已阅读5页,还剩20页未读 继续免费阅读




1、附:各年段诵读重点巴蜀蓝湖郡小学英语快乐诵读低段内容安排年段目标 序号名 称内 容备注01课程性质一年级启蒙英语是一门工具性与人文性相融合的课程。本课程重视巴蜀孩童口语交际能力培养的同时,拓展巴蜀孩童的国际视野、开发思维能力、发展个性、提高人文素养和培养良好学习习惯,为其今后的英语可持续学习奠基。02课程目标(价值)总目标孩子们对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感

2、兴趣。年段目标低段启蒙英语以培养孩子们的听说能力为主,但最首要的目标是激发和培养孩子们学英语的兴趣;其次是培养孩子们良好的英语学习习惯,即认真倾听、乐于模仿、敢于开口、积极参与、主动请教、与人合作、每日听读、复习等习惯;再次是初步运用所学做简单的事,即“能听懂、会说、会读、唱、演”,体验成功的快乐。03课程内容(内容板块)低段上期:英文童谣(4首);儿童英文歌曲(3首);低段下期: 英文童谣(4首);儿童英文歌曲(3首);04实施建议本课程学年课时总计17学时,每周1学时。教学时,教师应整体把握学习材料,力求“六化”:情境生活化、操练趣味化、活动层次化、运用真交际化、激发兴趣与培养学生学习习惯


4、语进行表达和交流为依据,以老师、同伴、家长的综合评价为准。学期末则以口语测试(包括师生对话、看图说话、朗读课文、生生表演说唱童谣、歌曲、课本剧等)和听力测试(主要考孩子们听音做出正确反应的能力)相结合的方式为主。1. 上期英文童谣(4首)(一) look at the treelook at the treelook at the treewhat can you seeup in the kites,orange kites,blueso many kites for me and you.(二)little facei have two eyes,i have two e

5、ars,one little nose,one little mouth,put them together,put them together,one little face.(三)walking ,walking.walking, walking, walking, walking,hop,hop ,hop,hop ,hop, hop,running,running,running,running,running,running,now, lets stop,up and down.(四)my bodymy eyes can see,my mouth can talk,my ears ca

6、n hear,my feet can walk,my nose can smell,you and me.2. 儿童英文歌曲(3首)(一)im a a boy, youre a girl,im a girl, youre a boy,do you want to be my friend?im a girl, youre a boy,im a boy, youre a girl,yes, i want to be your friend.(二)little tigerlittle tiger, little tiger,run so fast, run so fast.tell

7、me where youre going,let me know,let me know.little tiger, little tiger,pass me by,pass me by,have you lost your papa?tell me why, tell me why.(三)ten little indian little,two little, three little indiansfour little, five little, six little indiansseven little, eight little, nine little indi

8、ansten little indian boys.3. 下期英文童谣(4首)(一)good boysometimes i am good.sometimes i am sad.when i am good, my mum is glad.when i am bad, my mum is, ill try to be make my mother glad.a b c chanta is for apple,b is for bat,c is for car and for cat.d e f chantd is for duck and for dog,e is

9、 for elephentand f is for frog.wolf ,whats the time?wolf,wolf,whats the time?its ten oclock.wolf,wolf,whats the time?its eleven oclock.wolf,wolf,whats the time?its twelve oclock.the wolf is coming.4. 儿童英文歌曲(3首)friendsfriends are like you and me.some are old, some are new,some lke green, some like bl

10、ue.friends are like me and you.i like all my friends just like you.twinkle twinkle little startwinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are!up above the world so high,like a diamond in the sky.twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are!london bridge is falling downlondon bridge is

11、 falling down,falling down,falling bridge is falling down,my fair lady巴蜀蓝湖郡小学英语快乐诵读中段内容安排年段目标一、语言技能目标 听、做1、能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应;2、能根据指令做事情;例如:指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、做手工等;3、能在图片和动作的提示下听懂简单的小故事并做出反应。 说、唱1、能根据录音模仿说英语;2、能相互致以简单的问候;3、能相互交流简单的个人信息,例如:姓名、年龄等;4、能表达简单的情感和感觉,例如:喜欢或不喜欢;5、能表达常见的话题;6、能唱英语歌曲5首,

