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1、Smallpox deaths of an estimated 300 to 500 million people Edward Jenner 1749-1823 Father of Immunology In 1796 /wiki/Edward_Jenner L. vaccinus, relating to a cow, vacca 1802 caricature of Jenner vaccinating patients who feared it would make them sprout cowlike appendages. 1979.

2、10.26 The announcement by the WHO that smallpox was the first disease that had been eradicated worldwide by a program of vaccination Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 The “Father” of the Modern Microbiology Vaccines: 1880, chicken cholera 1881, anthrax 1885, rabies consciously immune system What is it? Where

3、is it? How does it work? What is immunity? immunity nImmune system nImmune response nImmunology nImmunologist nImmunodeficiency nImmunocompromised nIMMUNITY IMMUNIS (EXEMPT) Latin: Protection from legal prosecution Now, in medical terms: free of disease. Bubble boy David Vetter(19711984) http:/www.p

4、/wgbh/amex/bubble/peopleevents/p_vetter.html severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) Infection Lymphoma congenital immunodeficiency present at birth HIV and AIDS nHIV - human immunodeficiency virus nAIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome ARC: AIDS-related complex ARC is A prodromal phase o

5、f effects phase of infection with HIV. Symptoms can include recurring fever, unexplained weight loss, swollen lymph glands, diarrhea, or fungal infection of the mouth. Candida infections Opportunity Infection and Cancer nFungal, bacterial, viral and protozoal infection nThe most frequent opportunist

6、ic tumour, Kaposis sarcoma, is observed in 20% of patients with AIDS. nMalignant lymphomas are also frequently seen in AIDS patients. Kaposis sarcoma Kaposis sarcoma Kaposis sarcoma on the skin of an AIDS patient. lymphoma Functions of Immune system nimmune defence defense agaist infectious diseases

7、 nimmune surveillance kill cancer cells nimmune homeostasis maintain internal equilibrium Where is immune system? Organs Cells Molecules Immune organs Central immune organs nThe site of generation, differentiation and maturation of lymphocytes nincluding bone marrow thymus Bone marrow Hematopoietic

8、stem cell Myeloid progenitor Lymphoid progenitor Functions: The site of generation of all circulating blood cells The site of B cell maturation hemo- + G. poisis, a making Thymus Located between the breast bone and heart. Function: T cell education Peripheral immune organs and tissues nThe site wher

9、e lymphocytes are resident and response to foreign antigens Lymph nodes Spleen MALT (mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue) SALT Lymph nodes nLymph nodes - Small bean-shaped glands nLymph - fluid within lymphatic vessels nLymphatic vessel - nLymphatic vessel - Lymph vessels that carry lymph to a lymph

10、node are called the afferent lymph vessel, and one that carries it from a lymph node is called the efferent lymph vessel, from where the lymph may travel to another lymph node, may be returned to a vein, or may travel to a larger lymph duct. Collects excess tissue fluid throughout body Purifies it a

11、s it passes through system Returns it to circulatory system Lymph nodes nMajor groups of lymph nodes are located in the tonsils, armpits, neck, groin and mediastinum. Functions : nFilter harmful substances from the tissues nJohn, 15/M ntooth aches in left side of face none day later neck also starte

12、d to hurt (only on the left side) nafter taking the penicillin for 2 days, tooth has for the most part stopped hurting and face doesnt ache nearly as much his neck seems more swollen. a tooth abscess and lymph nodes were swollen immune system is working over time fighting the abscess Sites for Lymph

13、 Nodes NameLocationDrains fluid from Axillary ArmpitsArms Cervical NeckHead and neck Inguinal GroinLegs and pelvis Mediastinal ChestWithin chest cavity Spleen nin the upper left abdomen Functions: nmajor site of immune response to blood-borne antigens nFilters out and destroys old red blood cells, r

14、ecycling the iron MALT (mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue) Tonsil(扁桃体)(扁桃体), Peyers patch(派氏(派氏 集合淋巴结)集合淋巴结), appendix(阑尾)(阑尾) GALT (Gut) NALT (nasal) BALT (bronchial) Functions: Local immune response Secretory IgA (sIgA) Immune cells Hematopoietic stem cell Myeloid progenitor Lymphoid progenitor L

15、ympoid: T lymphocyte; B lymphocyte; Natural killer cell Myeloid: neutrophil; basophil; eosinophil; monocyte; red blood cell Neutrophil Also called polymorphonulcear (PMN) leukocyte. The most abundant population of circulating WBCs and the earliest phagocytic cells to appear in the bacterial infectio

16、n Functions: phagocytosis, intracellular killing, inflammation and tissue damage. Neutrophils phagocytosis Monocytes and macrophages After entering into tissue, monocytes differentiate into tissue macrophages. Play central roles in innate and adaptive immunity, and are important effector cells for t

