



1、P erformance indicator htt p:/en. wik ip /wiki/Performa nce in dicator#Gover nment Key Performa nee In dicator redirects here. A performance indicator or key performance indicator (KPI ) is industry jargon for a type of performanee measureme门典 KPIs are commonly used by an organization to eva

2、luate its success or the success of a p articular activity in which it is en gaged. Sometimes success is defi ned in terms of making p rogress toward strategic goals,旦 but ofte n success is simply the rep eated achieveme nt of some level of op erati onal goal (for exa mple, zero defects, 10/10 custo

3、mer satisfacti on, etc.). Accord in gly, choos ing the right KPIs is relia nt upon hav ing a good un dersta nding of what is imp orta nt to the orga ni zati on. What is imp orta nt ofte n depends on the dep artme nt measuri ng the p erforma nee - the KPIs useful to finance will be quite differe nt t

4、ha n the KPIs assig ned to sales, for exa mple. Because of the n eed to devel op a good un dersta nding of what is imp orta nt, p erforma nee in dicator selecti on is ofte n closely associated with the use of various tech niq ues to assess the p rese nt state of the bus in ess, and its key activitie

5、s. These assessme nts often lead to the ide ntificati on of poten tial imp roveme nts; and as a con seque nee, p erforma nee in dicators are routi nely associated with p erforma nee imp roveme nt i nitiatives. A very com mon way for choos ing KPIs is to apply a man ageme nt framework such as the bal

6、a need scorecard Contents hide 1 Categorizati on of in dicators 2 Some imp orta nt asp ects 3 Ide ntify ing in dicators of orga ni zati on 4 KPI examples 4.1 Marketi ng 4.2 Manu facturi ng 4.3 IT 4.4 Supply Chain Man ageme nt 4.5 Government 4.6 Further p erformance indicators 5 Problems 6 See also 7

7、 References 8 Further reading editlCategorizati on of in dicators Key p erforma nee in dicators defi ne a set of values used to measure aga in st. These raw sets of values, which are fed to systems in charge of summariz ing the in formatio n, are called indicators. I ndicators ide ntifiable and mark

8、ed as po ssible can didates for KPIs can be summarized into the follow ing sub-categories: Quantitative indicators which can be p rese nted as a nu mber. Practical indicators that in terface with existi ng company p rocesses. Directional indicators sp ecify ing whether an orga ni zati on is getti ng

9、 better or not. Actionable indicators are sufficie ntly in an orga ni zati ons con trol to affect cha nge. Financial indicators used in p erforma nee measureme nta nd whe n look ing at an op erati ng in dex. Key p erforma nee in dicators, in p ractical terms and for strategic devel opment, are objec

10、tives to be targeted that will add the most value to the bus in esscitation needed These are also referred to as key success in dicators editSome important aspects Key p erforma nee in dicators (KPIs) are ways to p eriodically assess the p erforma nces of orga ni zati ons, bus in ess un its, and the

11、ir divisi on, dep artme nts and empio yees. Accord in gly, KPIs are most com monly defi ned in a way that is un dersta ndable, meanin gful, and measurable. They are rarely defi ned in such a way such that their fulfillme nt would be hamp ered by factors see n as non-con trollable by the orga ni zati

12、 ons or in dividuals respon sible. Such KPIs are usually ignored by organi zati on s.citation needed In order to be evaluated, KPIs are lin ked to target values, so that the value of the measure can be assessed as meeti ng exp ectati ons or not. editllde ntify ing in dicators of orga ni zati on Perf

13、ormance in dicators differ from bus in ess drivers and aims (or goals). A school might con sider the failure rate of its stude nts as a key p erforma nee in dicator which might hel p the school un dersta nd its po siti on in the educati onal com mun ity, whereas a bus in ess might con sider the perc

14、en tage of in come from returni ng customers as a poten tial KPI. The key stages in identifying KPIs are: Having a p re-defi ned bus in ess pro cess (BP). Havi ng requireme nts for the BPs. Having a qua ntitative/qualitative measureme nt of the results and comp aris on with set goals. In vestigati n

15、g varia nces and tweak ing pro cesses or resources to achieve short-term goals. A KPI can follow the SMART criteria . This means the measure has sSpecific purpose for the bus in ess, it is M easurable to really get a value of the KPI, the defi ned norms have to be A chievable, the imp roveme nt of a

