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1、BbGgUh4 aA aD d D cf护力tfhrd i*訣 *kMmMmNnPpRdUuVvWw_Z乙NjlNji0o 0 oR T 7? r产tft.卩卩l/ v * :Zz Z2BbGgUh4 aA aD d D cf护力tfhrd i*訣 *kMmMmNnPpRdUuVvWw_Z乙NjlNji0o 0 oR T 7? r产tft.卩卩l/ v * :Zz Z2L &s far ass concerned就而言2. It goes without saving thaL.不育而喻3 It can be saiddAiitH certainLU-dba可以肯定地说las ttieprov

2、erb sags, 正如谚语所说的.必须注意到的是6. irs general cognized thaL舟遍认为z_j$ likely ibaL. 一有可能是8. it s hardly thQJ这是很难的2 心 hardly to(L mudi一 to sqq that. 几乎没冇太多的说is thaL雋要特别注意的是亳无疑问.无可否认2 Nothing is more important than the fact that. 没有什么比这更重要的是3 Whats far more important is that.更重要的是衔接旬熨1 A case in point Js:一个典型的

3、例子是2 人s /s _ often the case.通常就是这样3. As stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述比 ut the problem is not so simple. Therefore. 然而问题并非如此简单。所以但遗憶的是bEQLJllLdhaL.对于这一切z m spite of the facL thaL尽管事实& Further, WE hold the opinion lhaL. 此外,我们坚持认为然而,因难在于io. Similar we should pa(j attention 9-同样,我们要注意L-ldA/ill c

4、onclude bg saving.最后我要说21 Therefore, we have the reason to believe thaL_ 因此.我们有理由相借2 .AU things consiclerEcL从各方面考虑起来.匕 It may be safely said that可以有把握地说5 Therefore in opinion, iLs jnore_qdvisabU因此,在我看来.更可取的是6 From whaL hajbeen_discussecUibo心 JAiemag safely 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论draw theconclusion thaLz Thp

5、 data/ahsticslfigures lead us to the conclusion IbaL.通过数据我们得到的结论是* / cnn hp condudocL亞om the discussion t/iaL. 从讨论中我们可以得出结论point of view, it would be better if.在我看来,如果就更好了。中考满分作文、【山东】爻碼籾帀Frank府邀将“ ”假后来济所初中学枚任敦为了解协中生英谄学习的 些情况.他 设计了以下鸿査问卷 请你WIttieiftfnJiS.用英谄耳耳阪文谈谈你柱英i/f学习方向的一此馆况.以帮助他完 成该i査.1 Uhm did

6、you htin to learn Hngli4i?Z On、w Lkr Erld? Vlln (mH)?3 Do you bke ynur Engh4)tearhr? Why (m?I am Li Hua a junior middle school student ofChina. I began to learn English 7 years ago. But to tellyou the truth, now I dont like English at all although 1 was interested in it at primary schooL After I ent

7、eredjunior high school, m(j English teacher kept explaining .the rules of grammar in class. That made me feelEnglish was boring. And also there were so many newu/ords in the lex匕 My English teacher asked me to1 remembered but soonforgot J hate copying! / couldn l remember the newwords! / couldnl und

8、erstand the texls! Final l lostinfprod in Fnglkh二【安徽】假定你是4华你的英国迟Gw来仏训何汉if冲 此诡的対络诰二的思 i/r札谀卜列捉刀. 回一 X电子邮件,、 哉 Diaruan):费同.踐爱;任性(Rmxing): fifi心所欲;秒杀(Mi“ha):快速达列目的; (Tdim) :)ore and moreDear Peter.As the Jnternet is developing fastnew words and phrases have been created in ChinaHere are sotnexampleOne

9、of the mot popular words is Dianzan. whicli iso阿 uud when you quite agree with someone. AnotherExample is Renxin When 邛江 sap somebQ-d is Renxing,(口參考词汇:文明的civilized (adj.)遵守obey (v.)Sinccreating the civilized cit(j and_countr(jsiclet anthjo恥 in Suq have jriacleJoint efforts. Theijgooa 畑havior cadJus

10、een EverywhereH junior indents, we have also made_onjeconirhutions lo Jhe civilizeiLSuqian. Fojexamp圮血肛血cl our environment we_ plant flowers and .trees.AlsOifar our own ana others safe讪 we obey the traUSes ancl never run red lights. In addition, we no longer talk or laugh loud灯 in public. Whats more

