1、优品课件 MODULE 3 My new school MODULE 3 My new school Part 1 Teachi ng Desig n第一部分 教学 设计 Fun cti on Describ ing a new school Structure There is, there are; prepositi ons of place; possessive adjectives; possessive Liste nin g/Speaki ng Identifying pictures and numbers Describing your classroom Readi ng
2、/Writi ng Ide ntify ing places from descripti ons Describ ing where places are; using refere nee words Culture Schools in the UKTask Writing a letter describing your school Unit 1 There are 46 stude nts in my class. Warmi ng up Good morning, class. Look at this. It is a picture. What is this? It is
3、myschoolbag. Myschoolbag is old. There is a newschoolbag in it. What is that? It is your classroom. There are 46 students in it. What is this? It is his pencil box. There are two pencils and three pens in his pen cil box. Who is this? This is our daughter. She is in her room. What is this? It is her
4、 dog. There is a dog in her room. What is it? It is its home bag. It is the dog s homebag. There is nothing in its homebag. Whatare these? They are their toys. They are our daughter and her dog s toys. Karen loves her dog. The dog likes its Karen, our daughter. Now go to page 14 to see three more in
5、 terest ing pictures. Vocabulary and listening1 Look at the pictures . Which words can you use to describe them? Where are we? Weare at school. Weare in our classroom. Weare new here at this school, in this classroom. This is our new school. This is our new classroom. On page 14 we see three picture
6、s. What are they? They are classrooms. They are classrooms in our new school. We see 15 words in the box, too. blackboard book boy computer classroom desk dictio nary mother football girl library picture stude nt teacher television Look at the three pictures . Which words can you use to describe eac
7、h of them? Which words can you use to describe each of the three pictures? For picture 1 For picture 2 For picture 3 blackboard book computer classroom desk dicti onary blackboard book classroom desk dicti onary blackboard computer classroom desk 2 Liste n and choose the correct picture . To see if
8、you are right or wrong, we go on to liste n and choose the correct picture. 3 Liste n and read. Now let s go on to page 14. Let s read the dialogue first. In the dialogue you hear two people talking. While reading try to cut ( 断句)/ the senten ces into parts, blacke n(涂黑)the predicates, shade (加影)the
9、 connectives and underline (戈U线) the expressi ons. Now write all the expressi ons in your Expression Book. Nowwe read the dia logue. Next it s time for listening.I play the tape twice. For the first time listen and look at the dialogue. For the sec ond time, just liste n to the tape and try not to l
10、ook at the dialogue. 4 Listen and underline the correct answers. On page 14, there are five sentences. Now listen to the tape once again. This time try to underline the correct answer. 1 In Betty s school there are 20/46 students in a class. 2 In Daming s class there are 25/21 girls. 3 There is / is
11、n t a computer on Miss Li s desk. 4 Are there any computers in Daming s classroom? Yes, there are./ No, there aren t. 5 Are there any computers in Betty s classroom? Yes, there are./ No, there aren t. Pronunciation and speaking 5 Listen and repeat. Boys and girls, pronunciation is important. Nowwe p
12、ractice pronunciation of three sounds. First listen and repeat after me three times. / / mother / / mother teacher computer / / girl thirty Second listen to the tape and repeat after it. Listen and repeat carefully. Pay atte ntio n to the pronun ciatio n of the n ative speaker. 6 Liste n and repeat
13、these nu mbers. We see fourtee n words, number words, in the box. Repeat after mefirst.thirteen fourtee n fiftee n sixtee n seve ntee n eightee n nin etee n thirty forty fifty sixty seve nty eighty ninety Now liste n and repeat after the tape. 7 Match the words and the nu mbers. On page 15 you can s
14、ee a box. In the box there are words and numbers. Match the words and the nu mbers. But first please read them aloud after me. twenty-one 21 forty -nine 49 thirty -five 35 sixty-s even67 fifty-two52 seventy -four 74 eighty- three 83 ninety - six 96 8 Work in pairs . Write about your classroom. Use n
