



1、剔尖中英文翻译 剔尖 Ti Jian (two ends sharp shaped noodles) 典故传说:唐贞观年间八百里秦川大旱, 李世民急火攻心, 魏征荐绵山高僧田善友旨令祈雨, 后大雨倾盆解救了庄稼济助了万民。 李世民为报祈雨之恩, 带领满朝文武赴绵山还愿, 皇妹 八姑亦随同前往, 叩拜五龙圣母为师不愿再返长安, 在绵山诵经修行为乡民采药医病。 一日, 八姑为一患病老妪配药、 做饭, 和面时软了加面硬了加水,最后还是将面和得稀软,眼看锅 中水开, 八姑急中生智, 随手拿起一块木板将软面团放于板上, 用一根筷子试着往开水锅中 拨,竟拨出了一根根面条,煮熟盛碗老妪吃得上口,就问: “孩

2、子,这叫什么? ”八姑将 “这 ” 误听为 “你”字,脱口说: “叫八姑。 ”老妪误听为 “拨股 ”,从此就有了 “拨股”面,就是最早的剔 尖。后来人们将 “用筷子拨出的面条 ”还称为 “剔拨股 ”, 榆次、祁县、 太原等地民间则把和好 的面置于大碗内,用筷子剔拨,面呈鱼肚形,所以又称拨鱼,又因此面条呈两头尖,所以又 称“剔尖 ”。把和成半流质的面团盛放在盘子里拍平均匀,一手执一铁筷,一手转动盘子,沿 边剔面下锅 , 浇卤食之,是流行晋中、太原一带的名吃: “转盘剔尖 ”。 Legends and allusions: The origin of Ti Jian can be dated ba

3、ck to the Tang dynasty, and a sudden heavy rain alleviated the drought. One day, the king decided to take his sister named Bagu and minister to pray to Heaven for a prosperous year. On the one hand, Bagu need to brewing medicines for an old woman who was sick. On the other hand, she cooked noodles t

4、o sick woman. Due to limited time, not only the dough is kneaded much softer, but the water is boiled. She conveniently picked up some soft dough on the board, using a chopstick to try to stir the dough into the pot. After ate, the old woman praised to this noodle. Apart from the sliced and stretche

5、d noodles, there is another kind of flour food, Ti Jian, which is welcomed mainly in central Shanxi and Taiyuan regions. It is usually made as follows: firstly you need to pat the semi fluid dough flat in a plate, then spin the plate along the pot and use a chopstick to put a small nip of the dough

6、into the boiling water. After a while, you can enjoy them with some gravy joyfully. 主料:面粉1碗 、清水 1/2 碗 辅料:土豆、北瓜、肉片、葱姜丝、香菜 调料:花椒、盐、少许酱油 Main ingredient: one bowl of flour, half bowl of water Minor ingredient: potato, cucurbita pepo, meat, green onion, ginger, coriander Seasoning: Sichuan pepper, salt,

7、 soy sauce 菜品特点: 剔尖具有内虚、 外筋、柔软、 光滑、易消化等特点, 加之简易方便, 是深得人们喜爱的食点。 Dish Characteristics: Ti Jian (two ends sharp shaped noodles) in Shanxi also has the characteristics of external entity, internal emptiness, flexibility, smoothness and easy to digest. Along with its convenience, it really becomes a kind

8、 of cooked wheaten food that is very popular. 制作方法 1. 土豆、北瓜切丁;肉切片放少许酱油稍稍腌渍;葱姜切丝 2. 炒锅放少许油,微热后放入花椒炸至有香味 3. 此时将腌渍好的肉片、葱姜丝一起放入炒锅翻炒至肉片完全变色 4. 将土豆丁、北瓜丁放入翻炒至微微变色后加入清水没过即可 5中火炖至土豆、北瓜酥烂,汤汁浓稠后关火 6. 取一只汤锅放入适量清水大火做开,将炖好的卤汁倒入做开的汤锅中 7. 在炖菜期间,取一小碗面粉,加入 1/2碗清水 8. 用筷子一个方向不停搅拌至光滑上劲后,醒半小时 9. 将加入卤汁的汤锅再次做开 10. 取一只扁铲,铲适

9、量面团 11. 用一只蘸有清水的筷子沿扁铲边沿拨面 12. 待汤锅内剔尖颜色变得透亮,用筷子夹起感觉发硬后关火,撒香菜、香葱即可食用 Maki ng Method 1. Potato and cucurbita pepo are diced, and the meat is sliced, and then green onion and gin ger are shredded. 2. Put into some cook ing oil to frying Sichua n pepper un til smell fragra nee. 3. Add pickled meat, slice

10、d gree n onionsand gin ger to stir-fry ing un til the color of meats become white 4. Add diced potatoes and dicedcucurbita pepo into the pot, covered with water. 5. Turn off the fire un til ten der 6. Add some water to boil in a saucepa n, and put the completed sauces in it. 7. Take one bowl of four

11、 and half bowl of water to mix. 8. Stir with a pair of chopsticksuntilthe dough are smooth and elastic. Cover and let sta nd for 30 minu tes. 9. Boil the completed sauces aga in. 10. Make use a small shovel to take some dough 11. Use a chopstick with clean water to stir the dough along the side of t

12、he shovel 12. Put somecoriander and green onion in the noodle until the color of soup is bright. 营养功效: 小麦面粉:面粉富含蛋白质、碳水化合物、维生素和钙、铁、磷、钾、镁等矿物质,有养心 益肾、健脾厚肠、除热止渴的功效,主治脏躁、烦热、消渴、泄痢、痈肿、外伤出血及烫伤 等。 Nutriti on function: The flour containsrich carbohydrate,Protein,vitamins and calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium,magn esium and other min erals,and can provide eno ugh en ergy. Mean while, it is ben efit for your heart, kid ney and in test in es a nd stomach. It


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