已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、新概念第一册词组总汇 Lesson 1 2 Excuse me. I beg your pardon. thank you very much Thank you very much = Many thanks. = Thanks a lot. = Thanks very much. You re welcome. Thats all right. = That s OK. = Not at all. It was nothing. It s a pleasure. = My pleasure。 Lesson 3 4 I , Im sorry. Lesson 5 6 Good morning.

2、 This is + 人名 Nice to meet you. 对不起。 请再说一遍 感谢你(们) 非常地 非常感谢 不必谢。 没关系 / 不客气 没什么。 我很乐意 对不起. 早上好. 将某人介绍给他人 很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你 Glad to meet you. Pleased to meet you. How do you do? what make an new student Lesson 7 8 what nationality Whats your job? 很高兴见到你。 很高兴见到你。 你好! 什么牌子 一个新学生 什么国

3、籍 你是做什么工作的 a keyboard operator 电脑操作人员 an engineer 一个工程师 Lesson 9 10 How are you?你好吗 Im fine. 我很好。 = I m very well. How have you been? 你近况如何 ? How is everything going on? 一切都好吗 Just fine. Just so so. Not bad. Nice to see you. Nice to see you, too. look at , 还好。 马马虎虎。 不坏。 见到你真高兴 . 见到你我也很高兴 看 , Lesson

4、11 12 Whose shirt 谁的衬衫 Here you are. 给你. Lesson 13 14 what colour 什么颜色 come upstairs 上楼 go downstairs 下楼 nice dress 漂亮的裙子 lovely hat 可爱的帽子 the same 同一的 ; 相同的 Here they are. 给你 (复数 ) Here it is. 给你 (单数 ) Lesson 15 16 customs officer 海关官员 Thats fine. 好了。 Lesson 17 18 come and meet sb. 来见见某人 How do you

5、 do? 您好? (初次见面正式场合 office assistant 办公室的勤杂人员 Lesson 19 20 Whats the matter? 怎么啦 ? = What s wrong? = Tell me what s wrong. sit down 坐下 take a seat 就坐 all right 行, 好 there is 有 ( 表存在 )(单数 ) Lesson 21 22 give sb. sth. 给某人某物 = give sth. to sb. Which book? 哪一本书? The red one. 那本红色的。 Lesson 23 24 Which gla

6、sses? 哪些杯子 on the shelf 架子上 on the chair 在椅子上 in the armchair 在扶手椅上 on the desk 在桌子上 (有抽屉 ) on the table 在桌子上 (没抽屉 ) on the cupboard 在食橱上 in the cupboard 在食橱里 Lesson 25 26 in the kitchen 在厨房 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 in the middle of 在 , 之间 on the floor 在地板上 on the plate on the tin Lesson 27

7、28 there are in the room near the window 在盘子上 在罐子上 有 (表存在 )(复数 ) 在房间里 靠近窗 on a river靠近一条小河 on the road公路旁 Lesson 35 36 a photograph of our village 我们村庄的照片 = close to window on the wall in the wall Lesson 29 30 come in shut the door = close the door 在墙上(墙的表面 ) 在墙上(墙的内部 ) 进来 关门 another photograph betw

8、een two hills walk along the banks of the river out of go out of , beside a park= next t 另一张照片 两座小山之间 沿着 , 走 河岸 “从里向外”的动作 走出 , a park 公园的旁边 open the door 开门 air the room 让房间通通风 put名词+介词短语On .irljE什么东西放到什么地方 make the bed 整理床 sweep the floor mop the floor put on take off turn on turn off empty the cup

9、 read this book 扫地 拖地 穿上 (衣服; 手表等 ) 脱掉 (衣服; 手表等 ) 开(电灯; 煤气; 水龙头等 ) 关(电灯, 水龙头等 ) 倒空这个杯子 看这本书 some of them go into , run along , sit beside , walk across , jump off , fly over , Lesson 37 38 他们中的几个 走进 , 沿着 , 跑 坐在 , 旁边 穿过 , 走 跳离 , 从 , 飞过 sharpen these pencils 削尖这些铅笔 Lesson 31 32 in the garden under the