15、u mbers . Boys and girls, this is our new classroom. Doyou like it? What can you see in it? Howmanydesks are there in the classroom? How many televisi ons are there in the classroom? How many computers are there in the classroom? Now work in pairs . Write about our classroom. Use numbers. Numbers Nu
16、mbers 41 1 40 23 17 desks televisi ons stude nts girls boys 2 1 10 1 42 blackboards teachers desks pictures computers dicti on aries 9 Work in pairs. Talk about your classroom. Nowlook around our classroom. What do you see in our classroom? Next you work in pairs to talk about your classroom. There
17、s a (an) computer,in myclassroom. There isn t a (an) There are 32 computers,There aren t any There are 41 desks in my classroom. There isnt a televisi on in my classroom. There arent any pictures in myclassroom. There are 41 students in myclassroom. There isnt a piano in myclassroom. There arent any
18、 photos in my classroom. There are 41 dictionariesin myclassroom. There isnt a lab in myclassroom. There arent any intern ati onal stude nts in my classroom. Un it 2 Where s the library? Warming up Hi, everyone! Wego to the school library this after noon.But where is it? Where s the library?Chen Lin
19、hong, where is the library? It is over there? No? You don t know where it is! Thank you all the same. Now let s go to page 16 to see the pictures of our school. Let s find out where the library is. Vocabulary and reading 1 Match the pictures with the places . On page 16, at the top, you see six pict
20、ures. Now work in pairs to match the pictures with the places. Picture 1 di ning hall Picture 2 gym Picture 3宀classroom Picture 4 libraryPicture 5 office Picture 6 science lab Picture 1 is a dining hall. Picture 2 is a gym. Picture 3 is a classroom. Picture 4 library Picture 5 office Picture 6 scien
21、ce lab 2 Read about Picture A. Look at the Picture A on the right of page 16. There are four persons in the picture. They are Daming, Tony, Lin gli ng, and Betty. Now tell me: Where is Daming? Where is Tony? Where is Lin gli ng? Where is Betty? in front of在前面,next to 在旁 边,behind 在后面 Betty is next to
22、 Lingling. They are in front of Tony and Daming. Daming and Tony are beh ind Lin gli ng and Betty. Now look at Picture B and answer the questions. 1 Where is Daming? Dami ng is n ext to Betty. He is in front of Lin gli ng and Tony. 2 Where are Lin gli ng and Tony? They are behind Daming and Betty. L
23、inglingis next to Tony. 3 Where are Betty and Daming? They are in front of Li ngli ng and Tony. Now read after me a short paragraph about our city. The InternationalSchool is next to the Computer Factory. They are in front of the Sun Hotel and the City University.The Computer Factory and the Interna
24、tional School are behind the Sun Hotel and the City Uni versity.3 Work in pairs . ReadBetty s homework and write the names of the places . Betty is a good and clever girl. Her homework is on page 17. Let s read her homework and ask and an swer about her school and write the n ames of the places . Pa
25、y attention to the uses of“there be ” and prepositions of places in her homework. -Are there any school offices ? -Yes, there are some offices. -Where are the classrooms?The classrooms are beh ind the offices. -Where s the library? - It s next to the classroom. -Are there any scie nee labs? Where ar
26、e they? -Yes, there is one behind the library. -Is there a dining hall? Where is it? -Yes , there is. It s next to the scienee lab. - Where s the gym?- It s in a building in front of the offices. Picture scienee lab Picture b dining hall Picture c classrooms Picture d library Picture e offices Pictu
27、re f gym Let s ask and answer about our classroom. Speaking and writing 4 Work in pairs .Askand answer the questions in Activity 3 about your school. -Are there any school buildings ? -Yes, there are some school buildi ngs. -Where are the classrooms? -The classrooms are in the school build in gs. -
28、Where s the library? - It s n ext to the scho ol build in gs. -Are there any gyms? Where are they? -Yes, there is one behi nd the library. -Is there a hotel? Where is it? -Yes, there is. It s next to the gym. - Where s the WC? - It s in front of the hotel. -Are there any school factories ? -Yes,ther
