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1、北京市朝阳区九年级综合练习(二) 2015. 6 英语试卷 听力理解(共30分) 1. 听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对 话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分) C. A. B. 2. C. A. B. 3. C. B. A. A. B. C. 4. 5. A. B.C. 、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B C三个选项中选择 最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. Where did Jack go last week? A. Sha nghai.B. Hong

2、 Kong. 7. How did he go there? A. By air.B. By train. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. What are they talki ng about? A. Hobbies.B. Jobs. C. Shenzhen. C. By car. C. Sports. 9. What does the man think of sitt ing in front of the computer all day long? A. I nteresti ng. B. Excelle nt. C. Bori ng. 请听一段对话,完成第 10至第11

3、小题。 10. What will the girl buy for her father? C. A jacket. A. A T-shirt.B. A scarf. 11. What color does the girl want? A. White.B. Blue.C. Brow n. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. Where did the woma n probably lose her bag? A. On the bus.B. At the bus stop. C. In the park. 13. What s the woman s phone numbe

4、r? A.036278. B. 076238. C.036287. 请听一段独白,完成第 14至第15小题。 14. How many secrets are men ti on ed? A. Four.B. Five.C. Six. 15. What does the real secret of beco ming a top stude nt lie in? A. Some good teachers. B. Some educati on experts. C. Some basic lear ning skills. 三、听对话,记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)

5、 请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。 Tele Message Who called: 16 What to do: go to a birthday 17 Whe n: at six o clock on 18 evening Where: No. 19 Washi ngton Street What to take Some 20 ballo ons 知识运用(共25分) 四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. I have a sister.n ame is Lucy

6、. A. HerB. HisC. ItsD. Your 22. My bike was broke n on the way,I was late for school. A. butB. forC. orD. so 23. I think Less on Five isof the three less ons. A. difficultB. more difficultC. most difficultD. the most difficult 24. I knewabout the car accident because I was in the library at that tim

7、e. A. someth ingB. anythingC. nothing D. everyth ing 25. -did you pay for the CD? -Only 10 dollars. A. How ma ny B. How muchC. How longD. 26. I ofte nmy gra ndpare nts at weeke nds. A. visitB. visitedC. will visit visited 27. Maryher homework whe n her mother got home yesterday. A. doesB. didC. is d

8、oing 28. - Why did the policeman stop you? He told me notso fast in this street. A. driveB. drivi ngC. to drive 29. - What an old college! -Yes, it100 years ago. A. builtB. buildsC. was built built 30. - What did the teacher say to you just now? -She asked. A. where did I lear n Japa neseB. where I

9、How ofte n D. have D. was doing D. drive n D. is learned Japa nese C. where do I lear n Japa nese D. where I lear n Japanese 五、完形填空(共15分,每小题分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B 择最佳选项。 D四个选项中,选 Fin ally I got my driving license ( 驾照)last summer. Mom decided to go with me to take my firsttrip around an emp

10、ty parking lot. I knew my mother was an excellent 31 . She had driven over 20 years without getting one ticket. However, I found that she was not the best teacher for me. It was nt that she shouted, or told me that I was doing poorly. Her “ helpful in struct ions”32 man agedto makememore n ervous. S

11、i nee I could no Ion ger practice with her, the job was 33 in the hands of my father. The idea of learningfrom Dad was not so 34 . I loved him dearly, but I just did not see Dad as some one I could be comfortable lear ning from. He almost n ever talked.Weshared a typical father-daughterrelati on shi

12、p.He d ask how school was, and I d say it was fine.Uniuckily,that was the most of our 35 . Spending several hours alone with some one who might as well have bee n a stra nger really frighte ned me. As we got into the car that first time, I was not surprised at what happened. Dad and I drove around,

13、saying almost nothing, except for a few instructionson how to turn. As my less ons went on, however, things bega n to 36 . Dad would turn the radio 37 so I could fully enjoy his favorite music. Then he actually began 38 . I was soon hearing about past failed dates,“ basic body ” gym class, and other

14、 stories from his past, including some of his first meeting with Mom. I thought why Dad was telli ng me so much in the car. I n all the years that I had 39 why my father never spoke that much, I had never stopped to consider that it was because I had n ever stopped to liste n. Homework, frien ds, an

15、d eve n TV had all called me away from him, and I never thought my 40 father had anything to say. Since I bega n drivi ng with him, my drivi ng skill has greatly in creased. More important is that I got to know my father more and more. Just living with him wasn t eno ugh it took driv ing with him fo