11、,Htively give our seats to thepeople in needtickets or something else.All in all. we will tr(j our best to do whal we canto make ourselves and Suqian city more civilized.pq r东用,逍tVf句二冬腰.恶语伤人六月寒-o假设你圧幸雷.你将婴筌加学校举办的英文演讲比賽. 上酗超诉吉的力械” 績你英文演讲箱.内容包括:I.你的一次受老帥成同学却诰激妫的蛉防(芈悄的经过以及对你的妙H);2呼吁岡学门委注倉“少讲对他人的彫响,旳w M

12、 words influence others? Let me ted you 一one of rny experiences. Parents are always so nervous nhout thpir chimas sM M W do almost everythingAdelle school student I foiled to do thingsIherLone dag my deskmatesaid to me, “Always trust -卿洌灿迦do mings 财” Encouraged byfound thaL LcouKLcliL things welLthe

13、se children. Even when IEncouraging wads 一can really dielpeople a lot参等耍点:分析故爭(起因.经过结果八 晨达感受(知s.感动思占八%stable in my life.A.浙汀li MiliK. rrmvr-.,“ rtwamm . r - ft 丿的 ” t am列扁五顼内寻中.童少述择炖璃川英谄焙 nF 均咆 啓竺I 1l)v SwnHhirif ! My|vnlunUv-r lr do (dm up thr tKih (rnui- rrxw to-Mtn /何How is it going? Its time for

14、 me to leave schooL Youask me what 1 can do for m(j schooL Here, are my plansthat l u/ouid like to share with i/oll First of alL 1 willvolunteer to do some cleaning witli my ciamate suchas cleaning the windows and seeping the floors To keepour school clean WEWilL ask our schoolmate not to litterat s

15、chooL Also, 1MIL give away mg favorite books to the,choo library so that our younghL schoo向ales can readdCLsa Its really hard for me to sag goodbye. I wish myschool to have a better future.LLMing七、【湖南】荣光学校九年级(2)班就“环境问题-召开了一次班会.并且以“Our Ennmnmml m Tm Yuk f Bmrr or Wotm-?为题进行了一次讨论,许多同学对未来黑示乐观.但也冇些同学对未来

16、冇些扭心。请根据 表格中的内容提亦.用英语写篇短文。乐观祈的gL越農世多的人将成为环保主义?h 2.政府将采取更多的描施改菁环境。担心者的观点1 大量的树木仍将破砍伐; 2私家乍将越來越多。你的观点及你的打钵学生门拟(至少两点)参与词汇:乐观的opamhc (adj.)政府pivrmmefit (n.)私有的prw水(adjJ采取措施lak measurrs toOur Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse?Man students are optimistic(乐娩的)about our environment in ten ijears

17、. In fact theij think that more and more people will take port in the environmental protection and our government will take more measures to improv our environment Asa resulUour world will be marp hPMiful and wo win have better lives.However, other students are worried about the future.They say a nu

18、mber of trees will be cut down and there win be more and more private cars. Therefore, we will nave even more environmental problems and live in aiuorld with less energy available.But in m(j opinion, 1 think weA.【湖北】自古以来友善”是中华民族的传统美德英才国际学杈广播台正在进行我友好.我善良”系 列人物介绍请你根据下列表格提和要求.写一篇介绍江明同学的文字稿尊本情况姓名江明班级九(3

19、)日常表现1 文明礼貌.主动热情问候他人; 2团结友好.能与他人和晅相处; 3富有爱心.力所能及帮助他人典体事例任选日常表现之一.举例介绍。做一个善良.有爱心的人。举韦词汇:ray hrlk In; nwkr frimck; kindnrM; prt on wrll with; air aKwitToday I am going to introduce a teenager His nameis Jiang Ming. He is in Class Three, Grade Nine. Wherever he meets teachers or classmates, he has made

20、 man(j good friends and gets on well with them. Whenever we have problems with our schoolwork, he is alwagM to Help oul He often tries to help people who are in trouble.One day, on his wa(j to school he found jl bogcrying atJhe corner of the street He 厂qzl to him and helped him find his parents, though he was late for scM he diM feel sorry. Wha


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