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1、七年级英语上册第七单元教案年级七学科英语主备教师复备教师课题Unit7 HOW InUCh are these socks? SeCtiOnA (la-2e)课型听说课教材分析本单元主要用绕“购物这一主题展开,学习表示衣物的名词、表示颜色的形容词和表示 大小的形容词,同时复习了基数词以及指示代词this thatX these thoseo核心句型为HoW much 引导的询问价格的特殊疑问句,要求学生能够运用所学句型询问价格,谈论衣物,提供帮助 和感谢他人。学情分析学生在本册书已Starter3中已经初步掌握了表示颜色的形容词,询问价钱的句型在小学接触 过,对学生来说难度不大,所以本节课重点

2、是帮助学生复习学过的单词和句型,让学生熟练 运用目标句型进行对话。教 学 目 标1.知识与技能:(1) Learn the new WOrdS and expressions:SOCkJ T-shirt, ShOrtSJ sweater, shoes, skirt, trousers(2) Learn how to ask about the PriCeS-HOW much is? -It, S dollars-HOW much are? - They redollars2能力目标:Learn how to shop.3.情感目标:通过本课学习,学生学会有礼貌地谈论物品的颜色和价格,与他人文明

3、沟通。教学重点 难点分析L 教学重点:HOW much is ? It s HOW much are ? Theyf re2.教学难点:通过对话表演让学生在较为真实的语境下,运用所学的语言进行购物的交际。教学策略 分析(1) WOrk in PairS Or groups to Iearn new StrUCtUre(2) Task-based teaching approach(3) DemOnStratiOn method课前准备教师课件导学案学生预习单词教学活动过程设计(第丄课时)教学 环节教学活动设计 意图教师活动学生活动PreParation1 Greet the StUdent a

4、s USUal2. ReViSe the numbers from 1 to91 Greeting2 ReViSiOn复习旧知识,为新课打下 基础。教学 环节教学活动设计意图通过歌曲,复习颜 色的单词,激起学 生学习热情,岀示 服装店图片,使教 学很快导入到学习 主题通过反复操 练新句型总结句型UHOW much is / are? It is / They are,的特 点:单数用is ,复 数用are.教师活动学生活动LCad into记忆大比拼。观看视频, 说颜色。观看视频,说颜色。PreSentatiOn1 ShOW a PiCtUre Of a ClOtheS ShOP With d

5、ifferent kinds Of CIOtheS in it On the SCreen2. MatCh the WOrdS With the things in the PiCtUrea3 PreSent how to ask and answer about the PriCeLOOk at the PiCtUre Of the CIOtheS ShOP and match the WOrdS With the things in the PiCtUreSAnSWer the teacher, S QUeStiOnS and PraCtiCe the key SentenCeS当堂训练在

6、大屏幕上岀示习题选择合适的句子填空A:1B: Yes, PIeaSe I Want aSWeaterA:2B: GreenA: Here you areB: Oh3A: Sorry, this is a SmalIOneB: Good.4A: 20 dollarsB:5Here is themoneyA: Thank you.1、完成对话,订正答案。2、两人一组练习对话。巩固目标句型,让 学生更熟练的掌握 新句型。教学 环节教学活动设计 学生意图教师活动学生活动总结延伸让学生在情景模拟下完成任 务:假设今天你的朋友要过生 日,同学们到商场给她买鞋 帽,衣服等礼物,学生四人一 组,练习对话,教师

7、巡视指导。 最后小组展示对话成果。学生在小组内根据情景完 成对话。在全班而前展示对话成 果。通过“shopping”这个生 活平台,学生不仅可以在 愉快的氛围中运用本Yj 课所学询问价钱等语言, 而且使学习的过程变得 生动有趣.SUmmarySUmmariZe SOme IangUagePOintS复习巩固加深学生对重点句型的 理解,突出目标语言。HOmeWOrk1 Make a COnVerSatiOn about ShOPPing2.重点复习本节课的重点词 汇、短语、句型1 Make a COnVerSatiOn about ShOPPing2、重点复习本节课的重点 词汇、短语、句型复习巩

8、固板 书 设 计Unit7 HOW much are these socks?SeCtion A (la-2c)jacket, sweater, shirt, T-shirt, SkirtHOW much is the? It? sdollarsShOrts, trousers, sock, ShOeSHOW much are the? They, redollars教学 反 思年级七学科英语主备教师复备教师课题Unit7 HOW InUCh are these socks? SeCtiOn A (Gralnlnar FoCIIS 3c)课型复习课教材分析本单元主要用绕“购物这一主题展开,学习

