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1、There be 句型专项练习There be 句型1. 定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。2. 结构:(1) There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are +复数名词+地点状语. there是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出。句子的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。eg. There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。 There is a teacher and many students in

2、 our classroom.我们教室里有一位老师和许多学生。 There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩,一个女孩。3. There be句型与have的区别:(1) There be 句型和have都表示“有”的含义。区别如下:There be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。 eg. He has two sons. 他有两个儿子。 There are two men in the office. 办公室里有两个男人。(2)当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,Ther

3、e be 句型与其可互换。eg. A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week. 一个星期有七天。变脸一:否定句 There be句型的否定式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上not或no即可。注意not和no的不同:not是副词,no为形容词,not a/an/any + n. 相当于no+ n.。例如: There are some pictures on the wall. There arent any pictures on the wall. =There are no pictures on the w

4、all. There is a bike behind the tree. There isnt a bike behind the tree. =There is no bike behind the tree. 变脸二:一般疑问句 There be句型的一般疑问句变化是把be动词调整到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可,此为调整法。但同时要注意:当肯定句中有some时,要将其改为any(否定变化也一样)。看看下面两句是如何改头换面的吧: There is some water on Mars. Is there any water on Mars? There are some fish in t

5、he water. Are there any fish in the water? 变脸三:特殊疑问句 There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化: 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用Whos+介词短语?;当主语是物时,用Whats + 介词短语?。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如: There are many things over there. Whats over there? There is a little girl in the room.Who is in the room? 对地点状语提问:提问地点

6、当然用Where is / are+主语?啦!例如: There is a computer on the desk. Where is the computer? There are four children on the playground. Where are the four children? 对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构: How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语? How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?There be 句型专练一.根据所给汉语完成句子。1. 桌子上有一本书和两支钢笔。There _ a book and two pens

7、 on the desk. 2. 钱包里有些钱。There _ some money in the picture. 3. 在吉姆的书包里有一些卡片。_ _ some cards in Jims bag.4. 里面还有其他的东西吗?_ _ anything else in it?5. 我们学校有许多班。There _ many _ in our school.6. 树上没有鸟。There _ _ birds in the tree.二.选择填空:1. Are there any maps on the wall? _ A. There are some. B. Yes, there is. C

8、. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are. 2. How many _ are there in the picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk3. There arent _ trees near the house. There is only one. A. any B. some C. many D. much4. There _ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are5. Are there _ houses near the

9、river? Yes, there are . A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any三.句型转换:1. There is a woman near the house.(变复数) 2. There are some buses near the hill.(变单数)3. There are some apples in the tree.(变一般问句) 4. There are some oranges in the glass.(变否定句)5. Is there a baby in the room?(变复数)6. There

10、 are many beautiful flowers in the garden. (就划线部分提问) _ _ in the garden?7. There is a bookcase in my study. (变一般问句)_ _ _ _ in your study?8. There is a soccer ball and a basketball on the floor. _ _ on the floor?9. My new dress is in the wardrobe. _ _ your new dress?10. There are some big trees behind

11、 my house. _ _ _ big trees?四.there be 与have区别专练。1. This desk _ four legs. 2. _ some books on the desk.3. Everyone _ a dictionary in my class. 4. _ (没有) knives in the room.5. I _ a new sweater. 6. _ some flowers and a desk in the room.7. _ nothing in the bag. 8. They _ something to eat.There be 句型难点解

12、析及练习一、 There be 句型常用的时态形式有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时和过去完成时。例如: 1. There is someone at the door to see you. 门口有人找你。2. There will be a meeting this evening. 今晚有个约会。3. -Have there been any letters from Jack lately? 近日有杰克的来信吗?-No, there hasnt. 不,没有。4. There had been many such accidents before you came. 你来之

13、前就有过很多起这样的事故。二、 There be 句型中be 前面可用一些半助动词,如:be about to (就要), be certain to (一定会), be going to (将要),be likely to (可能), be to (要), had better (最好), have to (必须), used to (过去常), appear/seem/happen to (似乎/恰好)等。例如:1. There used to be a grocery store on the corner. 以前在这个街口有家杂货店。2. There is certain to be

14、something wrong with the engine. = It appears / is certain that there is something wrong with the engine. 发动机一定是出了毛病。3. There appears to have been a nasty accident. 似乎有一起严重的事故。三、 There be 句型中的替换词有:come (来), develop (产生), exist (存在), fall (落下), follow (跟随), happen (发生), lie (躺着), live (住着), occur (发生

15、), remain (还有), rise (升起),stand (站着)等。这些动词可以有时态变化,及物动词还可以有语态变化。例如:1. There fell a deep silence. 突然一片寂静。2. There remains one more test to be carried out before putting the instrument into operation. 在使用这一设备之前要完成一项试验。3. Not long after this, there occurred a sudden revolution in public taste. 此后不久,公众的情

16、趣发生了突然的变化。4. There stands at the center of the square the Monument to the Peoples Heroes. 在广场的中央矗立着人民英雄纪念碑。四、 There be 句型中,谓语动词和合后面的主语在数方面保持一致。如果有两个或更多的主语,则与离动词最近的那个主语保持一致。例如:There is only a table, four chairs and a small bed in the room. 房子里有一张桌子,四把椅子和一张小床。五、 There be 句型有不定式、现在分词和动名词形式,在句中用作主语、宾语、定