16、r me to get to know some one who was a mystery (神秘). 31. A. doctor B. worker C. writer D. driver 32. A. ever B. only C. still D. yet 33. A. dropped B. returned C. placed D. started 34. A. excit ing B. surpris ing C. movi ng D. hurti ng 35. A. in structi ons B. con versati ons C. in troduct ions D. c

17、ompetiti ons 36. A. work B. appear C. change D. con ti nue 37. A. over B. up C. off D. dow n 38. A. talki ng B. si ngi ng C. liste ning D. thi nki ng 39. A. found B. expected C. won dered D. un derstood 40. A. strict B. proud C. hon est D. quiet 阅读理解(共50分) 六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选择最 佳

18、选项。(共30分,每小题2分) A Bike Ren tals ( 租赁) Places Zoo Statio n We are directly at the Zoo train station, facing the parking area. Youll find us just past the main entrances (入口 ) opposite the Zoo entrance. Alexa nderplatz we re right under the TV tower. If you re facing the entrance of the Tower, walk to

19、 your right around the corner. Open Hours 9:30 18:00 Ren tal Prices 1/2 Day $7 One Day $12 nd 2 Day $10 Please call 650-968-3575 for bike ren tals. 41. Where is Alexa nderplatz? A. Near the Zoo entrance. C. In the park ing area. 42. When can we rent a bike? A. At 6:30.B. At 8:00. 43. How much is it

20、if you keep the bike for one day? A. $7.B. $10. B. Under the TV tower. D. At the train statio n. C. At 14:00. D. At 21:00. C. $12.D. $22. B Playing video games has become a real job now. Players can get a lot of money. They compete, watched by thousands of fans in arenas (竞技场),with millions more fol

21、lowi ng on li ne. 40 years ago the firstknown competition(playingSpacewarat the US s Standford Uni versity) offered a magaz ine as first prize. In 2014 the world champi on ship (冠 军赛)for Dota 2 had the prize of almost $11 million and 10,000 fans watched live as Chinese team won the first prize. Last

22、 year also saw the first e-sports arenas open in the US and a 15,000-seater e-sports stadium ( 体育场)in China, the e-TV sports report by sports network ESPN and the $450,000 worth e-sports scholarship (奖学金)offered by Chicago s Robert Morris Un iversity. If you re over 30, you probably don t, directly,

23、 uni ess you happe n to be a fanatical (狂热的)player of the most popular e-sports games. But your childrenor grandchildren do. They know the players by their gaming handles (用户名)and hope to follow their heroes into a gam ing world. 44. What has play ing video games become now? A. A job.B. A sport.C. A

24、 hobby.D.A competiti on. 45. When did the Chin ese team win the first prize? A. 40 years ago. B. 30 years ago.C. In 2014.D. In 2015. 46. What did Chicago s Robert Morris University offer? A. The first e-sports aren as.B. An e-sports stadium. C. The e-TV sports report.D. An e-sports scholarship. 47.

25、Who likes e-sports best, accord ing to the passage? A. Newly-bor n babies.B. Young childre n. C. Middle-aged people.D. Old people. C The most in teresti ng thi ng to see in Malaysia is theever- in creas ing nu mber of festivals held around the coun try. Made up of traditi onal cultural celebrati ons

26、, religious ( 宗教的)holidays and modern sporting or cultural events, Malaysia s festivals mean there s always a party to be found. More traditi onal even ts, such as World Kite Festival, the Magic of the Night and the Lantern Festival to n ame just a few all appear in many cale ndars around the nation

27、.Traditionalreligiouscelebrations,such as Chinese New Year and Christmas, are also popular in Malaysia and are celebrated across differentcultures and backgro un ds. The greatest event of the year s calendar for any food lover will be the Malaysia Gourmet Festival, held throughout chosen hotels in t

28、he capital city of Kuala Lumpur. One of the most popular of these new additi ons is the Malaysia Year End Sale, which runs from November through to early Jan uary. All around the n ati on there re cheaper sales. When it comes to the celebrati ons, Malaysia ns are some of the most gen erous (慷慨的)peop

29、le in the world. During manyof the year s importa nt even ts, Malaysia ns will ope n their homes to frien ds, families and stra ngers (in cludi ng tourists) in a tradition known as“ Rumah Terbuka” or“Open House” . Attending an Open House is a great opportunityto join the Malaysian, make friends and

