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1、精品文档 八年级上册英语作文 1. 假如你是林涛,去年夏天去北京度假,参观过许多地方。以My vacation为题目,写一篇70 词左右的短文。内容包括:1, 旅游景点(the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tianan men Square, Beijing huto ng). 2, 天气、活动。3, 观点等。 Last summer, I went to Beiji ng on vacati on with my father. The weather was sunny and hot. First we visited the Great Wall. T

2、here were a lot of people on the Great Wall. It is really the Ion gest wall in the world. The n ext day, we visited the Palace Museum and Tiananmen Square. Wetook manyphotos there. Wealso visited someother interesting places in Beijing. We visited Beijing hutong, too. We had a great time there. I ho

3、pe to go there aga in. 2.根据下面的八年级(1)班学生的活动调查表,用英语写一篇90词左右的文章 Class 1, Grade 8: Activity Survey Activities Every day Once or twice a week Three or four times a week Do homework 90% 10% 0% Use the In ternet 80% 0% 20% Play sports 30% 20% 50% Here are the results of the students activity survey in Clas

4、s 1, Grade 8. Ninety percent of the students do homeworkevery day, only ten percent of the students do homework once or twice a week. Eighty perce nt of the stude nts use the Internet every day. The other twenty percent of the students use it at least three or four times a week. Most students use it

5、 for fun and not for homework. The results about playing sports is also in teresti ng. Thirty perce nt of the stude nts play sports every day. Twenty perce nt of the students do it once or twice a week. Fifty percent of the students do it three or four times a week. Old habits die hard. We should st

6、art exercis ing before it too late. 3. 根据表格中的信息续写作文。 要求:(1)词数6080( 2)文中不得出现个人信息 Mother Chin ese teacher Differe nces Tall Short Funny Funnier Play pin g-p ong Go swimmi ng The same Long straight hair Frie ndly Like singing and dancing I love my mother and my Chin ese teacher very much. In some ways

7、they are the same, and in some ways they are different.They both have long straight hair. And they re both friendly and outgoing. My mother likes singing and dancing, and my Chinese teacher likes them, too. As for the differences, my mother is tall, but my Chinese teacher is short. MyChinese teacher

8、 is funnier than my mother. I love her class very much. About the hobby, my mother likes play ing pin g-p ong while my Chin ese teacher likes going swim ming. 4. 假如你是Jim,常到学校附近的三家商店购物,你对三家商店进行了对比,请用学过的比较级 或最高级的句型描述三家商店的不同。词数:6080。 提示:HanT Bargain Store: the cheapest, the worst Jennys Departme nt Sto

9、re: the most fashi on able clothes, the best service, the most expe nsive Carols Department Store: the most popular store, not the cheapest, not the most expensive, the frie ndliest service There are three stores near myschool. Of the three stores, I like Jennys Department Store best. Because it sel

10、ls very good thin gs. It sells the most fashi on able clothes. And it has the best service. However, people dontofte n shop because the things are the most expe nsive. I also like Carol Departme nt Store. Because it the most popular store n ear my school. The things there aren the cheapest and they

11、re not the most expe nsive. And it has the frie ndliest service. As for Ham Bargain Store, I don like it. Though it the cheapest, it isn the most popular. I n fact, lots of thi ngs there are the worst in tow n. 5. 上个星期天你和几个好朋友游览了香港迪斯尼乐园。请根据以下提供的信息写一篇80词左右 的游记。 提示内容:1.乘坐公共汽车很早就到了迪斯尼乐园。 2. 看到米老鼠、唐老鸭等卡

12、通人物,感到很激动。 3. 和卡通人物一起做游戏,一起进餐。 4. 游客众多,来自世界各地。 5. 惊叹沃尔特迪斯尼创作的卡通人物,并为此而骄傲。 Last Sun day my frie nds and I visited Hong Kong Disn eyla nd. We got there early by bus. I n the amuseme nt perk, we felt excited. The amuseme nt park is very big. In it we saw Disney characters like Mickey Mouse and Don ald

13、Duck everywhere .In the park, there were many visitors from all over the world. The Disney characters played games and ate lunch with us. Somevisitors kept saying the Disney characters were great. Hearing their words, I felt eve n prouder of these carto on characters that Walt Disney made. 6. 请以My d