10、 tree climb the tree what about run after run across type a letter clean his teeth drink its milk cook a meal wash the dishes jump off the wall Lesson 33 34 walk over the bridge some clouds in the sky with sb. on the river over the river 在花园里 在树阴下 爬树 怎么样 追逐 穿过 ; 跑过 打一封信 清洁他的牙齿 喝它的牛奶 煮一餐 洗碗碟 跳离墙 走过桥

11、几朵云 天空中 和某人在一起 河上 (表面上 ) 河上(正上方) work hard study hard play hard make a bookcase make cakes make a dress do ones homework 努力工作 努力学习 拼命玩 做一个书架 做蛋糕 做一件衣服 做作业 wait for ,等候 listen to ,听 , wash the dishes洗碗 Lesson 39 40 do with in front of in the front of Be careful! be careful with sth. There we are. sho

12、w sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. take sb. sth. 对某件事物或人的处理 在 , 之前 在 , 的前部 小心点 ! 拿着某物小心点 就放在那里。 给某人看某物 送给某人某物 带给某人某物 take sth. to sb. throw sb. sth. 扔给某人某物 = throw sth. to sb. leave sb. sth. = leave sth. for sb. buy sb. sth. 留给某人某物 买给某人某物 = buy sth. for sb. Lesson 41 42 N

13、ot very. a piece of cheese two pieces of cheese a piece / slice of paper a loaf of bread three loaves of bread a piece / slice of bread a bar of soap two bars of chocolate a bottle of milk a pound of sugar a bag of sugar half a pound of coffee a quarter of a pound of 不是很, 一 块乳酪 两块乳酪 一张纸 一个面包 三个面包 一片

14、面包 一块肥皂 两块巧克力 一瓶牛奶 一磅糖 一包糖 半磅咖啡 四分之一磅茶叶 a box of butter 一盒黄油 a bottle of pure honey 一瓶纯净的蜂蜜 a cluster of ripe bananas 一串成熟的香蕉 a bottle of jam 一瓶果酱 sweet orange 甜橙 a big bottle of Scotch whisky 大瓶苏格兰威士忌 choice apples Lesson 49 50 To tell you the truth. 精选的苹果 老实说 ; 说实话 Lesson 51 52 come from be like e

15、very day in your country in spring in March 来自 怎么样 每天 在你们国家 在春天 在三月 一听烟丝 一条裤子 一双袜子 一双鞋 一盒牛奶 沏茶 当然 一壶水 茶壶后面 找到某物 在那边 赶快 来这 来某个地方 去某个地方 一会儿 稍等一会儿 隔壁 Lesson 53 54 a tin of tobacco a pair of trousers a pair of soaks a pair of shoes a box of milk Lesson 43 44 make the tea of course a kettle of water behi

16、nd the teapot find sth. over there hurry up Lesson 45 46 come here come to (a place) go to (a place) a minute = a moment = half a minute wait a minute next door = in the next room = our next door neighbour black tea 红茶 bosss handwriting老板的书写 Lesson 47 48 black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡(清咖啡) white coffee加牛奶的咖啡

17、fresh eggs 新鲜的鸡蛋 in the north of England 在英国的北部 in the east of China 在中国的东部 in the South在南方 in the West在西方 which seasons 哪些季节 like best最喜欢的 subject of conversation 谈论的话题 Lesson 55 56 the Sawyers 索耶一家 at 87 King Street 在国王街 87 号 in King Street 在国王街 go to work去上班 go to bed去睡觉 go to school去上学 take sb t

18、o (a place) 带某人去某个地方 stay at home呆在家里 eat ones lunch吃午饭 do sth. together 一起做某事 in the morning在上午 at noon正午 in the afternoon在下午 in the evening在晚上 at night在夜里 this morning今天上午 this afternoon今天下午 this evening今天晚上 tonight今晚 come home 回家 arrive home 到家 come home from school 放学回家 come home from work 下班回家

