已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、轮胎外观缺陷分析apparent defect analysis of tire外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution缺胶lack of rubber胎侧缺胶 sidewall lack of rubber半成品部件材料不足 insufficient materials for semi-finished part在半成品部件生产过程中 保证部件尺寸、重量符合工 艺标准make sure dimension and weight can meet the technological standard during manufacturing proce

2、ss of the semi-finished part胎胚放偏deflected green tire装胎时要放正,合模时多松 压几次make sure the tire is installed correctly, and release and press the tire for multiple times during mould closing胎侧表面脏,白灰尘、油污 等surface of the sidewall is dirty and covered with dust, oil dirt, etc.装胎前仔细检查胎侧表面, 保证胎胚清洁check the surfac

3、e of the sidewall carefully before installing the tire, make sure the green tire is clean部件停放时间过长,影响表 固黏性和流动性part has been placed for a long time, and the surface stickiness and fluidity are affected胎胚必须按先后顺序及时 硫化the green tires should be cured sequentially in time胎侧有气泡sidewall has bubbles刺破后压实、压平pi

4、erce the bubbles, then compact and flatten the sidewall模型内积水mould is internally provided with accumulated water装胎前模具吹干、吹净,保 证模具清洁,气孔流畅外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solutiondry and clean the mould by blowing before installing the tire, make sure the mould is clean, and the air holes are smooth模具跑气孔

5、位置不当incorrect positions of mould air holes增加跑气孔increase the number of air holes硫化压力、温度过低curingpressure andtemperature are too low提高硫化温度、压力,保证 硫化温度、压力分布均匀, 使之符合工2规定improvethecuringtemperature and pressure make sure the vulcanization temperature and pressure are evenly distributed, so as to meet the t

6、echnological regulations胶囊夹盘泄漏bladder chuck is leaked重新上火盘reinstall the chuck胎圈缺胶 bead lack of rubber胎圈部位排气孔堵塞exhaust holes in the bead are blocked保证模具清洁、气孔流畅make sure the mould is clean, and the exhaust holes are smooth气密层、耐磨胶厚度或宽度 不够thickness or width of the inner liner and the wear rubber is insu

7、fficient保证气密层、耐磨胶厚度或 宽度稳定、达标make sure thickness or width of the inner liner and the wear rubber can meet the standard帘布宽度过小,硫化时帘布 拉伸,钢丝圈局部上抽,造 成该部位胶料不足width of textile cord is too small, the cord fabric will be保证帘布宽度稳定、达标make sure the width of the cord fabric is stable and can meet the standard外观缺陷a

8、pparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solutiontensioned during curing,bead will be pulled upwards partially, namely, the rubber compound at that portion will be insufficient钢丝圈反包不实bead is turned up weakly成型反包压实form a shape, turn it up, and compact it钢丝圈直径过大,钢丝圈底 部相应部位需要更多的胶料 来填充diameter of the bead is too larg

9、e, and corresponding portions at the bottom of the bead need to be filled with more rubber compounds保证钢丝圈直径稳定、达标make sure the diameter of the bead is stable and can meet the standard其余相应同胎侧缺胶other corresponding sidewalls lack of rubber其余相应同胎侧缺胶other corresponding sidewalls lack of rubber杂质impurities

10、胎胚表卸粘有油污,硫化时 脱落,轮胎表面肩杂质印痕 surface of the green tire has oil dirt and will be fallen off during curing, surface of the tire has impurity marks强化员工责任心,严格落实 互检查工作,出现油污必须 用汽油等挥发剂处理控制 后再生产strengthen the sense of responsibility of the staff, strictly implement the mutual inspection operation, and use prop

11、ellant, such as gasoline, to process and control oil dirt before production胶料或者胎胚在搬运过程中 后落地现象,导致粘后杂物 rubber compound or green tire is fallen to the ground during handling, therefore,加强生产过程现场管理,保 证胎肌表面清洁strengthenthesitemanagementduringproduction, make sure the外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution

