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1、牛津高中英语阅读课视频说课设计江苏省扬中高级中学 黄钟玮单 元:Unit1 Living with technology板 块:ReadingGood morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.In the reading process, I will focus on students long-term development and enable them to use proper readin

2、g skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently.My teaching plan will include 3 sections. Theyre analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.Section 1 Analysis of the teaching material (PPT)The title of my

3、 selected teaching material is TV and audio devices : a review.It is the reading section of Module 7,Unit 1 of Advance with English. The article is a review of the devolpment of TV and audio devices, which is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Living with technology .Ill try my best

4、 to let my students gain some information about the history ,the current situation and the future improvement of TV and audio devices. After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two unique characteristics. First, its a long passage with more than 600 words, much more than the usual texts.

5、Second, it deals with a topic of technology , which is more difficult for most students.Thoughts on design本单元围绕Technology这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。科学技术日新月异, 本课的Reading部分主要介绍电视和音响器件的发展史,电视和音响器件与学生生活紧密相关,是具有时代性和可挖掘型的教学主题,定会吸引学生阅读的兴趣。这是Reading 板块第一课时。第一课时侧重阅读理解,主要关注提升学生的阅读理解能力和思维能力。涉及到的阅读技能有:把握文体风格,理解中心思想,按照

6、时间线索查找细节信息,了解行文结构和信息组织方式等。涉及到的思维能力是:进行信息重组再加工,学习运用所学知识和技能进行创造等。Section 2 Indentifying the teaching aims and teaching methodsBased on the analysis of the teaching material, I have chosen the following as the teaching aims of my lesson:1. students will be able to get a better understanding of the hist

7、ory of television and audio devices;2. students will learn the reading strategy - understanding subtitles; and learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged text.3. students are encouraged to talk about the development of other electronic devices.My teaching approach and teaching methods 1. To

8、p-down reading method, that is, to understand the main idea first, then deal with the new words and phrases. 2. Charter-learning method. Rearrange the reading materials using charts to provide a clear clue and each approach to reading. 3. Studentstudent interaction, to cultivate students cooperative

9、 spirits. 4. Multi-media and objects like an old MP3, a new MP5, recorder,.Section 3 Teaching proceduresIn order to achieve the teaching aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approach. With the teaching methods, I can guide students to u

10、se effective reading strategies to comprehend the text, solve problems and complete different tasks. The teaching procedures include three parts. Theyre Pre-reading, While-reading and Post- readingPart 1. Pre-reading Reading begins before a book is opened. Its important to activate students existing

11、 background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the text. In this part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for reading.The part consists of two tasks:Task 1: Lead-in Ill sho

12、ws students an old MP3 that I used to listen to music and then a new MP5, a present from a friend. Ask students for help-explain how to use it.Questionnaire: four questions根据学生在高一都上计算机基础知识课的实际情况,我在上课开始时,先采问卷调查的形式了解学生这方面的相关知识。在阅读导入环节,再提出三个问题,提示学生关注本文的文体特点,目标读者和中心内容,对提高他们的阅读理解能力和思维能力都会有所帮助。Three more

13、questions1. What audio devices do you use when you listen to music?2. Besides listening to music, what else do you do to relax yourselves? What kind of TV sets do you have at home? (Share information in groups of 3)3. Do you know much about the development of TV and audio devices?Encourage students

14、to discussions and express their ideas freely .Make sure that students can relate the topic of the reading passage with their everyday life. This would help students learn this unit with more interest.Task 2 Reading strategy: understanding subtitlesSubtitles appear after titles and give us more info

15、rmation about the text than the titles.Reading strategy介绍阅读技巧和策略,也配合主阅读文章的体裁、结构和行文特征介绍相应的阅读方法和阅读策略:主旨大意题解题技巧-阅读标题和副标题,帮助更好地理解所读文章,提高阅读能力。 The reading strategy in this unit teaching students how to quickly obtain information in a text by understanding the subtitles. Students are expected to gain some

16、 information about the electrical and electronic devices and improve their skills by fully participating in all the activities. Encourage students to consider the structure of the reading passage in this unit .Ask them to pay attention to the subtitles. The subtitles show the different stages of the

17、 devopment of TV and audio devices.(PPT)TV (In order of time) Early history of TV The modern age: cable TV, satellite TV, digital TVAudio devices(By types of equipment) Early history of audio devices Tape recorders and players Sound goes digitalPart 2.While-reading During the part, I will ask the st

18、udents to answer the questionWhat does the author say? Students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the text. Questions of this kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the text. The part includes six tasks:Task 1. Fast readingAsk

19、 the students to go through the text as quickly as possisible and try to find the answers to the three questions in part A.Remind students to only focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions :Reading 帮助学生学习语言、文化等方面的知识,形成良好的阅读策略,提高阅读理解能力。 包括:读前问题(A)、阅读材料本身(B)、读后练习(CF)和紧跟在阅读

