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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟553专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟553专业八级分类模拟553WRITING问题:1. 商品包装之我见 Read carefully the following two excerpts about products packaging in our daily life, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should: 1. summarize the main message of the two excerpts, and then 2.

2、express your opinion towards the over packaging phenomena, especially your opinion on the appropriateness of packaging. You can support yourself with information from the excerpts: Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow

3、the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Excerpt 1 The Packaging Culture Packaging, as an important section in product marketing, is the first impression that customers have towards the products. To cover a product in order to protect it from being damaged while in transportation was pr

4、oducers original idea about packaging. With the development of the industry, the purpose of packaging has evolved. The producers found packaging was on the top lists of the factors that attract the customers. And sometimes it can be the only factor on the list if the customers were appearance-orient

5、ed. The details of the packaging are not only the simple reflection of the products properties, but also the representation of the corporate culture. All the packaging choices including the colors, the slogans, and the shapes of its packaging bags are all the wits of the designers that account for t

6、he enterprise image. And also the advertising effect can be seen in the packaging designs. While the common products are bought for satisfying the living needs, some products are used to express personal wishes. Under such circumstances, the need for appearance of the products is generated. For vari

7、ous purposes, the packaging needs are different. Excerpt 2 The Over Packaging Problem Packaging for the products protection and transportation is certainly necessary. And some products need to be attractively packaged to match their high quality and taste. Yet nowadays, the over packaging issue is s

8、erious. The experience that the real products can only be seen after endless wrappers is shared by many people. Then we may end up finding that the product itself is actually not as heavy as its package materials and even the products under such over packaged luxury wrappings are inferior. This kind

9、 of over packaging is no doubt a waste of the resources, for most of the packaging materials are made from natural resources. And after the unpacking, the environmental pollution is generated. Most of the packaging materials are going nowhere but the trashcan. Sometimes, the protection need of some

10、products makes producers apply special packaging to them. Yet under most situations, they have overdone it. The over packaging has not only invisibly raised the price of the products, for the extra packaging fees are included in the price. Over packaging has also exaggerated the function of the prod

11、ucts appearance of while in fact the quality should be listed as the primary consideration. And many products are just eye candy. 答案:范文 Unity Between the Quality and the Packaging Although its commonly accepted that the packaging of the products is a very essential element in the whole marketing pro

12、cess, the over packaging problem has aroused heated discussion nowadays. Seeing the excessive packaging of the products, many people begin to consider the basic principles in packaging. As far as I am concerned, the over packaging problem in our society is serious. (Viewpoint) Its for sure that the

13、packaging of the products is necessary, but it shall never be the supportive reason for over packaging. (Topic sentence) First of all, packaging as both preservation methods and the representation of the corporate culture is imperative and proper packaging contributes to establishing a sound and int

14、imate relation between a product and its users. Yet the advocating of thriftiness is not obsolete in modern age. Refusing over packaging does not mean we should deprive the creative packaging designs or whittle down the attraction towards the customers. On the contrary, it is a higher demand to see

15、the harmony of environment and the appealing packaging. Secondly. the standard ofa moderate packaging may not be the same for all industries. but the concept of refusing over packaging should be set in all trades as well as in the whole society. (Topic sentence) The producers should have the conscio

16、usness of doing environmental-friendly business. As customers who are directly influencing the packaging trend, we need to focus more on the quality of the product, but not its appearance. The packaging problem is not the stop sign to impede the development of the industries, nor should it be the ma

17、rketing gimmick. It should be the guidelines for the future productions in which the whole society should clamp down on the specious appearance of the products and the true creative packaging can be exonerated from wasting resources. (Conclusion)解析 审题立意 商品包装作为一种市场营销手段,已经在保护商品、方便运输的基础上得到了进一步的发展,并且越来越

18、注重包装对于消费者的吸引力。无论是从卖家还是买家的角度来说,商品包装都有着重要意义。对于商家来说,产品的包装直接影响消费者对产品的评价;对于购买者来说,商品的包装是我们了解商品性质、判断喜恶的直接依据。然而,尽管包装是必要的,商品的过度包装问题也应该引起我们的重视。很多商品的包装耗材多、成本高,导致资源浪费、商品价格提高等问题。再者,很多商品是外观漂亮, “表里不一”。针对商品的过度包装问题,考生发表自己的看法。 写作框架 1总结材料中给出的两方面观点。一方面,商品包装是必要的;另一方面,商品过度包装问题也较为严重。 2发表自己的观点。商品的过度包装问题是多方面推波助澜的结果;商家与消费者都应

19、该为抑制过度包装与包装材料的回收使用而努力。 3总结观点。商品的适度包装不仅涉及环境与经济问题,也涉及社会风气问题。追求商品的质量而非华而不实的外表才是正确的消费观,有创意的商品包装不等同于过度包装。作为消费者,我们应该有辨别意识。问题:2. 广场舞 Read carefully the following two excerpts on square dance, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should: 1. summarize the main message of the t

20、wo excerpts, and then 2. express your opinion towards square dance. You can support yourself with information from the excerpts. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks

21、. Excerpt 1 Dance with Passion Square dance has become a widely accepted activity in China nowadays. It refers to a popular type of dance mainly among the middle aged women, or as they are often called: Dama. Gathering at an open square or just an open area in the city, the members whose average age

22、 is over 50 would do some exercise or dance with certain music voluntarily. Usually, they have their unified moves and gestures that are relatively easy to imitate. The most intriguing part is the group is available for any one. Even if you are just passing by, the dance is free for you to join in.