12、说歌谣5首; 读、写1、能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的对话;2、在三年级的基础上进一步学习辨认和识别单词与句子;3、能正确书写课本的四会单词4、能根据提示补全四会单词;5、能认读非四会单词二、语言知识目标 语 音1、使学生知道错误的发音会影响交际;2、在教学中适当引导学生归纳一些常见字母组合的读音; 词 汇1、四会单词(听、说、读、写):2、三会单词(听、说、认读): 功 能谈论正在发生的事情、计划将要做的事情;如何询问和说明能力;如果表达获得别人的允许;谈论体育比赛和旅行活动;表达100以内的数字;表达月份。 语 法1、基数词1100;2、特殊疑问句及其回答;3、一般疑问句及其回答;4、现在进行

13、时;一般过去时;5、be going to do引导的一般将来时;6、情态动词can的两种用法:表能力和许可;7、there be句型。三、情感态度目标 继续培养和保持孩子们对英语课程的兴趣,以及乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与的品质。5. 英文版校园简介巴蜀国际校园建筑文化解读门厅各位来宾,下午好!欢迎来到重庆市巴蜀蓝湖郡小学。我的名字是_,来自 年级 班,很高兴与各位一起走进这个孩子的乐园。good afternoon, everyone! welcome to blue lake county international department of bashu primary school.

14、 my name is _. from class _, grade_.在进入校园的第一瞬间,您注意到墙上那两棵贴满孩子照片的“树”了吗?孩子们用生动的笑脸迎接每一位走进巴蜀的客人,更用生动的笑脸展现着自信与幸福。墙上的“树”,“树”上的孩子们,鲜活于建筑表面。这是教师和孩子们自己的建筑,这是教师和孩子们自己的学校。have you noticed those two trees” painted on the wall which are full of kids photos, when you first get into the campus? our children are gre

15、eting each guest who walks into bashu with their smiling face showing their confidence and happiness as well. look, trees on the wall, and the children on the trees! both of the trees and the children are lively on the surface of the building. telling us that these buildings belong to the teachers a

16、nd the students. this school belongs to the teachers and the students as well.巴蜀人的细心和用心体现在细节中。看!这就是残障通道。体现的是巴蜀国际人开放的心态不管是谁,都能无障碍地走进巴蜀,与之对话。巴蜀国际虽然是一座崭新的学校,一幅幅巴蜀老照片,秉承着百年巴蜀的历史与文化!勖成馆秉承门厅上方的大字:与学生脉搏一起律动!就是这所年轻学校的办学理念。each detail in this school shows bashu peoples caring and elaboration. this disable pa

17、ssage expresses the opening mind of bashu people, meaning everyone can easily get involved in bashus culture and interact with it without any barriers. although this is a new school, it inherited bashus fine culture and long history which you can see from those old photos! the big characters carving

18、 on the xu hall of the entrance: responding to the childrens heart beating! it explains the philosophy of this young school and becomes the motto of the school.谢谢大家的聆听。请往这边走(手指名人广场方向,带到台阶处)。thats all. thanks for your listening! lets go to the next point!名人广场这里就是巴蜀国际的名人广场,两边依次排列着红色牌子上向孩子们依次介绍了10位古今中外

19、的名人。有思想家、政治家、艺术家等各个领域的杰出代表。this is celebritys square. the red signs arranged on both sides introduce 10 celebrities to the children, including philosophers, politicians, artists and etc. all of them are the outstanding representatives in each field.我们仿佛能感受到他们智慧而深邃的眼眸穿越历史横跨时空在深情地注视着课间在这里嬉戏玩耍的孩子们。置身这样

20、的环境,孩子们能很亲切地接近名人,了解名人,从而很自然地激发起他们心中对科学的热爱,对真善美的追求standing here, we can feel as if they are watching our playing children affectionately with their wise eyes, passing through the time and the space. this helps children to understand and get close to the outstanding people naturally in such environmen

21、t. and it will stimulate childrens love to science and their pursuing to three chinese characters “zhen, shan, mei”. “zhen” means transformation, “shan” means compensation and “mei” means beauty and harmony in bashu educational spirit.thats all. thanks for your listening! please visit the next point

22、!湘园good afternoon, everyone! welcome to longhu international department of bashu primary school. my name is _, from class_, grade_. its my honor to introduce the garden of xiang for you. 各 位来宾下午好,欢迎来到巴蜀国际,我是来自 班的 。很高兴为大家介绍湘园它是沿用巴蜀小学的一个建筑名。湘园的建筑主要是学校办公区和功能教室的建筑围合。一楼包括分享会议厅和家长服务厅,二楼有圣陶书屋和音乐、美术功能教室,三楼主

23、要分布科学学科功能教室,四楼则为学校教师办公区。the garden of xiang, uses the same name of bashu garden. it combines all the school offices and function classrooms. the first floor includes sharing conventional hall and parent service hall, the second floor has the lab and music, art function classroom, the third floor mai