30、enjoy delicious local food. The gover nment or local groups will also sometimes offer an Open House in a larger place, such as a big hall. Every one is welcome to take part in such even ts, which have helped create a positive (积极的)air. 2015 has been decided to be the Year of Festivals in Malaysia so

31、 there s never been a better time to visit Malaysia than now. Just turn the page to see some of the importa nt events tak ing place over the next 12 mon ths. And for more in formatio n on traveling to Malaysia, please visit What kind of festival is World Kite Festival in Malaysia? A. A traditi onal

32、event.B. A religious holiday. C. A sport ing eve nt.D. A cultural celebrati on. 49. Which of the follow ing is the greatest event for food lovers? A. The Lan tern Festival.B. The Malaysia Year End Sale. C. The Magic of the Night.D. The Malaysia Gourmet Festival. 50. The underlined part“Open House” i

33、n the passage means “” . A. leaving one s room door openB. keeping a shop open day and night C. letting visitors stay at one s home D. offering visitors free hotel rooms 51. What is the writer s purpose in the passage? A. To encourage us to visit Malaysia.B. To report some interesting festivals. C.

34、To share his own experie nee.D. To in troduce a foreig n coun try. D When you first step out into that big world, it can be a little worrying, but as time goes by and you get into the new environment, you very quickly begin to love it because every traveler lear ns certa in less on s, less ons about

35、 themselves, about travel, and about the world in gen eral. You might have thought you d have trouble with the Ianguage or that you re terrible with direct ions,or that you re shy around new people, or that you can t deal with some problems, but once you throw yourself to the deep end and have to su

36、rvive ( 生存)on your own in the world, you II come to know you re far better at these things tha n you ever realize. Every time I go camp ing or stay in a poor hotel or even eat street food, the feeling is the same on that first day: sick. I can t get clean. There are people making no ise in my room.

37、This food is going to make me ill. But after about three days of anything any level of discomfort you just get used to it. And the n it becomes fun. Could n t find any where to have breakfast this morning? No worries. Stayed up all night drinking and now you have to catch a bus? It ll all be fine. S

38、ee the above it ll take about three days to get used to it. What you may have once thought was very un pleasa nt showeri ng in a dirty bathroom, drying yourself with a dirty hotel towel, weari ng the same T-shirt four days, never washing your socks becomes routine(惯例)once you ve been traveling for a

39、 couple of mon ths. Keep clea n? It s a first-world problem. First-time travelers are usually worried about safety, but after a while you realize that the world isn t out to get you, and if you just take a few easy precautions (警觉),the probability is high that you ll never get stolen while you trave

40、l. Although you still might, so don t carry anything you can t bear to lose. The first price is n ever the right price. This holds true for any where that the price isn t stamped onto the thing or clearly shown in some way. While arguing about the price doesn t come naturally to some. It s something

41、 you have to get used to if you don t want to be ripped off over and over again. Things go wrong whe n you travel lots of thin gs. The train is late, the money excha nge place is closed, the hotel has lost your book ing, and you can feel a pain in your stomach that means last night s street food was

42、 a bad choice. But you have to be able to deal with these problems when you travel, or you ll quickly go silly. 52. What makes travelers love their travel, accord ing to the passage? A. Time s going by.B. Lessons they ve learnt. C. The exercise they take. D. The new en viro nment. 53. The sec ond pa

43、ragraph mainly tells us that A. traveli ng abroad causes a lot of problems B. the world one must be brave to travel in C. we re better than we realize when traveling D. nothing can stop us from going abroad 54. Which of the following is true, according to the passage? A. We can get used to a differe

44、 nt life style in a short time. B. It s important to keep clean all the time when traveling. C. First-time travelers are usually safe all over the world. D. It s not necessary to buy things during our travel abroad. 55. From the last paragraph, we can infer that. A. we can only depe nd on luck whe n

45、 traveli ng B. traveling is rather hard work than happy time C. traveli ng service is not good all over the world D. we must be ready to face problems whe n traveli ng 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每 个选项只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分) Mike and John are good friends. Both of them like traveling very much.