19、read one s newspaper 看报纸 watch TV 看电视 Lesson 57 58 by car乘汽车 by plane乘飞机 by boat乘船 = by sea by bike骑单车 on foot步行 at the moment此刻 Lesson 59 60 large (small) size 大 (小) 码 a piece / sheet of paper 一张纸 a piece / sheet of writing paper 一张信纸 a piece (box) of chalk 一枝 (盒) 粉笔 a bottle of glue一瓶胶水 a pair of

20、glasses 一副眼镜 a cluster of grapes 一串葡萄 Is that all ?就这些吗 ? Thats all.就这些。 Thats all for today. 今天就到这了。 What else , ?还有什么吗 ? Lesson 61 62 Whats the matter with him? 他怎么啦 = What s wrong with him? fell ill 觉得病了 look ill看起来病了 a piece of news 一则消息 telephone number 电话号码 public telephone 公用电话 telephone box

21、公用电话间 telephone directory 电话簿 telephone operator 电话接线员 in bed 躺在床上 stay in bed 卧床 call the doctor 叫医生 for a week 一周的时间 have a bad cold 得了重感冒 have a headache 头痛 have a sore throat 嗓子疼 have an earache 耳痛 caught (a) cold 患感冒 have ( a ) toothache 牙痛 have ( a ) stomach ache 胃痛 have a temperature 发烧 have

22、(a) backache 背痛 have flu流行性感冒 have measles 麻疹 have mumps 腮腺炎 have shingles 带状疱疹 have hepatitis 肝炎 has gout 痛风 take / have an aspirin 服 (吃)一片阿司匹林 take some medicine 吃药 Lesson 63 64 for another two days 再两天的时间 = for two more days get up 起床 each day 每天 keep the room warm 使房间保持暖和 keep the water boiling

23、让水一直开着 keep your hands warm 保持手温暖 play with sth. 玩 , 东西 play with matches 玩火柴 make a noise 弄出噪音 ; 发出响声 lean out of 身体探出 break that vase 打破花瓶 Lesson 65 66 the key to the front door 前门的钥匙 be come 回家 (强调状态 ) get home = arrive home到家 Thats all right. 不用谢。 = You re welcome. = Not at all. = Don t mention

24、it. Enjoy on eself! = Have a good time 好好玩吧 how old 几岁 Lesson 67 68 at the butcher s 在肉店 at the greengrocer s 在蔬菜水果店 at the hairdresser s 在理发店 at the baker s 在面包店 at the grocers 在食品杂货店 at the stationers 在文具店 at the office 在办公室 at the dairy 在乳品店 at church 在教堂 at school 在学校 at home 在家 be absent from 缺

25、席 , on Monday 在星期一 on Mondays每逢星期一 last week上星期 How are you all keeping? 你们身体都好吗 in the country for the weekend at the weekend Lesson 69 70 in 1995 hundreds of , thousands of millions of at the race in the race in the crowd 在乡下 整个周末 (一段时间 ) 在周末 (时间点 ) 在 1995 年 数以百计的 , 成千上万的 成百万上千万的 在赛场 比赛中 在人群中 an e

26、xciting finish on the way to (a place) say to sb. Lesson 71 72 激动人心的结尾 在去某地的途中 对某人说 the day before yesterday前天 yesterday morning昨天上午 yesterday afternoon昨天下午 yesterday evening昨天晚上 前夜 三次 对某人讲 接电话 应声开门 回信 对 , 很了解 迷路 向某人问路 心中暗想 自言自语地说 last night昨夜 the day before yesterday in the mor前天上午 the day before y

27、esterday in the after前天下午 the day before yesterday in the eve n 前天晚上 the night before last three times speak to sb. answer the telephone answer the door answer a letter Lesson 73 74 know , very well lose ones way ask sb. the way say to oneself think aloud = talk to oneself tell sb. the way to ( a pl