24、nly distributes scientific classroom, the fourth floor then has school facilities officies.湘园最突出的还是我身后的教师墙。巴蜀国际所有老师的照片都被做成心型放在希望的双手上,预示着老师是学校的根本和支柱。湘园四周环绕着花草树木,使我们上课更有了激情。总之,我们十分喜欢这座湘园。谢谢。the most promiment character of xiang is the wall behind me. there are all the teachers photos,which have been m

25、ade in the shape of heart and have been held up with the hands of hope. it means that the teacher is the basis and support of a school.the garden of xiang has been surrounded by flowers and grasses and it activizes us to study more cheerfully.thats all. thanks for your listening! please visit the ne

26、xt point!泽园good afternoon, everyone! welcome to longhu international department of bashu primary school. my name is _, from class_, grade_. its my honor to introduce the garden of ze for you. 各位来宾下午好,欢迎来到巴蜀国际,我是来自 班的 。很高兴为大家介绍泽园。这也是沿用巴蜀小学的一个建筑名。泽园的建筑是三层楼的围合。每层楼分布着12间普通的教室、办公室、洗手间,宽大的走廊相连,醒目的导视系统能准确告

27、诉你所处的位置。过道上有很多的展示墙,是展示自己学习成果的最好平台。the garden of ze, uses the same name of bashu garden. there are three floors in this building. each floor has 12 classrooms, offices and toilets. there are very roomy corridors and many convinient guiding signs. and the display counters ouside each classroom are the

28、 best place to show ourselves. thats all. thanks for your listening! please visit the next point!觉园good afternoon, everyone! welcome to longhu international department of bashu primary school. my name is _, from class_, grade_. its my honor to introduce the garden of jue for you. 各位来宾下午好,欢迎来到巴蜀国际,我是

29、来自 班的 。很高兴为大家介绍觉园。这个名称同样沿用了巴蜀小学的一个建筑名。觉园的建筑主要是由学生宿舍楼围合而成。我们这里有160位六年级的住校生,每间宿舍都按照标准间设计的,空调、洗手间、热水器等设施配置使我们的生活十分方便。中间庭院的喷泉、水渠、草坪等设计使得这个庭院十分的幽静。the garden of jue, uses the same name of bashu garden,too. this is our dormitory and there are 160 boarders here. the facilities of each room supply us every

30、need. the fountain, ditch and lawn makes the surrounding is very beautiful.thats all. thanks for your listening! please visit the next point!乐园good afternoon, everyone! welcome to longhu international department of bashu primary school. my name is _, from class_, grade_. its my honor to introduce th

31、e garden of le for you. 各位来宾下午好,欢迎来到巴蜀国际,我是来自 班的 。很高兴为大家介绍乐园。这是我们最喜欢的一个地方,色彩鲜艳的室外玩具,使我们在课间有了充分放松的地方。特别是我们的学弟学妹们,他们把乐园当作了心目中的迪斯尼。鲜花、草坪、软化了的地面,开阔的视野,围墙外时常有成人站在这里,欣赏着我们的玩耍,也在回味着逝去的童年。this is one of our favorite places. there are many colorful playing equipments and we, especially the younger students l

32、ove playing here very much. here is the disney land in their minds! when we are having fun here, the passersby are also interested in watching .maybe it recalls their childhood memories. thats all. thanks for your listening! please visit the next point!6. 英语剧白雪公主白雪公主白雪公主 皇后 魔镜 猎人 王子 小矮人音乐起 旁白: a lon

33、g time ago, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and a queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was snow white, she was a very beautiful princess. year passed, the king got married again. the people didnt love the new queen, because she

34、was day, in the kings palace:-白雪公主出场白雪公主: my name is snow white, i am a beautiful princess. i miss my mother so much. where is my mother? where is my mother? where is my mother?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场皇后: i am a queen, im very beautiful. where is mirror?mirror, mirror on the wall. whos the most beautif

35、ul?魔镜: snow white is much more beautiful than you!皇后: hunter, go kill snow white.猎人出场猎人: yes, my queen.音乐起,猎人追赶公主白雪公主: help me, help me, please, please.猎人:i cant. i cant.公主摔倒,猎人不忍心下手,下场白雪公主: i am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house.i will eat a little and lie down.音乐起,7个小矮人出场,小矮人1: look, s