17、he elimination of microbes. Functions: phagocytosis, intracellular and extra-cellular killing, tissue repair, antigen presentation Monocytes and macrophages macrophages Eosinophils cytoplasmic granules that are easily stained by eosin or other acid dyes. associated with parasitic infection and aller

18、gic reactions. Basophils cytoplasmic granules that are easily stained by basic dyes. associated with parasitic infections and allergic reactions. T and B Lymphocytes Natural Killer (NK) cells nalso known as large granular lymphocytes (LGL) nkill infected and malignant cells Molecules nAntibody nComp

19、lements nCytokines Antibody IgA; IgM; IgE; IgD Complement system cytokine secreted proteins that work as mediators of immune and inflammatory reactions. Cytokines provide a mechanism for cells of the immune system to “talk” to one another to coordinate a response How does the immune system work? Inn

20、ate and adaptive immunity First line of defense (nonspecific) second line of defense innate immunity nBarriers The skin is an important physical barrier that protects the entire body from external pathogens. The acid in the stomach serves as a natural killer or destroyer of pathogens that enter the

21、digestive tract. ucirculating cells (phagocytes,NK cells) ublood proteins and cytokines Innate and adaptive immunity Adaptive immunity 3 Phases, 2 Types nSpecific nacquired 56 Recognition Activation Effector Humoral immunity Cell-mediated immunity Innate and Adaptive Immunity Dose 1 Dose 2: 1 month

22、Dose 3: 6 months HBV vaccine: 60 The primary immune response Four phases of the primary response na lag phase where no antibody is detected na log phase in which the antibody titer rises logarithmically na plateau phase during which the antibody titer stabilizes na phase (decline) during which the a

23、ntibody is cleared Comparison of Primary and Secondary Responses High affinity 62 Primary and Secondary Responses differ significantly The properties of the primary and secondary antibody responses differ. nThe primary response has a long lag period, a logarithmic rise in antibody formation, a short

24、 plateau, and then a decline. IgM is the first antibody class produced, followed by a gradual switch to other classes, such as IgG. nThe secondary response has a shorter lag time, a more rapid logarithmic phase, a longer plateau phase, and a slower decline than the primary response. Mostly IgG and o

25、ther isotypes are produced in the secondary response rather than IgM, and the average affinity of antibody produced is higher. Natural immunity occurs through contact with a disease. Artificial: contrived by art rather than nature Artificial / natural immunization Passive/active immunity nPassive im

26、munity Results when a person receives protective substances produced by another human or animal nActive immunity Develops immunity following direct exposure to pathogen nlocal treatment of the wound nvaccination nadministration of rabies immunoglobulin post-exposure prophylaxis Lymphatic system Lymp

27、hatic and immune system nLymphatic System Network of vessels that picks up excess tissue fluid, cleanses it, and returns it to circulatory system Picks up fats absorbed by digestive system nImmune System Fights disease and infections Lymphatic system nThe lymphatic system consists of a conducting ne

28、twork of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic organs and lymph. nThe major (encapsulated) lymphatic organs are the lymph nodes. Anatomy and Physiology nFirst, removes excess tissue fluid Collects excess tissue fluid throughout body Purifies it as it passes through system Returns it to circulatory system Ana

29、tomy and Physiology nSecond, lymph vessels around the small intestine assist with fat absorption Picks up absorbed fats Delivers to circulatory system These lymph vessels are called lacteals (乳糜管) Anatomy and Physiology nThird, lymphatic and immune systems work together Form a group of cells, tissue

30、s, organs, done to test for malignancy or metastasis Lymphatic examples include rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus Lymphatic known as a retrovirus immunocompromised immune system that does not function properly; also called immunodeficiency disorder immunoglobulins antibodies; ass

31、ist in protecting the body Lymphatic redness, pain, swelling, and feeling hot to touch lymphedema excessive tissue fluid due to blocked lymphatic flow urticariasevere itching associated with hives Lymphatic and Immune Abbreviations AIDSacquired immunodeficiency syndrome ARCAIDS-related complex ELISA

32、enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay GVHDgraft vs. host disease HDHodgkins disease HIVhuman immunodeficiency virus Lymphatic & Immune Abbreviations Igimmunoglobulin KSKaposis sarcoma monomononucleosis NHLnon-Hodgkins lymphoma NKnatural killer cells PCPPneumocystis carinii pneumonia SCIDsevere combined immunodeficiency syndrome In 1796 /wiki/Edward_Jenner L. vaccinus, relating to a cow, vacca 1802 caricature of Jenner vaccinating patients who feared it would m


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