29、e are some school factories. - Where are the teachers office rooms? - The teachers office rooms are behind the school hotel. - Where s the school hospital? - It s next to the Night Un iversity for the Pare nts. -Are there any intern ati onal stude nts? Where are they? -Y es, there is one in our clas
30、s. -Is there a photo shop? Where is it? -Yes, there is. It s next to the dining room. - Where s the Rest Room? - It s in a building in front of the library. 5 Look at these sentences . On page 17 you see six sentences. Read to understand them in pairs. Put the prepositions of places in box. NowI d l
31、ike to ask some on eto put them in to Chin ese. MaY ali, have a try? The library is next to the classrooms. It s next to the classrooms. The scie nee Iabs are behi nd the library. They re behind the library. Are the science Iabs in front of the library? No, they aren t. Now answer the questions . Us
32、e short forms . Where s the library? It s in front of the scienee labs. Where are the offices? It s in front of the classrooms. Are the classrooms next to the seie nee labs? No, they aren t. Is the gym next to the classrooms? No, it isn t. Write six similar senten ces like the ones you read just now
33、. Liu Lili ng is n ext to Guo Min zhi. They re close to the teacher s desk. GaoJuanjuan and Li Xiaoyan are behind the door. They re behind the back door. Are Liu Jianhua and Li Huifang in front of the TVdesk? No, they aren t. 6 Answer the questions in Activity 5 about your school. -Where s the libra
34、ry? -It s behind the gym. Where s the library? It s in front of the scienee labs. Where are the offices? It s in front of the classrooms. Are the classrooms n ext to the scie nee labs? Yes, they are. Where s the dining hall? It s behind the scienee labs. Is the gym next to the classr ooms?No, it isn
35、 t. It s in front of the classrooms. Un it 3 Lan guage in use Warm ing up Hi, class. Lan guage is somethi ng for use, for com muni cati on. And Ian guage can be lear ned in use, in com muni cati on. Today we shall lear n about the En glish Ian guage in use. We shall lear n about En glish Grammar and
36、 En glish Vocabulary. GrammarAre there any school offices? Yes, there are. There are some offices. Is there a computer on miss Li s desk? No, there isnt There aren t any computers on our desks. 1 Look around your classroom and talk about it. Boys and girls! Attention, please. Our classroom is newand
37、 pretty. Wh6 d like to stand up, look around our classroom, and talkabout it. Gao Li, would you like to try? There is a teacher s desk in our classroom. Miss Li s ba g is on the desk. Her book is in her bag. There are 46 students desks in our classroom. Lingling s desk is in front of the teacher s d
38、esk. Liu Ying s desk is next to Daming s desk. I mbehind Liu Ying and Daming. There are books on our desks. There is a blackboard on the wall in front of the students. The teacher is writing something on the blackboard. There are four pictures on the wall behind us. There is a computer on the desk.
39、It s next to the teacher s desk. There are two dictionaries on the computer s desk. Good job! Nowlet s go on to Activity 2. 2 Complete the sentences. Use behi nd, in front of, or n ext to. In the middle of page 18 is a map of a school. We go on to“read ” this map. But first let s make somesentences
40、using behind, in front of, and next to. I ambehind Hou Yating. Liu Aijun is in front of Zhang Jian. Lia ng Zefeng is n ext to the back door. Now complete the senten ces. Use beh ind, in front of, or next to. The gym is behind the science labs. The library is in front of the classrooms. The library i
41、s next to the dining hall. The classrooms are next to the offices. The science labs are in front of the gym. The dining hall is next to the library. The offices are next to the science labs. The classrooms are behind the library. The science labs are next to the offices. Make similar sentences tellingabout our classroom. Talk as they do. (仿说)The teacher s office room is behind the gym. The
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