12、the rubber compound or the green tire is covered with impuritiessurface of the green tire is clean胎胚架脏,有杂物green tire rack is dirty and covered with impurities加强胎胚架卫生清理,及时 消除异物strengthen the sanitation anc cleaning of the green tire rack, and remove foreign objects in time胶料本身有杂物,硫化时露 出rubber compoun

13、ds are provided with impurities, and the impurities are exposed during curing加强对原材料、胶料各类半 成品生产时的控制,避免混 入杂物,发现杂物及时剔除 strengthen the control for raw materials, rubber compoundsandsemi-finishedproductsduring production to prevent impurities from mixing, and remove the impurities in time装胎前模具内有异物未消除fore

14、ign objects in the mould are not removed before installation of the tire加强硫化自检及清模,保证 设备清洁strengthen self-inspection of curing and mould cleaning, make sure the equipment is clean圆角round corner花纹圆角patternedroundcorner模具花纹气孔堵或设计不合 理、排气/、畅patterned air holes in the mould are blocked or the design is un

15、reasonable, and the air cannot be exhausted smoothly加强模具清洗及气孔疏通, 对设计不合理气孔进行改 进或追加strengthen the cleaning of the mould and unclogging of the air hole, improve the air holes with unreasonable design, or increase the number of air holes模具表面粗糙,胶料流动困对模具表面粗糙进行整修,外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution难su

16、rface of the mould is rough, the rubber compounds are difficult to move及时淘汰外观不好模具repair the mould with rough surface, remove unattractive mould in time胎胚胎面粘有油迹或内喷涂 液等杂物tread of the green tire is covered with oil dirt or is internally covered with spray liquid, etc.保证胎胚表面清洁make sure the surface of th

17、e green tire is clean胶料焦烧时间短、流动性差scorch time of the rubber compound is short, and the liquidity is poor改善胎回胶料流动性能,延 长胶料的焦烧时间improve the liquidity of the tread rubber compound, prolong the scorch time of the rubber compound模具表面有油等污物surface of the mould is covered with dirt, such as oil保证模具清洁make sure

18、 the mould is clean子口圆角chafer round corner胶囊与夹盘涂隔离剂太多, 子口部位胶料不能充分模腔 bladder andchuck arecovered withtoo manyseparant, rubber compounds at the tire bead are not sufficient for mould cavity隔离剂喷洒适度,不能过多spray separant properly夹盘螺纹未上紧有间隙the chuck threads are not tightened and have clearance旋紧火盘螺纹 rotate

19、the chuck thread tightly子口直径过大,圈口部位胶 料不足diameter of the tire bead is too large, rubber compounds at the tire ring are insufficient保证子口直径稳定、达标make sure the diameter of the tire bead is stable and cai meet the standard装胎时胎圈定位/、止,胎圈装胎时要放正,合模时多松外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution部位空隙过大the bead is i

20、ncorrectly positioned during installation of tire, and the gap in the bead is too large压几次make sure the tire is installed correctly, and release and press the tire for multiple times during mould closing定型高度过高,胶囊与夹盘 内压蒸汽泄露the molding height is too high, the internally-compressed steam in the bladder

21、 and chuck is leaked确保定型高度合理make sure the molding height is reasonable胎侧或胎圈包布谆度偏小导 致子口胶料不足the flipper thickness of sidewall and bead is too small, which results in the fact that the rubber compounds at tire bead are insufficient保证胎侧或胎圈包布尺寸 稳定、达标make sure the flipper thickness of sidewall or bead is

22、stable and can meet the standard气泡bubble胎侧或胎体线表面有杂质或 挥发分surface of tire body line or sidewall is covered with impuritiesor volatilecomponents保证半成品部件清洁make sure the semi-finished part is clean胶料各类半成品未压实,有 气泡semi-finished products made from rubber compounds are not compacted and have bubbles胎体线接头处易有泡,

23、必须 压实the joint of tire body lines is prone to suffering from bubbles, therefore, it should be compacted胎侧、胎体帘布、胎圈包布、 气密层胶等胶料黏性差,导 致成型时各部件间存有气体保证各工序胶料黏度稳定、达标make sure the stickiness of外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution过多rubber compounds, such as sidewall, carcass ply, bead chafer and inner line

