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1、文档收集于互联网,已重新整理排版word版本可编辑,有帮助欢迎下载支持.英文原文:Mineral product monorail reduction gear synopsis1 what is reducerReducer is a dynamic communication agencies, the use of gear speed converters, motor rotational speed reducer to the Rotary to be few, and have greater torque institutions.lei The reducer role1.

2、1.1 velocity at the same time increase the output torque, torque output ratio by motor output by slowdown, but the attention should be paid to exceed the rated torque reducer.1.1.2 the speed at the same time reduce the inertia load, the inertia of deceleration than reduced to the square. We can look

3、 at the General Motors has a value of inertia1.2 The type of reducerGeneral helical gear reducer has reducer (including parallel shaft helical gear reducer, a worm reducer, bevel gear reducer, etc.), planetary gear reducer, Cycloid reducer, a worm reducer, a planetary friction CVT mechanical machine

4、s1.3 Common reducer13.1 worm reducer is the main characteristics of a reverse self-locking function, can be larger than a slowdown, input shaft and output shaft axis is not the same, nor in the same plane. But generally larger, transmission efficiency is not high, the accuracy is not high.1.3.2 Harm

5、onic Drive reducer is controllable using flexible components to transfer elastic deformation and dynamic movement, not volume, high precision, but the disadvantage is that flexible wheel limited life, impatient shocks, rigidity and pieces of metal relatively poor. Not too high speed input.13.3 plane

6、tary reducer its comparative advantage is compact structure、the return gap small, high precision, and have a long life span rated output torque can be done great. However, a price slightly expensive, the requirements of parts before assembly :Rolling cleaning with gasoline, kerosene other parts clea

7、ning All parts and cabinet not allowed to have any impurities exist. Gear box and the inner wall (Worm), unprocessed surface has not been coated twice erosion-resistant oil paint box has the outer surface coated primer and paint color (color requested by host).Parts coated with a face wash after lub

8、ricants2 the requirements of installation and adjustment2.1 Rolling installationRolling bearing inner ring should be installed at the shaft shoulder close to gap must not pass 0.05 mm thick Cypriot feet.2.2 Bearing axial clearanceOf the clearance can not be adjusted bearings (such as deep groove bal

9、l bearings), axial cleaiance of 0.25 to 0.4 mm; the clearance adjustable bearing axial clearance numerical table Click Tapered Roller Bearings axial clearance; angular contact ball bearing axial clearance 2.3 Gear (Worm) meshing tooth space availableCypriot side foot of lead or pressure Will be lead

10、 wire on the alveolar, and then turning gear and squash lead wire, measuring two teeth side was crushed lead wire thickness and the size of which is adjacent teeth2.4 Tooth contact dot cylinder gear tooth contact Dot 2-10-4: bevel gear tooth contact Dot 2-11-4; Gearing contact Dot 2-12-4.3 seal requ

11、irements3.1 Box partition between the surface does not allow any pads filled, but can be coated or water glass sealant to ensure that the seal;3.2 Assembly, the bolt tightening box, before using 0.05 nim Cypriot-foot inspection Covers Block with me and between the sealing surface;33 Shaft seal shoul

12、d stretch to smear grease The seal should be installed in strict accordance with the requirements4 lubrication requirements4.1 Rationally determine the types of lubricants and greases and grades4.2 Bearing lubrication fat, grease filled in the general Fatliquor space can be 1 / 2 to 2 / 34.3 Lubrica

13、nts should be regularly replaced, the new reducer used for the first time, the operation of oil-7 14 days, according to the situation can be after every 3 to 6 months for first oil.5 the test requirements5.1 Empty operation: at rated speed is, anti-running 1 to 2 hours;5.2 Load test: at rated speed,

14、 rated load operation, the oil temperature balance to date. On the gear reducer, requested the pool temperature is not more than 35 C, bearing temperature rise no more than 40 C; the worm reducer, requested the pool temperature not more than 60()C. bearing temperature of not more than 50 ()C 6 packa

15、ging and transportation requirements6.1 Protruding shaft and its annex should Oiler packaging;6.2 Handling, lifting may not use screw rings and lug all of the above technical requirements are not necessarily listed, and sometimes also by other projects, mainly by the specific design requirements.7 T

16、echnical requirements7.1 Assembly, all parts cleaning with kerosene, gasoline Rolling cleansing, while the existence of any debris Oil is not painted wall corrosion coatings twice;7.2 Backlash with lead wire mesh test of not less than 0.16 mm, lead wire Backlash may not exceed the smallest of the fo

