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1、奥迪奥迪a6l tdi深度体验方案深度体验方案 audi a6l tdi-depth experience of the program 广州国云风广告公司gaac 2009年11月8日 2titel oder name, abteilung, datum 目录目录catalog 活动背景background activities 活动创意creative activities 媒介传播media communication 费用预算cost estimates 3titel oder name, abteilung, datum 目录目录catalog 活动背景background acti

2、vities 活动创意creative activities 媒介传播media communication 费用预算cost estimates 4titel oder name, abteilung, datum tdi销售现状不尽人意销售现状不尽人意 利益诉求有偏差利益诉求有偏差 主流舆论的环保诉求对 车主无实质性利益 节油特性对该级别的车 主不是关键性影响 对柴油发动机的误解依然存在对柴油发动机的误解依然存在 冒黑烟 跟国内油品质量不匹配 发动机稳定性差 加油时跟货车拼位置 5titel oder name, abteilung, datum tdi sales unsatisfact

3、ory status quo interest demands there are deviations mainstream medias environmental claims and substantial benefit to the owners of non - the owners of fuel-saving feature is not critical to the level of impact a misunderstanding of the diesel engine still exists black smoke domestic fuel quality d

4、oes not match with the stability of difference engine to fight with the location of refueling trucks 6titel oder name, abteilung, datum 需要从需要从“汽车汽车”最本质的属性去发掘利益点最本质的属性去发掘利益点 need from the car the most essential point of the property to discover the interests of 社会利益社会利益 social benefits 基本利益基本利益 basic

5、 interests 核心利益核心利益 core interests 动力 power 舒适、操控、节油 comfort, control, fuel-efficient 节能、环保 energy-saving, environmental protection 7titel oder name, abteilung, datum 策略思考创意策略思考创意 以“动力” 为核心的深度体验 提高终端集客质量提高终端集客质量 终端整合,统一行动 店头包装,gaac负责统一 提供物料设计和话术 提高参与门槛,通过比赛 获取参与资格 传播整合传播整合 传播上与经销商现有 广告资源实现最大整合 gaac负

6、责统一提供设 计 体验活动策划体验活动策划 以产品体验为平台 融入团队互动类型的 生活方式体验 8titel oder name, abteilung, datum creative thinking strategies the power as the core of the depth of experience to improve the quality of tto improve the quality of t he terminal set-off he terminal set-off terminal integration, unit terminal integrat

7、ion, unit y of action y of action store the first package, g store the first package, g aac is responsible for provaac is responsible for prov iding a unified design and iding a unified design and materials, if surgery materials, if surgery enhance participation thre enhance participation thre shold

8、 for eligibility for pshold for eligibility for p articipation by racearticipation by race communication integration communication integration communication with distrib communication with distrib utors to achieve maximum inutors to achieve maximum in tegration of the existing ategration of the exis

9、ting a dvertising resources dvertising resources gaac responsible for centr gaac responsible for centr alizing the provision of dealizing the provision of de signsign experience event planning experience event planning experience as a platform f experience as a platform f or product - or product - i

10、ntegration into the team integration into the team to experience an interactivto experience an interactiv e type of lifestylee type of lifestyle 9titel oder name, abteilung, datum 目录目录catalog 活动背景background activities 活动创意creative activities 媒介传播media communication 费用预算cost estimates 10titel oder na

11、me, abteilung, datum 活动主题活动主题theme t级体验既有tdi级别也有“特级”的意思 t-class experience for both tdi-level also has a super means 1 简单上口,容易传播 simple and catchy, easy to spread 2 副标题点名活动的身份,是针对a6ltdi的 subheading named activity status is aimed at the a6ltdi 3 t t级体验行动级体验行动-奥迪奥迪a6ltdia6ltdi深度试驾之旅深度试驾之旅 t-class expe

12、rience of action - audi a6ltdi-depth test drive of the tript-class experience of action - audi a6ltdi-depth test drive of the trip 11titel oder name, abteilung, datum 经销商店头活动创意经销商店头活动创意 车内投篮比赛 知识问答 绕s单边桥驾驶比赛 两人一组,在一人的 指挥下,另一人开车 通过s单边桥,取两人 中最好的成绩为有效 成绩; 现场报名者随机组合 ,每两人一组; 车内的驾驶者配合同 车同伴,以投篮入筐 者获胜; 同投篮组

13、合,进入知 识问答环节,在电脑 商选择奥迪问卷,问 题主要是a6l技术亮点 所带来的驾驶者利益 ; 12titel oder name, abteilung, datum dealer-the-counter activities of creative race-car shooting knowledge q on-site registration were randomly assigned to combinations of each pair; car drivers with the same car companion, in order to shoot into the

14、basket wins; combined with the shot into the quiz links, a choice of audi in the computer questionnaire, the problem is caused by a6l technical highlights of the interests of drivers; 13titel oder name, abteilung, datum 经销商店头活动现场效果图经销商店头活动现场效果图 dealer-the-counter effects of the activity site map 来宾签