23、Square dancing has spread rapidly in China. Due to the great pleasure that dancing can bring to someones mood and the healthy exercise that one can take from practicing it, the army of square dancers is expanding faster and faster. Anytime you see the women dancing on the square, you get to see thes

24、e bright smiles on their faces. It can be inferred that they are having a great time. Square dance has enriched the life of many retired people. Square dancing has refreshed my life. I met those same-aged friends and we gathered together for not only dancing but also chatting, which was really pleas

25、ant. Says a square dancer. Excerpt 2 The Incongruous Setting Theres no doubt that square dance has brought the healthy lifestyle to many people. With enjoyment, they can also do exercise every day. However, the loud music and the large-scaled move have disturbed the order of many public areas. Many

26、citizens have complained about the growing chaos square dance has brought to their life. There is a group of people who dance every night near my apartment. They gather at about 6 oclock p.m. Then the music wont stop till midnight. My family is annoyed every day. I feel like the night time is turned

27、 into a nightmare somehow. I do admit that square dance is in general a positive activity, but try to imagine that your children are trying so hard to do homework while these square dancers are nonchalant about the noise they make. The complaint has shown us the seemingly positive square dance has i

28、nfringed other peoples right. To reduce the noise, necessary actions are in need. The disruption can be really annoying, for the victims are not suffering it from time to time, but on a daily basis. 答案:范文 My View on Square Dancing With the richness of life after retirement, a new activity has been b

29、rought into being. Attracting mainly the middle-aged women in their 50s, square dance has created a positive atmosphere for society. We see groups of people dancing and smiling on the available stages like the park or the square. Yet the pleasant dance as you like situation has also brought the nois

30、es to the citizens. The loud music and the crowded team have impacted their regular life. Created to rejuvenate old people, square dance is criticized for waiving the public peace aside. Taking the pros and cons of square dance into account. I think the existence of square dance is definitely positi

31、ve, yet the public order should not be disturbed. (Viewpoint) Firstly, square dance has reshaped the life of the senior citizens. (Topic sentence) Many people are tortured by a tedious life after retirement. Sitting around all day long at home can be quite boring. Square dance has provided them with

32、 the opportunity to enrich their life and make new friends. It is not earning the popularity for no reason in such a short time. As a public activity, square dance has many positive influences. Yet on the flip side, the complaints about the noises cannot be ignored. (Topic sentence) Square dance its

33、elf is a positive activity for the public, but noises are disrupting public order. The conflicted issue must be consciously treated. Actually, different ways can be applied to solve the problem. For example, some people have proposed to let the dancers wear earphones. Others put forward that the dan

34、cing time can be adjusted. Since the dancers are mostly retired, the gathering time can be arranged not to conflict with other peoples sleeping time. Co-effort is needed to make square dance an activity without disrupting other peoples life. (Conclusion) And the key point that we need to bear in min

35、d in social affairs is that society belongs to every member. That is to say, when we are trying to make our life full of glee, we should also avoid badgering others.解析 审题立意 风靡全国的广场舞以其活力与简单易学的动作吸引了众多中老年妇女。大街小巷都有广场舞的身影。如今,这项原本十分积极的活动却也引起了诸多问题,比如其规模很大,通常音乐的声音也很大,这给周围居民的生活造成了困扰。所以社会上逐渐产生了反对广场舞的声音。考生可以针对

36、此题目,谈谈自己对广场舞的看法。 写作框架 1总结材料中的两种观点,即广场舞对于社会的正反两方面影响。 2发表自己的观点。一方面,要承认广场舞的积极意义;另一方面,也不应该忽视其造成的噪音问题。我们应该支持广场舞的进行,但也应该采取措施减少其对其他居民的打扰。 3总结观点。社会的友好环境需要每个人的努力,对于广场舞的问题应该给予解决。问题:3. 方言vs.普通话 Read carefully the following two excerpts about dialects and mandarin, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 3

37、00 WORDS, in which you should: 1. summarize the main message of the two excerpts, and then 2. express your opinion towards dialects, especially on the relationship between dialects and Putonghua. You can support yourself with information from the excerpts. Marks will be awarded for content relevance

38、, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Excerpt 1 A Bridge Between Regions Language as the significant part in a culture can always provide clues about nationalities, or even identities. Every country has its o