9、表示衣物的名词、表示颜色的形容词和表示 大小的形容词,同时复习了基数词以及指示代词this thatthesethoseo核心句型为HoWmUCh 引导的询问价格的特殊疑问句,要求学生能够运用所学句型询问价格,谈论衣物,提供帮助 和感谢他人。学情分析学生在第一课时已经初步掌握了如何礼貌的询问价格,本Vf课继续巩固目标句型,学会运用 重点句型编造对话。教 学 目 标1.知识与技能:(1) Learn the SentenCeS Of the Grammar FOCUS(2) GO On Iearning how to ask about the PriCeS-HOW much is? -It,

10、S dollars-HOW much are? - They redollars2 能力目标:Learn to make UP the new SentenCeS USing the target IangUage3情感目标:通过本课学习,学生学会有礼貌地谈论物品的颜色和价格,与他人文明沟通。教学重点 难点分析L 教学重点:HOW much is ? It s HOW much are ? They re2.教学难点:Make UP the new sentences.教学策略 分析(1) WOrk in PairS Or groups to Iearn new StrUCtUre(2) Ta

11、sk-based teaching approach(3) DemOnStratiOn method课前准备教师课件导学案学生复习询问价格的句子教学活动过程设计(第2课时)教学 环节教学活动设计 意图教师活动学生活动准备与热身(PreParatiOn)1 ShOW SiX COlOred PenS to the CIaSS teach and PraCtiCe blacks white, red, green, blue and yellowby Chanting2 ShOW PiCtUreS Of two bags TelI the StUdentS : LOOk at these two

12、bags ThiS One isred It SfivedollarsIt S big And this OneisblueItS3dollarsIt SSmaI1. MakeSUretheStUdentSUnderStand the meaning Of OSmalIM and UbigM 3 ShOW two PairS Of SOCkS TelI the StUdentS : ThiS Pair Of SOCkS is IOng .Theyarefivedollars.That Pair Of SOCkS is ShOrt .They are three dollars(HeIP the

13、 StUdentS to UnderStand UIOng and a ShOrt,)4 Let StUdentS IOOk at the PiCtUreSf COmPare With the hat, the T-shirtAnd Iet them describe Iike this:It S a big red hat It S a SmalI yellow hat3 ChantWiththeteacher4 ReViSiOn复习旧知识,为新课打下 基础。教学 环节教学活动设计 意图教师活动学生活动ASk StUdentS to read theIX Read the SentenCeS

14、 in the呈现与输入SentenCeS in the box inbox in PairS进一步复习重点句(PreSentatiOn)PairS2、Make COnVerSatiOnS USing型,运用所学句型the target IangUage to谈论熟悉的话题,Therl make COnVerSatiOnStalk about the things in是语言输岀的过USing the target IangUage tothe CIaSSrOOm.程。talk about the things in theCIaSSrOOm.练习与体验(PraCtiCe)1 SS read

15、the WOrdS in the three boxes in 3&2 Make SentenCeS in the Chart With the WOrdS in the boxesHOW much is the yellow T shirt?HOW much are these black socks?1 Read the WOrdS in the three boxes in 3e.2 Make SentenCeS in the Chart With the WOrdS in the boxes.对目标句型的加 深巩固。运用与生成(PrOdUCtiOn)1 LOOk at the PiCt

16、UreS in 3b and Write the QUeStiOnS and answers2 WOrk in PairS.Check the answers With the deskmateASk StUdentS to read through the instruction Of 3c SO that they Can know how to do this activityThen PUt StUdentS into PairS to do this taskStUdent A IOOkS at thePiCtUreS and tries tomemorise the PriCeSS

17、tUdent B asks the PriCeSIf StUdent A answers right,StUdent B goes On asking IfStUdent A fails answering the PriCeSt they may Change the roles1 LOOk at the PiCtUreS in 3b, and Write the QUeStiOnS and answers2. WOrk in pairs.Check theanswers With the desknate.让学生看图完成问 题或回答,让学生 熟练掌握所学语 言,并能用所学语 言编造新的对话

18、。巩固与提高(PrOgreSS)SUmmary【探究点】HOW much is/are ?“多少钱? ”这是购物时 询问商品价格的一个常用句 型。相当于 What, S the PriCe of? HOW much is +可数爼 词单数/不可数名词?回答用 Its;HOW much are +可数 名词复数?回答用They are【针对训练】一一这个白色的包多少 钱?10美兀。HOW much is the White bag?It S 10 dollars二这条蓝色的裤子多 少钱?20美元。HOW much are the blue trousers?They are 20 dollars

