Unit 8 At the shop 教案2_第1页
Unit 8 At the shop 教案2_第2页
Unit 8 At the shop 教案2_第3页
Unit 8 At the shop 教案2_第4页




1、 module 3 unit 8 教案 2一、教学重点词汇:shop,soup句型:what would you like? id like some tomatoes.二、教学栏目listen and say, ask and answer三、教学目标1. 通过 listen and say 的情景对话,帮助学生理解核心句型的含义和用法。2. 通过 ask and answer 的对话操练,帮助学生在模拟商店的情景中初步运用核心句型来表达意愿,购买食物。3. 通过让学生根据上一课时的购物单进行模拟购物游戏,帮助学生进一步运用所学语言来完成购物任务。四、教学步骤pre-task prepara

2、tions1出示不同食物的图片如 carrot,potato,tomato,rice,fish,meat 等,让学生快速说出相应的词组。t: (show the picture of four carrots)ss: four carrots.2把挂图贴在黑板上,指着食品店的图片,问学生在店中能看到什么食品。t: what can you see at the shop?s1: i can see some meat and fish.s2: i can see some tomatoes and potatoes.while-task procedures 1与学生讨论去商店购物的经验。t:

3、 do you go shopping with your family?who do you go with? what do you buy?s1: yes, i do. i go shopping with my mum. we buy milk, eggs, and some meat.s2: i go shopping with my grandpa. we buy orange juice and cakes.t: if you have twenty yuan, what would you buy in the shop?s1: some candy and orange ju

4、ice.让学生拿出他们在上一课时完成的购物单,用 what would you like?询问,引导学生用 idlike 回答,让学生初步感知句型。t: (show a shopping list) id like some meat and orange juice. what would you like?s1: id like some carrots and fish.s2: id like some potatoes and tomatoes.2出示 mrs li 和 kitty 的空白购物单。告诉学生 mrs li 和 kitty 正在商店购物,然后播放listen and say

5、 的录音,在学生听录音之前,教师可出示问题,如:where are kitty and hermother? what do they have? 要求学生听完录音后回答。t: where are kitty and her mother?s1: they are at the shop.t: what do they have?s2: they have some candy, some orange juice, some tomatoes, some eggs, some potatoes andsome carrotst: how much are they?s3: theyre th

6、irty yuan.在学生回答问题时,将 mrs li 和 kitty 的购物单填完整。随后再播放课文录音,让学生跟读。some potatoessome carrotsmr li kitty3出示一份食品价格单,让学生根据listen and say 图中 kitty 和妈妈思想泡内的食物,帮助 kitty 查找相关食物的价格,做对子问答活动。t:(show the price list on the blackboard)s1: (point to the packet of candy) id like some candy. how much is this?s2: its seven

7、 yuan.s1: (point to the potatoes) id like three potatoes. how much are they?s2: theyre three yuan.然后让学生三人一组进行角色扮演,表演对话。4让学生看ask and answer 的图片。和个别学生示范问答,然后让学生两人一组练习问答。若条件许可,可以将学生分为六个大组。每组学生将教室的某一部分模拟装扮成一个食品店,在桌上放表示不同食物的图片或单词卡片以及价格标签。每组由一位学生扮演售货员,其他学生扮演顾客,购物时“售货员”需提供给“顾客”所要的食物卡片。如下图所示:s1: (act as the

8、 shop assistant) what would you like?s2: (act as a customer) id like some carrots and some apples, please.s1: (pick out the pictures of carrots and apples) here you are.s2: thank you. how much are they?s1: twelve yuan.s2: here you are.s1: thank you. post-task activities1. 出示食品价格单,让学生根据上一课时完成的购物单,改编

9、listen and say 的对话并表演。s1: (act as kitty) what would you like, mum?s2: (act as mrs li) id like some meat and carrots, id like some orange juice too, what would youlike, kitty?s1: id like some cakes.s2: how much are these?s3: (act as the shop assistant) twenty yuan, please.s2: here you are.s3: thank y

10、ou.将教室装扮成食品店,在教室不同角落的墙壁上贴上不同食物的图片以及价格标签。将学生分成四人一组。让学生以小组的形式,根据各自的购物单,用30 元去购物,在教室的不同地点进行模拟购物对话,看哪组学生在最短时间内买到最多种类的食物。教师可以先和个别学生模拟购物对话。t: good morning, welcome to my shop, what would you like?si: id like some eggs, some potatoes, some tomatoes and some meat, how much are they?t: twenty yuan.si: here you are.t: thank you.完成购物


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