24、r, are poor in stickiness, which results in the fact that gas between parts is too much during moldingrubber compounds in each procedure is stable and can meet the standard模具排气/、佳mould is poor in exhausting改进模具结构improve the structure of the mould硫化温度、压力不达标curing temperature and pressure cannot meet

25、the standard确保硫化温度、压力稳定、 达标make sure the curing temperature and pressure are stable and can meet the standard变形deformation主要出现在出模后抽真空效 果差,胶囊拉直所致 deformation is mainly caused by poor vacuuming effect after mold stripping and straightening of bladder对硫化机抽真空进行检查, 出现性能下降立即整修 check vacuuming of curing ma

26、chine, and repair it as soon as the performance is reduced由于喷涂不均造成硫化结束 后,胎里局部匕胶囊脱离困 难造成tire inside parts and bladder are difficult to be separatee due to uneven spraying after curing提高喷涂质量,使表面喷涂 均匀improve the spraying quality, and spray the surface evenly开模时硫化胶囊的影响effect on curing bladder during mou

27、ld opening确保开模时内压为零make sure the internal pressure is zero during mould外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solutionopening硫化胶囊老化,胎圈区周向 膨胀不均一the curing bladder is aged, expansion at the bead area is uneven装胎前检查胶囊质量,确保 有问题的及时更换check the quality of the bladder before installing the tire, and replace the de

28、fective bladder in time硫化定型压力不足,导致胶 料不能合理流动the curing molding pressure is insufficient, which results in the fact that the rubber compound cannot flow reasonably确保硫化定型压力稳定、达 标make sure the curing molding pressure are stable and can meet the standard硫化装模时对胎胚子口部位 的机械损伤the chafer at the green tire is m

29、echanically damaged during curing mould filling正确、适度地装模,严禁远 距离扔、甩carry out mould filling correctly and appropriately, do not throw or swing the mould remotely开模图度过局mould opening height is too high根据/、同规格设定/、同开 模图度set different mould opening heights according to different specifications轮胎轨道运输时挤压变形tir

30、e is deformed by squeezing duringtracktransportation保证运输轨道畅通make sure the transportation track is unblocked胎圈露线exposed cord in bead胎胚子口直径过小,硫化装 模时火盘挤压子口材料严重diameter of green tire bead is too small, and the material at the tire bead is seriously squeezed by the chuck during保证子口直径稳定、达标make sure the di

31、ameter of the tire bead is stable and cai meet the standard外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solutioncuring mould filling成型机头宽度偏小the building drum width is relatively small调整施工标准adjust the construction standard装胎高度过低或硫化定型尺 寸过大。胎胚子口处夹盘非 正常接触,外压作用卜胶料 非正常流动将钢丝暴露出来 the mould filling height is too low or t

32、he curing molding dimension is too large. the chuck at the green tire tire bead is abnormally contacted, the rubber compounds are driven by the external pressure abnormally to expose the steel wire确保定型高度、尺寸适度make sure the molding height and dimension are appropriate装胎时间过长,子口包胶在 模具上停留时间过久,子口 包胶发软流失,引

33、起胎圈露 线the time for mould filling is too long, the tire bead rubber coating has been reserved on the mould for too long, and the tire bead rubber coating is softened and drained, which results in the fact that the cord in bead is exposed及时硫化,及时卸胎carry out curing in time, and remove the tire in time胎圈

34、椭圆度过大,短轴方向 会经常出现露线ovality of the bead is too large, cord in the short axle direction is often exposed确保胎圈形状稳定、达标make sure the bead shape is stable and can meet the standard装胎时装偏造成胎圈局部偏确保装胎装正外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution薄引起露线the tire is deflected during installation, which results in the f

