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1、级第三册网上测验试卷编号:2014-3考试时间:120分钟满分:100分Part 1 Fill in the Bianks (with the initial letters provided)(Each item: 0.5)Directi ons:Fill in the bla nks in the followi ng senten ces with the help of the first letter(s).Use only ONE word to fill in each blank.1.Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise tha

2、n room with a pistol.Correct an swer: terror2.He could notter,whe n a guy en tered theresthimself any lon ger from los ing his temper whe n he lear nedthat his girlfriend had not been faithful to her words.Correct answer : restrain3. This year, as we celebrate the 60th anni versary (周年纪念日)of the end

3、 of World War II, weprin a special way for peace in our world.Correct an swer:pray4. Throughout my early work with George and Melinda, I supported each, with little need torecoour differe nces.Correct an swer:recon cileinsHis ability tomen in low spirits became well known from his wartimecomma nd, a

4、nd led to his prefere nee for ano ther pote ntially difficult post in peace.Correct an swer:in spireThe text has of course bee nappby our Chairma n and has bee n in cluded for6.your in formati on.Correct an swer:approved7.It took hun dreds of milli ons of years to develop these abilities, l on ger,

5、perhaps, tha n it hasevtake n huma n beings tofrom fish.Correct an swer:evolve8.In their minds they have nothing but the ideal of equality and the love oflibCorrect an swer:liberty9.This is recomme nded read ing for all those who think theinterof facts is a simplematter!Correct an swer:in terpretati

6、 on10.I had trouble un dersta nding the Fre nch, so I got the En glishfrom the library and read it.Correct an swer:versi on11.Her remarks shocked audie nces, yet also enhan ced hercourage.Correct an swer:reputati on12.I dont have that greatverrepuof the bookas a woma n ofafffor this place but at lea

7、st its a world I know.Correct an swer:affecti onPart 2 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb)(Each item: 1)Directi ons:Fill in the bla nks in the follow ing senten ces with an appropriate prepositi onor adverb. Fill in each bla nk with only ONE word.Ill tellyou whe n Mummys back,

8、the boy threate ned.Correct an swer:on13.14.The computer is dow n aga in. I n eed to get some one to track the problem.the source ofCorrect an swer:dow n15.The weak points in the article were eagerly pickedCorrect an swer:onby some critics.16.If a situati on or what some one says hits,people accept

9、that it is real ortrue, even though it may be painful for them to realize.Correct an swer:home17. These days so many social activities are really bus in esses which fun cti on disguise.Correct an swer:in18.If you say that there is some one or someth ing to be reck oned,you meanthat this pers on or t

10、hi ng must be dealt with and doing so will be difficult.Correct an swer:with19.A n umber of race horses have bee n n ameddan cers.Correct an swer:after20.Many of the officials in Moscow who approved qualified to weigh up its dan gers.Correct an swer:ofthe experime nt were not21.The compa ny could go

11、the con seque nces.without applying for a license but it had to considerCorrect an swer: ahead22.America n In dia ns27.models for his creati on.the picture.traditi on by using three actualThe speed of her risefame has bee n ast onishin gly rapid.Correct an swer:to23. But, he believes, if you dont th

12、row up a lot of bad ideas you are un likely to comewith some better ones either.Correct an swer:up24.Here is a doll for your daughter to playCorrect an swer:with25.The photographer took half an hour pos ing the boys and girlsCorrect an swer:forFamed artist James Earle Fraser went 26.Correct an swer:

13、(1) aga in st; (2) as;other parties to28.It is necessary for a party in power to form an allianee con trol the cou ntry.Correct an swer:with29.Youre is shortyou are.Correct an swer:forPart 3 Replaceme nt(Each item: 1)Directi ons:Replace the un derli ned words in the followi ng senten ces with expres

14、sio nsor phrases using the key word(s) supplied in brackets. Please take care to use the right word form and keep the orig inal meaning.30. The most difficult aspect of the discussion on the curriculum, such as it was, centered on the problem of decid ing the relati on ship betwee n vocati onal and