19、 【拓展1 how much引导询 问数量的特殊疑问句时,意为 多少”,其结构为:how much +不可数名词+般疑问句?【针对训练】你需要多少水?HoW ImICh Water do you needTake notes and finish the exercisesCheCk the answers理淸知识点,让学 生巩固所学内容。家庭作业(HOnIeWOrk)1 Remember the target IangUage in Grammar FOCUS and recite them.2.完成学生用书本课时 练习。1. Remember the target IangUage in

20、Granlmar FOCUS and recite them.2. 完成课时练习。复习巩固板 书 设 计Unit7 HOW much are these socks? SeCtiOn A (GramnIar FOCUS-3c)HOW much is the? It? sdollarsHOW much are the? They* redollars教 学 反 思年级七学科英语主备教师复备教师课题Unit7 HOW much are these socks? SeCtiOnB (Ia-Ie)课型听说课教材分析本课时主要内容是教学数字10-31,练习询问价格,让学生学会数字的表达方式,并能根 据听

21、力材料正确理解对话内容,听出价格。学情分析学生在SeCtiOnA中已经能熟练掌握询问价格的句型,之前已经学习过数字1-10,本节课重 点是数字10-31,难度不太大。教 学 目 标1. 知识与技能:(1) Learn the numbers and PhraSeSTenthirty One(2) 继续练习“询问价格”并学习运用数字来表达价钱。2. 能力目标:能听出听力材料中的数字,能用较大数字表达价格.3. 情感目标:通过本课学习,学生学会有礼貌地谈论物品的颜色和价格,与他人文明沟通。教学重点 难点分析1. 教学重点:数字ten-thirty-one的表达方式,并能在实践活动中进行运用。2.

22、教学难点:听出材料中的数字完成听力任务。教学策略 分析(1) WOrk in PairS Or groups to Iearn new StrUCtUre(2) Task-based teaching approach(3) DemOnStratiOn method课前准备教师课件导学案学生背诵单词和重点句子。教学活动过程设计(第丄课时)教学 环节教学活动设计 意图教师活动学生活动准备与热身(PreParatiOn)T: NUmberS are known to US all. We Can See them everywhere We Ve Iearned ten numbers from

23、ZerO to nine There are COUntleSS numbersSo We WilI ask how We Can memorize them One by One There are SOme rules in the numbers .Now let S Iearn them.FirSt discuss SOme questions:1 What, S 1 10 in English?2 Can We Say UlIM as ten OneM in English?3 HOW do you SPelI 12 13 14 in English?5. COUnt from On

24、e to ten6. Learn the numbers ten to thirty-one复习旧知识,为新课打下 基础。教学 环节教学活动设计 意图教师活动学生活动呈现与输入(PreSentatiOn)1 PIay the recording for the StUdentS to IiSten2 ShOW SOme number CardS and Iet the StUdentS read the CardS With the EngIiSh numbers Orl them3 PIay the number CardS in pairs.1LiSten and repeat2.PraC

25、tiCe the numbers in PairS对学生进行听 力训练。练习与体验 (PraCtiCe)Read the following WOrdS and Write the numbers next to them The WOrdS and numbers Say the Same thing.1LiSten and CirCIe2 LiSten to the COnVerSatiOn again Whdt things are Kate and her mother talking about? PleaSe CirCle them. And try to find OUt Wha

26、t things they are going to buy. CheCk the answers(Id)LiSten to the tape and CirCIe the numbers they hear.LiSten to the tape and CirCIe the things Kate and her mother are talking about and CheCk the things Kate buys运用与生成(PrOdUCtiOn)ASk and answer about the things in the PiCtUreASk and answer about th

27、e things in the PiCtUre语言输出的过 程,锻炼学生的 口语。巩固与提高(PrOgreSS)【探究点】基数词的用法表示数量的词叫基数词。One到 twelve,拼写和读音没有什么相似之处, 无规律可言,应逐个进行记忆Othirteen 到nineteen,表示十几”,在个位数 后加 teeno twenty 到 ninety.表示 U 几 十”,均是以一ty结尾。2129直到 9199,表示几十几”,用整十位数 加个位数表示,中间用连字符“一”把 十位数和个位数连接起来。OnehUndred 意为“一百”,表示一百还可以用a hundred.要表示200900的整百位数,

28、用“具体数字+hundred O【针对训练】基数词填空。four 一fourteen(14)forty(4 0)five (5)fifteen(15)fifty(50 )eight (8) eighteen(18) eighty (80)twelve (12) twenty (20)Take notes and finish the exercises理淸知识点,让 学生巩固所学 内容。HOmeWOrk1 Remember the WOrdS in lb.2 Make a SimiIar COnVerSatiOn Iike Ie With your Partner3.完成学生用书本课时练 习。