15、到分 组 培训、规则 介绍 全体合影正式比赛公布成绩 嘉宾颁奖 结束 退场 14titel oder name, abteilung, datum 经销商店头活动运营示意图经销商店头活动运营示意图 dealer-the-counter effects of the activity site map 4s店 停车场 宣传牌 4s店 内专题 易拉宝 店头宣传 shop head publicity 媒体宣传media 15titel oder name, abteilung, datum 经销商店头活动运营示意图经销商店头活动运营示意图 dealer-the-counter effects of

16、 the activity site map 比赛筛选competition screening 各城市经销商在所在地广场进行集中筛选 place the seat of dealers in various cities centralized screening 每家店最终胜出30人,共15对组合,按比赛成绩高低 筛选 the final winner of each store 30, a total of 15 pairs of combinations, according to match the level of screening results 场地推荐recommended

17、 sites 泉州:海峡体育中心厦门:五一文化广场福州:金山展览城 16titel oder name, abteilung, datum 深度体验活动创意深度体验活动创意 the depth of experience, creative activity 嘉宾每两人一组,驾驶a6l2.7tdi挑战福建天门山盘山道 位于福建省福州市永泰县岭路乡境内,距离永泰县城13公里,距离福州市区76公里。主峰海 拔1130米。 guests in teams of two, driving a6l2.7tdi challenge fujian tianmenshan winding road yongt

18、ai county is located in fuzhou city, fujian province in ling road, township, 13 kilometers away from yongtai county, 76 kilometers away from fuzhou. peak elevation of 1130 meters. 17titel oder name, abteilung, datum 心智与体力的极限挑战:瀑降(如温度太低则改为崖降) the limits of mental and physical challenges: fall down (s

19、uch as the temperature is too low will be changed to cliff drop) 深度体验活动创意深度体验活动创意 the depth of experience, creative activity 18titel oder name, abteilung, datum 深度体验活动创意深度体验活动创意 明察秋毫明察秋毫: 现场用两部车,每两人为一组,两组 进行pk; 每组设置好自己车内的储物空间、mmi 等,对方观察1分钟; 然后各自分别用1分钟进行调整自己车 内的安排; 交换后互相观察做了哪些调整,以发 现最多者获胜; 通过娱乐方式体验a6

20、l人性化的空间设 置、mmi等设备; 19titel oder name, abteilung, datum the depth of experience, creative activity perspicacious: perspicacious: the scene with two cars, two for each the scene with two cars, two for each group, two groups pk; group, two groups pk; each vehicle set up their own storage each vehicle s

21、et up their own storage space, mmi, etc., the other observed 1 space, mmi, etc., the other observed 1 minute; minute; then 1 minute each were used to adjust then 1 minute each were used to adjust their car arrangements; their car arrangements; after the exchange of observations with after the exchan

22、ge of observations with each other what had been done to adjust each other what had been done to adjust to find the greatest number of wins; to find the greatest number of wins; forms of entertainment experiences forms of entertainment experiences through user-friendly space a6l settings, through us

23、er-friendly space a6l settings, mmi and other equipment;mmi and other equipment; 20titel oder name, abteilung, datum 活动流程设计活动流程设计 活活动结动结束束 瀑降拓展瀑降拓展 分分组试驾组试驾 统统一出一出发发店店头选头选拔拔 共120人b组旅游b组试驾次批准备 活动广告每店30人a组试驾a组旅游首批返程 21titel oder name, abteilung, datum activities, process design end of the event waterf

24、all down to expand group test drive uniform starting shop head selection a total of 120 p eople b group travelgroup b test dri ve of the grant to prepare activities ad30 people per s tore a group of test drive a group of touri sm return first 22titel oder name, abteilung, datum 目录目录catalog 活动背景backg

25、round activities 活动创意creative activities 媒介传播media communication 费用预算cost estimates 23titel oder name, abteilung, datum 媒介传播计划媒介传播计划 the media communication plan 预热期 preheat phase 11。02-12.06 后续期 the follow-up period of 12.14-12.31 活动期 active stage 12.12-12.13 24titel oder name, abteilung, datum 传播模

26、式传播模式 奥迪a6ltdi深度试驾 t级体验行动 事前预热 事后报道 深度体验 事 件 传 播 tdi 环 保 节 能 对 比 报 道 动 力 性 能 环 保 节 能 性 价 对 比 性 价 对 比 动 力 性 能 经 济 节 油 25titel oder name, abteilung, datum mode of transmission audi test drive a6ltdi depth t class action experience preheat advance subsequently reported depth of experience event communi