39、wn standard language and concrete language polices. With a complete language system, Putonghua is commonly accepted to facilitate the communications between different regions in China. Nowadays the majority of the Chinese population is speaking Putonghua and the number is still expected to rise in t

40、he near future. In a country like China which is the motherland of over 50 ethnic groups, a common language has a profound meaning in narrowing the economic gaps as well as diminishing the cultural estrangement between different regions. From a certain point, it is the prerequisite of building a str

41、onger country with citizens holding hands. The meaning of a unified language is vital in the spreading of our culture. In an era of globalization, the interactions between nations are more frequent and deeper than ever. Chinese is becoming an international language with an increasing number of users

42、. In this process, Putonghua is the launching pad for our brilliant culture rocket. For without it, we cannot expect a forceful and convincible cultural influence. Excerpt 2 Kaleidoscope of Culture Every place has its own regional characteristics which are the quintessence of not only its historic d

43、evelopment, but also cultural heritage. Among all the unique features, dialects as the languages that differ from place to place are the treasures in local cultures. They are more than the mere tools for the communication, but the direct reflection of their respective regional attribute. Spoken by a

44、 certain group of people, the dialect can be the epitome of hometown as well as an important part in ones life. A multitude of dialects and language variations have long existed due to geographical separations within the country. Although all the dialects are the indispensable forces in thriving Chi

45、nese culture, the difficulties in understanding each other are evident and various dialects are not completely intelligible to Mandarin speakers. Thus, the sphere of dialect application is actually limited. With the popularity of Putonghua, the dialects are gradually becoming the marginal power in o

46、ur society. Since most of the dialects are not taught formally and systematically nowadays, theres no other ways for them to survive except for orally and casually. That is to say, the best way to get in touch with the different local cultures and dialects is exposure to real communications which is

47、 usually hard to realize. 答案:范文 The Egalitarianism in Utterances Catering to the developmental needs, Putonghua is proficient in raising social efficiencies. And we have made great efforts to promote Putonghua in order to facilitate the communications within our country. Yet admitting the advantages

48、 in promoting Putonghua, some people are also concerned about the marginal position of dialects nowadays. Because of the geographical variations and historical vicissitudes, people speak diverse languages in different regions which cannot be easily understood by other social members. And it seems th

49、at with increasing users of our national dialects, the local dialects are fading. In fact, the preservation and the development of dialects are not in collision with the promotion of Putonghua. (Viewpoint) Firstly, there is no doubt that the promotion of Putonghua is necessary. (Topic sentence) The

50、appearance of a unified language to make the public interaction more convenient is the demand of our social development. Instead of calling the promotion of Putonghua as a language policy, it may be more accurate to call it a natural course. In our society, Putonghua plays a vital role in breaking t

51、hrough the estrangement between different regions and cultures. On the other hand, as highlighted all the time, to promote Putonghua is definitely not wiping out the dialects. Dialects as the representations of the regional characteristics should be preserved. (Topic sentence) Whats more, we should

52、realize that although these different languages are called dialects in our society, local people prefer to call them their native accent which would remain the same even after years have passed. Thus the use of dialects should never be limited so that its longevity can be kept from generation to gen

53、eration. It is neither practical to foist a language on someone nor reasonable to deprive a language from someone. The cultural merge is a natural process and we need to be patient. The using of Putonghua is unstoppable in our society. At the same time, the dialects are the inexhaustible sources of

54、Chinese. Therefore, promoting Putonghua and protecting dialects should be at the same pace. (Conclusion)解析 审题立意 我国作为一个民族众多、语言多样的国家,大力推广普通话是克服各民族各地区之间语言障碍与文化隔阂的有力手段;同时,对于社会发展来讲,普通话的推广服务于社会沟通。而另一方面,由于使用人数和使用范围的限制,各地区的方言正面临着萎缩消亡的困境。方言作为一种非物质文化遗产,体现着地域特色与文化多样性,应该得到尊重与传承。对于推广普通话与保护各地区方言之间的关系,不同的人有不同的看法。考

55、生结合自己的生活体会,发表对二者之间关系的看法。 写作框架 1总结材料中给出的两方面观点。一方面,推广普通话是社会发展的必经之路;另一方面,对于各地区方言的保护是文化繁荣的基本要素。 2发表自己的观点。首先,推广普通话与保护方言都是毋庸置疑的正确行动。问题的关键是,两者的脚步与努力应该是同步的。 3总结观点。中国作为一个幅员辽阔、人口众多的国家,普通话的推广意义深远。但与此同时,保持中国文化的多样性也是我们应该思考的问题。在中国文化的大花园中,一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。问题:4. 我对自由的看法 Read carefully the following two excerpts abou

56、t freedom, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should: 1. summarize the main message of the two excerpts, and then 2. express your opinion towards freedom, especially your opinion on its essence. You can support yourself with information from the excerpts. Marks will

57、 be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Excerpt 1 Everyone Is Born Free In a dictionary, the word freedom refers to the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone. However, in real life, the definition of freedom is so broad that it li


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