15、liberal subjects. (revolve)Replaceme nt:Correct an swer:revolved arou nd31. When they were asked what a $40.35 meal for five people would cost each din er, they were un able to find the an swer. (work)Replaceme nt:Correct an swer:work it out32. The you ng man has become more mature after he had a lo

16、t of a mixture of good things and bad things. (ups)Replaceme nt:Correct an swer:ups and dow ns33. We all buy goods without pla nning sometimessimply because we see them on the shelf ofthe shop. (impulse)Replaceme nt:Correct an swer:on impulse34. It is a defi nite sig nal of improveme nt if the patie

17、 nt breathes without external help and susta ins himself successfully. (ow n)Replaceme nt:Correct an swer:on his ownPart 4 Multiple Choice(Each item: 0.5)Directi ons:Choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.35. The crim inalhimself so well as an old lady that he escaped the

18、 sharp eyes of thepoliceme n.A. hidB. coveredrC. deceivedJ*-*D. disguisedCorrect an swer:D36.I dont like being in the house on my own.at ni ght? Do you mind being by yourself at ni ght?rjA. What aboutrrB. What withC. What ifFs.D. So whatCorrect an swer:A37.He came back late,which time all the guests

19、 had already left.A. afterrB. atrC. byD. duri ngCorrect an swer:C38.money from his department, Mr. Williams would have been promoted to thepositi on as director.rA. If he did not stealB. Had he not stole nrC. Did he not stealD. Should he not stealCorrect an swer:B39.it was on the side of a mountain,

20、 the village was very quiet.rA. Isolated ascB. Isolating ifC. Bei ng isolated asD. Having bee n isolated ifCorrect an swer:A40.cI hope all the measures aga inst air polluti on,suggested by the local gover nment,will be seriously con sidered here.A. whilerB. sincerC. thatD. asCorrect an swer:D41.We h

21、ave bee n told that un der no occasi onthe teleph one in the office for pers onalaffairs.A. may we useB. we may userC. we could useJ*-*D. did we useCorrect an swer:A42.In no countryBritain, it has been said, can one experienee four seasons in thecourse of a sin gle day.A. more tha nrB. other tha nrC

22、. fewer tha nD. less tha nCorrect an swer:B43.data ( 数据)that the Ianguage-acquiring ability must be stimulated.rA. It bei ngrB. It isrC. There isD. There beingCorrect an swer:C44.,they man aged to finish the job on time.rA. Difficult as it wasB. Difficult if it wasC. As difficult it wasD. If it was

23、difficultCCorrect an swer:A45. Can you give me a (an)of how much it will cost to take the jour ney?A. assessme ntCB. evaluati onrC. admissi onr |D. estimateCorrect an swer:D46. Because a degree from a good uni versity is the means to a better job, educati on is one of the mostareas in Japa nese life

24、.A. sophisticatedB. competitiveC. con siderateD. superficialCorrect an swer:B47. The East and the West can work together for theirben efit and progress.A. com monB. mutualC. sameD. togetherCorrect an swer:48. En glish is the n ecessary foreig n Ian guage in our scho olsA. class C |B. courseCC. less

25、onrD. curriculumcCorrect an swer:D49. It might beto give your attitude towards study a sec ond thought.A. worthCB. worthyC. worthwhileCD. worthilyCCorrect an swer:C50. Over half of the populati on of the cou ntryin traditi onal sports.A. takesB. practicesC. goes forD. participatesCorrect an swer:51.

