42. please keep quiet when some other students makemistakes. 同学出错时,你要保持安静。 43. let s take turns to read。让我们轮流来读。44. w
40、ho can read it aloud first ? 哪位能先朗读?45. hands up,please. 请举手示意我。46. don t worry(calm down,slow down )。不必紧张。 47. speak up,please. 请大声说。48. stand straight,please. 站直些。49. the blackboard is too high for me, i only can write so few words on it. 黑板太高了,我只能写这么多。50. you re right(well done )。很不错。51. let s re
41、ad the text aloud together. 下面,全体齐读。52. now let s begin开. 始!53. it ll take us two periods to grasp (master ) these. 这些需要我们两课时才能掌握。54. we have three study tasks to do this class. 本课时,我们有三个学习任务。55. the first is the background and the writer . 首先是本文的背景和作者情况。56. next,the thought and the writing methods
42、. 然后是它的思想内容和写法。57. then,the new words and the sentence strctures . 最后是本文中的生词和一些句式。58. what s more(what else ), the feelings and the lauguagestyle of the text. 还有,本文的感情和语言风格。59. we may analyse the title of the text together. 我们可以一起分析一下本文的题目。60. now let s speak freely.现在请大家畅所欲言。61. that s a(ll so much
43、 ) for the class .time s u p下. 课时间已到,本课时就讲这么多。62. after class,you re to read the text again.课后,大家还得再读一会儿。63. and you ought to hand in the homework in time. 大家要及时上交作业。64. let s take a break, see you later,everyone. 休息一会儿,同学们,再见。 66. from now on, at the beginning of every chinese class, we llask someo
44、ne to do the oral composition. 从现在开始,在每堂语 文课上课之始,我们请同学们做口头作文。67. do you understand what i said just now ? 大家明白我刚才说的意思吗?68. now, you may make preparations for it in ten minutes. 现在,大家可以准备十分钟。69. the lecture will begin in a minute, let s ge演t re讲a稍dy候. 就要开始,准备一下。70. whose turn is it today ? 轮到谁了?71. a
45、re you ready now? 准备好了吗?72. please do it in front of the blackboard. 请到黑板前来做这个练习。73. let s give him(her ) a warm welcome (clap )。让我们用掌声欢迎他(她)。74. please write down your title of oral composition on the right of the blackboard. 请把你的作文题目写在黑板右面。75. thanks for father s lo感ve谢. 父爱。76. the first unforgetable cut class. 难忘那第一次逃学。77. you d better do it without draft. 最好不要带稿。 78. good job! you have done it with some grace, but yourcontent isn t muc(h enough )。做得不错,大方自然,只是内容偏少。 79. just now our classmate zhang ming gave us a lecture, ithink it is w
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