20、文章后面的阅读策略(Reading strategy)。本课A 部分共 三个问题,练习快速阅读。通过略读或寻读,了解文章的主旨大意和比较明显的细节内容。我把本课的Reading strategy阅读策略放在Pre-reading 中先讲是根据本课的实际,通过阅读标题和副标题的阅读方法和阅读策略来巧 解文章的主旨大意题。迅速查找到相关信息。Task 2 Detailed readingThis section consist of a series of activities which provide students with opportunities to learn and pract

21、ice their listening. speaking and reading skills . The section is divided into three steps .Through the three steps, students will learn how to listen for what is most important, get the whole review of the development of TV and audio devices.Step 1 Enjoy a video about our text TV and audio devices

22、: a review.I get the students to enjoy a video about our text with questions in Part C1 in mind instead of listening to the tape as usual , thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long article. It would make

23、the students get a better understanding of the text . With the question in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen and watch carefully to find the answer. These questions check students reading comprehension and improve their ability to find specific information. 本文为科技类的说明文,信息量很大,时间跨度很长,面对

24、信息量巨大且看似枯燥的这篇文章,如何迅速高效地抓住关键信息?我把阅读课上习惯听录音的方法改为看课文的视频 ,集语音、文字、音乐 图片、动画于一体使文章生动、有趣,学生感兴趣,帮助学生更好地理解课文。在此基础上,根据本课需要深层次理解的内容其实并不多的实际 ,把阅读的重点应在于如何获取信息和如何进行信息分类等,。对学生进行阅读方法的指导但鉴于今后学生在学习?指导学生通过快速浏览课文, 找出关键字词,如:development、 history、 in 1925、 later in 1928等一系列时间指示语,从而抓住文章的脉络,即时间线索,再依次找到有关其发展历史的关键信息。(切换到光盘 2 分

25、钟)Step 2 Reading the development of TVPart I Early history of TV After enjoying the video , I excite students desire to know more about the development of TV and use Task-Based Teaching as the main teaching approach. Encourage the students to fill in the blanks with proper words. With the task, stud

26、ents learn to use a table to gather the main facts about the text.Theyll come to know that a table is of great help in their future reading.Fill in the blanks with proper words People who contributed to the _ of TVNationalityTimeTypes of early TVRussian1925&1926Philo FarnsworthBlack-and white TVLogi

27、e Baird1929设计思路:运用图式阅读理论和概念图使信息表重点突出,层次清楚,易学易记,同时与江苏卷高考题任务型阅读相接轨。Part II The modern age: cable TV, satellite TV, digital TVDuring this task ,Ill ask students to read the text again and complete Part2. It serves as a strengthening activity which allows students to identify the event happening in a pa

28、rticular year. Make sure that students can distinguish and pick out the relevant information within the given time After students fish the exercises, check the answers as a class. (切换到PPT)AnswersYearEvent1877First recording of a human voice was made1925First public showings of wireless TV transmissi

29、ons were made in the USA.1948Cable TV began in the USA; 3 American scientists invented the transistor.1951Colour broadcasts began in the USA.1954Invention of transistor led to the development of cassette recorders.1958First LPs(long-play records) came onto the market.1962Satellites began to be used

30、to broadcast TV.1982First CDs produced by using digital technology were made available.1987Development of MP3 technology started in Germany.1989International standards for digital TV were established.1992Development of MD player began.1996First WebTV set-top boxes came onto the market.Task 2: Matchi

31、ng While conducting the above activity, I can develop students ability to guess the meanings of words from the context. Ask students not to refer to the dictionary or ask teacher for explanation every time they come across a new word. Encourage them to guess the meaning from the context. Tell them t

32、hat it is very important to read the sentences before and after the sentence which contains the unknown word. From the information before and after, they should be able to guess the meaning of the word. Ask students to focus on Part D and check the answers as a class. (切换到PPT)Part D: Match the follo

33、wing words with the correct definitions. (The task Guessing from the context helps students to recognize that in most language-leaning situations they will come across vocabulary they dont know. With the task, students are guided to look at the context in which a word or phrase is used and try to fi

34、nd any clues to its meanings.)Part E阅读课的 E部分是 根据课文意义完成短文(变换角色、情境、体裁),综合理解。 Part E is designed to help students become more familiar with TV and audio devices and some useful words learnt in the reading passage. The task aims to consolidate the information they have learnt and also improve speaking a

35、nd writing skills. I first ask students to read in the text again and finish the exercises by themselves. Then I divide the class into four groups ., a group is given 10 points. For each word , a group can get one point. . In the end, the group with the most points will win.设计思路:通过组际间的竞争,促进学生间的互动,体现以学生为主的新课程理念。Part 3 Post- r


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