35、act that cord will be exposed due to thinner parts of the beadmake sure the tire is installed correctly窝气air clogging硫化胶囊选型不合理,胶囊 与胎胚不匹配type of the curing bladder is selected unreasonably, the bladder cannot match with the green tire合理选用胶囊,使其尺寸与 胎肌匹配select bladder reasonable make sure the dimension

36、car match with the green tire一、二次定型压力偏低primary and secondary molding pressures are low适度提高一、二次定型压力appropriately improve the primary and secondary molding pressures模具排气堵塞exhaust of mould is clogged改进或修改模具improve or modify the mould合模速度过快the mould closing speed is too fast减缓合模速度,多松压几次slow down the mou

37、ld closing speed, and release and press the mould for multiple times骨架与胶料界面溶剂挥发不 尽solvent between skeleton and rubber compound interface is not completely volatilized骨架涂胶后要干燥dry the skeleton after glue coating新胶囊(胶囊使用次数少)new bladder (the bladder is used for fewer times)胎面与带束层曲率不匹配 curvature of tread

38、 cannot match with the curvature of the breaker调整胎面尺寸adjust the tread dimension外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution设备抽真空功能下降vacuuming function of the equipment is declined检修抽真空机构check and repair the vacuuming mechanism钢丝圈上抽(宽窄不一)upward pulling of bead (differentwidth)胎侧、气密层、胎体帘布、 钢丝包布等组合件厚度过大 或过

39、小thickness of assembly parts, such as sidewall, inner liner, carcass ply, bead wrapper, is too large or too small确保胎侧、气密层、胎体帘 布、钢丝包布等组合件厚度 稳定、达标make sure the thickness of the assembly parts, such as sidewall, airtightness layer, tire body cord fabric, steel wire flipper, is stable and can meet the s

40、tandard胶囊充气膨胀不均匀,造成 胎圈周向材料分布/、均 inflation and expansion of the bladder are uneven, which results in the fact that the peripheral materials at the bead are unevenly distributed确保胶囊充气膨胀均匀make sure the bladder is evenly inflated and expanded定型高度过低或过高,子口 材料非正常流动the molding height is too low or too high,

41、 the tire bead materials flow abnormally确保定型高度适度、达标make sure the molding height is appropriate and can meet the standard装胎/、止,子口与火盘不能 很好吻合the tire is installed incorrectly, the tire bead cannot match with the chuck装胎装正,定中定正install the tire correctly, and set the center correctly烂边broken edges硫化温度降低c

42、uring temperature is lowered检查热板温度check the platen temperature模具凹处窝气air clogged at the concave portion in the mould改进模具结构improve the structure of the mould外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution装模时模具温度过低mould temperature is too low during installation of the mould模具充分预热sufficiently preheat the moul

43、d焦痕scorch胎胚存放时间过长the green tire has been store for too long严格控制胎胚存放时间,及 田寸生产硫化control the storage time of the green tire strictly, and carry out production and curing in time合模缝处或接头处开 裂cracks in mouldclosing seam or joint胎胚被污染the green tire is polluted加强物料管理,保证胶料清 洁strengthen the material management

44、, make sure the rubber compound is clean压力不足insufficient pressure提图硫化压力,检查是否启 掉压improve the curing pressure and check if pressure is dropped胎胚存放时间过长the green tire has been store for too long严格控制胎胚存放时间,及 田寸生产及时硫化control the storage time of the green tire strictly, and carry out production and curing

45、in time隔离剂(脱模剂)喷涂过多spray too much separant (releasing agent)脱模剂喷涂应适量spray the releasing agent appropriately接头处未压平、压实joint is not flattened and compacted确保接头处压平、压实make sure the joint is flattened and compacted欠硫(起泡呈海绵状)insufficient vulcanization胶料中含挥发性物质较多there are plenty volatile substances inrubber严格控制各工序,减少挥发 性物质外观缺陷apparent defect产生原因cause解决措施solution(sponge-like bubbles)compoundstrictlycontroleachprocedure, reduce volatile substances模具型腔不洁the mould cavity is not clean清洁模具型腔clean the mould cavity硫化温度过高curing temperature is too high调整硫化温度,使之符合


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