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1、BEC-2 Test 1ReadingPart OneQuestion 1-7Look at the statements below and the information about training courses on the opposite paper.Which course (A, B, C, or D) does each statement 1-7 refer to?For each statement 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of

2、these letters more than once.1. This course is for people with little or no experience of the topic.2. You will learn what a lender can do if a company does not repay a loan.3. Companies can decide where their employees will take the course.4. You will learn to assess whether a business can pay back

3、 the money it owes.5. This course will help you to deal with the paperwork involved in processing loans.6. You will look at thelegalaspects of hiring equipment.7. This course will concentrate on the laws that apply when a business borrows money.A Loans AdministrationThis course looks at the administ

4、rative functions of a banks loans department, e.g. dealing with credit applications and keeping records of loan transactions. We will use real application forms of the type that administrative staff in loans departments regularly handle. It will be particularly useful for experienced staff with day-

5、to-day administrative responsibility for loan portfolios. Although most clients choose to enjoy our beautiful premises, the course can be run at the client company or elsewhere.BCashflow AnalysisOn this advanced course you will build up a database of a companys cashflow over time and identify and in

6、terpret patterns of change. You will analyze the cashflow of a few sample companies and use your analysis to judge their ability to settle their debts. This course will help you perform an advanced cashflow analysis of your own company.C Loan ContractsOpen to anyone who completed our introductory co

7、urse to legal contracts in business, this course looks at the legal principles involved when a company takes out a loan; and outlines how to take legal action against a company that defaults on its repayments. You will compare the interests and responsibilities of both parties to a loan contract.D L

8、easing & Asset FinanceThis is a course for those new to leasing. It will provide you with a basic understanding of why companies prefer to lease property or machinery, rather than buy. You will learn about both the expenses and tax benefits of leasing and you will study a variety of lease agreements

9、 and the laws relating to them.Part TwoQuestions 8-12Read the article below about a psychologists advice to managers.Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any letter more than once.There is an

10、 example at the beginning. (0)The Psychology of ManagementIf overflowing in-trays frighten you or solving problems makes you sweat, theres a new range of business books called The Management Guides that you can turn to with confidence. (0)_G_. In addition, theyre written in accessible language by Ka

11、thy Harman, a chartered occupational psychologist who heads her own London-based consultancy business. She says that the guides are intended for professionals working in small British companies, where thinking about management can be a low priority because of endless lists of other responsibilities.

12、(8) . After this initial message to the reader, the following pages contain sections on every aspect of business, from managing your own time and selecting employees to planning ahead for the future.One of the reasons Harman wrote these guides was that she knows not every business is able to invest

13、in training. The difficulty, especially for small businesses, is that, People are professionals first and foremost and somehowthey are just expected to pick up management skills as they go along. (9) . And becoming one, she recognizes, is especially difficult if youre not used to communicating effec

14、tively or delegating work.She adds, Its all very well managing areas that you have control over and you can do all the planning you feel is necessary, but there are always going to be other people out there who do the most unexpected things,(10). Such a choice of approaches is essential to any busin

15、ess; this can only be achieved by managers having good, friendly relationships with all their staff and business contacts. The important thing in management, says Harman, is the human element.Her advice to managers everywhere is to maintain professionalism at all times. If youve ever managed anyone,

16、 she says, youll know that youre not allowed to be fed up because when the staff come to you, they dont want to know about your problems, they want their problems solved.Harman feels confident about making such an analysis because of her years of training as an occupational psychologist. (11) . What

17、 you find there is that more senior managers have had some kind of psychological training, while in this country most managers get their management psychology second-hand by listening to other managers.The overall message from Harman is a simple one, and its got nothing to do with technology or data

18、bases.(12). More and more managers, she says, are realizing this and beginning to appreciate that withoutthe right staff at all levels, you really havent got a business. People are your principal resource.AAnd when they do, managers need a variety of strategies to fall back on.BThis, of course, is u