17、ur times;73 Used Tu-color dot test. Tooth high point of contact by not less than 40% of contact spots on teeth not less than 50 per cent. Can be used when necessary, grinding or scraping after grinding to improve contacts;7.4 Bearing axial clearance should be adjusted: cp40 0.05 - 0.1 mm,(p55 0.08 -

18、 0.15 mm;7.5 Test reducer subdivision surface, the contact surface and seal, oil spills are not allowed Split-Tu allowed to paint or water glass seal and allow the use of any filler;7.6 Engine lubricants to the contents N100 provisions height8 GEAR INTRODUCTION8.1 Abstract:The important position of

19、the wheel gear can*t falter in traditional machine and modern machines.The wheel gear mainly install the direction that delivers the dint at the principal axis box. The passing to process to make them can is divided into many model numbers, used for many situations respectively.&2 Key words: Wheel g

20、earIn the force analysis of spur gears, the forces are assumed to act in a single plane We shall study gears in which the forces have three dimensions. The reason for this, in the case of helical gears, is that the teeth are not parallel to the axis of rotation And in the case of bevel gears, the ro

21、tational axes are not parallel to each other. There are also other reasons, as we shall learn.Helical gears are used to transmit motion between parallel shafts. The helix angle is the same on each gear, but one gear must have a right-hand helix and the other a left-hand helix. The shape of the tooth

22、 is an involutes helicoids. If a piece of paper cut in the shape of a parallelogram is wrapped around a cylinder, the angular edge of the paper becomes a helix If we unwind this paper, each point on the angular edge generates an involutes curve The surface obtained when every point on the edge gener

23、ates an involutes is called an involutes helicoids.The initial contact of spur-gear teeth is a line extending all the way across the face of the tooth. The initial contact of helical gear teeth is a point, which changes into a line as the teeth come into more engagement. In spur gears the line of co

24、ntact is parallel to the axis of the rotation; in helical gears, the line is diagonal across the face of the tooth. It is this gradual of the teeth and the smooth transfer of load from one tooth to another, which give helical gears the ability to transmit heavy loads at high speeds. Helical gears su

25、bject the shaft bearings to both radial and thrust loads. When the thrust loads become high or are objectionable for other reasons, it may be desirable to use double helical gears A double helical gear (herringbone) is equivalent to two helical gears of opposite hand, mounted side by side on the sam

26、e shaft They develop opposite thrust reactions and thus cancel out the thrust load. When two or more single helical gears are mounted on the same shaft, the hand of the gears should be selected so as to produce the minimum thrust load.Crossed-helical, or spiral, gears are those in which the shaft ce

27、nterlines are neither parallel nor intersecting. The teeth of crossed-helical fears have point contact with each other, which changes to line contact as the gears wear in. For this reason they will carry out very small loads and are mainly for instrumental applications, and are definitely not recomm

28、ended for use in the transmission of power. There is on difference between a crossed helical gear and a helical gear until they are mounted in mesh with each other; They are manufactured in the same way. A pair of meshed crossed helical gears usually have the same hand; that is, a right-hand driver

29、goes with a right-hand driven. In the design of crossed-helical gears, the minimum sliding velocity is obtained when the helix angle are equal. However, when the helix angle is not equal, the gear with the larger helix angle should be used as the driver if both gears have the same handWorm gears are

30、 similar to crossed helical gears The pinion or worm has a small number of teeth, usually one to four, and since they completely wrap around the pitch cylinder they are called threads Its mating gear is called a worm gear, which is not a true helical gear. A worm and worm gear are used to provide a

31、high angular-velocity reduction between nonintersecting shafts which are usually at right angle The worm gear is not a helical gear because its face is made concave to fit the curvature of the worm in order to provide line contact instead of point contact However, a disadvantage of worm gearing is t

32、he high sliding velocities across the teeth, the same as with crossed helical gears.Worm gearing are either single or double enveloping A single-enveloping gearing is one in which the gear wraps around or partially encloses the worm. A gearing in which each element partially encloses the other is, o

33、f course, a double-enveloping worm gearing. The important difference between the two is that area contact exists between the teeth of double-enveloping gears while only line contact between those of single-enveloping gears The worm and worm gear of a set have the same hand of helix as for crossed he

34、lical gears, but the helix angles are usually quite different. The helix angle on the worm is generally quite large, and that on the gear very small. Because of this, it is usual to specify the lead angle on the worm, which is the complement of the worm helix angle, and the helix angle on the gear;