36、omebody ate my food-小矮人2: somebody drank my water-小矮人3: someone is sleeping now-小矮人4: what a beautiful girl! -音乐起,公主醒了-小矮人对话小矮人5: how do you do?白雪公主: how do you do? my name is snow white.nice to meet you!小矮人:(齐说)nice to meet you ,too.小矮人6: welcome to our house!小矮人7: would you like to live here?白雪公主:

37、 my pleasure, thank you very much!小矮人: lets go out for our work, bye-bye, snow white.皇后、魔镜出场皇后: mirror, mirror on the wall.whos the most beautiful?魔镜: snow white is much more beautiful than you!皇后: what? snow white is not dead?hahaha, i got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话皇后: apple ,apple, beautiful app

38、le,白雪公主: hello, good morning grandma!皇后: pretty girl, would you like a bite?白雪公主: oh, yes, thank you, grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地皇后: the girl is dead! hahaha小矮人出场、围着公主哭小矮人: snow white, wake up, wake up音乐起,动物引着王子出场皇后: a beautiful girl! she shall be my queen! wake up, wake up, my queen.王子扶起公主,公主醒了白雪公主: thank y

39、ou for your help!王子: my pleasure.音乐起,小动物、小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞7. 英文歌曲do re milets start at the very beginninga very good place to startwhen you read you begin with a-b-cwhen you sing you begin with do-re-mido-re-mi, do-re-mithe first three notes just happen to bedo-re-mi, do-re-mido-re-mi-fa-so-la-tilets

40、see if i can make it easydoe, a deer, a female deerray, a drop of golden sunme, a name i call myselffar, a long, long way to runsew, a needle pulling threadla, a note to follow sewtea, a drink with jam and breadthat will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh)do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do so-do!edelweissedelweiss,

41、 edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花every morning you greet me 每日清晨我遇见你small and white, clean and bright 又小又白,又干净又晶莹you look happy to meet me 你看起来看见我很高兴blossom of snow may you bloom and grow含苞待放的雪骨朵,也许你会开花生长bloom and grow forever 开花生长到永远edelweiss, edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花bless my homeland forever 祝愿我的祖国春常在small and white, c

42、lean and bright 又小又白,又干净又晶莹you look happy to meet me 你看起来看见我很高兴blossom of snow may you bloom and grow含苞待放的雪骨朵,也许你会开花生长bloom and grow forever 开花生长到永远edelweiss, edelweiss 雪绒花,雪绒花bless my homeland forever 祝愿我的祖国春常在we wish you a merry christmaswe wish you a merry christmas.we wish you a merry christmas.

43、we wish you a merry christmas and happy new year.good wishes we bring to you and your kin.we wish you a merry christmas and happy new year.巴蜀蓝湖郡小学英语快乐诵读高段内容安排年段目标一、语言技能目标 听1、能在图片、图像、手势的帮助下听懂简单的话语或录音;2、能听懂简单的配图小故事;3、能听懂课堂活动中的提问;4、能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当反应。 说1、能在口头表达中做到发音清楚、语调达意;2、能就所熟悉的情况进行简短对话;3、能运用常用的日常用语;

44、4、能在提示下讲述简单的小故事。 读1、能认读所学词语;2、能根据拼读规律读出简单的单词;3、能读懂材料中简短的要求或指令;4、能借助图片读懂小故事、小短文,初步学习一些阅读技巧,并逐步养成按意群阅读的习惯;5、能正确朗读所学课文;6、初步学习如何使用简易学生英汉-汉英词典。 写1、能模仿范例书写句子;2、能将句子连起来书写小段落,了解书信的格式;3、能基本正确地使用常用标点符号。二、语言知识目标 语 音1、使学生知道错误的发音会影响交际;2、了解简单的拼读规律,初步认识48个国际音标;3、了解单词的重音;4、语音清楚、语调自然。三、情感态度目标继续培养和保持孩子们对英语课程的兴趣,以及乐于模

45、仿,敢于开口,积极参与的品质。四、学习策略基本学习策略1、积极主动与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;2、能主动向老师或同学请教;3、能根据自己的情况制定简单的英语学习计划;4、对所学内容能主动练习和实践;5、尝试阅读英语故事及其他英语课外读物;6、能在学习中集中注意力;7、能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流;8、能初步使用简单的学生英汉词典。五、文化意识1、知道英国的一些著名旅游景点;2、了解英语国家的饮食喜好及有关饮食习惯,知道英语国家中最常见的饮料和食品名称;3、了解中英两国地理、景观、风俗等文化的异同,培养跨文化意识,提高学习兴趣;4、了解中英两国道路安全规则的异同。8. 掌握日常交际用语日常

46、生活中的口语1. greetings 招呼 hello. 您好 how do you do? 您好 pleased to meet you.见到您真高兴 good morning.早上好 good afternoon.下午好 good evening.晚上好 modes of address 称呼 good morning, sir.早上好,先生。 welcome to our hotel, madam.夫人,欢迎您来我们的旅馆。 nice to see you again, madam.又见到您真高兴,夫人。 you must be professor smith.我想您就是史密斯教授吧!