46、 One day, when they were traveling through a desert, they quarreled each other. Mike was very angry and hit Joh n in the face. Joh n was hurt, 56 , he wrote in the sand,“ Today my best friend hit me in the face. Then they went on walking and found an oasis (绿洲).It Joh n was not good at swim ming and

47、 he started drow ning ( 58 . WhenJohn got up, he wrote on a stone, Mike felt a little surprised and asked, words in the sand, and now you wrote on a stone? (吵架)with friend hurts us, we should write it dow n in the sand. something great happens, we should write it was very hot, 57 . 溺水)after a few mi

48、nu tes. “Today my best friend saved my life. “ Why, after I hurt you, you wrote some ” John smiled and said, “When a 59 . However, when in the stone of our memory and remember it forever.60 He learned what true friendship was. Let s learn to write in the sand and on the stone. A. Mike was very moved

49、 B. but without anything to say C. so they wan ted to have a swim D. And the wi nd can blow it away easily E. Mike swam to him quickly and saved him 八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分) Bashert is a gen tle, golde n dog. In her mind, there is no huma n problem so big she can t lick (舔)better.Whenher owner

50、 is sad, she licks him to make him happy. When her owner feels upset, she licks him aga in to en courage him. “When I go to camp, I miss Bashert a lot,” Bashert s owner Aaron Richards, a 14-year-old boy in the US, told theNew York Times. Animals like Bashert play an important part in people s lives.

51、 Whether it is a dog, a cat or a goldfish, people always enjoy their compa nion ship(陪伴).But do you know that people also love ani mals for other reas ons? When staying with animals, people can relax. Compared to the human world, the animal world seems to be simpler. People don t need to worry about

52、 being judged by words or behaviors. For children,they can forget grades and class performanee. What they feel is warmth and accepta nee without any con diti ons. Ani mals, especially pets, also teach people to lear n resp on sibility. Besides feedi ng and clea ning them, you also n eed to care for

53、them. When they are sick, take them to an ani mal hospital. When they feel Ion ely, just play with them for a while. When they get old, you should spe nd time with them and let them know that you will always love them. Such a caring heart also tells you to treat people in a nice way. Then, you will

54、find yourself a much beloved pers on. 61. What does Bashert do whe n her owner is sad? s lives? 62. How old is Bashert s owner? 63. Do ani mals play an importa nt part in people 64. What are the other reas ons that people love ani mals? 65. What is the passage mainly about? 书面表达(15分) 九、文段表达(15分) 根据中

55、文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的回信。信的开头和 结尾已给出,其词数不计入所要完成的回信内。 所给英文提示词语仅供选用。 请不要写出你 的校名和姓名。 66. 假如你叫李华,最近和英国朋友Jim通过邮件谈论校园安全,他想了解你的看法。请 根据他的问题回复邮件。 提示词语:study, help, sports, make sure -Is it important to keep safe at school? -Why do you think so? - What should we do to keep safe? To Jim From Li Hua Subjec

56、t School safety Hi! Jim, I m glad to hear from Yours, Li Hua 北京市朝阳区九年级综合练习(二) 英语试卷答案 听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,选图。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. A2. C3. C 4. A5. B 二、听对话或独白,选择答案。(共15分,每小题分) 6. A 7. B 8. B9. C10. A 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C 二、听对话,记录关键信息。 (共10分,每小题2分) 16. Tom 17. party 18. Sunday 19. 23 20. red 知识运用(共25分)

57、 四、单项填空(共10分,每小题1分) 21. A 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. C 30. B 五、完形填空(共15分,每小题分) 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. A 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. D 阅读理解(共50分) 六、 阅读短文,选择最佳选项。(共30分,每小题2分) (A) 41. B 42. C 43. C (B) 44. A 45. C46. D 47. B (C) 48. A 49. D51. A (D) 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. D 七、 阅读短文,还原句

58、子。(共10分,每小题2分) 56. B57. C 58. E59. D 60. A 八、阅读短文,回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分) 61. She licks her owner. 62. 14. 63. Yes, they do. 64. Ani mals can make people relax and teach people to lear n resp on sibility. 65. How ani mals comfort people and why people love ani mals. 书面表达(15分) 九、文段表达(15分) 66. One possible

59、version: In my opinion, it s important for us to keep safe at school. There are two main reas ons for it. School safety helps us not only study well but also live happily. In order to keep safe at school, we should do like these. First, be in order whe n we are going upstairs or dow nstairs. Second,

60、 make sure to be safe whe n we are doing sports. Try not to get hurt. Third, learn about some knowledge of safety. It s helpful to us. In short, as tee nagers, we should always keep safety in mind and try our best to be safe. 评分标准 、选择题答错或不答均不给分。 二、第三大题(听对话记录关键信息),大小写错误不扣分;拼写错误不给分。 三、第八大题(阅读短文,回答问题),


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