19、nlikely to be easy, because being an expert in your field doesnt necessarily make you agood manager.CThe question that most of them ask is ,Can we actually afford a management training courses?DAlthough this area of study is becoming more acceptable in the business world, Britain is a long way behin

20、dthe rest of Europe.EIts about creating a working environment that promotes the well-being of everyone, from the post room tothe board room.FThis is illustrated at the beginning of each guide with the quote, This book is for those who would like tomanage better but are too busy to begin.GTheyre shor

21、t, pocket-sized, and very reasonably priced at 2.99 each.Part ThreeQuestions 13-18Read the article below about effective communication and the question on the opposite page.For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.The importance of good

22、communicationEffective communication is essential for all organizations. It links the activities of the various parts of the organization and ensures that everyone is working toward a common goal. It is also extremely important for motivating employees. Staff need to know how they are getting on, wh

23、at they are doing right and in which areas they could improve. Working alone can be extremely difficult and it is much easier if someone takes an interest and provides support. Employees need to understand why their job is important and how it contributes to the overall success of the firm. Personal

24、 communication should also include target setting. People usually respond well q;i/v 9oue;sisse psdxs ueo Xsq; ssi;np ip!屮v jo uoiteoipui ue a Xuediuoo oi|i uiq;i/v spsdsojd uoi;oluojcI uo uoiiblujoju! q;ss U33q SAeq s;s6jb; Xuediuoo /voq jo uoi;eue|dx9 ue g soueiujojjsd qof Jisq; uo oeqpssj sluos v

25、 spnpui pinoqs 卿s q;i/v uoiieoiuniuiuoo spusiuiuoosj J9q;u/v sq; qdej6ejed ;sjij sq; u|xsidiuoo X|6uisb9JOU! 6uiiuoo9q si uoiieoiuniuiuoo 6u!6eueiu siuoq 11104 buppo/v pue aluii-ped buppo/v sidosd sjolu sujsued ;U9iuXo|diU9 ui 6uujnooo ss6ueqo sq; q;i/v unoiip sjolu 6uiiuoo9q os|e si uoiteoiuniu 111

26、091! p33U Xsq; usqrn ;ue/v Xsq; uoiiblujoju! sq; puy o; 3|qe sq ;ou Xeiu sj96bublu sidiuexs joj sspuspupui o; pesi ueo peo|J9Ao siqi soluslu pue spodsj ui psjsaoo usyo si ;i lusiqojd sq; 00s him noX pue ”sop sjobEUEiu 96bj9ab sq; ;e ”oo| e 丄 suoisiosp buEiu jo Xe/v sq; ui s;s6 ;i ;eq; p3J3q;e6 si uo

27、iiblujoju! qoniu os peo|J9Ao uoiieoiuniuiuoo o; pesi ueo Xepo; uo!;eziue6jo 36jb| ui psiejsusB uoiiblujoju! usuijm jo ;unoiue oi|丄lusjsip Xjsa sq ueo pies SAeq noX suiq; uosjsd jsq;o sq; ;eq/v pue pies SAeq noX 习巴屮 noX ;ei|/A psAisosj sq |i/v ;i /voq sjns s;inb jsasu sjb noX JsASMoq sobESSOiu usuijm

28、 q;i/v dieipsiULU! si oeqpssj pue poo;sjspun Aeq Xsq; Xddeq sjb noX |i;un s6uiq; ssnosip ueo noX suosluos o; 6ui)|e; X|enpe sjb noX usi|/A uoiieoiuniuiiioo soej o; soej ueq; SAipsjp sssi usyo si pue |J0MJ9ded jo ;unoiue snopusiusj; e o; pus| ueo siqi pjeMJoj pue spje/v|oeq passed sq ueo S96ess9iu sn

29、ojsiunu ;no 6uiq;3iuos pos o; uoi;bsj9auoo oinb e jo pe3;su| js;sej USA S3SU uoi;eoiunmluoo usuijm jo ssn sq; ssbsjoui uo!;eziue6jo ue ui psaioaui sidosd jo jsqiunu sq; svuoiieoiunmluoouesiu Xiuesssosu;ou ssop uoiieoiuniuiuoo sjolu sziibsj pinoqs slujij pue sisoo 0屮;suie6e dn paqSism sq ;sniu suie6

