



1、gre写作考试首段该怎么写好 gre写作考试的分数并不是那么容易拿到,同学们一定要知道gre写作考试首段如何写,还要确立正确的gre写作考试观点,下面就和大家分享gre写作考试首段该怎么写好,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。gre写作考试首段该怎么写好?1、gre写作首段方式-观点对立观点对立的方式就是指*开头首先引出人们对要讨论的问题的不同看法,然后提出作者自己的gre写作考试观点,或者偏向的哪个看法。对立法的句型多用于有争议性的主题。比如:当问起世界上现在最大的问题是什么,许多人说是严重的能源危机。他们担心人类不久会用完石油、发生食品短缺。但有些人则持乐观的看法,他们把能源危机看成是经济



4、己的观点。例如:there has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money. a recent survey showed that x percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority,compared to x percent only a few years ago. why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happi

5、ness?从这个开头段中可以看出,首先也是题目要讨论的话题,但是最后一句用一个“反问”的方式,提出要讨论的话题,还起到了强调的作用,能够引起读者共鸣,引发思考。gre写作高分范文:生动剖析写作gre写作题目:too much time, money, and energy are spent developing new and more elaborate technology. society should instead focus on maximizing the use of existing technology for the immediate benefit of its

6、citizens.gre写作范文:i must say that i reject this statement. while it is true that we need to support society as much as possible with current technology, that does not in any way mean that we should stop progressing simply because our current technology cannot handle all the problems we have brought t

7、o it. does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? no, i dont think so. to do so would be tantamount to adopting a fatalistic approach; i think most people would reject has helped, and it has hurt. without it, we would never have our standard of living, nor

8、 quality of nutrition, expectation of a long and productive life span, and the unshakable belief that our lives can be made even better. but it has also brought us universal pollution, weapons so powerful as to be capable of rendering us extinct, and the consequent fear for our survival as species a

9、nd as a planet. technology is indeed a double-edged sword. and yet, i still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.some might argue that we would be better off without technology. they might say that a return to a less technologically driven approach to life would have the b

10、enefits of reducing stress and allowing us to live simpler, happier lives, like those of our forebears. such an idea is seductive, so much so that much of art and all of nostalgia are devoted to it. but upon closer inspection, one realizes that such a move would only return us to a life of different

11、 kinds of stress, one of false simplicity, one fraught with danger. it would be a life without antibiotics where a minor cut could prove deadly. it would be a life where childbirth is the main killer of women, and where an emergency is dealt with in terms of hours and days instead of minutes and hou

12、rs; a life where there are no phones or cars or planes or central heating, no proven drug therapies to treat mental illness, no computers. would this world really make people happy?what we already have, we have. and since the only way to move is forward, instead of allowing ourselves to be paralyzed

13、 by fear and worry, we need to learn how to clean up the pollution we have caused, and how to deal with a world that feeds on weapons and mass destruction. doing these things means having to move away from technology into a more difficult realm, that of diplomacy and compromise: to move from the bul

14、ly stance of “i am bigger and better and i have more toys and so i win” to a place where everyone is the thing that will allow people to do that. but, advanced as it is, it is still in its infancy. we have to allow it to grow up and mature in order to reap the real rewards that it ca

15、n bring. and there are even greater rewards ahead of us than what the world has already experienced. when technology is pushed to the outer edge, that is where serendipitous discoveries can occur. this has been seen throughout technological advancement, but the easiest example is probably the space

16、program which made us think, really hard, about how to do things in a different environment. it gave us telecommunications, new fabrics and international cooperation. paramedical devices, so that people can be treated even as they are being transported to the hosptal, are a direct development of tha

17、t technology. none of this would have happened in the time frame that it did if we had not pushed for technological advancement. if we had decided to “focus on maximizing the use of existing technology” instead of foolishly reaching for the stars, we would not have made those discoveries which now a

18、re the bedrock of the 21st century.gre写作分析:字数:651语言:平实的语句完全没有网络流行模板的痕迹,也是许多过了6级的考生通过练习可以达到的水平。i must say that i reject this statement.does that mean that we should simply accept the status quo and make do? no, i dont think has helped, and it has is indeed a double-edged

19、 sword. and yet, i still have to argue in its favor, because without it, we have no hope.gre写作高分范文:避免偏激题目:most people often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms: we shou

20、ld avoid the tendency to compare it to something else.人们总是在寻找相同点,即使是在非常不同的事物间也不例外,甚至有时候这样做是无用乃至有害的。实际上,我们应该具体问题具体分析;我们应该尽量避免比较的倾向。正文:in the age of accelerating changes, the eagerness to understand things in an effective and equally efficient way is more than ever. although all kinds of complex techn

21、iques, skills and equipments helpful for understanding and studying the objects are easily accessible to people, the basic strategies stay the same as before: one is starting from similarities and the other from distinction. from my personal point of view, only by using the two in proper proportion

22、and order can one achieve his/her goal to understand a thing.looking for similarities is a proper starting point. when we first meet something new,we need to clarify its basic attributes, finding similarites with other familiar things and classify it according to those attributes. classification acc

23、ording to similaties is of great assistance to provide us with an outline, basic knowledge which we can base further investigation upon. although things in contemporary age represent themselves in various forms and styles, similarities exist in any pair as long as certain perspective can be found. f

24、or instance, bookcase and window are so different that at first glance, one may not be able to find the similarities, or even such an effort seems to be meaningless. yet, they are both part of a house, something that must be taken into consideration when decorating or refurnishing the house. such a

25、comparison would be helpful for us to realize that “buy” and “sell” are two basic operation we can have upon window even though we have no idea what window is made of, how it is produced or what its function is.whats more, looking forsimilarities not only refer to the object itself, but the relation

26、ship with others. similar relationships helps people understand things in groups or pairs using the strategy: analogy. analogy is especially useful when the charactertistics of a relationship rather than the objects themselves are the focus of understanding and when similar relationships are known and objects unknown. for example, if told that the relationship between window and asve is similar to t


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