28、a告诉某人去某地的路 speak (a language)讲某种语言 tell a story讲故事 talk about谈论有关 take out拿出 Lesson 75 76 like these像这样 in fashion this week this month this year last week last month 流行的 , 时髦的 这个星期 这个月 今年 上个星期 上个月 去年 上上个星期 上上个月 前年 一分钟前 两分钟前 一小时前 五小时前 一天前 四天前 last year the week before last the month before last the

29、year before last a minute ago two minutes ago an hour ago five hours ago a day ago four days ago Lesson 77 78 have an appo in tme nt (with sb.)与 某人)有约会 at the moment still this afternoon at one oclock on Wednesday in January in 1998 on July 1st in summer 此时 直到今天下午为止 在 1 点 在星期三 在一月 在 1998 年 在七月一日 在夏天

30、 Lesson 79 80 make a shopping list a lot of have got at all丝毫 ; 写一张购物单 许多 有 点 ; 根本 (强调 ) Lesson 81 82 have a bath = take a bath洗澡 have a swim = take a swim 游泳 have a haircut = have ones haircut 理发 have a lesson上课 have a party = hold a party 举行晚会 have a holiday = go for a holiday 度假 = take a holiday

31、= spend ones holiday = make holiday have a good time = enjoy oneself 玩得好 have a shave = shave刮胡子 have a cigarette抽烟 have a glass of whisky 喝一杯威士忌 have a look = take a look 看一看 have tea = drink tea喝茶 have a meal = eat a meal 吃一餐 have breakfast (lunch、dinner、supper) = eat ones breakfast,( ) 吃早饭 (午饭、晚饭

32、、晚饭) Lesson 83 84 the day after tomorrow in the aftern后天 下午 the day after tomorrow in the even后天 晚上 the night after next 后天夜里 Lesson 93 94 a cup of一杯 go into , 到 , 里面去 go home = get home回家 next-door neighbour 隔壁邻居 the R.A.F. = the Royal Air Force 英国皇 家空军 = come back home = go back home leave a place

33、 for a place 离开某地前往某地 Excuse the mess. Lesson 85 86 have been to , Whats on? on TV all the time just like Lesson 87 88 the number of your car 你的车牌号 work on 从事做某件事情 bring sb. sth. 带来某物给某人 = bring sth. to sb. take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb 带给某人某物 have a crash出车祸 Thats right. = Thats true. 是的; 正确的。 dr

34、ive into try to do sth. Lesson 89 90 for sale on sale a long time how long how much have the last word = have the final say Lesson 91 92 move into give sb. ones regards this morning this afternoon this evening tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening tomorrow night the day after tomorrow

35、 撞倒 , 试着做某事 the day after tomorrow in the morn后天上午 leave a place for a place 离开某地去往某地 = a few days ago a man with a suitcase 一个拿手提箱的人 a house with a swimmi ng一个带游泳池的房间 乱七八糟 , 请原谅 到过 , 上演什么电影 ? 在电视上 一直 ; 始终 就像 供出售 减价出售 很长一段时间 多长 ( 时间、物体 ) 多少 (钱) 最后拍板 搬进 请代某人向某人问候 今天上午 今天下午 今天晚上 明天上午 明天下午 明天晚上 明天夜里 后天

36、 year old fly to return to return from leave for next week next month next year the week after next the month after next the year after next Lesson 95 96 return ticket what time plenty of let go and do sth. next door to与 , had better go back to ten minutes slow ten minutes fast in an hours time in f

37、ive hours time in a days time in two days time Lesson 97 98 leave sth + 地点状语 put sth. + 地点状语 on the train the other day describe a person describe a picture belong to , Lesson 99 100 fell downstairs 岁 飞往某个地方 返回某个地方 从某个地方返回 去往 下个星期 下个月 明年 下下个星期 下下个月 后年 往返票 什么时候 足够的 ; 充足的 让我们去做某事 相邻, 在 , 隔壁 最好 回到 , 地方