27、cation tdi environment protection and energy comparison report dynamic performance green energy price-comparison price-comparison dynamic performance economic fuel-efficient 26titel oder name, abteilung, datum 事前预热事前预热 硬广宣传 1. 宣传载体:路牌、报纸、电梯广告、电台、网络等; 2. 宣传模式:国云风提供画面,4s店日常广告计划替换; 软文报道 1. 宣传载体:报纸 电台 网

28、络 电视 2. 传播内容: 奥迪a6l tdi 深度试驾活动事件,店头征集 奥迪tdi 发动机节油性能报道 汽油柴油发动机对比报道 网络互动传播 1. 网络平台:易车网主页嵌入式 2. 互动游戏:tdi拼图游戏miniweb 27titel oder name, abteilung, datum preheat advance hard wide publicity 1. propaganda vehicle: road signs, newspapers, elevator ads, radio, internet, etc.; 2. publicity mode: wind cloud s

29、tate to provide the screen, 4s shop to replace the daily advertising program; soft-wen reports 1. publicity vector: newspapers radio internet tv 2. dissemination of content: audi a6l tdi test drive the activities of the depth of the event, shop head collection audi tdi engine performance, fuel-effic

30、ient coverage comparison gasoline diesel engine coverage interactive communication 1. network platform: easy vehicle embedded network home 2. interactive games: tdi puzzle miniweb 28titel oder name, abteilung, datum 媒体选择媒体选择 报媒:报媒: 福州地区福州地区 福州日报福建日报福州晚报海峡都市报东南快报 厦门地区厦门地区 海峡生活报厦门商报海峡导报厦门晚报厦门日报 泉州地区泉州

31、地区 晋江经济报泉州晚报 电视:电视: 福建地区:都市时尚频道 经济生活频道 东南电视台 体育频道 福州地区:新闻综合频道 生活频道 厦门地区:厦门卫视 生活频道 泉州地区 :晋江电视台 都市生活频道 新闻综合频道 29titel oder name, abteilung, datum media selection newspaper media: fuzhou fuzhou daily fujian daily fuzhou evening news channel dushi bao, southeast express“ xiamen straits al-hayat xiamen d

32、aily strait herald xiamen evening news xiamen daily“ quanzhou jinjiang economic news, quanzhou evening news tv: fujian province: urban fashion channel southeast of the economic life of tv sports channel fuzhou: news comprehensive channel life channel xiamen: xiamen tv live channels quanzhou: jinjian

33、g city life tv channel news comprehensive channel 30titel oder name, abteilung, datum 媒体选择媒体选择 电台:电台: 福建地区:交通广播 福州地区:交通广播 巴士广播网 厦门地区:闽南之声 新闻广播 经济交通广播 泉州地区 :fm904交通频道 网络: 腾讯汽车频道 易车网 31titel oder name, abteilung, datum media selection radio: fujian province: traffic radio fuzhou region: traffic radio

34、bus radio network xiamen: fujian traffic radio the voice of newscasts economy quanzhou: fm904 traffic channel network: tencent auto channel easy car network 32titel oder name, abteilung, datum 事后传播调性事后传播调性 传播表现:传播表现: 事件过程报道,4s店店头配合 参与者体验感言 优异的动力性能与经济节油及绿色环保的表现 方法手段:方法手段: 活动专题网路试驾报道 miniweb活动总结论坛 活动事

35、件新闻花絮报道 使用者深度访谈以及活动手记 33titel oder name, abteilung, datum subsequent dissemination of tonality communication performance: course of the incident report, 4s stores are the first line with participants experience the reflections excellent dynamic performance and economic performance of fuel-efficient

36、and green environmental protection methods and means: activities feature online test drive report forum miniweb summary of activities events news snapshots report notes from the user-depth interviews and activities 34titel oder name, abteilung, datum 媒体传播效果评估媒体传播效果评估 平面报广: 1. 覆盖区域福州、厦门、泉州等主要城市 2. 传播

37、人群:一般消费人群100万人次以上 3. 传播效果预估:建立奥迪tdi节能环保产品形象 电视电台: 1. 覆盖区域福州、厦门、泉州等一线城市主要消费人群 2. 传播人群:一般消费人群200万人次以上 3. 传播效果预估:建立a6ltdi强劲动力的产品功能印象 网络媒体 1. 覆盖区域东南小区主要汽车消费市场及人口 2. 传播人群:汽车消费人群50万以上 3. 传播效果预估:转换消费者对tdi发动机的产品误区 35titel oder name, abteilung, datum media dissemination of impact assessment plane reported wi

38、dely: coverage area, fuzhou, xiamen, quanzhou and other major cities in dissemination of population: general consumer population for more than 1 million passenger trips dissemination of results expected: to establish the image of audi tdi energy-saving green products television and radio: coverage a

39、rea, fuzhou, xiamen, quanzhou citys main consumer groups such as first-line dissemination of population: general consumer population for more than 2 million visitors dissemination of results expected: the establishment of a6ltdi product features a strong impression of power online media south east district coverage area and population in the major automotive consumer market dissemination of t


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