17、语或状语等。例如:1. There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage. 公共汽车站离家这么近是一个很有利的条件。(There being a bus 用作主语)2. I dont want there to be any misunderstanding. 我不想引起任何误解。(There to be 作宾语)3. No one would have dreamt of there being such a fine place. 谁也没想到会有这样的一个好地方。(There being 在句子中作介词of的宾语。需

18、注意的是,结构若出现在介词for的后面则要用动词不定式;若出现在其他介词后面则要用动名词)4. There being no bus, we had to walk home. 因为没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。 (“There being + 名词”构成独立主格结构,在句中作状语)六、 “There be no doing” 表示“不可能做”。例如:1. There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。2. Theres no saying what hell be doing next. 他接下去要做什么,很难断言。3. T

19、here is no bearing such rude remarks. 如此粗话,叫人根本无法忍受。专项练习:1. In the eastern part of New Jersey _, a major shipping and manufacturing center.A. lies the city of Elizabeth B. the city of ElizabethC. around the city of ElizabethD. there lie the city of Elizabeth2. It isnt cold enough for there _ a frost

20、 tonight, so I can leave Jims car out quite safely.A. would beB. beingC. wasD. to be3. The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the final exam.A. beB. beingC. have beenD. to be4. There _ no fresh drinking water and no good farm land, it was not a comfortable place in which to live

21、.A. beB. wasC. wereD. being5. If ever again _ happens an accident like this, we will have only ourselves to blame.A. itB. soC. thereD. that6. He said it was impossible for _ a mistake in a computers calculation, so you can rly on that.A. there beingB. there would beC. there to beD. there was7. Ann n

22、ever dreams of _ for her to be sent abroad very soon.A. there being a chanceB. there to be a chanceC. there be a chanceD. being a chance8. Once he starts talking about Chinese or foreign affairs, ancient or modern, _.A. there is no stopping of himB. he is not to stopC. there is no stopping himD. it

23、is no stopping him9. The chairman insisted that there be a meeting _ within the shortest possible time.A. to holdB. to be heldC. to have been heldD. to be holding10. Where _ dirt, there are flies.A. there hasB. isC. there isD. has there11. Around the world _ may be as many as a million earthquakes i

24、n a single year.A. yetB. theyC. thereD. has there12. _ no air, there would be no life on the earth.A. There wasB. There wereC. Was thereD. Were there13. _, she went back to her room.A. There was no cause for alarmB. Without having cause for alarmC. Being no cause for alarmD. There being no cause for

25、 alarm14. _ to the railway station, we missed the train.A. There is no busB. No bus goesC. There not being any busD. Not any bus15. He said, “_ a long way to school. _ a long way to go yet before we arrive.”A. It is There isB. There is It isC. It is It isD. There is There is16. There has been a grea

26、t increase in retail sales, _?A. does thereB. isnt thereC. hasnt thereD. isnt it17. We left the meeting, there obviously _ no point in staying.A. wereB. beingC. to beD. having18. There is no point _ with him, since he has already made up his mind.A. argueB. to argueC. in arguingD. of arguing19. Ther

27、e was a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _ a sudden loud noise.A. being thereB. should there beC. there wasD. there having been20. The house improvements have taken _ little there is of my spare time.A. howB. whatC. that D. some1-5 A D D D C610 C A C B C11-15 C D D C A16-20 C

28、 B C B B初中英语There be句型专项练习选择填空。 1There _ no tea in the cup Ais Bare Chas Dbe 2There_ in the next room Ais Tom Bare some boys Care they Dis the boy 3There is some _on the plate Aapple Bbread Cbanana Dsandwich 4There _ some paper and a pen on the desk Ais Bare Chave Dhas 5There _ a school at the foot

29、of the hill Ahave Bstand Care Dstands 6Theres going to _ in tomorrows newspapers Ahave something new Bhave new something Cbe something new Dbe new something 7There is some milk in the bottle, _ ? Aisnt there Barent there Cisnt it Dare there 8 _ is there on the table? AHow many apples BHow much bread

30、 CHow much breads DHow many food 9There are sixty minutes in _ hour Aan Bthe Ca D 10There is _ old woman in the car A Ba Cthe Dan 11Theres _ orange tree behind _ house Aan ;the Ba;a Cthe;the 12There is _ map in the classroom _ map is on the wall Aa;A Bthe;The Ca;The Dthe;A 13There is _ “f”and _ “u”i

31、n the word“four” Aan;a Ba;a Can;an Da;an 14There _ not any water in the glass Ahas Bis Care 15There _ a football match in our school this afternoon Aare going to have Bis going to have Care going to be Dis going to be 16There _ an apple and ten bananas in the basketYou can take any of them Aare Bis Chas Dhave 17 _ any flowers on both sides of the street? AIs there BAre there CHas DHave 18There _ great changes in our country since 1979 Ahave been Bwere Chas been Dare 19There is little water in the glass, _ ? Aisn t there Bisnt it Cis it D


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