38、 慢 10 分钟 快 10 分钟 1 小时后 5 小时后 1天后 2天后 把某物遗留在某地 把某物放在某地 火车上 几天前 描述一个人 描述一张图片 属于 , 从楼梯上摔下来 起立 , 站起来 立即 念 , 给某人听 不及格 分数很低 分数很高 振作起来。 在上方 ; 在顶端 在下方 ; 在末端 , 不能 , 想找某人 /想要某物 想做某事 想让某人做某事 告诉某人做(不做)某 full of mistakes be sorry about sth. help with Lesson 107 108 be in fashion Would you like , ? try on as well

39、 = too / either at all一点 suit = go along with = like that one the larger size the small size of them all I , Ive ever seen Lesson 109 110 Lesson 113 114 Lesson 115 116 敲门 从 , 看 前门 后门 挺, 寻找 正当 他们都 他们俩 告诉某人一个故事 , 身上;碰巧,正好 我的一个朋友 你的一位邻居 s 我妹妹的一位老师 干什么?有什么事? hurt oneself 伤到自己 hurt ones + 身体部位伤到 stand up

40、 at once Lesson 101 102 read sth. to sb. = read sb. sth. the Youth Hostels Association青年招待所协会 Speak up.大声地说 on a card明信片上 Lesson 103 104 Not too bad.不算太坏。 Pretty good.还不错。 passed in及格 fail in a low mark a high mark Cheer up. at the top of at the bottom too , to ,太 Lesson 105 106 want sb. / sth. want

41、 to do sth. want sb. to do sth. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 事 错误百出 对某事感到抱歉 帮助的具体方面 流行 你愿意 , 吗? 试穿 也 用在否定句中表强调) fit 适合 像那件一样 大号 小号 他们当中 我所见到的 Thats a good idea. = Good idea. 好主意。 What a pity! = What a shame! 真遗憾! It doesnt matter.没关系。 = Never mind. = Its all right. a little少许(用于不可数名词之前) a few几个(用于可数名词之

42、前) Lesson 111 112 the most expensive model 最贵的型号 the most cheapest最便宜 more expensive比较贵 less expensive = cheaper 比较便宜 less interesting比较无趣 the least interesting最无趣 the most difficult最难的 more difficult比较难的 as good as与 , 一样好 not as good as不如 , 好 buy , on installments分期付款购买 a deposit of thirty pounds 3

43、0 英镑定金 all of所有的 some of一些 none of没有一个 bus fare公共汽车票 taxi fare出租汽车票 air fare飞机票 knock on / at the door look through the front door the back door nice and Lesson 117 118 look for just as all of them both of them Lesson 119 120 tell sb. a story happened to 发生在 a friend of mine a neighbour of yours a t

44、eacher of my sister Whats up? as quickly as they could 能跑多快就跑多快 say and smile笑着说 go back to sleep继续睡 go back to work继续工作 go back to ones hometown回到故乡 go out finish the housework the price of the car take the examination Lesson 121 122 take sth. with sb. forget sth. forget to do sth. Lesson 123 124 d

45、uring the day during the night during the holidays 出去 完成家务 小车的价格 考试 带着某件东西 忘记某事 忘记做某事 在白天 在晚上 假期中间 alia 去澳大利亚旅行时 by air = by plane 乘飞机 take a long time花很长时间 take sb. sometime/ mo n花费某些Sth间或金钱做某事 in the end最后 at first开始 look after = take care of 照顾 Lesson 133 134 make a new film sensational news Lesson 135 136 introduce sb to sb 拍一部新电影 爆炸性新闻 把某人介绍给某人 take a photograph grow a beard shave off Lesson 125 126 have to by oneself instead of Lesson 127 128 at least have an another lo 拍照 留胡子 刮掉 不得不 某人自己 代替 至少 再仔细看一眼 a report about/on st关于某事或某人的一篇报道 the latest最新消息 get marri


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