



1、 .unit 2 healthy eating grammar & writing.用适当的情态动词完成下列句子1in some parts of the world, you _ boil the water before drinking it.2i didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. she _ have missed the meeting.3you _ keep a first aid box at home for any accident.7he is so strong that i _ fight against h

2、im.8we _ (receive) the letter yesterday, but it didnt arrive.9when we got to the cinema, the film hasnt started yet, so we _ (hurry)10when i got to the cinema, the film had already started; i _ (get) there答案:1.must/have to 2.must 3.ought to/should 4.neednt/dont have to 5.should 6.must7.dare not 8.ou

3、ght to have received 9.neednt have hurried10ought to have got/should have got.完成句子1i _ (不得不参加) an important meeting this afternoon.2you _ (一定不能玩) with fire, or youll get burnt.3something is wrong with my bike. so my bike _ (需要修理)4you _ (不必归还) the book now. you can keep it until next week if you like

4、.5you _ (本不必告诉) him the news; i had told him.6mary _ (本不该说) the words, but she wanted to warn you against that man.7the light is on in his office. he _ (一定在工作) there now.答案:1.have to attend 2.mustnt play 3.needs repairing/to be repaired 4.neednt/donthave to return5neednt have told 6.shouldnt/ought n

5、ot to have said7must be working.单句改错_. ._答案:1.tellhave told 2.mustntneednt 3.have not todont have to 4.ought后加 to5.去掉第二个 towill, would, can, could, must, should, ought to, may, might, needthank you for your letter. i dont think i 1._ give you any advice. i dont think themanager 2._ trust you. it sou

6、nds as if he has decided that you 3._ be the thief.do you have to continue working at this company? maybe you 4._ find another job where thepeople are friendly. i think you 5._ enjoy that more.if you stay at the meat factory, you 6._ not be able to be happy. besides, if you stay,the thief 7._ do som

7、ething bad to you. i dont think that 8._ be very pleasant.if he played a trick on you, the manager 9._ say you were the thief and call in the police.that 10._ have serious results. i think the best thing you 11._ do now is to lookfor another job and hope that it 12._ turn out better.4.should/ought t

8、o/can/need5.may/might/will 6.willtoday fast food restaurants are very popular. one famous name is harrys hamburgers. harryshamburgers come from america and have been in business for thirty years. there are about 5,000harrys hamburgers in different countries. the food is the same everywhere. in londo

9、n, new yorkor paris people eat the same hamburgers and drink the same drinks.hamburger harry is a special friend of children everywhere. he goes to schools and talks topupils. he goes into different classrooms, sits down on the carpet or at the desk and asks thepupils to relax. then he begins his ta

10、lk.harry teaches children about litter.“dont throw your boxes on the floor in my restaurants,”he says. “and dont throw my bags away in the street. if you see boxes and bags in the street,. .pick them up and throw them into the bin (垃圾箱)”hamburger harry visits children in hospitals and tells them fun

11、ny stories. his restaurantsgive wonderful birthday parties. parents telephone the restaurant or go there. they choose a goodday for the party, arrange the food and drink and send invitations to friends. hamburger harrysometimes comes to the party with a bag of presents and a big birthday cake. the b

12、oys and girlssit round the tables and eat all their favorite food. they all wear paper hats and party badges(徽章). hamburger harry dresses in green, red and yellow and he wears two big badges. he works hardat the party. he tells jokes, sings songs and gives everyone a present. the children get colore

13、dpencils, balloons and books to draw on. they always have a good time.their parents enjoy the party too because they dont prepare the tables and they dont cookthe food. they dont have to clean the restaurant after the party. all they do is pay the bill.1harrys hamburgers are sold _.awithout drinksba

14、t a high pricecin the same style2if a child holds a birthday party at harrys restaurant, harry may _.agive a big cake to the child as a gift3why do parents enjoy the party held by harrys restaurants for their children?abecause they dont have to pay the bill.dthe birthday party in harrys restaurants.

15、答案与解析:1解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“the food is the same everywhere. in london, new york or parispeople eat the same hamburgers and drink the same drinks.”可知,这里卖的食物和饮料全世界都一样。答案:c. .2解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“hamburger harry sometimes comes to the party with a bag of答案:a3解析:细节理解题。由最后一段可知,父母喜欢哈利汉堡包为孩子举办的生日聚会是因为家长不用再亲自做饭刷碗,故 d

16、为正确选项。答案:d4解析:主旨大意题。本文从第一段的“one famous name is harrys hamburgers.”就开始介绍哈利和他的快餐店,后面的几段介绍了哈利对于一些公益事业的关注,同时也介绍了在他的餐馆里孩子们过生日的情景等,所以 c项符合主题。答案:c.语法填空my friend, hugh, has always been fat, but things gets 1._ bad that he decides to goon 2._ diet. he began his diet a week ago. first of all, he wrote out a l

17、ong list of allthe foods 3._ were forbidden. the list included most of the things hugh loves: butter,potatoes, rice, beer, milk,chocolate and sweets. yesterday i 4._ (pay) him a visit. irang the bell and was not 5._ (surprise) to see that hugh was still as fat as ever. heled me 6._ his room and hurr

18、iedly hid a large parcel under his desk. 7._ was obviousthat he was very embarrassed. 8._ i asked him what he was doing, he smiled 9._ (guilty)and then put the parcel on the desk. he explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward10._ occasionally. then he showed me the contents of the p

19、arcel. it contained five largebars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!1解析:与后面的 that一起构成 so .that .表示“如此以致”,引导结果状语从句,so修饰形容词 bad。答案:so2解析:go on a diet“节食,减肥”,是固定短语。答案:a3解析:所填词引导定语从句修饰先行词all the foods,且在从句中作主语,故只能用 that引导。答案:that答案:paid7解析:代替后面的 that 从句,在句首作形式主语,故填 it。its obvious that .意为“很显. .8解析:

20、所填词引导时间状语从句修饰主句,故用when。答案:when9解析:修饰动词 smiled,故用副词 guiltily。答案:guiltily.短文改错my classmate liu hui looks tired this week. this morning, i asked him if he had trouble infall asleep. he said no and explained how he looked tired. “i want to do well on my studies,so i have been stayed up these days,” he said. hearing that, i became worrying.“staying upmay not help you at all. if you want to study well, you should have had a good sleep every night,”i said. though he disagreed with me


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