35、the two angles are equal for a 90-deg Shaft angle中文译文:1什么是减速器减速器是一种动力传达机构,利用齿轮的速度转换器,将马达的回转数减速到所 要的回转数,并得到较大转矩的机构。1.1减速器的作用,扭矩输出比例按电机输出乘减速比,但要注意不能超出减速器额定扭矩。1.1.2减速同時降低了负载的惯量,惯量的减少为减速比的平方。大家可以看一下一 般电机都有一个惯量数值。1.2减速器的种类一般的减速器有斜齿轮减速器(包括平行轴斜齿轮减速器、蜗轮减速器、锥齿轮 减速器等等)、行星齿轮减速器、摆线针轮减速器、蜗轮蜗杆减速器、行星摩擦式机 械无级变速机等等。

36、1.3常见减速器1.3.1蜗轮蜗杆减速器的主要特点是具有反向自锁功能,可以有较大的减速比,输入 轴和输出轴不在同一轴线上,也不在同一平面上。但是一般体积较大,传动效率不高, 精度不高。1. 3. 2谐波减速器的谐波传动是利用柔性元件可控的弹性变形来传递运动和动力的, 体积不大、精度很高,但缺点是柔轮寿命有限、不耐冲击,刚性与金属件相比较差。 输入转速不能太高。1.3.3行星减速器其优点是结构比较紧凑,回程间隙小、精度较高,使用寿命很长, 额定输出扭矩可以做的很大。但价格略贵、对装配询零件的要求:,其他零件用煤油清洗。所有零件和箱体内不许有任何杂质存在。箱体内壁和齿轮 (蜗轮)等未加工表面先后涂

37、两次不被机油侵蚀的耐油漆,箱体外表面先后涂底漆 和颜色油漆(按主机要求配色)。2安装和调整的要求2.1滚动轴承的安装滚动轴承安装时轴承内圈应紧贴轴肩,要求缝隙不得通过0.05mm厚的塞尺。2. 2轴承轴向游隙对游隙不可调整的轴承(如深沟球轴承),其轴向游隙为0.250.4mm;对游隙可 调整的轴承轴向游隙数值见表。点击查看圆锥滚子轴承轴向游隙;角接触球轴承轴 向游隙。2. 3齿轮(蜗轮)啮合的齿侧间隙可用塞尺或压铅法。即将铅丝放在齿槽上,然后转动齿轮而压扁铅丝,测量两齿 侧被压扁铅丝厚度之和即为齿侧的大小。2. 4齿面接触斑点圆柱齿轮齿面接触斑点2-10-4:圆锥齿轮齿面接触斑点2-11-4;

38、 蜗杆传动接触斑点2-12-4.3密封要求3. 1箱体剖分面之间不允许填任何垫片,但可以涂密封胶或水玻璃以保证密封;3.2装配时,在拧紧箱体螺栓前,应使用0. 05mm的塞尺检查箱盖和箱座结合面之间 的密封性;3. 3轴伸密封处应涂以润滑脂。各密封装置应严格按要求安装。4润滑要求4.1合理确定润滑油和润滑脂类型和牌号。4.2轴承脂润滑时,润滑脂的填充量一般为可加脂空间的1/22/3。4.3润滑油应定期更换,新减速器第一次使用时,运转714天后换油,以后可以根 据情况每隔36个月换一次油。5试验要求5.1空载运转:在额定转速下正、反运转12小时;5.2负荷试验:在额定转速、额定负荷下运转,至油温

39、平衡为止。 对齿轮减速器, 要求油池温升不超过35。(2,轴承温升不超过4(TC; 对蜗杆减速器,要求油池温升 不超过6(rc,轴承温升不超过50C o6包装和运输要求6.1外伸轴及其附件应涂油包装;6.2搬运、起吊时不得使用吊环螺钉及吊耳以上技术要求不一定全部列出,有时还 需另增项目,主要由设计的具体要求而定。7技术要求7.1装配前,所有零件用煤油清洗,滚动轴承用汽油清洗,不许有任何 杂物存在。 内壁涂上不被机油腐蚀的涂料两次;7.2啮合侧隙用铅丝检验不小于0.16mm,铅丝不得大于最小侧隙的4倍;7.3用涂色法检验斑点。按齿高接触点不小于40%;按齿长接触斑点不小于50%。必 要时可用研磨或刮后研磨以便改善接触情况:7. 4 应调整轴承轴向间隙:(p40 为 0.05-0.Imm,(p55 为 0.08-0.15mm;7.5检验减速器剖分面、各接触面及密封处,均不许漏油。剖分面允许涂以密封 油漆或水玻璃,不允许使用任何填料;7.6机座内装N100润滑油至规定高度。8齿轮和轴的介绍8.1摘要:在传统机械和现代机械中齿轮的重要地位是不可动摇的。齿轮主要安装在主轴箱 来传递力的方向


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