30、|ei;u3;od oi|丄 |e lusq; pssu X|enpe ;ou ssop ;i *p|noo ;iusa lusq; jo |e pjoe ;ouueo lujij e ;nq 3|qe|ieAe mou s|oo; suoiieoiuniuiuoo Xueiu sjb sjsq丄 Buiuibj; 9;eudojdde Xblu sssXoidius jo ps;ep;no siuoosq ueo lus;sXs jepipusq ssaojcI X|eo!;eiuo;ne X6o|ouqos; ui ;U3LU;S3au! sjolu uesiu ;ou ssop siq;

31、 jsasmoh Aissuslulu! uoiieoiuniuiuoo dn Suipssds si slusisXs |jo/v;9u pue ssuoqd 3|iqoiu iieiu-s se qons Aboiouipoi jo ssn oi|丄S96ess9iu uo 6uissed jo suesiii 9|qe;ins ;solu sq; Xiuesssosu ;ou sjb sssq; mou| Xsq;usas soiou jo soluslu o”!| uoiieoiuniuiuoo jo spoq;9iu jsq;o ssn o; psojoj usyo sjb sj96

32、bublu nssj e sv e;s pue ;u3iu36eueiu joiuss U33/v;3q de6 e 6ui;esjo jo ;soo sq; ;e ;nq p3;e63|3p sq ueo |se; siq; X|snoiAqo AnenpiAipui 33Xo|dLU3 qoes q;i/v sssj6ojcI ssnosip pue 旧olu o; sj96bublu joiuss joj siqissodiui si ;i sidiuexs joj ssiuediuoo 36jb| u| XisAipsjp sieoiuniuiuoo o; pspssu ssojnos

33、sj jo slui; sq; SAeq ;ou op Xsq; si ssAiinosxs joiuss joj siusiqojd uiblu 0屮 jo suo9oej-o;-9oej suop sq pinoqs lesiejdde s.ssXoidius ue se qons leituspijuoo jo saiiisussXljeinoiped si ;eq; 6uiq;Xue sidiuexs uo spusdsp poq;9iu 9;eudojdde ;solu oi|丄 oluslu e Buipuss jo 6uiuoqd3|3; u!i!Eiu-o Xipsjip lu

34、sq; o; bup|Eods spnpui sssqi uo!;bz!ub6jo sq; ui sjsq;o o; uoiiblujoju! 6uiXsauoo jo sXe/v IBJ9A9S ssjnoo jo sjb sjsqi Xe/v sieudojddeui ue ui uo passed sjessBesssiussneosq jnooo siusiqojd sssq; ssseo Xueiu u| soublujojjscI Jisq; suiiujspun ueo siusiqojd suoiieoiuniuiuoo SAeq usyo slujij jsasmoh pas

35、odiui ;ou pue s;euipjoqns pue J96bublu sq; U33/v;3q pssjSe sjb sssq; pspiAOJd s|Eob o;14. According to the writer, the best way of achieving effective communication is to .A. adapt the message to suit a particular audienceB. make the content of messages brief and directC. select the most suitable me

36、ans of conveying a particular messageD. ensure that information is targeted at the appropriate group of people 正确答案是15. What does the writer say about the communication options available to senior manager?A. Sending memo to staff is one of the most efficient methods.B. It is important to find the ti

37、me to discuss certain matters with staff.C. They should increase the range of options that they use.D. Getting junior managers to talk to staff can create different problems. 正确答案是16. What advice is given about the communication tools made available by technology?A. Aim to limit staff use of certain

38、 communication tools.B. Evaluate them in terms of the expenditure involved.C. Select them on the basis of the facilities they offer.D. Encourage more staff to attend training courses in their use. 正确答案是17. According to the writer, a problem with written communication is that .A. the message can be i