16、 KPI has to be R eleva nt to the success of the orga ni zati on, and fin ally it must be T ime p hased, which means the value or outcomes are show n for a p redefi ned and releva nt p eriod. editKPI exam pies edit Marketing Some exa mples are: 1. New customers acquired 2. 3. Demogra phic an alysis o

17、f in dividuals (poten tial customers) applying to become customers, and the levels of app roval, reject ions, and pending nu mbers Status of existi ng customers 4. Customer attriti on 5. 6. 7. 8. Turno ver (i.e., reve nue) gen erated by segme nts of the customer popu lati on Outsta nding bala nces h

18、eld by segme nts of customers and terms of p ayme nt Collect ion of bad debts withi n customer relati on shi ps Profitability of customers by demogra phic segme nts and segme ntati on of customers by p rofitability Many of these customer KPIs are devel oped and man aged with customer relationship ma

19、nagementsoftware. Faster availability of data is a comp etitive issue for most orga ni zati ons. For exa mple, bus in esses which have higher op erati on al/credit risk (in volv ing for exa mple credit cards or wealth man ageme nt) may want weekly or eve n daily availability of KPI an alysis, facili

20、tated by approp riate IT systems and tools. edit Manufacturing Overall equipment effectiveness, is a set of broadly accepted non-financial metrics which reflect manu factur ing success. Cycle Time -Cycle time is the total time from the beginning to the end of your p rocess, as defi ned by you and yo

21、ur customer. Cycle time in cludes p rocess time, duri ng which a unit is acted upon to bring it closer to an out put, and delay time, duri ng which a un it of work is spent wait ing to take the n ext action. Cycle Time Ratio (CTR) -CTR = Standard Cycle Time / Real Cycle Time Utilizati on * edit IT R

22、eject ion rate Availability Mea n time betwee n failure Mean time to repair * edit Supply Chain Management Unplanned availability Busin esses can utilize KPIs to establish and mon itor p rogress toward a variety of goals, in cludi ng lea n manu factur ing objectives, min ority bus in ess enterp rise

23、 and diversity spending, environmental green initiatives, cost avoidanee programs and low-cost country sourcing targets. Any bus in ess, regardless of size, can better man age supp lier p erforma nee with the help of KPIs robust cap abilities, which in clude: Automated entry and app roval functions

24、On-dema nd, real-time scorecard measures Rework on p rocured inven tory. Sin gle data repo sitory to elim in ate in efficie ncies and maintain con siste ncy Adva need workflow app roval pro cess to en sure con siste nt pro cedures Flexible data-i nput modes and real-time grap hical p erforma nee dis

25、 pl ays Customized cost sav ings docume ntation Simp lified set up pro cedures to elim in ate dependence upon IT resources. Main SCM KPIs will detail the followi ng p rocesses: Sales forecasts Inven tory Procureme nt and supp liers Warehous ing Transpo rtati on Reverse logistics Supp liers can impi

26、eme nt KPIs to gain an adva ntage over the comp etiti on. Supp liers have in sta nt access to a user-frie ndly p ortal for submitt ing sta ndardized cost sav ings tempi ates. Supp liers and their customers excha nge vital supply cha in p erforma nee data while gaining visibility to the exact status

27、of cost imp roveme nt p rojects and cost sav ings docume ntati on. edit Government The provincial government of Ontario, Canada has been using KPIs since 1998 to measure the p erforma nee of higher educati on in stituti ons in the province. All post sec on dary schools collect and report p erforma n

28、ee data in five areas -graduate satisfact ion, stude nt satisfactio n, empio yer satisfacti on, employmen t rate, and graduati on rate.回 editFurther performance indicators Durati on of a stockout situati on Customer order wait ing time editP roblems In p ractice, oversee ing key p erforma nee in dic

29、ators can p rove expen sive or difficult for orga ni zati ons. Some in dicators such as staff morale may be impo ssible to qua ntify. As such dubious KPIs can be ado pted that can be used as a rough guide rather tha n a p recise ben chmark. adjust to cha nging eve n if of dubious releva nee, because

30、 history does exist. Ano ther serious issue in p ractice is that j nee a measure is created, it becomes difficult to needs as historical comparisons will be lost. As such measures are kept Comp aris ons betwee n differe nt orga ni zati ons are ofte n difficult as they depend on sp ecific in-house p

31、ractices and p olicies. Key p erforma nee in dicators can also lead to perverse incen tives and unintended , consequencesas a result of empio yees work ing to the sp ecific measureme nts at the expense of the actual quality or value of their work. For example, measuring the productivity of a software devel opment team in terms of source lines of code en courages


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