26、She isnt beautiful. But she ispretty.rA. kind ofrB. a kind ofC. of a kindD. a sort ofCorrect an swer:A52.Our jour nev was slow because the tra in stoppedat differe nt villages.rA. con ti nuallyrB. con ti nuouslyrC. graduallyD. un ceas in glyCorrect an swer:A53.The sin ger was certa inly loud. But I

27、was nt bothered by his loud nessby his lack oftale nt.rA. thanB. so much asrC. asD. more tha nCorrect an swer:B54.Well visit Europe n ext yearwe have en ough mon ey.A. providedB. un tilC. butD. uni essCorrect an swer:A55. These two areas are similarthey both have a high rain fall dur ing this seas o

28、n.A. to thatB. in thatC. besides thatr |D. except thatCorrect an swer:B56. in the con diti ons of simple liv ing was what her pare nts wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl to be educatedC. The girl educatedD. The girls being educatedCorrect an swer:D57. the calculation is right, scientists

29、 can never be sure that they have included allvariables and modeled them accurately.A. Even ifB. As far asC. If onlyD. So long asCorrect an swer:A58. All flightsbecause of the sno wstorm, many passe ngers could do no thi ng but takethe trai n.A. were can celedCB. had bee n can celedr |C. hav ing bee

30、 n can celedD. have bee n can celedCCorrect an swer:CPart 5 Cloze (with no choices provided)(Each item: 1)Directi ons:Fill in each of the followi ng bla nks with one word. I n each case, use theexact word that appears in your textbook.Questi ons 59 to 68 are based on the same passage or dialog.diffi

31、cult things got in theWe had wan ted to let him know that no matter59.world, there would always be people who cared about him. We en ded60.remi ndi ng ourselves in stead. For Jimmy, the love61.which we sang was a welcome bon us, but mostly he had just wan ted to seeevery one62.happy aga in.64.Just 6

32、3.my fathers death had cha nged Jimmys world over ni ght,September 11th cha nged our lives; the world wed known was gone. But, as we sangJimmy and held each other 65.afterward pray ing forpeace arou nd the world, we were rem in ded that the con sta nt love and support of our frie ndsand family would

33、 get us 66.whatever life might prese nt. The simplicity withwhich Jimmy had recon ciled everythi ng67.us should not have bee nsurpris ing. There had n ever bee n any limitati ons68.what Jimmys lovecould accomplish.Correct answer:(1) how; up; (3) with; else; (5) as; (6) for; tight; (8) through; (9) f

34、or;(10) to;Part 6 Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice + Blank Filling)(Each item: 1)Directi ons: Read the follow ing passage and the n an swer the questi ons. For questi ons1-7, choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questi ons8-10, complete the senten ces with th

35、e in formati on give n in the passage.Questi ons 69 to 78 are based on the same passage or dialog.Boys with Eating Disorders (紊乱,失调)Why isnt Tony Eati ng?No one knows what Tony does at lunchtime. His friends all gather at the dining hall where they share stories and eat. They talk about their lives

36、and the things they have see n in movies or read in books. But Tony does nt care about these thin gs, and he does nt join them .In fact, there is only one thing on Tonys mind-building the perfect body. And while his friends are chatting away, Tony is in the gym by himself, lifting weights. Now, he i

37、s able to lift more than ever. He has also measured his arms and legs and weighed himself. He knows he is in the best shape of his life. But its not eno ugh.In troductio n-a real problemPeople say that wome n and girls are the ones who have body size issues, the ones who develop eati ng disorders, a

38、nd the ones affected most by the media pressure. It is true that wome n and girls are affected more, but the same issues also affect men and boys. Experts believe the number of boys affected is in creas ing and that many cases may not be reported, since males are relucta nt to ack no wledge any ill

39、ness mostly associated with females.Where it comes fromThere is more and more media pressure for men and boys to take on the look of the well-muscled athletes and actors. Males are beco ming un comfortable about their physical appeara nee and self-image. Sports, health, and fit ness magaz ines focus

40、 on the importa nee of hav ing muscles andthe methods to obta in those perfect sports bodies. Boys tend to do a great deal of weight training and, if they do not see immediate results, they often turn to using steroids (类固醇)and vitaminsthat advertise un believable muscle gain.The average boy cannot