39、nterpreted differently to what was intendedB. it can be easy for people to ignore the contents of a written messageC. most people are more comfortable with face-to-face communicationD. it is possible for correspondence to get lost within a large organization 正确答案是18. According to the article, what i

40、s the effect of receiving large amounts of written information?A. It is counter-productive.B. It causes conflict in a company.C. It leads to changes in work patterns.D. It makes the main points more difficult to identify. 正确答案是Part FourQuestions 19-33Read the letter below from an agency providing te

41、mporary staff for companies.Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.For each question 19-33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.Office Angels Employment Agency14-16 Lockhart RoadWan ChaiHong KongTel: 5324365Fax: 5324111Dear Client,Office Angels i

42、s advising businesses to plan as far ahead as possible to ensure guaranteed staff cover during holiday periods. There is now a (19) shortage of skilled secretarial and administrative staff and this is(20) to get worse over the next twelve months.Businesses which require staff with experience of spec

43、ialist computer applications are the most at (21). Youare advised to (22) our agency well before the staff are actually needed to be certain of filling gaps withadequately (23) personnel. If you dont, its almost (24) that you will be left without the skills neededto (25) your office running smoothly

44、.The (26) for the shortage of secretarial staff appears to be a combination of two (27). There has beenan (28) in the demand for secretarial services over the last few years, and at the same time there has been a(29) of students deciding to choose secretarial studies.Office Angels Agency would (30)

45、to emphasize that businesses should not underestimate the difficulty of(31) experienced temporary staff. It is also necessary to make the (32) that businesses should beprepared for the fact that they may have to pay more for this kind of (33) in the future.19.A. hardB. seriousC. sureD. strong正确答案是20

46、.A. hopedB. wantedC. expectedD. prepared正确答案是21.A. riskB. chanceC. worryD. difficulty 正确答案是22.A. confirmB. communicateC. contactD. command正确答案是23.A. lecturedB. aidedC. formedD. trained 正确答案是24.A. positiveB. correctC. rightD. certain 正确答案是25.A. saveB. keepC. ensureD. continue 正确答案是26.A. reasonB. purp

47、oseC. resultD. problem 正确答案是27.A. articlesB. mattersC. factorsD. subjects 正确答案是28.A. enlargementB. increaseC. additionD. upgrade正确答案是29.A. lackB. needC. requirementD. few正确答案是30.A. requestB. desireC. askD. like正确答案是31.A. achievingB. obtainingC. realizingD. earning正确答案是32.A. pointB. ideaC. positionD.

48、 subject正确答案是33.A. offerB. deliveryC. productD. service正确答案是Part FiveQuestions 34-45Read the article below about airport hotels.In most of the lines 34-45 there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.I

49、f a line is correct , write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.The exercises begins with two examples, (0) and (00).Examples 0 CORRECT00 OFCHECKING IN TO A WORKING BASE 0 Smart business travelers today are

50、staying at the airport to do business. Rather than00 waste of time in traffic jams as they try to reach city center venues, business people are using conference facilities on the offer at airports. Busy executives are also staying there overnight to avoid the difficulty of getting there for take an

51、early morning meeting. And it makes sense for international meetings to be held air airports. It isprincipally through the improvement in airport hotels that has enabled this development to take place. Today these mini-conference centers provide services are designed for business travelers, like a q

52、uick check-in and round-the-clock restaurants, so they can get to work as quickly as possible. They are also less expensive place than their city center counterparts. Not long years ago, airport hotels were uncomfortable, unattractive and inconvenient for as far as the business traveler was concerne

53、d. Yet now that there is strong interest, as travelers become aware of the new facilities. Demand for small meeting rooms is huge, usually for interviews or one-to-one meetings, where executives fly them in and out the same day. The age of the airport is upon us.WritingPart OneQuestion 46You are a m

54、anager in a small publishing company. You have recently taken charge of your companys staff training programme. Before the programme starts you would like to identify training areas that staff are interested in.Write a memo to all staff: saying when the programme will start asking for suggestions for the programme giving a deadline for suggestions.Write 140-150 words.Write


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