29、1 Remember the WOrdS in lb.2 Make a Similar COnVerSation Iike Ie With your Partner3.完成课时练习。板 书 设 计Unit7 HOW much are these socks? SeCtiOn B (Ia-Ie)One two three four five SiX SeVerl eight nine tenEIeVen twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen SiXteen SeVenteen eighteen nineteentwenty thirty教 学 反 思年级七学科 英语主

30、备教师复备教师课题Unit7 HOW much are these socks? SeCtiOnB (2a-Self CheCk)课型阅读写作课教材分析本单元主要围绕“购物”这一主题展开,学习如何作价格报告,利用课件获教学图片来 展开课堂PainVOrk问答式的口语交际活动和小组调査活动,谈论服装并学习询问服装的价格 与颜色初步学习广告的写法,能仿写一则自己的服装店广告。学情分析学生已经初步学会了有关询问价格的句子,但本U课涉及写广告,对学生来说可能有些难度, 所以合适的设计教学过程,争取让复杂的知识简单化。教 学 目 标1. 知识与技能:(1) 复习巩固所学的有关服装词汇、数词10-31,能

31、在不同情境下正确运用。(2) 阅读服装商店的促销广告,并能获取价格等相关信息,能运用语言写自己的广告2. 能力目标:能为自己的服装店写一则促销广告3情感目标:通过本课学习,学生学会有礼貌地谈论物品的颜色和价格,与他人文明沟通。教学重点 难点分析1. 教学重点:阅读广告并能获取相关信息;写一则促销广告。2. 教学难点:写一则促销广告。教学策略 分析(1) WOrk in PairS Or groups to Iearn new StrUCtUre(2) Task-based teaching approach(3) DemOnStratiOn method课前准备教师课件导学案学生复习数词及询问

32、价格的句子教学活动过程设计(第4课时)教学 环节教学活动设计 意图教师活动学生活动准备与热身(PreParatiOn)1 Greet the WhOle CIaSS as USUa 12 ReViSiOnShOW SOme real ObjeCtSSUCh as a bag a SWeaterSOCkS and SO Ont and Play a guessing game to PraCtiCe o HOW much is ? ” UHOW much are ? M and their answersT: DO you Iike games?Let* S PIay a guessing ga

33、me(ShOW a bag) What S this? HOW much is it?YOU Can guess the PriCe from $1 to $10 and you have Only three ChanCeS to find OUt the right answerIf you can* tgettherightPriCeI11betheWinner(bag , T Shirt ShOeSt SOCkSt etc)7 Greet the teacher8 ReViSiOn9 PIay a guessing game复习旧知识,为新课打下 基础。游戏导入,吸引学 生兴趣,引起关

34、注。教学活动设计 意图教学 环节教师活动学生活动呈现与输入(PreSentatiOn)MatCh each CIOtheS With a PriCeASk SOme QUeStiOnS Iike this: MatCh each CIOtheS With a PriCeT: DO you USUalIy go ShOPPing?T: DO you go alone Or With your parents?T: DO you know the PriCeS Of SOme things? Now, have a IOOk at the things and PriCeS in the boxe

35、s HOW much do you think these things cost? MatCh each item WithaPriCe DOitindividually, and then 11 CheCk your answersLeaVe StUdentS two minutes to do it. CheCk the answers IaterRead the ad in 2b SiIently and find What things you Can buy at Mr. COOr S CIOtheS StOreLeaVe StUde nts two minutestoreadth

36、ePaSSage .TheninviteaStUdent to answer the QUeStiOnLMatch each ClOtheS With a price.2. AnSWertheteacher, SQUeStiOnS3. Read the ad and find What things they Can buy at Ir. COOr S CIOtheS StOre进一步复习重点句 型,运用所学句型 谈论熟悉的话题, 是语言输岀的过 程。学会在阅读材料 中获取重要信息练习与体验(PraCtiCe)Let the SS COmPIete the COnVerSatiOn and P

37、raCtiCe it in a group and act OUt the COnVerSatiOn in front Of the CIaSS in PairSRead the ad in 3a and fill in the blanks in the adLet StUdentS report their answersLet StUdentS Write an ad TherI ShOW their ads to the CIaSS1. COmPIete the COnVerSatiOn and PraCtiCe it in a group and act OUt the COnVerSatiOn in front Of the CIaSS in PairS 2 Read the ad in 3a and fill in the blanks in the ad.3 RePOrt their answers4. DeSign and Write their OWn ads then ShOW their ads to the CIaSS


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