47、excuse me. are you请原谅,您是贝斯特夫人吗? hello,贝斯特先生,您好! have some coffee, please, general ford.请喝咖啡,福特将军。 here are some letters for you, your royal highness.殿下,您的信 after you, your excellency.阁下,您先请。 getting acquainted 相识 allow me to introduce myself. 请让我自我介绍一下。 my name is_, the attendant

48、here.我叫 ,是这儿的服务员。 excuse me, but may i ask your name? 对不起,请问尊姓大名。 may i introduce mr.c? 请让我介绍c先生。 注:为他人作介绍,一般是先将男子介绍给妇女,将年轻者介绍给年长者,将身份低的人介绍给身份高的人,然后再把后者介绍给前者。对于身份高的人,不要轻易把别人介绍给他,而应先征得他的同意。对于介绍人不必表示谢意。 welcome to shanghai.欢迎您来上海。 2. offering help 提供帮助 a offering help 提供帮助 may i help you? 要我帮忙吗? 注 :较正

49、式、委婉。 is there anything i can do for you? 有什么我能为您做吗? can i do anything for you? 我能不能为您做些什么? what can i do for you? 我能为您做些什么? let me give you a hand. 让我来帮您一下吧! shall i carry this for you? 要不要我帮您拿这件东西? would you like me to get you something? what about some tea?给我弄点什么东西呢?喝点茶好吗? wont you have a bit of

50、this cake? 请尝一点蛋糕吧! b responses to specific offers 回答 oh, thank you.噢,谢谢了。 would you, please? 您肯帮忙?那太好了。 thank you, if its not too much trouble. 谢谢了,如果不是太麻烦的话。 wouldnt that be too much bother? 不会太麻烦吧? please dont bother. thank you just the same.请不要麻烦了,谢谢。 no, thank you. but it was very kind of you t

51、o offer. 不用了,谢谢。承蒙您好意提出。 i can manage. but thank you, anyway.我自己行了,但还是要谢谢您。 requests and responses 请求和回答 may i ask you a question? 我可以向您提个问题吗? -certainly. 当然可以。 can you do me a favour? 您能帮我个忙吗? -i will if i can. 如果我能,我愿意的。 would you speak a little louder? 请稍微说大声点。 -all right. 行。 would you mind handi

52、ng me that cup? 请把那个杯子递给我,好吗? -not at all. 好。 would you mind if i opened the window? 我开窗,可以吗? -not at all. go ahead. 好,请吧。 do you mind if i turn off the light? 我把灯关了,好吗? -id rather you didnt. 我倒希望您不要关。 could you spare me some matches? 您能让给我几根火柴吗? -certainly. here you are. 当然罗。给您。 may i borrow some b

53、ooks? 我可以借几本书吗? -sure. just help yourself. 可以,自己拿吧。3. thanks and answers 感谢和回答 a thank 感谢 thank you. 谢谢您。 thanks a lot. 多谢。 thank you for your help.谢谢您的帮助。 thank you. it was very kind of you.谢谢,您太好了。 im very much obliged to you.非常感谢您。 i dont know how i can thank you enough.我不知道怎样谢您才好。 youve done me

54、a great favour.您帮了我大忙。 i dont know what i should have done without your help.要不是您的帮助,我真不知道该怎么办。 b answers 回答 youre welcome.别客气。 not at all.没什么。 dont mention it.不必谢。 it was a real pleasure for me to do it.我很乐意这样做。 no trouble at all.一点儿也不麻烦。 glad to have been of help.我很高兴能给您帮个大忙。 there is nothing to thank me for.没有什么可谢我的。 apologies,regrets and responses 道歉,遗憾和回答 excuse me. 对不起。 -certainly. 请。 oh, pardon me. 请原谅。 -thats quite all right. 没关系。 sorry. 对不起。 -its nothing. 没什么。 im awfully sorry. 我很抱歉。 -that doesnt matter. 没关系。 im afraid i have taken up too much of your time. 恐怕占用您的时间太多了。 -not at


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