14、ream job ”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍自己对未来理想职业的打算。 I have a dream, my dream is to be an En glish teacher. The reas on of this is I like English, and also I like my English teacher very much, so I want to be an English teacher as him. I will love my job, and love each of my stude nts. I will teach my stude nts

15、 very well, and tell them many in terest ing stories and teach them to lear n beautiful En glish son gs. In order to achieve my dream, I thi nk I should start from now on. First of all, I should lear n hard, not only En glish, but also other subjects. I n eed to go to college to get a good educati o

16、n. Next, I should lear n how to com muni cate and get along well with other people, especially childre n. Then, I will watch and lear n my teachers teach ing methods and skills in teach in g. I hope my dream will come true. 7. 你们班下周将召开一次班会,主题 是21世纪的生活”请写一份发 言稿。提示:1.人口迅 速增长;2.工作时间缩短,娱乐和旅游时间将 更充裕;3.机器

17、人做工,很多人面临失业。 要 求:1.短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。2.60词左右。 l.take place 2.populati on ,grow fast 3.more and more people 4.most ,live Ion ger ,tha n before 5.work, free ,sports, 6.watching TV and traveling 7.other countries for holidays 8. robots ,da ngerous , hard work 9.e no ugh work 1O.problem Life in the 21st

18、 Century Life in the 21st century will be different from life in the 20th cen tury, because cha nges will take place in the 21st cen tury . What will the cha nges be? The populati on is grow ing fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live Ion ger tha n before. Pe

19、ople will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century, and they will have more free time for sports, watchi ng TV and traveli ng. More and more people will go to other coun tries for holidays. Work in the future will be different, too. Robots will do much dangerous and hard work. Because of t

20、his, many people will not have eno ugh work to do. This will be a problem. 8.你喜欢吃三明治吗?你知道如何制作三明治吗?来亲手为自己做一份三明治吧!请看下表 Ingredient/Amount : bread : 2 pieces ; butter : 2 spoons; onion : 1; tomato : 1; turkey 3 pieces ; relish : 1 spoon 要求:1短文需用到表中所提供的原材料。2词数80左右. How to make a turkey san dwich? Do you

21、like san dwiches? I like them very much. Do you know how to make a san dwich? Let have a try . First, check you have all the ingredientsand put two teaspoons of butter on a slice of bread. Next, cut up an onion and a tomato. Add these to the bread. Then, add three slices of turkey and put one teaspo

22、 on of relish on the turkey. Fin ally,put ano ther slice of bread on the top. The great turkey sandwich is ready. You can enjoy it now. 9. 汤姆邀请杰克下周六去他家,但是杰克那天没有空,因此不能赴约。假如你是杰克,请根据提示 写一封委婉拒绝汤姆邀请的信,并说明你不能赴约的原因。 提示:study for a test; have a piano; go to the movies。 Hi Tom, Thanks for asking_me_to_your_h

23、ome._Id_love_to_come._But_Im_sorry丄can tvisit_you on.Saturday._I mnot_ availablethis_weekend._In_ the_ evening,_I_ have_to_ study_ for_ a_test._In the afterno on,丄have a pia no less on .l n the eve nin g,丄am goi ng to the movies with my family.Maybe another time. Best time, Jack 10. Mike是一位中学生,他沉迷于电

24、脑游戏中,并因此影响了学习。你作为 Mike的好朋友,你打 算怎么帮助他呢?请用下面所给的提示写一篇短文。提示: give up; waste time; be interested in; have a great time Dear Mike, Thanks for your letter. I am sorry to hear that you are in trouble now. Donworry. Let me help you. Now, I give you some advice about how to do better in your study. Playi ng c

25、omputer games is very in terest ing, but if you play too much, youwaste lots of time, and you have little time to do your homework. I think if you give up play ing computer games, you may be interested in other things, like study or sports. Then youll be in terested in many other subjects. So you sh

26、ould give up the computer games and work harder. I thi nk if you keep worki ng hard, youhave a great time at school with your good frie nds. 11. 我喜欢英语,我想在10年以后当一位英语老师。我要尽可能教好我的学生。我要尽量用英 语讲课。我要努力使我的课讲得生动有趣。另外,学生们都喜欢听老师讲故事,所以我要经常给 学生讲英语故事,使他们对英语感兴趣,从而能提高他们的听力。我相信我能成为一个好老师的。 I like English. I want to be an English teacher in ten years. ril teach my students as well as possible. Ill give my less ons in as much


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