41、come n ear meeti ng the impossible sta ndard of the medias male body perfection. They are not going to be Arnold Schwarzenegger or some other action star, or have the well-muscled body of athletes. The most popular magazines carry images of women and men on the covers that represe nt about 3 perce n

42、t of the populati on. Obviously, that leaves 97 perce nt who cannot measure up to that level of a desired body image.Magaz in es, especially those aimed at men and boys, spread the body buildi ng message arou nd. Advertisements promote weight lifting, body building or muscle toning. The V-shaped bod

43、y with great muscles is emphasized as the ideal.The n eed to make weight for a sport like box ing can cause eat ing disorders. The dema nd for pills (药片)that give en ergy and decrease a pers ons desire to eat is high among those n eed ing to make weight. Weight training, sports, and conversation wit

44、h friends can lead boys to abnormal eati ng habits, which can lead to eat ing disorders.Even the toys they play with create pressure. The toy action figures have more muscles today than they did in the past. Their bodies are sett ing un realistic ideals for boys in much the same way dolls have bee n

45、 blamed for giv ing an un realistic body ideal for girls.One of the side effects of this body con scious ness for both boys and girls is the tendency to tur n to smok ing to keep their weight dow n. Overweight boys in the age range of 9 to 14 were 65% more likely to think about or try smok ing tha n

46、 their peers. The same study found that boys who worked out every day in order to lose weight were twice as likely to experiment with tobacco. Males with poor body image are also more likely to take drugs and get angry easily.The effects of a poor body imageIts not un com mon for people who think po

47、orly of their bodies to have problems in other areas of their lives, in clud ing careers and relati on ships. On es feeli ngs of self-worth, behavior, and social con fide nce can all be related to either a good or a bad body image. How you see yourself affects every part of your life.More and more h

48、ealth-care professi on als are start ing to realize the degree that boys can bein flue need by body image. One rece nt study showed that of boys betwee n the ages of 7 and 9, fifty perce nt wan ted to reshape their body. This perce ntage (百分比)in creases as they reach theirteens and want to take part

49、 in sports and impress girls. It is something that can follow you throughout life if you do not lear n to un dersta nd that there is more to you tha n your muscles and body shape.Advice for people with a poor body image If you are a boy or a you ng man who is worried too much about how your body loo

50、ks, you should remember that your body is just one part of who you are. And it is not even a very important part. You are not just what your body means. Your worth as a person, or your identity as a man, is not determined by your weight or body shape. Develop your potential. Think about your unique

51、gifts. Meanin gful relati on ships, well-established goals, and kin dhearted ness to others lead to a bala need life and better feeli ngs of on es self. An over-muscled body just does nt do these.And if you are still having trouble with doubts or concerns about your body, rather than work out more o

52、r eat less, see a doctor about your problems. By talk ing to a psychologist, you may reduce your an xieties, and fin ally make them a thing of the past so that you can tur n to much more importa nt things in life. Psychologists have had a great deal of success stories in treat ing you ng men with th

53、e same problem, and, most likely, they will be able to help you as well.69.rTony is most concerned with.A. hav ing an eati ng disorderrB. eati ng his lunchrC. buildi ng a perfect bodyD. gai ning weightCorrect an swer:C70.are more affected by the body size issues.rrA. Wome n and girlsB. Men and boysC

54、. Wome n and boysD. Men and girlsCorrect an swer:A71.Some sports magaz ines teach the you ng menrA. to become a real athletesnB. to become a healthy actorC. to use vitam ins to keep healthyD. to obta in perfect sports bodiesCorrect an swer:D72.The ideal body show n in magaz inesrA. cannot be good for sportssnB. dema nds pillsC. cannot measure upD. is shaped like a VCorrect an swer:D73.Boys and girls would possibly tur n tofor help to keep their weight dow n.snA. playi ngrB. smok ingsnC. tak ing pillsD. weight trai ningCorrect an swer:B74.can


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